Distressed Bridesmaid

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I find a bundle up the stairs.
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Copyright oggbashan September 2022

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.


The student hall of residence was mainly empty because it was the summer vacation. A few people, like me finalising field work, had stayed on, But unlike in term time when the block would be very crowded and busy, it seemed eerily quiet. The block had been extensively remodelled about a decade ago. Previously it had been study bedrooms with shared kitchens and bathrooms. Now each tenant had a living room, a kitchen alcove, a bathroom and bedroom, just large enough for a double bed. This disadvantage was the lack of parking at the block or anywhere nearby.

About twenty minutes to midnight I was returning from a rare couple of nights out In London. The block wasn't far from the railway station but I was tired and longing for my bed. I entered the code on the outside door lock and started to climb the two flights of stairs to my rooms. As I stopped on the landing I heard a faint thumping noise further up the stairs. That seemed odd. I put my suitcase just inside my door, shut and locked it and walked up another flight of stairs.

There was a royal blue bundle on the landing. It was moving. The thumps I had heard were the legs being banged on the floor. There was a large wheeled suitcase beside the bundle. Hands and feet were invisible somewhere inside the bundle and the head was in a black satin bag. I tried to remove the bag but it was held on with a cable tie and I had nothing to cut it.

"Hang on," I said. "I can't get you out here. I'll carry you down to my rooms and then let you out."

I was worried that she, if it was a she, would be scared by being literally picked up by a stranger but the body seemed to relax as I spoke and didn't wriggle or squirm as I picked her up and carried her down to my room. She seemed to be the right weight for a slim adult woman. I had to prop her up against a wall, holding her there with one hand while I found my door keys and opened the door. I put her down on my bed settee.

"I'm just going to the kitchen to get something to get you out." I said.

Did the black satin bag move as if she had nodded? Never mind. I took her consent for granted.

The cable tie was tight around her neck, not so as to strangle, but impossible to get past her chin. The free end had been cut off. It took me some careful effort to get a knife blade between the cable tie and her chin and cut it.

The black satin bag was still fixed. It had a drawstring, tied in a knot and again the ends were cut off. It took me another minute until I could lift the black satin bag off. Even then I couldn't see her face. Her head was covered in a pair of black nylon tights knotted around her neck. Her face was swathed by an inverted blue satin skirt and layers of petticoats that had been squashed over her face by the tights. Under those she had pads over her eyes held on with duct tape. More duct tape covered her mouth and under that was a large ball gag. After I had unbuckled the ball gag's straps she croaked:


I brought her a cup of water and held it while she sipped. She was still a helpless bundle from the neck down. I didn't recognise her as one of the block's residents but I thought I had seen her before.

"Are you OK if I go to get your suitcase?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm not going anywhere yet. I'd like my suitcase before someone steals it."

"OK. I'll lock the door behind me so no one can get at you."

"I wouldn't be able to resist if someone else came in would I?"

I was back in a couple of minutes with the suitcase.

"Now let's get you out. You are trussed up like an oven-ready chicken."

"He really enjoyed doing that, the bastard!"


"I need to think about that. But who is my rescuer?"

"Me? I'm David Johnson, recently a PhD student."

"And I'm Claire Thomas, just finished my second year. David, while you are getting me out, please be careful with the dresses. They aren't mine."


"Yes. I was wearing a bridesmaid's dress and carrying two more. He used all three on me. He enjoyed that. He would have liked brides' dresses better but he said that bridesmaids dresses were a good substitute."

I had to roll Claire from side to side and work out exactly how she was bound. It took at least ten minutes before I could get the first bridesmaid's dress off. It was too large for Claire. It had been put on her the normal way round but it had been tightly laced at the back and the laces firmly knotted. It had a high neck from which the layers of inverted skirt and petticoats protruded, but even so she was still securely restrained. I had to pull the skirt and petticoats down to make a sort of frilled neckline so she could talk.

"Can you say how you ended up like this, not saying names if you don't want to?"

"OK, David, I owe you that. I live in (she named a village about eight miles from the university). He lives at home with his parents in the city. We had been boyfriend and girlfriend for about six months but we went to a friend's wedding this afternoon. I was one of the bridesmaids. Seeing me dressed as a bridesmaid seemed to get him excited, and I admit it, I was too. I enjoyed swishing my unaccustomed large skirts around."

