Doctor's Cure Ch. 01

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Tense wife can find relief in the hands of the right doctor.
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My friend Bill has a wife who has been edgy and nervous, probably from pressure at work but also due to issues in her home life.

Bill and I have known each other for a few years, and I've met his wife Daisy several times. Bill said that she had recently become touchy and withdrawn. Over coffee, he told me that he can hardly stand it at home because Daisy is always impatient with him and snappy.

"It's just not like her. Not like the wife I used to have," he told me.

I tried to sympathize with him and ask questions to see if I might have some ideas to help him.

Bill also talked about recurring medical problems that restrict his activity more and more. Nothing lethal, he just needs to reduce his heart rate and be careful about exerting himself too much.

I asked, "Do you think Daisy is reacting to her work or to concern about your condition, or both?"

Bill answered, "It could be both. I know she's under stress at work," and added, "she just doesn't seem to relax or to enjoy relaxing anymore."

I'm not sure why I thought of this, but I asked, "Bill, do you mind if I ask a personal question?"

"No, not at all," he replied.

"How's the sex life in your marriage?"

Bill smiled, then got serious, "Well, when we were young we were plenty active in that department, but it's been a long time since we really did it."

I was getting interested, "Like how long?"

Bill thought a moment, "Something like six months, I guess."

We sipped on coffee for a few moments, then I said, "Something is causing Daisy to be like this. It could be work or worry. But sexual satisfaction could be a big part of the problem, don't you?"

My cock was squirming as I thought about his cute wife needed to be fucked.

Bill pondered what I said, "Yeah, I suppose that could be true, but she never signals interest, and even if she did, my energy level isn't there anymore. I mean, I could do it, but I guess my condition sends off negative vibes to her."

I decided to take the plunge and said, "This could be caused any number of things, Bill, and if it about her bodily relaxation and pleasure, there are some things you could do to help her."

"Like what?" he said.

"Well, there's a bunch of things that husbands and wives do, but I don't know what's possible for you and Daisy."

"Go on," Bill said.

"To start with, there are marital aids, you know, like dildos and vibrators and mechanical stuff that might be helpful."

Bill smiled, "Years ago we tried some of those, but they sort of left us both cold. They were too impersonal."

"I know what you mean," I said. "I once had a girlfriend who had an elaborate gizmo in her home that she could mount and fuck herself with a machine. It surprised me, and she let me watch her on it once. But it didn't really excite me."

Changing the direction of our chat, I told Bill, "An old friend of mine is a doctor who specializes in neurology and gynecology. He told me that this problem you're having is common in married couples as they grow older. Would you and Daisy consider consulting with a doctor?"

Bill looked thoughtful. The idea of counseling was not appealing, but consulting a doctor did make sense to him. "That's a possibility," he said.

"If you want, I'd be glad to give you an introduction. He is Dr. Frederick James. You can look him up or I can have him contact you."

Fred James and I had been roommates in college and friends ever since. Back then, I gave him the nickname "Donkey" because Fred had what has to be a world class cock. In the showers, even the guys would check out his appendage. It was thicker and longer than any of the other guys, and he got a lot of teasing.

Once I barged into our room while Fred was giving himself a hand job, and that's when I fully appreciated what a really big dick looked like. He just smiled at me and kept on pumping what looked like a foot long cock.

Wouldn't you know he would go into gynecology? He once jokingly told me, "I went into it for the pussy, and it's a gold mine, but of course my work involved life and death situations. It's never fun and games, but the ladies do undress for me."

When Bill and I left that day, he said he would ask Daisy about seeing Dr. James.

As soon as I got home, I called Fred. "Hi, Fred. Listen, I referred a friend of mine to you. His wife has been nervous, tense, and you may be able to help them."

Dr. James listened, then said, "Tell me more."

"Well," I said, "Tell you the truth, Bill's wife has been under stress at work, and he told me that at home he hasn't been able to perform his husbandly duties like he used to."

Fred jumped in, "And you think that maybe I can solve their problems?"

"Exactly," I replied. "But I don't know if the problem is really medical."

