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"Take me to dinner, Dad," she said, her eyes sparkling. I offered her my arm and we walked down the boardwalk to the restaurant on the property. It was nice; not too formal, but the staff was attentive and the food was delicious. We each had two glasses of wine and she took me to the lounge. "I wanna dance." She was glowing and happy, and mine.

I was never that much of a dancer, but holding my spectacular girl for some slow dances to some really romantic music by the live band made me feel like I was floating. I didn't step on her, and she seemed like it was everything she had wanted and expected.

I had a margarita, she had some fruit drink with rum, and when we had danced for the fifth time, she was molded into me. She looked up and her eyes were glistening under the lights. "Take me back," she said.

We walked slowly, side by side, her arm around my waist and mine over her shoulders, she was pressed against me the entire time, just talking the way we always did. When we got to the cabana, she moved around in front of me and we swayed to inaudible music for a minute. She stepped back, holding one of my big hands in her tiny one.

"Take me to bed," she said.

I gulped. "You mean your bed?" I asked.

"No, your bed," she said. "I've been planning this. I'm ready. Do you love me? I mean, forever?"

"I love you with every minute I'm awake, everything in me, forever," I told her. "Are you sure, baby?"

"I've never been surer of anything," she said. She tugged on my hand and lead me to the bedroom. She stopped at the foot of the bed and made me sit on the edge while she slowly unbuttoned my shirt, her fingers lingering as she slid it off. She tossed it in the direction of a chair and stroked my upper body, her fingers feather soft against my skin. She smelled delicious, I noticed for the first time. It was subtle, but she had some fragrance I loved.

The feel of her fingers on my skin was electric, and I could hardly be patient. I reached up and cupped her cheek in my hand. She nuzzled her cheek into my palm, her eyes glistening with her emotion, and I could feel her trembling a little as my fingers moved to the bow at the back of her neck. I pulled the knot, freeing the top, and pulled the short zipper down, letting the backs of my fingers stroke slowly down her spine, each vertebrae a journey into mystery.

Her skin was satin soft, roughing slightly as she shivered in excitement. The top fell around her waist and her breasts were there before me in their perfection. She hadn't worn a bra, but she didn't need one. They were that firm and high. Her nipples were completely erect, and I had to taste one.

I kissed my way from the flat plane of her belly, as she stood before me, up over the arch of her ribcage and onto the full swells of those gorgeous tits. She gasped at the contact, and her eyes closed as her head tilted back a little. I love those mounds, avoiding the crinkles of her areola and the little bullets in their center for long minutes. She was breathing deeply, and her breasts rose and fell with that motion.

She had puffy areola and her nipples were extensions of them, perfect, in every way. She moan a little moan of frustration as the pace I had taken, her little hands coming off my shoulders where she had been gripping me, taking my head and moving it to the contact she sought. She gave a hoarse little cry as I captured a rubbery nipple between my lips, sucking it inside and using my tongue to flip it. I suckled at that breast and I could feel her excitement mounting; the trembling grew and if felt like she was becoming more tense, yet more comfortable by the second. When I released that exquisite little nub, nibbling my way across to the other, she gave another little cry. When I inhaled the other nipple, the tension built, snapping to explode in what I knew was her orgasm. She jolted in my arms, pulling my head firmly into her breast.

"Oh, my God!" Her voice was husky with passion, and she shook with the unleashing of her passion. "Dad! Oh, my God, Dad, it's... it's... oh, my God!"

I felt her begin to collapse and quickly swung her to the bed beside me, laying her back and moving up to capture her lips. She was breathless, and broke the kiss several times to gasp, but she clung to me desperately, and I held my baby with the same intensity.

When she could breathe easily, she spoke in that husky little voice. "I can't believe you can make me feel like that. I knew it was going to be good, but not like that! Is there more? I don't know... I may have a heart attack!"

I laughed. "Yes, Tyndal, there's more, but I'm the one who may have a heart attack."

She giggled, and turned, pressing those firm little titties against me, scraping her nipples over me. "I want to look," she said. She sat up, fingers working frantically at my belt.

I put my fingers over hers. "Slow, baby-doll," I said. "We'll go fast, I promise, but we have all night."

She looked at me and the silver of her eyes flashed. "We have the rest of your life," she said. "I'll go slow."

