DJ Pt. 07


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Jamie slapped DJ's butt to warn him that he was about to get a mouthful, causing DJ to hump a little harder, trying to match the timing. They were both trying to cum together for the ideal climax. Both were starting to explode into each other's mouths and neither of them heard the two strangers sneaking up on them.

"WELL, WELL, WHAT HAVE WE HERE?" Frank stated, in a heavy, scary voice.

DJ and Jamie sat up instantly, both boys swallowing their treasures and attempting to grab their clothing to cover their erections. Frank grabbed one pile and Joe secured the other one. Within seconds, both young men's cocks deflated.

"I don't know, Frank," Joe replied, "looks like a couple teen BOYS having some sexual fun in the woods! Usually we only find boys with girls!"

DJ and Jamie, both scared shitless, considered running, but they were naked, and these thugs had their clothing. Both of these large men pulled their large cocks out of their pants and they grew erections in no time. They both started to fondle their cocks.

"These boys are making me mighty horny, Joe," Frank said, "I'll bet that little black dude has a nice tight ass."

"I'd bet they might both have some nice sweet boy pussy," Joe replied, "they might even be virgins, it's been a while since I popped a cherry."

Both Jamie and DJ had tears running down their faces, both thinking they were going to have their rear ends violated by those huge cocks.

DJ, finally gaining the courage to say something, "Please don't hurt us, we didn't mean any harm to anyone."

"Someone here has a voice!" Frank said, "Do you boys have names?"

Jamie, finding his own voice and pointing, "He's DJ and I'm Jamie."

Joe and Frank both offered each boy a hand, helping them to their feet.

"DJ and Jamie," Joe said, smiling, "I'm Joe, and this is my husband, Frank, we've been together for—15 years, and married for two. We're happy to meet you guys."

The older men wrapped their arms around DJ and Jamie, sharing their warmth with the younger boys.

"Guys, it was hilarious, the prank we pulled, but I think we maybe pushed the envelope a little too far," Frank stated, "can you guys ever forgive us?

DJ and Jamie, looking at each other, and smiling, "You're forgiven."

"Joe, get a photo of these two on your phone."

"Wait," DJ said, "we're naked."

"Just the way we want you, for memories sake. You guys both have cute packages too." Frank pointed to their crotches. "Are you—boyfriends?"

"About three months worth," Jamie answered.

"So what do you guys do?" Joe asked.

"We're both first year students at community, I work at Anthony's Pizzeria."

"And I work at Southside Drug," DJ added, then grinning, "And when we have the opportunity we give each other blowjobs!"

"Hee Hee, we saw that!" Frank snorted, "We've tortured you enough for one day, so we'll be on our way and let you guys recover. Have a good night."

DJ and Jamie got dressed, hopped on their bikes and headed back to DJ's house. While they were on the way, DJ's phone rang, it was Dad.

"Are you guys at home?"

"Not right now, Dad, we went for a bike ride and we're on the way back."

"Have you made plans for dinner?"


"If you can hold off until about 9:30, I'll pick up some Bojangle's and we can eat when I get home. You are both sleeping at home tonight aren't you?"

"Yeah, Dad, we were planning to."

"Good, I'll see you about 9:30 and I have some good news to share." Dad hung up.

"Jamie, Dad's bringing home Bojangle's for supper tonight, and he said he has some good news.

"DJ, are you going to tell Dad about what almost happened to us today?"

"That was pretty scary! I thought we were both gonna lose our virginity today! Did you notice the size of their pricks?"

"Yeah, they were huge. If they had really fucked us, they would have split us wide open. I was feeling pretty sorry for both of our little asses. So are you gonna tell Dad?"

"Probably, some time," DJ answered, "They really were pretty nice guys, once the scare was over. I hope the good news he has is what I hope it will be. Like maybe a call from the lawyer?"

The boys got back to the house, and placed their bikes under the carport. Jamie tried using his key for the first time, unlocking the back door and the two boys entered the kitchen.

"We've got about an hour and a half before Dad will be here," Jamie commented, "let's go to your room." Then, grinning, "We can find something to do," and squeezed DJ's penis, through his shorts.

"Jamie!" DJ blurted, "Please don't tell me you're horny again already!"

"Not really, baby," Jamie replied, "I'm just playing, but I doubt I'll ever really get tired of your beautiful black cock—and body! I just love you so much! While we have some time, maybe we should tackle our homework?"

