Doctor Who: Amy, Captured Ch. 05


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'You're right, boss,' Mara arched her eyebrow, staring back at the onlookers, as though daring them to say anything. Amazingly, all of them backed down. Mara could look pretty dangerous at times.

'You bastards...' Amy panted, the collar shining on her neck, the undiluted sunlight sending brilliant starbursts across it. The thing seemed somehow triumphant, as if it was enjoying a job well done.

'Look on the bright side: You got off,' Mara said. 'Which is more than I can say for the rest of us, Miss Pond. You'll have to rectify that. Sander, pick up the bill.' She stood, taking Amy by the hand and pulling her out of her seat and out towards the glass double doors. Beyond, the landing pad awaited, with private shuttles to ferry customers back down to the planet's surface. Sander sighed, and wondered whether Mara was serious about putting out in return for a free breakfast.

After almost choking at the sheer magnitude of the bill, Sander followed his women. They were waiting for him in a sleek black shuttlecraft, but the way it hovered off of the ground implied that Mara at least didn't intend to wait for long.

'Time is money, Sander,' She called to him as he crossed the landing pad. He picked up his pace.

'Isn't this getting just a little excessive?' Amy asked, as the shuttle descended rapidly through the cloud layer. Both Sander and Mara had been entranced by the tumultuous, undulating grey pattern outside the ship, but they jerked to attention when Amy spoke.

'Excessive?' Mara laughed. 'Baby, we're just getting started.'

'That's what worries me,' Amy muttered to herself, turning her head to the window to avoid having to look at them anymore. She rolled her eyes, and hoped against hope that the Doctor and Rory were still on this planet, searching for her. And that the Doctor could keep it in his pants long enough to find her.

She was still annoyed about his skipping out on the search party to get laid. That hardly seemed gentlemanly.

The shuttle landed. All at once, the trio was enveloped back into the neon embrace of the Foundation Festival. It was a little shocking how just how quickly the transition had happened. Up there, above the clouds, they had existed in a world of dignity and grace. Down here, in the undercroft of the towering metropolis, they were in a chaotic storm of pressed bodies, neon starlight and the constant presence of the music, thumping away like a hammer on an anvil. One would be hard pressed to pick the moment that they had traveled from one world to the other.

The streets whirled with life, like the veins of some immense living creature. They were bathed in light and shadow, the music pressing down, the crowd shunting them back and forth. Now that they were back at ground level, each of them was wearing a different kind of mask. Anonymity was important, not only to avoid detection, but also to fit in with the crowd of similarly disguised revelers. Sander and Mara had stuck with their black and white ones from earlier, but they had been kinder to Amy this time. The white mask she had been given covered her whole face, but her eyes and mouth were free. Her captors were becoming more confident, and confidence bred mistakes. Amy cursed her luck; if she could only get free of the collar, she could escape!

She had been toying with ideas for how to get around the horrid little device. Of course, the task was made much more difficult since she had no idea how the collar operated or literally performed the task it was designed for. It was hard to figure out the mysterious phantom pressure that overtook her when her jailers used the command word. Something like this shouldn't exist, not in a moral universe. There had to be laws against it, right?

But then, laws didn't count for much in Chroma, did they?

But Amy was smart, and she had been generating escape plans for days now. Could she break from her orders by keeping one thought strongly in her mind while performing a completely opposite action? No, the collar stopped her.

Could the collar be overworked? If she had two orders operating at once, could obeying one allow her to disobey the other? No, the collar stopped her.

Could she creatively reinterpret a standing order to work against Sander? No, not with the direct orders she had been given so far.

How did the collar work? Could it be shorted out, or broken somehow? Was there some way to take it off, even with Sander's standing order not to? So many questions, but no answers. How utterly frustrating. She wanted to scream, but of course, that would be breaking orders.

Suddenly, Sander's strong arms pushed her into an alley, out of sight. His free hand flew out, grabbing Mara by the shoulder and tugging her roughly after him. When she finally got a stable glimpse of him, Amy saw that his eyes were dark as thunderclouds.

'What is it?' Mara hissed.

'Williams,' Sander growled, and Amy's heart skipped a beat. Her face lit up, and for the first time in days she was happy again. Rory! He was so close! She slid away from the two of them, edging closer to the mouth of the alley. It would only take a second. Just one glimpse...

She broke into a run.

'Command: Freeze!' Sander barked, his voice ringing out harsh and cold as ice. It resounded through Amy's tiny little world; she felt like it was growing smaller by the second.