Claire stopped.

"Could I have some more water please?"

"Of course, unless you'd like tea or coffee?"

"Later, perhaps, when I'm free to hold it myself."

I brought more water and held it for her to drink.

I started on the inverted dress. It had been laced tightly around her legs. I could pull the skirt and petticoats down while I worked on the laces, but there was yet another dress trapping her underneath.

"I had arranged to borrow Rachel's rooms here while she was away for the weekend. I thought we could have a weekend of normal sex. But that wasn't his idea. Almost as soon as we had arrived and I had put the other two dresses in their bags on the bed he made me a drink. It was Gin and Tonic. I asked for only a small amount of Gin and that's what he made. But he must have put something else in it. As soon as I had drunk half of it I felt woozy and sleepy and had to sit down."

I held the glass to let Claire sip some more water.

"He began to strip me. I knew I ought to have objected but I wasn't with it. He tied my arms by my side with tights around my waist and elbows, then more tights around my ankles and above my knees. Once he had tied above my knees I remembered thinking 'Good, he isn't going to rape me.' My legs were tied too tightly together. He put my bridesmaid dress on over my tied arms and laced it cruelly tight. He seemed to be enjoying himself except that he said bridal dresses would better.

Once the second dress was on upside down, I couldn't see much with the skirt and petticoats over my face. He pulled them down to put the ball gag in, and the pads over my eyes. When he pulled the skirt and petticoats up over my face again and added the tights over my head I thought I might suffocate. That feeling was even worse when he added the black satin bag that had contained bridesmaids' shoes. He laced the inverted dress's bodice tightly around my legs, squashing the first dress's skirts and petticoat before tying them so that my feet were covered as well. Finally he put the third dress on. I knew I was invisible inside all those layers and helpless. He carried me out onto the landing. I heard him put the suitcase beside me and shut the door.

"Enjoy being the damsel in distress, or should I say in dresses," he said before I heard his feet going down the stairs.

I struggled but I was too tightly tied, unable to make a noise with my stuffed mouth and even if I had been able to, I doubt it would have been heard through all the layers around my head. I had been there for about two hours..."

Claire had looked at the clock.

"...when you found me. What happens now?"

"I finish getting you free and then you can have tea or coffee. OK?"

After I had removed the last bridesmaid's dress and the tights, I found a small clutch bag stuffed between her thighs. I gave it to Claire who checked the contents.

"Good. It's all there including the door key. He didn't rob me or do anything sexual to me, except turn me not a helpless satin bundle. That excited him."

"But not you?"

"With the first dress, it might have done but I was too out of it with the effects of whatever I had drunk. After that? I was worried that I might suffocate..."

One I had cut the tights around her body and legs. Claire was naked except for bra and panties. She reached for the third bridesmaid's dress and covered her body with it.

"Could you lace me up... No, on second thoughts could you bring my suitcase and turn your back for a few minutes, David?"

"Of course."

When Claire told me I could turn around she was wearing a denim skirt and a sweater.

"Now for a cup of tea, please."

When I returned with tea Claire had put all three bridesmaids' dresses into dress bags lying beside her. She was just putting a pair of white satin shoes into the black satin bag. She was annoyed because her hands weren't working as they should. At first, I had to hold the tea for her. Once the cup was half-empty she was able to hold it herself but the cup still shook.

"Why are my hands shaking?"

"It's probably the effect of your arms being tied for hours, and maybe delayed shock. Whichever, the effect should wear off in a short time, perhaps half an hour..."

"Half an hour? I can't stay here..."

"Why not? Rescuers of damsels in distress have a duty to look after the damsel they have rescued. Anyway, where would you go? The buses to your village stopped four hours or more ago. Taxis are expensive and what would your parents think if you turned up in the early hours?"

"They would want to know why, and I don't think I want to tell them."

"Then you can stay with me. That settee turns into a bed."

"But I don't know you, David. Or at least I don't think so. You look familiar but I wouldn't have known your name."

