Disrobing Rita Ch. 04

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Rita's first taste of outdoors nudity.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/01/2015
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On the Friday after my first life modelling experience I was in the office hoping that nothing urgent would come up and that I could make a quick getaway that afternoon. Rita and I were off for one of our regular steam room sessions at the naturist spa, and although we would have to behave ourselves when we were there, things had just taken an interesting turn between us so I was looking forward it even more than usual. I was expecting to see her at some point in the afternoon, and I had also received a short email from her saying that she had sent me something in the internal post.

We both work for the same company, but in different departments and on different sites. Like most people at my middling level I don't have my own office, but I do have the relative luxury of sharing my small space with freelancers and part timers. This means that I often have it to myself on Fridays, although the company's enthusiasm for hot desking can result in a stray body turning up. Rita had a meeting on my site just after lunch, and had booked herself one of the desks for the afternoon, which would hopefully make the end of the working week a bit more tolerable.

Anyway, just after my mid morning coffee break I popped down to the mail room and sure enough, along with the usual junk, there was a small Jiffy bag with my name on it in Rita's distinctive scrawl. I didn't open it until I was back at my desk, which was probably just as well - inside there was a pair of knickers and a note reading 'Jo asked me to send you this'. They were substantial but obviously good quality, not silk but something similar, trimmed with white lace. This raised a few interesting questions, which would have to wait until later.

Lunchtime dragged, and then I settled down to dealing with a few outstanding emails before the weekend got started. At about 3 o'clock Rita poked her head around the door. She asked which desk she could use and if anybody else was about, before asking "Did you get the item I sent you?"

"Yes, thank you," I replied, "So have you been walking round knickerless all day?"

"Pretty much - I slipped them off in the ladies' loo when I got to work this morning. Jo texted me and dared me to do it."

"It sounds like one of her ideas alright."

Rita was wearing a calf length dark skirt, matching jacket and white blouse, and looked every inch the professional woman. When she took her jacket off I could see that, as usual, she was wearing a camisole and a substantial bra under her blouse. She appeared to be bare legged, which was not unusual as it was a reasonably warm day. Nobody would have guessed that she was completely bare under her skirt.

"Have you ever been to work like this before?"

"I've never been out like this before in my life! I only normally have my knickers off in the shower, although I've taken to sleeping naked thanks to your bad influence If I'm not sleeping nude I even wear them under my nightie."

"How has it been?"

"I haven't felt this naughty in years! It also means my skirt is nice and smooth over my bum."

She took my hand and ran it over her backside, which resulted in an almost instant hard on for me.

"I think Jo would like me to definitely confirm that you obeyed her order."

"I think so too - there's no one about is there? - slide your hand up here."

I ran my hand up the inside of her thigh and briefly felt her fluffy pubes before she pulled away.

"Lovely as this is, we've both got things to be getting on with and it wouldn't do if someone walked in on us."

I reluctantly agreed with her, and went off to get us both a cup of tea while she settled down to tie up a few loose ends. Not much happened for a while - we each got on with our work, and once or twice somebody stuck their head in before leaving for the weekend. At about 4.30 she swivelled her chair round and announced that she had finished what she was doing. She was sitting with her back to the door, and as she spoke she crossed her legs like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct.

"Nice view?"

"You can do it again if you like.

She did.

Shortly afterwards we were heading on the underground out to the spa. We had grabbed a quick bite to eat and I was hoping that I'd be able to keep my cock under control when we got there. In the event I needn't have worried - neither of us went in for a massage, and we had a leisurely steam room session followed by a lengthy chill out. Rita still opted for the ladies changing room, but otherwise was as uninhibited as before, and there was a convivial atmosphere among the staff and the regulars.

A bit later on we had the lounge to ourselves, and Rita asked if there was anything else we could do that weekend. I had a few ideas, and as the weather forecast was good I asked if she fancied trying some outdoor nudity.

"What did you have in mind?"

"There's a naturist club about 45 minutes away from your place. It's a pretty big site and there are quite a few people who live there - it's almost like a village, but clothes free."

"Sounds interesting, but I've never been naked outside before."

It turned out that she had never even gone topless on a beach before - the closest she had come was undoing her bikini top when lying on her front. She also said that it had been a long time since she had worn a bikini, and these days favoured a sensible 1 piece swimsuit. She liked the idea of getting naked outside, but was also a bit apprehensive.

"Why don't we have a trial run?" I suggested. "Your back garden isn't overlooked, and it looks like being a nice day tomorrow - I can come around for a while in the afternoon if you like."

She ummed and aahed a bit, but conceded that her back garden was private, sheltered and probably as good a place as any for a first taste of al fresco nudity. She offered to throw together a bit of lunch, and that seemed to settle that.

"OK" I said, "let's make things a bit more interesting. Strip off when you get home tonight, and don't put anything on until after I've left tomorrow."