Her muscles went dead. She skidded to a stop, mere inches from the corner. Inches from her husband.

'Get back here,' Sander snarled, face suddenly all sharp edges and deep shadows. 'Command: No moving. No talking. If he comes closer, you get out of his sight. Make sure he doesn't see you. Understand?'

Amy nodded, sobs bubbling up in her throat. Tears flowed, and she stepped away from the precipice, taking her place next to Mara and freezing there. Her muscles fell away from her, numb and useless. Sander strode purposefully to the mouth of the alley.

'Hey!' Mara called. 'Where are you going?'

He turned back, eyes sparkling with a dazzling internal light, 'I'm going to go speak to him.' He grinned wolfishly, and stepped out of sight.

Rory was still milling about in the crowd, his desire to rescue Amy clearly conflicting with his intense aversion to the scary kinds of people that made up the bulk of the Foundation Festival revelers. Sander was impressed to see that Rory was talking to the crowd anyway; it wasn't an activity that Sander himself particularly wished to engage in.

As he drew closer, Sander saw that Rory was carrying a little photo of his wife, and he would brandish it at passersby, complete with rushed requests for information as they walked by. He wasn't having much success, but Sander frowned anyway. People were seeing that photo, it would only take one of them to recognize Amy and give the game away. They had been careful in hiding her away from public view, but anything could happen on a planet like Theros. Hell, anything could happen with a person like the Doctor.

Taking a brief moment to resettle his mask on the bridge of his nose- anonymity was important for Sander too, since he had insisted on cameras in his base- he set off at a trot, shouldering his way through the crowd.

'You seem lost,' He called as he drew closer to Rory, trying to make his voice deeper, rougher. There was a moment of crystalline fear as Rory turned to face him, and it was undetermined whether he would be recognized or not.

'Well, actually... Yeah, you could say that...' Rory said uncertainly. 'I'm looking for someone. Her name's Amy. Here,' He proffered Sander the picture. He made a show of inspecting it, trying desperately to hold back his manic, simultaneous fear and thrilling, mad joy.

Sander nodded, 'Uh... Yeah. Yeah, I've seen her.'

Rory tensed up, grabbed Sander's collar, as though to stop him from drifting away, 'You've seen Amy?' He shouted. 'Where?'

Sander feigned surprise, and pulled away a little. He was quite enjoying all this play-acting, 'She was boarding a shuttle at the spaceport, with some other guys. Seemed kind of on edge.'

'The spaceport! Right! Which one? When was this?'

Sander nodded again, 'Um, the Schofeldt port, the one downtown. This'd be... Oh, yesterday, I guess?'

'You guess, or you know? This is important!' Rory was inches from Sander's face. It was truly mystifying that he couldn't recognize him from this distance.

'I'm positive. Schofeldt port. Yesterday,' Sander said, 'Why all the urgency? Who is she?'

Rory was already running, but he stopped, turned at the question, 'She's my wife!'

'Do you love her?' Sander said in a quiet, dead tone. His eyes were so cold through the mask, as he eyed Rory.

'Yes, more than anything,' Rory answered, quickly, clearly. Honestly.

'That's good,' Sander said, voice dwindling away to nothing. 'That's very, very good.'

But Rory was already gone. He was running to meet back up with the Doctor. They would be going, now. Mara had planted the false relays and fake boarding logs at the Schofeldt spaceport. The Doctor would find them, and he would drift off back into space, away from them all. Sander turned. His job was done.

'Elsa...' He breathed, his own personal mantra. It was good that Rory loved Amy. It gave the whole situation a pleasant symmetry.

He knew how Rory was feeling now. So easy to predict what he would do.


Amy swung towards Sander as he re-entered the alley, 'What did you do?' She demanded, striding down the alley to grab him by the shoulders.

'Nothing,' Sander replied, shrugging away from her hands.

'If you've hurt him-'

'He's fine!' Sander called over his shoulder. 'I just sent him on his way, is all. Directed him to the bogus relays.'

'Oh, and that didn't seem suspicious to you? Because we can't afford to fuck this up, boss,' Mara stretched away from the wall she had been leaning against, watching over Sander's shoulder as Amy pursued him.

'What did you do, Sander?' Amy yelled. Sander shot Mara a questioning look.

'I released her from those last few orders, when it became clear that the Doctor wouldn't suddenly swoop down in his magic box and kill us all,' Mara shrugged. 'Seriously, though, are you sure you did a good thing?'