"Nor I yours, Claire. Like you, I think I've seen you around, but where and when? I don't know."

It took a few minutes of discussion before we knew that my younger sister Moira had been in the university's hockey team with Claire's friend Rachel and that Claire and I had watched several matches. Although the relationship had been tenuous, Claire knew Moira. Knowing that, she relaxed slightly.

"I'd like to check Rachel's room, please David. I don't know what he might have done, and if he took anything. But I'm afraid he might have taken Rachel's spare keys and could be back."

"Did Rachel give you the outside key code?"


One code? Or several?"

"Just the one."

"Then he can't get back into the block tonight. There is a single code for Saturday and Sunday and different ones for each weekday. The code changes at midnight until eight am. There is a special night code. If we use it, we have to write an explanation on a book just inside the door. It works until 8 am and then the day's code is valid from 8 am to 9 am until the door is unlocked from then until 5 pm to allow deliveries etc and reverts to that day's code until midnight. He can't get back in until 8 am at the earliest if he has remembered the code."

"Unless Rachel left the codes easily visible?" Claire suggested.

"That's unlikely. She has been resident for two years. After the first month or so, we remember the codes and don't need a record. But we could check. Are you up to it?"

I had to help Claire up from the settee and hold her for a few seconds as she wobbled. But once she started walking, she was OK. We went up to Rachel's flat. It all seemed neat and tidy, nothing displaced or apparently missing. Rachel's spare keys were hanging on a hook in the kitchen. But Claire noticed a bit of paper towel protruding from the kitchen waste bin. She pulled it out, said "Ugh!" and pushed it in properly.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I thought so. When he had finished bundling me into a parcel I thought I heard him masturbating. He was -- into that paper towel. Tying me up really turned him on."

As we walked back to my room I asked:

"Did you have any idea he was weird?"

"At the time, until tonight, no. I knew he liked big skirts and brides' and bridesmaids' dresses. We met at a dance with a restrained combined Stag and Hen party. I was wearing a salmon pink bridesmaid's dress held out with an enormous hooped petticoat. All the bridesmaids were wearing second-hand charity shop bridesmaids' dresses but mine was by far the largest.

We attended two weddings before yesterday's one and he was more excited and demonstrative when I was wearing a bridesmaid's dress than at other times. I just thought he liked women, particularly me, dressed up with big skirts. I had thought that because we had Rachel's room to ourselves, we could make love with me wearing the bridesmaid's dress. They all need cleaning because the garden at the reception was muddy, and all the skirt hems are mud splattered.

But, in retrospect there were other signs. Because we were both broke, often we would walk around the city window shopping before a coffee at McDonald's. He would always stop at the three wedding dress shops. He wasn't interested in the slimline sheath dresses, just the ones with big skirts.

One evening, after a meal with his parents, I wanted to check my emails but my phone need charging. He let me use his laptop, I just wanted to check that my assignment, unusually for me close to its deadline, had been received. It had. I exited to his desktop but there were two folders on the front page. They were labelled 'Bound Brides' and 'Gypsy Weddings'.

I clicked on the Bound Brides. The thumbnails all showed brides wearing large-skirted dresses tied and gagged. The Gypsy Weddings folder was of brides in massive puffy skirts. I closed the laptop down. At the time I didn't think it odd, even though I had noted three catalogues for wedding dresses on his bookshelf."

"Apart from that, how was he as a boyfriend?"

"Normal. Polite, more demonstrative when I was wearing a bridesmaid's dress, but I was contented, not happy but I had hoped tonight would be make or break event. It was, but not as I had expected."

"No. Making a woman into a helpless bundle is not in the etiquette books."

Claire laughed, the first time she had seemed completely relaxed since I had found her.

"Perhaps I might have enjoyed it if it was consensual and with a safe word and didn't go as far as he did. That was frightening and I couldn't stop him from doing anything."

"And it was dangerous. If I hadn't found you, you might have been there all night or longer. I don't think there's anyone on the top floor now and even if there were, they might have taken the lift."

"And I'd have wet myself. Which reminds me..."

"The bathroom's through there, Claire."

When she returned she asked me to sit beside her on the settee.

