Dinner and Drinks Pt. 02

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James and I get to know each other on a deeper level.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 01/30/2023
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Please note: This story contains references to male-on-male piss play, but does not go into explicit detail. This story is a work of fiction; any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Thank you and enjoy.


"I hope you're in the mood for meat!" James' words dripped with innuendo.

"I'm always in the mood for meat," I replied with a cheeky grin as I leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Mmm, I bet you are!" He chuckled, squeezing my ass playfully.

After our shower, we agreed that we had worked up an appetite and decided that it was time to eat. For dinner, James produced a couple of steaks and russet potatoes, and we headed back out to the patio to cook them on the barbecue. With the potatoes on the grill and nothing to do but wait, we got to talking about women; namely the women at our job.

"That Krista is always flirting with me. She's kinda hot."

Krista was one of the servers at the restaurant. A pretty blond girl about my age, she was thick and curvy in a very appealing way and she knew it. Something about that confidence made her sexy not only in presentation but in attitude as well. One could be certain that if she wasn't busy waiting on tables, she was flirting with someone, and she had no shortage of men interested in flirting back. It didn't surprise me to hear that she had taken an interest in James; he was, after all, an exceptionally handsome man.

"She can be awfully forward, can't she? I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I fucked her once."

"You dog! You just fuckin' your way through the whole staff or what?" James teased, raising an eyebrow.

"No, it's not like that!" I laughed, "We got a little drunk at the staff party last year and one thing led to another. It was just a random one-off, we're still friends and everything."

"Well, either way; well done."

"Thanks, I guess." I chuckled.

"You know who's really fuckin' cute? Liz."

I nodded in agreement. Liz was another bartender and was indeed incredibly attractive. She was a petite girl in her early twenties with disproportionately large breasts for her tiny frame, long brunette hair, and adorably big eyes. But there was more to her than incomparable cuteness; Liz had a bubbly, joyful energy that drew people to her like moths to a flame. Somehow innocent and alluring at the same time, she was the kind of girl that could make a guy with even the healthiest self-esteem feel like he wasn't good enough for her.

"Yeah, her boyfriend is a lucky man."

"Boyfriend?! I thought she was with that redheaded smokeshow who picks her up sometimes."

"She is." I laughed, "It's some kind of weird throuple situation, but it seems to work for them."

"Well, in that case, lucky man indeed! What I wouldn't give for a night with either of those girls..." James trailed off as he opened the lid on the grill to check inside.

"I'm almost starting to feel a little jealous here," I said with a wry smile.

"Oh, don't be getting all sensitive on me!" He needled, his tone softening when he added; "I'm feeling pretty lucky today myself."

I wanted to be close to him, to touch him, and to show my affection physically, but I wasn't sure how to be intimate like that with a man. That was silly, wasn't it? Why should it be any different with a man than with a woman? I was in my head, overthinking something that ought to be simple and easy. It felt natural to want to be affectionate with James; the only thing standing in my way was myself. Sliding up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him against my chest, nuzzling him behind the ear. James leaned into me and placed a hand over my forearm while he craned his neck to nuzzle me back, his short stubble of a beard tickling my face gently.

"When did you know you were into guys?" James wanted to know.

"Oh, always. For as long as I've been old enough to think about sex, I was curious about sex with men. But I meant what I said earlier; you're the first guy I've ever had a romantic interest in."

"Romantic, huh? Should I light some candles and play some Barry White? Is that what you're into?" James teased.

"Shut up." I laughed.

James turned his head to kiss me on the cheek and we shared a quiet, comfortable moment just holding each other.

"What about you? When did you know?" I finally inquired.

"Looking back on it now, I guess I always knew too. But I didn't really start coming to terms with it until college. I was drinking with my roommate one night and we decided to watch some porn... Well, as you said, one thing led to another."

"I guess that made for an awkward next day."

"Not really. It kind of opened the door; we fucked a lot after that." He smiled fondly at the memory.

"Talk about lucky!" I laughed.