'Yes, I'm sure!' Sander snapped. 'Rory will find the Doctor, and they'll both fly away. We'll probably need to change some things around back at the base, since they've probably seen the cells and everything now. Y'know, make it seem like we've changed location. Now, will Amy be a good girl and cooperate with us for the rest of our little vacation?'

Mara grinned, caught on to the game, 'Or will we have to punish her? As if you had to ask!'

'I hate you two,' Amy muttered darkly. Her pretty eyes flashed with anger, and fear, and all-consuming concern for Rory. Sander took her face in his hands, firmly enough to stop her from pulling away.

'I didn't hurt him,' He said, looking her full in the eyes. The raging, wrathful emotions seemed to die down, just a little.

'Well, whatever,' Amy said. It was hard to read her expression through the mask, but her eyes said plenty.

'I'm getting bored...' Mara yawned. 'So very, very bored.'

'Yeah, probably not a good idea to stick around, ladies.' Sander clapped his hands together. He offered his arm to Amy, 'Shall we?'

Grudgingly, Amy linked arms with her captor and allowed him to lead her out onto the street- a very definitely different street to the one they had just been on. It was only a short walk until they were once again standing in front of Shangri-La.

'Well then, shall we begin the games?' Sander wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Amy shook her head flatly, prompting Sander and Mara to shrug in unison. They led her through the glass doors, then through the back to the elevator. Sander made a point of winking at Pearl as they passed her.

Back in the suite, Sander conscientiously locked the door, then pulled Mara aside, 'So, how're we going to play this one?' He whispered in her ear.

Mara shrugged, 'Get naughty?' She suggested.

Sander laughed, then went silent, 'No, seriously. We have no plan.'

'Sander, you spent thirteen years constructing an elaborate secret base on an asteroid hurtling through space; the whole point of which was to displace a woman through time, stealing her away and then concealing her from a nine-hundred and three year old alien who can travel through time. You should be able to figure out what you should do with a room full of expensive sex toys and two beautiful women. In at least half the time.'

Sander's brow furrowed. He opened his mouth to say something, and closed it again. He repeated the process, his eyes almost crossing with the effort of constructing a snappy comeback. He gave up.

'Goddamn it, Mara...'

Mara shook her head, blonde hair flowing around her. Her ice-blue eyes sparkled in that particular way; she was thinking. That was never good.

'Alright, you slow bastard. Follow my lead. Amy!' Mara snapped her fingers, never taking her eyes off Sander.

Amy sighed and rolled her eyes, pulling at the straps of her dress. It simply could not be a good thing; being this used to being naked around one's kidnappers. Her black dress pooled around her ankles, leaving Amy bare. She gestured widely with her hands, as if to say "happy now?"

Mara laughed, briskly stepping out of her own dress. Underneath she was as naked as Amy, an image that made Sander blink at her in disbelief.

'Oh, you are awesome!' He laughed, applauding her. Mara gave a huge, theatrical bow. Sander stared at her every motion, watching the play of tightly toned muscles beneath her perfect, pale skin. She looked up, saw him watching, and grinned.

'Okay, so you definitely, definitely like what you see,' She said with a rough giggle. 'Well, I guess I do owe you a little something... Come here.'

She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close, standing on the tips of her toes to press her lips against his. Sander's eyes widened, then closed as he felt Mara poke him in the back and glare at him from their uncomfortably close distance.

Mara was known for committing totally to every action she took; her tongue worked against Sander's, practically sucking the breath from his lungs. He could feel the warmth of her skin pressed against the fine cloth of his shirt, the soft, weighty feel of her breasts against his chest. She broke the kiss, spinning away from him and giving a long, throaty laugh.

'Holy hell!' Sander gasped, drawing in a huge breath. Mara shook her head.

'Don't read too much into it, boss man. Sometimes a kiss is just a kiss. So follow that logic now, no matter what happens.' She stepped closer to him, all lithe grace and intoxicating beauty. Out of the corner of his eye, Sander could see that Amy had taken a seat on the bed and was staring around the room with a bored expression. Normally, that would bother him, but right now he was unable to think of anything but the naked woman in front of him.

'I'm just asking that you don't fall in love with me,' Mara grinned wolfishly, winking at him. Sander gave a little laugh, in the back of his throat, and nodded. Mara slithered down, onto her knees, and lifted her hands to divest Sander of his belt in a single, shockingly strong tug.

'You are an interesting woman, you know that?' Sander cocked his head to one side as Mara unzipped his fly.

