DJ Pt. 04


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The boys got into the car and Jamie backed out to the street and headed toward the other end of town.

"Your mom seems pretty cool," DJ commented. "Where was your Dad?"

"Yeah, they both are pretty understanding. Dad works second shift, and won't be home until around 1:00 AM. She didn't say anything, but I'm pretty sure she knows we are a little closer than just workout buddies. We need to stop and get some blueberries."

"Jamie, does your Mom bleach her hair?"

"No, it's natural. Her side of the family came from Sweden, I think that is where the blond hair came from. Probably the blue eyes too."

"And you've got them too. I love both!"

"Can you imagine," Jamie said, snickering, "What our children might look like, if we ever got married?"

"Unless one of us is built different than I think, that could never happen."

"Marriage could happen. It's legal now, you know."

"I was referring to the pregnancy. Can you imagine passing a baby through a penis? Ooh, the pain!" Laughs.

They stopped at the market and got the blueberries and got home at just about midnight. They put the perishables in the fridge and freezer. Dad, evidently, had already gone to bed. The boys stripped naked, and slipped into bed. It had been a rather long day for both of them.

"DJ, I'm having some mixed feelings right now. Part of me wants to nurse that beautiful chocolate cock, and the other part just wants to cuddle up and go to sleep in your arms."

"I'm still having some hang-ups, Jamie. It's so incredible, actually having people that really seem to care about me. When you've spent 19 years, knowing that no one cares or wants you, then somebody like Dad says how much I am loved, and wanted, and he often calls me precious, it make me melt, like a gob of butter."

"DJ, I'm denying my feelings. I keep telling myself, we're just friends. I don't love you. I just like you. We're just going to be workout buddies. It's just a sexual thing. But my feelings are betraying me!"

"This is crazy, Jamie, but do you think we could actually become boyfriends?"

"I think it's too late. The water is over the dam. I think we already are boyfriends. What's even worse, as hard as I have been fighting it, every hour we spend together, I'm falling more in love with you. I eat, drink, and dream DJ!"

"Remember the night you and your Dad came in and picked up that pizza, a few days before the night you ate in, and I waited on you?"

"I remember it well. You were the hottest thing I'd ever seen on two legs. Not that there aren't some other good lookers around, but I wanted you so bad. I wanted to pull you out from behind that counter, and smother you with my lips! There was something about you that I hungered for, and I still do."

"Then the next time, you ate in, and I got to wait on you. I gave you my phone number, and prayed you'd call me. And that prayer was answered!

"Yeah, we talked until my phone was nearly dead!" Then, "Jamie, I've got a confession to make. You wanted a workout buddy, and I just wanted to be your buddy. If you had wanted a bugs bunny cartoon watching buddy, I would have wanted to be that buddy. Anything to be close to you! Like we are right now."

Jamie, snuggling even closer to DJ. "Goodnight, my beautiful chocolate boyfriend."

DJ responded, "Sleep tight, my awesome vanilla boyfriend."

Both boys drifted off to sleep, thinking what a wonderful sound that word makes, 'boyfriend.' It has a sense of ownership, as in, 'Hands Off, He's Mine!'

Is it really love? Or maybe just lust, or infatuation. Hang on for the next chapter.

(to be continued)

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o2byoungo2byoungover 6 years agoAuthor
Back on it finally!

I have completed DJ Part V (or 5) finally. I suffered a massive writers block after Prison School CH 31 was rejected, but was determined to finish that story before I returned to work on this one. Finally uploaded PS - The Final Chapter a couple weeks ago. DJ Part V should be available for reading within the next 48 hours, and I will be starting DJ Part VI in the next 2 or 3 days. I'm sorry, I know it's been almost a year since this (part 4) was published. I will not start another story, until the DJ series is complete.

o2byoungo2byoungover 7 years agoAuthor

I apologize to all my readers / followers. I made a mistake, starting a second story before the first one was completed. I'm not certain yet how many more chapters there will be to DJ, probably 3 or 4. My other story, Prison School, will likely have 5 or 6 more, perhaps as many as 10. I just uploaded Ch 27. I have another story in the wings, but I am not starting it until these two are both finished.

I don't know for sure, but I think some authors do not upload stories until they are completely written, then they can upload a new chapter every 3 or 4 days. I started to upload the first chapter upon completion, and have been alternating my writing between the two stories. So now that Prison School Ch 27 has been uploaded, I will be devoting the next few days writing DJ Part V, then PS Ch 28. Sorry folks, these things take time, I also work about 20-30 hours a week. I'm writing as fast as I can!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Love the story

Maybe DJ and Jamie are exploring each other right now. That could turn into love for them, or it could not. I like to see them exploring with the open-minded possibility. Joe and Doug, meanwhile, I think are trying to rekindle their dormant love, and they seem more attracted to each other. I do like Joe's hairy chest. I also admire the black haired treasure trail that DJ sports on his hard abs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Oh how sweet

I totally get the feeling that Doug expresses. Having meeting my now husband, and inheriting a son, 15 years ago has made my life complete in ways that I never had thought. Thank you

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