When the food was ready, we went back inside to eat at the island counter in the kitchen. While we enjoyed our meal, the conversation progressed along to its logical evolution; sex. James seemed pleased to hear that though I generally leaned towards bottoming, I was down to do my share of the fucking. When we got into the topic of kinks and fetishes, I learned that James' sexual repertoire had been somewhat vanilla --at least by my standards-- but that he was open to trying pretty much anything. After his first foray into piss play with me earlier that afternoon, I didn't doubt it.

"I'm really glad I didn't freak you out with the whole golden shower thing," I said sincerely.

"Not gonna lie, I was kinda shocked at first. But once we got going, man, that was so hot! I was even tempted to taste yours when we were in the shower... I guess I wasn't ready for that yet."

The way he said 'yet' caught my attention. I had only ever been on the receiving end of watersports, but the prospect of playing the other role excited me greatly. I decided to test the waters a little.

"Good thing I didn't give it a push and spray you in the face." I grinned.

"I kind of thought you would."

"And you would have been okay with that?"

James shrugged and smiled coyly.

"Man, missed opportunities!" I laughed.

"Oh, there will be other opportunities." He winked.

The obvious and exciting sexual implications aside, I was elated that James was thinking in terms of some kind of a future with me. He had it in his head that he wanted to continue down this road with me, whatever that meant. We would have to talk about it at some point, but for now, I was content to just enjoy each other's company and see where this night led.

"What about you? You gotta have something kinky that turns your crank."

James paused thoughtfully before answering; "A lot of girls like to be tied up, that's always pretty hot. I never got into the whips and chains or anything, but yeah, some light BDSM is definitely a turn-on."

A shudder ran through me at the thought of surrendering myself to James like that; letting him tie me to the bed and use my body for his pleasure while I was bound and helpless...

"I would love that." I smiled.

James stood up from the counter and cleared our plates before coming back around to where I sat and taking me by the hand.

"Come on." He tugged at my arm.

"What are we doing?" I asked in a playful tone as I let him lead me away.

"I promised you something about edging you all night. I'm a man of my word."

James took us to his luxurious living room with its impressive sectional sofa and a glass wall that looked out into the backyard. I didn't have time to take in my surroundings before my lover pulled me against him firmly and forced his tongue into my mouth. An involuntary moan rumbled up from my throat as I kissed him back, my pants tightening instantly at his aggressive display of affection. And then, just as quickly as it had begun, James abruptly broke off the kiss and shoved me backward onto the sofa.

"Be naked when I get back." He smirked as he turned away and left the room.

It wasn't a request or a suggestion; it was a demand. I decided right then and there that I liked this side of James very much. That he could be so forceful and assertive without ever coming across as harsh or domineering thrilled me in a deeply profound way. It made me want to obey him. I wasted no time stripping out of my clothes and folding them neatly on the cushion next to me. Sitting there in the nude waiting for my lover to return, I looked out the window into the yard. Above and beyond the trees that blocked out the view at the far end of the property, the sun was making its lazy retreat across the sky, preparing to retire for the evening.

When James came back a few minutes later, I was pleased to see that he too had stripped naked, his flaccid cock bouncing and swaying enticingly with each step. In his hand, he held a folded bundle of satiny black material and I realized immediately what was coming next. James didn't bother to explain his intentions; instead he simply moved around behind me and slipped the blindfold over my eyes, blocking out all light from the outside as he cinched the material tight behind my head. With a hand on my throat, he tilted my chin back and I felt his warm breath on my face just before our lips met. James kissed me deep and long while he slid a hand down my chest, caressing my pectorals and pinching my nipples, making me squirm in my seat.

When he broke away, he issued another instruction; "Lean forward, baby."

I complied obediently, feeling him move my arms behind my back, wrapping the soft material around my wrists a few times before pulling it tight and tying a knot. I tested the restraints and found there wasn't any give at all; no chance I would be able to free myself. In retrospect, I suppose I should have had at least some trepidation about being bound and blindfolded, but I trusted James implicitly and no such doubt ever even occurred to me. On the contrary, I was buzzing with anticipation.