"That's a bit of a challenge, but I'm up for it. You and Jo are definitely leading me astray!"

I discovered what she meant when she emerged from the ladies changing room when we were leaving - she hadn't put her bra or camisole back on, and her nipples were poking through her blouse. Her boobs had a nice jiggle when she walked, although this was partly concealed when she slipped her jacket on when we were outside.

"I suppose you noticed what else I'm not wearing?"

"Yes, and it really suits you. Was this another of Jo's bright ideas?"

"Yes, and in a way it's more of a challenge."

"How do you mean?"

"It's pretty unlikely that anybody would know that I'm knickerless, but it doesn't even need a second glance to know I'm swinging free."

"I suppose so. Is this another first for you?"

"Pretty much. I don't often wear a bra at home, so I have been known to nip out to the shops without one, but that's as far as it goes"

"Until now."

By this time we were on the platform and other people were in earshot, so we turned the conversation to more mundane topics. A bit later we were sitting opposite each other on a quiet train heading out of London - Rita would normally make her own way back, but asked if I could drive her home as she was feeling a bit uneasy about walking back to her place from the station.

"It's exciting, though," she said,"If I was wearing knickers they'd be soaking by now."


She guided my hand up her skirt and bit her lip as my fingertips found her moist lips. She slipped her jacket off her shoulders and I could see that her nipples were as stiff as they could be. I brushed one with my free hand and there was a sharp intake of breath.

"I haven't felt this turned on in ages. Those life modelling sessions were fun, but today has made me so horny..."

Just then the train arrived at my station, so we got off and walked arm in arm to my car. By this time the car park was almost empty and there didn't seem to be anybody around (although by this time I think Rita would have been oblivious). As we got into the car I slid my hand back up her skirt and slid my middle finger between her moist lips and into her pussy. She twisted round in the passenger seat to allow me better access and I undid a couple of buttons on her blouse. One finger quickly became two and then three, while my other hand was on her exquisite boobs, gently pinching her nipples between my thumb and forefinger.

It didn't take long for Rita to stiffen, gasp and pull away slightly.

"Let's go back to my place."

She lives about twenty minutes drive away, and she didn't bother to do her blouse back up and still had her skirt most of the way up her thighs. Somehow I managed to keep my eyes on the road and my hands on the wheel, and a bit after 11.00 we arrived at her house. She lives in a small cottage on a quiet lane off the main road, and while there are other houses down there her place stands on its own and backs on to open countryside.

We exited the car like excited teenagers and went in to her house. She dragged me into the living room and flung herself down on the sofa and opened her legs. I got down, parted her very wet lips and caressed her clitoris with the tip of my finger, which made her tremble a little and she gave a low moan. After a minute or so I moved in and started to lick under her hood with the tip of my tongue, before getting to work properly with my lips and tongue. She was writhing and moaning like a porn starlet and pulled my head in even closer. A couple of minutes later I felt a deep shudder through her body and her cunt was even warmer and wetter.

She gently pushed my head away and said 'You can do that to me again sometime'. She stripped off her blouse and skirt and promised to stay undressed until the next day. Shortly after that I headed home and had another Skype chat with Jo to bring her up to date. When she found out that I had gone down on Rita she got very turned on and said that she hoped she could watch next time. She then got busy with her vibrator and I had probably the quickest wank I'd had since I was 17.

The next morning I pottered around for an hour or two before heading over to Rita's place. I picked up a bottle of wine and a few other bits and pieces on the way and got to her place at about 11.30. I knocked on the door and she opened it carefully so that she couldn't be seen from the road (not that there was anybody to see anything) but, as promised, she was naked apart from her comfy but extremely unsexy slippers.

I undressed and put my clothes in a bag in the hall - I wouldn't be needing them until I left - and while I did that she told me that she had spent the morning doing her household chores in the nude.

"For once I actually enjoyed tidying up and cleaning the kitchen and bathroom. I might start doing this regularly!"

"Have you been outside yet?"

"Only just - I quickly nipped out of the back door to put some rubbish in the bin, but it wasn't that warm. The fresh air felt nice on my body, though."

While Rita got lunch together I stepped out into the back garden. The day was warming up nicely, and the garden was sheltered and perfect to catch the afternoon sun. There was a small patio at the back of the house, while the garden itself extended about 20 meters back to a tall hedge which backed onto a field. I poked around for a few minutes, and when I felt my cock stiffen slightly I realised that, for a change, I could walk around with a hard on and not worry about upsetting anybody. The day was warming up nicely so I popped back in to suggest eating on the patio. Rita agreed, then looked at my hard cock and said that the fresh air and sunshine were obviously doing me some good. She told me that there was some patio furniture in the shed, so I fetched it out, dusted it down and set the table. Once I started on that my erection subsided for the time being and the bit of exercise put a bit of an edge on my appetite.