"Good idea, Jamie," DJ replied, "I'll get us another chair and we can both study at my desk. I really doubt that you could possibly love me any more than I love you."

The two boys settled down at DJ's desk and hit the books. They finished up just about the time I walked in the back door with dinner. I unpacked the stuff from Bojangle's and called the young men to the kitchen. We all were soon dining on fried chicken, biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy and dirty rice, and I broke the silence.

"DJ," I said, "Justin has cancelled your shift for Thursday morning."

"Dad, did he tell you why?"

"Yes, and I think he had a good reason. Seems we have a date in District Court at 9:00 AM!"

"AWESOME, DAD!" DJ yelled, jumping up and throwing his arms around me. God, I love this young man so much.

Jamie, tears running from his eyes, "I'm so happy for both of you! I can't believe this is really going to happen. It means so much to my baby."

"DJ," I stated, "Steve tells me it will still take up to ten days after court for us to receive your new Birth Certificate. And then you have a shit load of things to do. You'll need to update your name on your Social Security Account, Payroll, bank account, and school records, including your high school records."

"Dad, I'm so excited, and it's going to be well worth the changes. I'm just so thankful you found me, and love me like you do! I love you Dad, unconditionally, and you've really made my life worth living!"

"DJ," I said, smiling, "I told you a long time ago, that if I ever had a son, I'd like one just like you, and I AM going to have a son, JUST LIKE YOU!"

I went to bed that Monday night, a very happy father to be. DJ and Jamie fell asleep that night, happy and wrapped in each other's arms.

Tuesday night, Jamie and DJ spent the night at Jamie's home, as usual, and on Wednesday morning at breakfast time, they told Karen and Carl about the pending court date. Of course, the senior Seldon's were happy for DJ and Doug.

Wednesday at lunchtime, DJ and Jamie shared lunch with their best friend Mattie. He told DJ that he hoped everything goes well in court the next morning. Sandy stopped by, and told the three boys that the first meeting of the forming LGBT club will be this coming Monday afternoon at 5:00 PM in room 122.

That afternoon, in English class, the lady professor called on 'Dewain' to read a paragraph from the text and DJ asked her to please not call him that, and just call him DJ, and then read the requested paragraph. She asked him to please see her after class.

DJ walked up to her desk after class, and she asked him why he objected to being called by his name. He explained that he hated his given name and that he was to be adopted tomorrow, and would have a new name anyway, but that he would still have the same nickname of DJ. She then drew a line through his name in the register, and inserted 'DJ'.

Because of the Court Date the next morning, and the fact that DJ and Doug would need to be up somewhat earlier than normal, Jamie decided to sleep alone, for the first time in about 3 or 4 weeks, at his parent's home. He headed home from work, arriving at about 10:20 Wednesday evening.

Karen, noticing that Jamie was alone, "Honey, are things OK between you and DJ?"

"Yes, Mom," Jamie replied, "Everything is great, DJ has to be up early tomorrow for their big day in court, and I wanted to sleep in, that's all. Tomorrow is probably the most important day in both DJ's and Doug's lives, the day DJ becomes Doug's own son. I'm so happy for both of them,"

"Your father and I are happy too. You were fortunate, Jamie, to have had parents that loved you and cared for you from the day you were born. DJ is a real sweet and lovable young man and he deserves to have a father that cares, and loves him the way that Doug does."

Jamie, smiling, "Mom, Doug is really something else. When we are both there, at his house, he says he feels like he has adopted two sons, and I can tell he cares a lot for me also. He is so much like a second father to me, that I also call him 'Dad'. It's too bad there aren't more people in the world that have the compassion, and love, in their hearts that Doug Kendall has."

"I think, Mom, I'm going to play a game on the play station, and see if I can get tired enough to pass out. I miss having my boyfriend to sleep with. Goodnight, Mom, I love you."

"Goodnight, Honey, sleep tight," Karen said, thinking about how hard it is for herself to get to sleep, unless Carl is by her side in bed. She loves to go to sleep, wrapped in Carl's arms.

* * * * * * * * * * *

DJ and I both clocked out at 9:00 PM that Wednesday evening, and stopped by Chipotle for a late supper, and opted to take it home and eat. Since we needed to get up about 6:30 AM the next morning, and leave about 8:15 to make sure we aren't late for court, we both headed to bed just a little after 10:30.