Deprived of my vision, I relied on auditory cues to tell me that James had moved around to the front of the sofa. His hands came down on my knees and spread them wide as I heard him get into position between my legs. When his hot breath breezed across my crotch I shuddered at the sensation, and when his bristly face nudged my cock aside I gasped involuntarily. By the time his warm, wet tongue licked a long trail over my balls, I was trembling with arousal. James lingered there for a long while, kissing, sucking, and pulling at my scrotum until my cock ached and throbbed, desperate for attention.

"Fuck, James..." I whimpered at the intensity of my desire.

His soft laugh preceded the delectable pleasure of his tongue sliding its way up the underside of my cock until I felt his lips wrap around my glans and take me into his mouth. A low moan expressed my delight --and my relief-- at feeling James' mouth on me for the first time. He started slow and sensual, bobbing gently on my turgid member, gradually working his way up to a frenzied pace. After a few minutes, my legs began to shake as the heat and pressure of an impending orgasm swelled deep inside my pelvis, building rapidly until I was about to explode. And then suddenly, James pulled away with a wet slurp.

"Fu-uh-uck..." The multisyllabic groan escaped my lips.

He laughed again, softly caressing my inner thighs with his fingertips while I came back down from that rapturous sub-orgasmic plateau. And then he started all over from the beginning. Blind and immobilized, my other senses tried to compensate, taking the erotic sounds and wonderful sensations of my lover sucking my cock to new heights. Soon enough, his expert mouth had me on the brink of climax once more.

James had a gift for reading my body, for knowing exactly how close he could take me to the edge without going over, and he proved it again and again. I lost track of how many times he pushed me to the top of that mountain, only to slide back down just before cresting the peak. The notion of time having passed seemed like an abstract concept; far too tenuous and arbitrary to have any real meaning compared to the peaks and valleys of bliss I was experiencing. Yet pass it did, and by the time James finally removed my blindfold, the sun has descended below the horizon and the sky had grown dark. As my eyes adjusted to the light in the room, I blinked away the flares in my vision until my lover's smiling face resolved into sharp detail.

"Holy shit..." I let out a long, wavering sigh.

"Time for a break." He smirked as he rose to his feet, dangling his semi-erect cock just inches from my face.

A frustrated whimper was my only response as I watched him turn away.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

"Very funny."

James laughed again as he left the room. With my arms still firmly bound behind my back, I didn't have much to do but watch my throbbing cock slowly deflate, twitching with each beat of my heart. If I had felt electrified after my first denied orgasm earlier that day, I was absolutely vibrating now as raw sexual energy coursed through me. It was hard to focus. My thoughts refused to organize into a coherent pattern, instead coming through in loose jumbles, though they all followed the same theme; sex.

When James returned, he was no longer naked. A plush, white bathrobe adorned his athletic frame, tied closed at the waist with a sash. He placed a second robe on the couch next to me before bending to free me from my restraints. It wasn't until my arms were liberated that I noticed my shoulders were quite sore from behind bound in that position for however long it had been.

"What's with the robes?" I asked, rotating and arm in a wide circle as I tried to stretch out my aching muscles.

"I thought we'd have a drink outside, get some fresh air and cool off a little... Are you okay?" He was watching me with a look of concern.

"Yeah, just hurt my shoulders being tied up that long."

"Why didn't you say anything?!"

"I didn't realize until I could move them again. It's no big deal, I'll be fine."

"Mmm," he vocalized in a skeptical tone, "Drinks and a massage then. What do you think?"

"I think I'd have to be stupid to argue with that." I smiled.

James helped me slip into the robe, and then he pulled me in for an affectionate kiss. His help wasn't necessary; I wasn't hurt that badly, but the gesture communicated care and tenderness and I appreciated that very much. Leading me by the hand, we wound up back in the room with the bar to pick from the selection of fine spirits before taking our drinks outside. Lights in the pool bathed the patio in a purple-blue aura, casting diffuse, wavy patterns against the walls of the house where it reflected off the gently rippling surface of the water. The ambiance struck me as almost romantic as James led me to the sofa and sat me down, moving around behind me to rub my shoulders.

"Will," he began tentatively as he kneaded my sore muscles, "I don't want to come on too strong here, so just let me know if this is too much, I'll totally get it..."

"James, it's a little soon for a proposal, don't you think?" I interjected.