Once the food was ready - salad and assorted bits - I took it out and Rita stepped outside rather gingerly. She seemed to relax a bit once she was sitting at the table, and the following half hour or so was almost exactly like we were having lunch at a pavement cafe in town, apart from the fact that neither of us was wearing a stitch. Once we finished eating I cleared up and brought Rita a glass of wine.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Pretty good. It was a bit weird at first, but it's a bit like my first time at the spa - I almost forgot that I was nude while we were eating."

"Cool - being naked outside in good weather feels great, it's only a pity that more people don't realise it."

"So is this what it's like being at the naturist club?"

"More or less. I wouldn't walk around with an erection - in fact I'd almost certainly have to leave and be banned from coming back - but otherwise people just do normal things in the buff."

As it was so sunny, I suggested that we catch a few rays on the lawn and laid out a couple of beach towels. Rita ducked back inside and reappeared with some suntan lotion, a radio and that day's paper. She seemed a bit hesitant as she stepped onto the lawn, but relaxed a bit once she was sitting on her towel. We rubbed on the factor 40, did each other's backs, switched on Radio 2 and for the next hour lounged around, dipping in to the paper and letting lunch go down.

After a while she got up and popped back inside, and when she came back out I asked her to show me around her garden. She seemed a bit more at ease and spent a few minutes showing me various bits of work that she had done, which I wasn't really interested in but thought it was a good way to get her walking round a bit and acclimatising.

I'd seen a couple of badminton racquets and a shuttlecock in the shed and suggested a quick knock around. I was pleasantly surprised when she agreed and spent the next 15 minutes or so enjoying the sight of her bouncing boobs and getting a couple of spectacular rear views when she bent over to pick up the shuttlecock. I'm pretty sure at least some of this was for my benefit, and after a while I had another hard on which felt great but did nothing for my game.

It was as though one of those vintage naturist movies was about to get a bit of a hardcore makeover, especially when Rita decided that she had had enough for the time being and placed the shuttlecock on my stiffy. 'It's a doublecock!' Things were already getting interesting when my iPad pinged and Jo was on Skype again. We quickly found out that it would only work on the patio, but that was enough for me and Rita to continue enjoying the sun while Jo was stuck in her hotel room on the other side of the world.

"I see you've got him nicely warmed up!"

"It's fascinating watching him play badminton with a hard on."

"I've never had the pleasure, and I'm married to him! Speaking of pleasure, how are you feeling just now?"

"I'm feeling a definite tingle - must be his animal magnetism."

"Husband! It's very impolite to get a lady all moist and tingly without doing anything about it. Rita, would you prefer fingers or tongue?"

"Fingers I think - to start with, anyway."

She sat down on a patio chair and I pulled one up next to her and and slid my middle finger up and down her moist slit before parting her lips gently frigging her. She twisted around a bit as a second and third finger went in and I teased her nipples with my free hand. Jo made occasional suggestions and after a while Rita nodded and bit her lip when asked if she wanted me to go down on her. I knelt in front of her and got busy with my tongue - although I couldn't see what was happening on the screen, I knew that Jo could see what was going on and was probably flicking her bean for all she was worth. I later found out that Rita was looking at the screen and got to watch Jo bring herself off while I was tonguing her clit.

For the second time in less than 24 hours I had Rita's warm juices all over my mouth and chin, and when I came up I could see Jo had moved the camera so we could see her in all her naked glory. She also looked distinctly flushed and happy and I wondered if she'd been using any of her toys.

"Feeling better Rita?"

"I'll say! He's good with his mouth - you've obviously trained him well!"

"He was already pretty good when we got together. Anyway, right now I'd really like to see him shoot his load. Why don't you both stand up?"

Jo started acting like she was directing a porno film again. I was already standing to attention, and she got Rita to lick the length of my shaft while cupping my balls before giving me a hand job. To do this Rita moved behind me and I could feel her nipples pressing into my back and her head on my shoulder. With Jo's enthusiastic advice she did a pretty good job of getting the pump primed and I took hold of her wrist and gave a little extra guidance when we got to the vinegar strokes. When I ejaculated the first lot went an impressive distance across the patio and got a round of applause from Jo, and given that I was emptying my sac for the second time in just over 12 hours a surprising amount of spunk followed.

Afterwards Jo chatted to us for a while longer, and said that she was going to have to think of some more interesting things for us to do. I stayed at Rita's place until late evening, by which time we had retreated inside to stare at some rubbish telly. Rita was definitely up for a visit to the naturist resort, the following weekend if the weather was good, and she was starting to revel in her sexuality. We were both intrigued as to what Jo would come up with next in our bizarre little game, but we both agreed to let her carry on calling the shots. It struck me that we had enjoyed a virtual threesome that afternoon, and I began to hope that we'd have one for real when Jo returned.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This series was a fun read seeing Rita so willingly get nude and enjoy being fucked.

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