I nodded and she unbuttoned my pants, sliding the zipper down and tugging on them. I lifted my hips and she slid the pants, along with my briefs, off over my knees where they fell to the floor. She quickly shed her dress, leaving her in only that pair of sea-foam panties. When she turned her attention back to me, her breath drew in with a gasp. "Is... is it supposed to be that big?"

I laughed. "How would you know?"

"Trust me, I know," she said. "I've felt a few, before. Not... naked, but I know."

"I have the sexiest little nearly naked sprite in bed with me," I told her. "It usually gets like that when I have someone in bed with me who looks like you do. Add the fact that I've never loved anyone the way I love you, and this is going to happen a lot."

"Good," she said. "I'm going to want to do this a lot. Can I... touch him?"

I folded my hands behind my head. "You can do anything you want," I said. "I'm yours, so you can do whatever you want."

"Don't forget that, either," she wagged her finger at me. She laid on her stomach beside me, her little pointed chin just touching my side a few inches above my hip, and her hot little hands moved across my belly on their journey south.

"How come you don't have any hair?" she asked.

"I like being smooth," I said.

"Mmm, I like smooth, too," she said. "Do you think I should..."

"No, I said. It would be a crime."

She giggled. I felt her hot little fingers touch me, then jerk back, as if she'd been shocked, but she was back in seconds, her hands closing around my pulsing erection. She was gentle, but firm, seeming to be exploring, testing, discovering each texture, each sensation, weighing me in her hand, turning my cock from side to side to examine it from every angle. One hand moved down to cup my balls, and she felt the fullness there, pushing them around as she explored.

The sensation was exquisite torture, and I could feel that I was not going to last long with this incredible, loving and beloved girl. "Umm... Baby, you're going to make me come in a bit if you keep that up," I said.

"Yes, that's what I want," she said. "What should I do?"

"Anything you want to do," I told her. "Do you know what's going to happen?"

"Mm-hmm," she murmured. "I have the internet, you know, Dad. I want to kiss it, suck on it and make you come in my mouth."

She almost didn't get a chance. Hearing her say that nearly pushed me over the edge. When her lips slid over the head, and I felt the heat of that mouth, I knew I was gone. She was inexperienced, but she was a natural, and the love in my heart for her, the absolute gorgeousness of everything about her drove me. She hadn't been working on me three minutes before I felt it coming from the bottom of my feet.

"Coming, baby," I warned her. The hand holding me so she could keep me in her mouth stroked the part she couldn't fit, and the other held my balls as I exploded. She gagged and choked at the first blast, but recovered and milked me with that hot little mouth until my soul drained into that hot little mouth and I became too sensitive to take any more.

I tugged on her hair and she let me pop free. I pulled her up, trying to kiss her, but she turned her head. "I needa brush my teeth, or something," she said.

"No, you need to kiss me," I told her. "You did a loving thing and there's no way I'm letting you out of this bed." I kissed her fiercely, cupping one of those hard titties and rolling her nipple. She moaned into my mouth and her resistance collapsed.

I kissed her for a very long time before leaving her lips to kiss her nose, both eyes and her forehead. I moved over to one of her tiny little ears, a little pointed and giving her almost an elven look. The little hollow behind her earlobe was very sensitive, as was her neck and the little hollow made by her collarbone where it joined her graceful neck. I gave all those spots careful attention when I found them and she moaned and moved under me.

I gave those spectacular breasts attention, and though she didn't come again, she was beginning that tell-tale trembling. As I moved down that honey-gold body, tonguing her belly button, and moving down, I could smell her: horny, extremely excited girl. I gripped the waistband of her panties with my teeth and growled. She made a half-moan, half-giggle, and with my fingers under the sides, she raised her little butt so I could slide them off.

The sight of that flaming little tuft always drove me nuts, and I tugged on it with my lips. It was wispy, and only where it was longer did the red really begin to show. It stopped just above the indention where her vaginal crease began, and she was baby smooth, everywhere else.

I bypassed her pussy, kissing my way down over one hipbone, and on down the top of her thigh to her knee. I slid around between her legs on my belly, bending her legs apart and nibbling behind her knee. She liked that and made a little moan. I worked back up the inside of each thigh, nipping the stretched tendons at the top.