"Fuck off." He laughed, delivering a playful slap to the back of my head.

"Okay, shit!" I chuckled, "Seriously, I can't imagine anything you could tell me that would be too much. What's up?"

"Well, I know you're not scheduled tomorrow, and I have a close, so unless you got something else going on, I'd like it if you spent the night."

My heart swelled and I couldn't help but crack a wide smile as I replied, "Baby, I would love to spend the night with you."

James bent down to plant a tender kiss on the top of my head before going back to rubbing my shoulders. Sleeping with a partner that I had an emotional connection with, actually sleeping, was one of my favorite things in the world, and it had been some time since I'd had the pleasure. The fact that James wanted to share that with me filled me with joy.

"Tell me about your first time with a guy," He said after a few quiet minutes.

"Oh, man," I chuckled, "That's not a real sexy story. It was pretty disappointing."

James laughed, "That's fine. I want to know what led you here, it doesn't have to be spicy."

"Ugh..." I groaned.

"You don't have to tell me. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's fine. It's not like it was a bad memory or anything, it just wasn't what I had hoped it would be." I paused to take a sip of my drink, "I was eighteen, and he was forty-five. I found him in some chatroom online and we exchanged emails. I think we talked for a few days before we met up. I remember being pretty nervous and he kind of talked me into it..."

"Were you into that? The age difference I mean?"

"I guess I would have preferred someone closer to my age, but it didn't bother me or anything. Especially not after I saw him in person. He was a really good-looking guy, clean, in good shape, a little grey... Anyway, he picked me up and took me back to his place. It was pretty much straight to the sex --which was fine, I wasn't looking for anything more than that. I blew him for a bit, man, I was nervous and I didn't know what I was doing... I kind of wish I had slowed down and taken the time to absorb the experience, you know? But what I really wanted was to get fucked. And that's where the story turns disappointing."

"Uh-oh." James chuckled.

"Yeah, so, I was young and I didn't know any better; I didn't think to take the time to get warmed up or anything, I just told him to fuck me so he went for it. He wasn't particularly big, but when he pushed inside me, my god did it hurt! I couldn't believe how bad it hurt. And I didn't even have time for it to stop hurting; he was done in less than a minute."


"Right?!" I laughed, "Talk about a letdown!"

"Well, don't worry," James bent down and spoke softly into my ear, "We're not going to have that problem. I'm going to fuck you for as long as you can take it and you're going to love it."

His words sent a shiver racing down my spine and I felt my cock shift against my thigh as it engorged. It amazed me that James could turn me on so much with so little effort, and I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me feel. I reached up to touch his hand tenderly while he worked out a knot behind my collarbone.

"Come sit with me, baby," I said.

When James came around to my side of the couch and sat next to me, I cuddled up next to him with my leg over his muscular thigh and my head on his shoulder. Slipping my hand through the opening of his robe, I teased my fingers down his abdomen and combed them through his soft, fluffy pubic hair.

"I like your bush," I whispered as I kissed up and down his neck.

"Yeah? It gets mixed reactions."

"It works for you." My hand wrapped around his stiffening cock.

James let out a quiet moan as I began stroking him slowly.

"Okay, your turn. Tell me about your college roommate. Who's idea was it to watch porn that night?"

"That might have been my idea." He smiled sheepishly.

"So you seduced him then?"

"I did not!" James protested, almost convincingly.

"Mm-hmm. What kind of porn was it?"

"Girl-on-girl, why?"

"Let me guess; you said some cheesy line about it being funny how society finds it more acceptable for girls to experiment with their sexuality than for guys. I am on the right track?"

"That... That's not exactly how I phrased it." He said with a sly grin.

"Aha!" I gave his dick a firm squeeze to emphasize my accusation, "You knew what you were doing. You seduced him!"

"All right!" He laughed, "You caught me. I seduced him."

"I think that's hot," I whispered as I leaned in to kiss him.

When his tongue slid into my mouth, I wrapped my lips around the warm, meaty muscle, bobbing slowly while I sucked on it as though I were giving a blowjob. In response to my efforts, his hard cock throbbed in my hand while I jerked him.