About 11:15 PM I'm aware of DJ, standing naked by my bed, and gently rocking my shoulder.

DJ spoke softly, "Dad, I am missing having Jamie to sleep with and—well—can I sleep with you tonight?"

It's such a simple request. We haven't slept together for about three months, but the tone of voice he used in asking caused my heart to melt. I slid over in the bed and lifted the covers next to where he stood. He immediately slipped into the bed with me, and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his face and forehead.

After a couple more minutes, DJ moved my hand down, placing it on his beautiful black flaccid penis, and my fingers instinctively wrapped around it, like they had a mind of their own. I had thoughts in my mind that this was too much like incest. We may be biologically unrelated tonight, but tomorrow we would become Father and Son, and this would be wrong. My thoughts were, I guess, unfounded. His penis did not become erect, and just a couple minutes later, I could tell from his breathing, that he had fallen asleep. I also soon drifted off to sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Thursday morning at 6:30 AM the alarm sounded.

DJ, springing out of bed and sporting morning wood, "Dad, get up, we've got to start moving. I'll go start the coffee and hope (pointing at his erection) that this goes down by the time I'm finished so I can pee."

As I opened my eyes, they fell onto DJ's morning wood. DJ is not hung very big, about 6½" hard, but it is very attractive, and one that would make any cocksucker drool with lust. I know from experience that DJ can provide a very comfortable mouthful when erect, and has the sweetest cream of anyone I've ever tasted. Although I have never seen Jamie with a full erection, I suspect the two boys are well matched in penis size, as they are about the same when soft.

We each drank a cup of coffee, and I fixed us a quick but simple breakfast of just eggs, toast and orange juice. We then headed to the bathroom and showered together, then to our own rooms to dress. It was obvious that DJ had found the time within the last couple of days to get a haircut. He was wearing, evidently, a new pair of burgundy colored skinny jeans that I had not seen before, and a long sleeved white shirt and a black belt.

He came to my room and looked through my assortment of neckties and borrowed a red tie that closely matched his jeans. He was not accustomed to wearing a tie and I had to help him tie it, and I provided him a tie clip. I had to run and get my camera to capture a photo of him. I'd never seen DJ dressed up before, and he was stunning, to say the least. If the judge takes his appearance into consideration, DJ is going to blow him away!

We left the house, and arrived at the courthouse at about 8:45 AM and met with Steve in the hallway outside the courtroom.

"Doug, DJ," Steve stated, "we're down to crunch time, if either of you have any reservations about completing this procedure, it's not to late to back out now, but once the judge signs off, you're stuck with each other from then on."

"Steve," I confirmed, "if DJ wants me for a father, I know damn well I will be proud to have him for a son."

"I want this," DJ blurted, "more than anything in the world. Until Dad rescued me, I never knew how wonderful it feels to be loved, and wanted."

"I can see," Steve commented, "that you two have a tremendous amount of love, and respect, for each other. I am very happy that I could put it together, to bind you two souls as a family. Doug, there is a balance due, are you prepared to take care of that today?"

"Of course," I replied, and wrote the check out for the balance, and we all entered the courtroom.

Our case was the first to be called, once we all rose when the judge came in. There were verifications of a number of documents, and then the judge asked a bunch of questions to Steve and also myself and DJ. He told Steve he had done an excellent preparation, making sure the t's were all crossed and the i's were all dotted.

The judge then spoke, raising his voice, "Since there were no objections, I have no reason not to grant this adoption. Mr. Douglas R. Kendall, will you please welcome to your family, your son, Mr. Douglas Joseph Kendall! I'm sure council has informed you that the bureau of statistics will need up to 10 days to issue the replacement Birth Certificate. For some of the name changes, a copy of this approved adoption will suffice, and for some, you will need to wait for the actual Birth Certificate. This case is closed."

DJ, raising his hand, "Your Honor?"

"Yes, Sir?" the judge responded.

DJ, tears streaming, "You have just made me the happiest boy in the whole wide world! Thank you, Your Honor."

The judge responded, "You're welcome, son, but now you are also taking on a responsibility, you need to honor your father. He's a lot older than you, and one day, you may need to watch over and care for him."

"I accept that responsibility, Your Honor, and I'll do the best I can, but I know I can never return all the love he has given me." The judge smiled.

We all walked out of the courthouse together. Steve reminded me that we need to get together and get my affairs in order and get that will drawn up. I promised him that I would contact him within the next 2 or 3 weeks to do it.