"Chances are, you're right," the doctor told me. "You'd be surprised at the number of wives who see me who have the same issue. There are a few medications that sometimes help, but for most of them,...."

Before he could finish his thought, I jumped in, "Most of them just need a good fucking, right?"

Fred laughed, "Well, yes, frankly. They're relieved to find out there's nothing medically wrong, but then it becomes my job to talk to them, or to the husband, too, about the likely solution."

"What do you say?" I asked.

"Depends on the situation. It can be very tricky. But in a professional situation like a doctor's office visit, I do have certain freedom to speak frankly. The best approach is usually to ask about the wife's sexual satisfaction. Wearing my lab coat, the women usually feel free to talk about it."

I interrupted, "Hang on Fred, just hearing this is making my cock start to squirm."

"Ha," he replied, "mine too!"

"How often does this situation come up?" I asked.

Fred answered, "Not every day, that's for sure, but at least once every couple of months."

"So," I asked him, "how does talking about their sex lives lead to a solution?"

"Some become embarrassed and don't say too much. They just acknowledge the situation, thank me, and go home. Others seem relieved to talk, and that's when I suggest ways they might change things with their husbands, add romance, maybe marital aids, lubricants, positions."

I stopped him, "Let me get this straight. You've just examined these wives, watched them take off their panties, had them naked on your exam table, had your face practically in their pussies, and now you're talking with them about increasing their sexual satisfaction?"

"Yep, pretty much," he said. "It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it."

"Fred, I'm just dying here thinking about you having this talk with Daisy," I said. "She's very pretty, lean and strong, and a natural blonde. What I wouldn't give to do what you do!"

Fred laughed, "If the patient indicates any degree of comfort with the conversation, I then directly talk about orgasms. I just ask them if they routinely have orgasms, how often, how intense, etc. I tell them how important it is for them to have orgasms, and the more frequent and more intense, the better. I tell them it's just a good sexual health practice and that it has side benefits of reducing stress."

"Oh boy," I said. "What if they answer that they don't have orgasms or haven't in a long time?"

Fred kept going, "That's when I take things to another level."

"There are levels?" I asked.

"Well, let's just say the doctor and patient relationship allows me to talk about things that men and women as friends might not."

"Go on," I said.

"I simply ask them if their husbands can bring them to orgasm, then find out how skilled the husband may be in touching her in the right places. I ask about oral sex, and I ask about masturbation. Somewhere in this part of the office visit, the wife usually blushes."

"I bet she does," I said.

Fred continued, "Then I offer to show her two loose leaf binders of illustrations. One has the range of lubricant products, marital aids such as dildos and some electronic devices, even some S&M looking restraints."

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Do any of these illustrations have models in them?"

"Yes," Fred answered, "but not x-rated photos."

I asked, "You said there were two binders."

"Right," Fred said. "Before I show her the second one, I ask if she would be all right with more explicit images. Then I explain that achieving satisfaction and orgasms need not require equipment or elaborate planning. Most often, I explain, Mother Nature is best."

"Mother Nature?" I asked.

"Absolutely," Fred told me. "If she agrees to see more explicit images, the second binder has photos of a couple in intimate poses, step by step, going through the process of what you and I would call a good old fashioned screwing."

"You sit together and look at the images?" I asked.

"Yes," Fred replied. "But I explain things as if it were clinical, pointing out that the models were selected for the purpose of illustrating successful copulation. The female is probably in her early thirties, and her pubic hair has been waxed. The sight of an attractive woman with a bald pussy sometimes causes my patient to stare. I always explain how the hair is removed and comment that it is common and can be done in spas or in my office."

"Damn, Fred," I said, "you are giving me something extra nice to jerk off to later today."

"Always glad to be of help, old friend," he replied.

"But what always attracts the patient's attention is the size of the male's penis," Fred explained. The model is an older man with a good solid physique, and his cock is choice A-1 first class pussy buster."

I was gasping by now.