There it was. She had the most perfect pussy I had seen, and I had seen a few. It was perfectly symmetrical, her lips forming a straight line leading up to the little nub of her clit, tightly sealed together. They looked delicious, and I had to taste. Her entire body jumped at the contact of my tongue, and as I parted her folds, running my tongue from bottom to top, her hips jolted several times as I hit a particularly sensitive spot. I tried to memorize those spots.

With the parting of her lips, her moisture was evident in the shining slickness, and I licked it up. She smelled heavenly, a mixture of the soap she used and hot girl. She tasted divine, tangy, but sweet as honey, to me. I worked on those lips, retracing my motions to those extra sensitive spots and I felt her hands on my head, guiding me slightly from spot to spot,

I had been ignoring her love bump, but I could tell she was going to come soon, and I needed to move along.

She cried out when I made contact with it, and I had no sooner engulfed it than she exploded, her hands holding my head tightly, her hips bucking, and her body coming alive. She bucked so much that I slid my hands under her tight little butt to hold her in place. It felt so incredibly sexy in my hands, tight, small and oh so round and firm.

It didn't take her long to become over sensitized, and she began tugging on my ears as her movements because an effort to escape my tongue. I let her pull me up and noticed that my cock was achingly hard again. In her state, I wasn't sure she would notice, but as she pulled my lips to hers, I sure did. I wasn't a teenager with a constant erection, but this girl, this love, this excitement was something I'd never experienced.

We kissed, with my cock rubbing along one silky thigh, and she was breathless, again. "Oh, my God," she managed to gasp. "I think you killed me. I'm dead!"

I laughed. "You're the farthest thing from dead I've ever held in my arms, I promise." I moved up a little. As tiny as she was, that put her face in the hollow of my shoulder, and she stiffened beneath me as she felt the head of my cock kiss her pussy.

"Relax, baby, it's going to be so good," I assured her.

"I'm scared," she whispered.

"Don't..." Actions seemed better than words, so I rolled, bringing her with me, holding her securely and just held her for a bit, stroking her back, my hands sliding down to cup that fantastic ass. My cock was trapped between us and she rubbed on it, the friction making it even more erect, if possible. "You're in charge," I said.

She nodded, those flaming curls bobbing, and she sat up astride me. She reached down, grasping my cock and moving that hot little pussy against it. "God, you have a big dick," she said. "It's going to be up around my belly-button."

I had to chuckle. "Hardly. I'm afraid my doctor daughter forgot to go to some anatomy classes."

She wrinkled her cute little nose. "Let's see if I remember," she said.

She raised up a bit, positioning herself, and moving me to her opening. Her hips pressed downward, and there was pressure, heat and slickness there. She continued pushing, and there was a little popping sensation as I slipped inside. She froze.

"Don't move," she hissed, her face contorting with effort and discomfort. "What the hell? I feel like a telephone pole is inside me!"

"No, I won't move," I said. "You're in charge. Slow and easy."

She obviously had no virginal barrier, for which I was thankful. I expect she would have been grateful, too, because she was having a difficult time without that pain. She laid back down on my chest, stretching to kiss me, and I held her. I could feel little ripples of pressure around the head of my cock as her little pussy contracted and relaxed around me. She tucked her face into my shoulder and I heard a small moan.

She began moving, slowly, just a little rocking motion, then a circular pattern. She pressed down, and took more, freezing again, then continued to repeat the process. It must have taken her ten minutes to take as much as she was going to take. I reminded myself to be still and let her move at her own pace. I was also reminded that she was a tiny little thing, very young and this was her first time. It was a good thing she had blown me first, taking the edge off, because the feelings I was having were mind-blowing.

It wasn't just the physical feelings, either. The fact that this little angel had moved into my life, become my life, loved me, first as her father, and now as a woman loves a man, some guilt that this was such a taboo thing, combined to make my emotions so intense that I could hardly think. Added to that was the excitement that she was so smoking hot, a total smoke show, and that she was giving all that to me, made me crazy.

She began to withdraw and sink down on me again, becoming more comfortable, exploring every sensation, her first time becoming something more with every second. She began whispering, her voice rising as she moved more freely. They were words of surprise, love, little exclamations.

"I can feel it. It's so big, so hard, so hot. You're filling me up, Dad. Like nothing ever felt. Oh, God! I love it; I love you. Thank you, Dad. I'm yours; I'll always be yours. Love me!"