'I strive for interesting,' Mara answered almost immediately, without diverting her eyes from the task at hand. 'In everything. Just so you know, I don't usually go for many men. Humanity has spread across a thousand worlds, and every one of them contains the same three types of man: alpha-male, new-age, and assholes. I guess this makes you interesting, too.' She smiled, then leaned in, sliding the head of his cock into the warm confines of her beautiful mouth.

Sander groaned as Mara's tongue went mobile, sweeping over every inch of the stiffening member. Her lips formed a tight O, sweeping down to the base, tongue pressed flat against the underside. In seconds, Sander was completely, achingly hard inside Mara's skilled mouth.

She pulled away, making Sander follow her with his hips. She shook her head, licking the head of his cock one final time before removing her mouth completely. She knelt there, staring up at him slyly, her long fingers slowly caressing his swollen member. Her free hand extended, pointed at Amy.

'Amy!' She barked, gesturing to a spot on the carpet beside her. Amy made a frustrated noise, but joined Mara on the floor regardless. Two pairs of sparkling eyes stared up at Sander, and he wondered just what, exactly, he had done in a past life to incur such good fortune.

'Well? What do you wanna do now, boss?' Mara grinned, one hand absently tracing up and down Amy's back, the other up and down Sander's dick.

Sander didn't need to think, he already knew, 'I want to fuck you, Mara.' He said through gritted teeth, straining with frustration against the blonde's teasing touch. Mara gave a tinkling, bright laugh.

'I like that plan!' Amy piped up, shifting her weight from knee to knee. 'You two should do that. I'd just be a third wheel.'

'That's an outmoded expression...' Mara mused. 'Anyway, your suggestion is noted, Sander. All in good time. But why rush things? Both of us are down here... Use your imagination, Sander...' She purred. 'For example...'

Mara's hand entwined itself into Amy's hair, pushing her forward. She had a strong grip, and Amy had no choice but to open her mouth as she was pushed closer to Sander's crotch. Mara gently rubbed the tip along the rounded curve of Amy's lips, tracing it around the soft skin again and again, fingers clenched to keep Amy immobile.

'Surely you want this, too? Right, Sander?' She whispered, biting her lower lip. She had to admit, this was working for her, too.

'Yes, dammit!' Sander hissed, fists clenched at his sides. He had the strange feeling that making any sudden moves himself would somehow break the spell, and Mara would lose interest in playing. Below him, Amy whimpered, not daring to close her mouth for the same reason, and Sander almost lost it.

'I think he likes you, Amy,' Mara giggled. 'And I think that a part of you is liking this treatment too. Why don't you show him how willing you are, and maybe we'll show you how much we like you. If you're good.'

Mara positioned Sander's prick at Amy's lips, and pushed forward, as gently as she could. Amy's mouth engulfed Sander, taking him down as deep as she could with one stroke. There was something different going on. Something in the air. Mara hadn't used the collar or anything, but Amy could tell that she was running the show now. She really didn't want to know what would happen if she disobeyed.

'It's all one big love-fest right here...' Mara said dreamily as she watched Amy perform orally.

They watched, the statuesque blonde and the dark-eyed man, as the young redhead bobbed her head as energetically as she could. He savored the moment, his cock disappearing between her soft, pink lips. Mara watching with undisguised interest, the fingers of her right hand rubbing slowly between her legs. There were very few perfect moments in life; one needed to commit every detail of them to memory. It helped to know that they were there, when times were a little rougher.

'So, where do you want to... end up, I guess?' Mara said.

'You already know where,' Sander rumbled, mind enflamed and the alpha-male within in total control. He withdrew from Amy and lifted Mara bodily from the floor and tossed her onto the bed, where she bounced, naked flesh jiggling enticingly.

'Oh yeah?' Mara smirked. 'Fuck, alright! Bring it on, if you think you can handle me!' Her eyes were burning with intense desire and a vague challenge.

'That's what I wanted to hear!' Sander gave a razor-edged grin and charged the bed himself. Mara's long, graceful legs parted to allow him to step between them. Sander lifted calves that curved into delicate, beautiful feet onto his shoulders. His hands caressed down her thighs, as he slid deeply into her in one smooth motion. She moaned, her eyes capturing his and holding them with her strong, ice blue gaze. He began his first, slow thrusts into her welcoming depths, eyes shackled to hers, searching for... something. The connection had been made; it would be impossible to tear himself away from the perfect clarity of her stare.