"How am I going to thank my rescuer, David?"

"I don't need thanks. I'm pleased to have met you, Claire."

"I have an idea. How do you feel about mild bondage with a safe word?"

"I don't know. I've never tried it."

"Then we can, tonight. I'm not sure I know you well enough for you not to go too far, but if I have tied you up, you couldn't."

I took some persuading. A few kisses helped. Now I am on my bed, my hands and legs tied and laced inside the largest bridesmaid's dress. A condom was on my erection. The safe word was Basingstoke. But Claire stuffed my mouth with her warm panties and buckled on the ball gag.

"Don't worry, David. You can't say the safe word but if you shake your head from side to side three times, that's the safe signal and I will release you. OK?"

I nodded. I would have gasped as Claire flipped up the skirt and petticoats to shroud my head before she started rubbing her sex across my erection.

She aroused me more than anyone had ever done before and then impaled herself. I held back as much as I could until I knew Claire was orgasming. She was shuddering and screaming above me.

Suddenly her hands pressed the skirt and petticoats tightly across my face. That was enough for me to have a convulsive ejaculation.

Immediately she uncovered me and I panted for breath through my nose as Claire unbuckled the ball gag and pulled her panties out.

"Enjoy that, David?" Claire asked.

I nodded. I didn't have enough breath to speak.

"Good. Because you are my victim for the rest of the night. You are going to stay bound in a bridesmaid's dress until I want you again."

Claire rolled me over and moved up. She pulled my head into her satin clothed cleavage and held it there loosely with an arm.

"Sleep well, David." She said.

I did against her softness. I woke up a few hours later to find my face covered with dress and petticoats and Claire rubbing herself against my renewed erection. Soon she was aroused again and screaming as orgasm after orgasm shook her before, like earlier, she pressed the dress over my face and I came as well.

In the morning I woke up to find she had left the bed. She came back.

"How are you at cunnilingus, David?" she asked.

"I don't know what that is," I replied.

"Lingam means tongue. Cunnilingus is your tongue in my cunny."

"Oh. What is that like?"

"I don't know what it is like for men. They seemed to enjoy it if they could breathe. But for me? It's fantastic. Are you willing to try, David?"

"Have I got a choice? I'm still tied up in this dress."

A few minutes later Claire's skirt and petticoats had covered me from well above my head almost to my knees. I was looking up at her lower lips gradually moving towards me. I put out my tongue as her body touched my face.

Claire tasted great. I tried to arouse her. Her hands cradled my head through the skirt and moved my head to where she wanted my tongue to be. Soon she was shuddering in even more shattering orgasms than last night.

I had to shake my head from side to side to get air as her cleft had spread wider to cover my whole mouth and my nose. I was drowning in Claire.

She uncovered my face.

"What's up, David? Was that the safe signal?"

"No, Claire. I just needed to breathe. Your sex had sealed my mouth and nose and I was suffocating."

"OK. I'll try to let you breathe but when I am orgasming I can't control myself. But for a beginner you are fantastic at cunnilingus."

"Only because your hands directed me, Claire."

"And you relaxed and let me do it. No one before has given me that much control."

"I thought that was what you wanted."

"It was, David, it was. I have never known anyone trust me that much. I love you for it."

"Love? Isn't that a bit strong for a one night stand?"

"No, David. You have let me tie you up, ride you, and then introduce you to cunnilingus. And why should it be one night? Are you doing anything today?"

"Not really. I was going to sleep in to make up for the partying in London, do about an hour's work on my laptop, and that's it. Oh, and check my mobile phone. It needed charging last night."

"As did mine."

"I put both on charge in the kitchen last night. They should be fully charged now."

"OK. I had intended to spend the whole weekend in Rachel's rooms and go to university from there Monday morning. He would have left at 7.30 am to go to work, me about 8.30. I was going to collect my suitcase after work Monday evening and go home, leaving the dresses and petticoats with Rachel. She was going to take the bridesmaids' dresses to the dry cleaners and wash the hooped petticoats.

The bride's mother would collect them next weekend. Rachel is not due back until early Tuesday evening by which time I would have been long gone. So, if you want me to stay, I don't have to leave until Monday morning."