* * * * * * * * * * *

It's Friday morning and I woke up to an empty house, as DJ and Jamie stayed at Jamie's and would be going to school from there. I have a warm feeling in my heart, just knowing that DJ is now my very own son. I want to have a surprise adoption party for DJ, but I'm not sure how to swing it. There are several people that are very close to DJ that I wish to invite, but most of them have work schedules that make the timing for a party very difficult for all to attend. I need some advice. Somehow, I think Matt's Mom, Annie, may be able to help me, I'm going to call her now.

"Well, Hi Doug, it's good to hear from you," Annie answered, "How did court go yesterday?"

"It went very smoothly—perfectly, I am now the very proud father of an awesome son. Thank you for asking, but I am calling today to ask your advice."

"I'll try, Doug, and I will help you if I can."

"Annie, I have a dilemma. I would like very much to have a surprise adoption party for DJ, and I would like to invite all the people that have been recently important in DJ's life. Due to work schedules, it's hard to find a time when everyone would be available to attend, unless it was a late night party. Do you know of any restaurant around that might be able to accommodate a large group of people for a midnight party on Saturday night?"

"No, Doug, I don't offhand, how many people are you wanting to invite?"

"It's just close friends and associates, about 14 people total."

"Oh, not that many. I have an idea, though. I haven't yet met DJ or Jamie, but since DJ, Jamie and Mattie are such very close friends, were you planning on inviting Mattie?"

"Of course, and you too, Annie, you and Matt are part of the 14 that I wanted to invite."

"Doug, we have a large home, with a dining room that can seat 16, and also a rec room and quite a large sitting room. I love to entertain, and would take pleasure in hosting this party, here at our home. Would it be this Saturday night, tomorrow?"

"Yes, Annie, and to be completely honest, I don't even know what would be the appropriate food to order. I expect to spend between $100 and $200, and I want to try and keep this a secret from DJ. I was going to try to host at my small home, or maybe at a restaurant, but if you are willing to host at your home I would be eternally grateful."

"Doug, I can do you one better. I've been kind of a society girl, and I have connections. I can get in touch with one of my caterers and make arrangements for the food and beverages to be delivered here shortly before midnight. It would be served buffet style."

"Annie, I don't know if I can quite afford that, I'm not exactly wealthy."

"Doug, I've got this! If you would please pick up some champagne, I'll handle everything else, and I can afford it. My son has very few friends, and I know this is a celebration for one of his very closest and best friends. Who all do you plan to invite?"

"DJ's store manager, Justin and his wife Sherry, Jamie's parents, Carl and Karen Seldon, Jamie's boss Anthony and his wife, Maria, our attorney that handled the adoption, Steve Jones and his wife, my best friend, Officer Joe Reynolds and, of course, Jamie, and you and Mattie. Officer Joe was very instrumental in helping to rescue DJ from the horrid environment he was living under, and bringing him to my home, where I could love and nurture him, and now he is my very own awesome son."

"Do all these people know that DJ and Jamie are in a relationship?"

"Yes, Annie, they all know, and they are all comfortable with it. Steve is Jamie's uncle, and Jamie asked him to take our case."

"I'll have Mattie invite DJ and Jamie to a small party, and to arrive at exactly midnight. I'll leave it up to you to get the other guests here before midnight, shoot for 11:30 PM. We live at 424 Lincoln Park Drive." Then, laughing, "DJ is in for one hell of a surprise, and Doug, thank you for letting me be a part of this special celebration. I need to get to work on this. Call me if you need to, and I'll see everyone tomorrow night."

"Thank you so much, Annie, you're truly a Godsend. I hope you know how much I appreciate what you're doing for me and especially for DJ."

"Doug, just a heads up, please tell these guests to bring their appetites, there will be plenty to eat. See you tomorrow night, if not before."

"Goodbye for now, Annie." Now I have to call Joe, and I placed the call.

"Hi baby, how did the adoption go?"

"Great, Joe, please tell me you're not working tomorrow night."

"I am Doug, why?"

"We're having a surprise adoption party for DJ, at midnight, and I really want you to be there. It's a small group, but we want everyone that's been close to DJ to be there. Can you maybe swap shifts with someone?"

"I don't know, Doug, but I know this is very important to both of you, and I would not want to miss it. If I can't arrange a swap, I'll just give my shift away. Is it at your house?"