Fred went on, "The photos illustrate the couple standing side by side, then she is reclined on an exam or massage table with her legs pulled up and parted as the male approaches with a fully erect cock that's in the ten inch range and super thick. First, he licks her pussy gently with just the tip of his tongue touching her, then more forcefully with the flat of his tongue lapping her like a dog. He rests his cock on her pussy lips, then slowly begins his penetration. As all this is happening, there are secondary images of the woman's facial reactions at every point. This is important because it conveys her feelings."

"And these patients look at all this as part of your professional advice?" I asked.

"Surprisingly, yes," he said. "Of course, I am careful not to bring out the binders if I sense the patient is resisting what I've already said."

"Where did you find the models?" I asked him. "Were they just porn models?"

"No, not at all," Fred told me. "The woman is one of my former nurses, and the male is me."

"Holy shit!" I yelled. "Don't your patients recognize you?"

"No, because you never see the male's face in the photos. And even if you did, the ladies seems to only stare at his, or my, cock."

"Once you show a patient these photos, what's next? Is that just the end of the session?"

Fred told me, "It might be. But I tell them that for proper satisfaction, their husbands may not be able to provide the right sized penis. I tell them that sometimes a large dildo will bring on strong orgasms, but most women prefer an actual warm human being and the excitement and fun of knowing that they have caused the erection on a man with such a big dick. Of course, I don't say it exactly in those words."

"Let me guess," I asked, "do you offer to fuck your patients?"

"Heavens' no," Fred told me. "Any session like this ends with my closing the binders and having a sincere conversation with the patient. I ask them, 'How do you feel about all this?' And then give them a chance to express themselves. I tell them they can discuss things with their husbands, try some of the devices we talked about, or come back together to discuss remedies. I like to leave it there and let them go home and stew over our meeting."

He went on, "If they contact me again to follow up, I usually have two plans. One is ask them to make an appointment to see me, get them to drop their panties again and get onto my exam table, then get them to sample an oil or ointment. I separate the lips of their pussy and let a few drops fall onto the clitoral area, then I use my finger to gently stimulate her clit to see how quickly she responds. I tell them it's just a test of her sensitivity. Generally, the wife moans and shudders, and then I stop."

"You stop?" I asked.

"Yes, I remove my hand and turn away to give her a bit of privacy. Then I might say, "Everything seems to be working, but let yourself rest a bit then we'll try it again." Just telling her that sets her expectation of another touching of her pussy. She starts to anticipate pleasure. That alone is part of the process. After three or four minutes, I return and repeat the same motions, maybe for a bit longer this time. If possible, I like to repeat this four or five times or until she loses control from just my slight gentle touches."

"You make her cum?"

"I do my best," said the doctor. "But it must be done very subtly so that the patient does not feel that she's been intentionally made to have an orgasm. If she feel that it was her mistake to go over the edge, that's ethical. Otherwise, I'd be liable to a charge of malpractice."

"Is that it?" I asked.

"It can be. But some want follow up appointments, and I know exactly what they want. I'm careful not to take the initiative but to let them make the calls and the appointments. I sometimes ask them if they would like to bring their husband. If that happens, I just ask them questions and let them do the talking. I've had occasions where the wife will allow me to demonstrate the proper way to apply lubricants and how to stimulate her. It's amazing, but as a doctor they accept me in situations with nudity and even sexual contact."

"What about that second binder?" I asked. "What about an actual fucking?"

"Ah, you've asked the big question," said Fred. "As you can imagine, I am very careful about that. Only if the patient or her husband asks me about how to arrange for something like that or how to find a trustworthy and discrete male with an enormous endowment, only then will I offer to make arrangements."

"But they don't know it's you," I said.

"Right," replied Fred. "Actually, I know of two other gynecologists who have the same interests as me, and who are immanently qualified in the dick department. They live in other cities, but we share assignments when called upon."

"Oh come on, Fred!" I finally said, "Are you kidding me?"

"Nope," he said, "on a case by case basis, depending on the appeal of the wife to be fucked, we each probably travel two or three times a year to do the job."

Fred interrupted, "Well, I see that while we've been talking your friend Daisy has called to make an appointment with me."

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wildhunterwildhunterover 2 years ago

You are surely going to continue- right?

devilspydevilspyover 8 years ago

Always best for wife and cuckold to ask for it. Mostly the wife.

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