She was moving freely, now, driving herself down one me, and I had to see her. I pulled her face out of my shoulders and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her eyes were heavy with that slack look of prolonged sexual arousal, her lips puffy and a appearing a little swollen. She locked eyes with me and the silver glistened with her excitement and emotion.

"Dad, something... I'm... I'm going to come! I'm running away!"

She exploded, falling back against me and pumping her little pussy on me frantically for a moment before stiffening, her legs straightening and she shook for long minutes before collapsing limply into my embrace. Little aftershocks jolted her for long minutes as I held and stroked her. She looked up at me.

"Did you..."

"No, baby, not yet," I said. "There's more."

"Oh, my God, I'm not sure I can stand it." She seemed a little frightened.

"It's okay," I said. "We can stop. Remember, you're in charge."

She shook her head, her hair moving across us like a curtain. "No, I want you to. I want you to come in me. You can, you know. I have an implant." She smiled at my look of surprise. "I told you I've been planning."

My cock was still embedded, and hadn't lost an iota of its hardness. I rolled us over, never withdrawing, and she gasped. "Let's see what happens," I said.

What happened was that she came twice more. It was the most exciting thing I had ever experienced. She would build to a tension point, bridging up against me, then snap with a hoarse little cry, pumping frantically for a moment, then freezing, her legs stretching out stiffly with her cute little toes curling. "I want to do something," I told her.

I withdrew and she gasped as I flipped her on her stomach. I parted her legs and there it was: the most amazing little ass I had ever seen. I sunk my fingers into it, feeling the soft steel as she flexed it under my fingers with a little giggle. That turned into another gasp as I pushed her legs apart and moved into place, penetrating her, causing her to groan.

"There's more? Oh, my God, Dad! It's so deep, so big. I'm going to come again, Oh, my God! I'm coming!"

I fucked her that way for long minutes, and she was going off about every three minutes, stringing them together like a chain of firecrackers. That firm little ass, making such an exquisite cushion for my thrusts, the sight of her face, frozen in ecstasy, brought me over the edge and I thrust deeply, holding there while all my love, all my joy, everything I had poured into her.

I rolled her, spooning up against her from behind, still embedded in that hot little pussy, and we murmured words of love until lassitude became sleep. I never went fully soft inside her, and I don't know how much time elapsed before I awakened, fully erect again. I began to thrust into her and she murmured a sleep protest, before slowly coming awake and matching my thrusts. She came, and we changed to a missionary position, long slow sweet loving until I filled her again.

"God, Dad, you have to let me rest," she groaned. "I'm worn! Are you always going to be this horny?"

I laughed. "You don't know what you do to me, baby-doll."

She smiled. "I'm pretty sure I do. Probably the same thing you do to me." She kissed me and we cuddled, me on my back and her lying half across me.

"Dad, I love you," she murmured. "For always. We're staying like this forever, you know."

"Yeah, you and me, baby girl," I said. "You and me."

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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Hot. Worth 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

refreshingly amazing, still a bit of cliche wordings used a;most identical to climactic scenes as previous stories but that don't change the fact that your word manipulation is exquisite enough for the orgasms depicted , 5/5 as always well deserved. keep it up and thank you for your effort

Nekomusume_DaisukiNekomusume_Daisukiabout 1 month ago

Revisiting I can only lament it ends where it does... <3

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Gosh, you make incest seem normal... if so, that may cure the taboo aspects of sugar daddies and sugar babies...(IE: trump & ivanka?)

bigurnbigurn3 months ago

Well written and, at the least, 4 Stars. This is deserving of a follow-up. I like that you left definitive proof of relationship undefined. That left the, so called, morality question a moot point. Once again, Thank You for your writing...

ToughSailorToughSailor5 months ago

Thank God she didn't call him daddy . . . .

ToughSailorToughSailor5 months ago

Beautifully written with beautiful people. Smooth segue is definitely your long suit. Just some thoughts: How was she able to initially find him? Also, loved Hal the dog. I have now included you as one of my favorite authors . . . .

TheOldStudTheOldStud11 months ago

Very nice but I wish you could have included some more regarding the people the MC was trying to elude. Regardless, an excellent story, five stars plus...

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 1 year ago

Wow, I just found this gem. You never disappoint me, with any of your fantastic stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very good, well written with lots of love and affection between two people that were lost and lonely. Thank you very much.

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