Doctor's Exam Tests Shauna's Limits

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Shauna's carnal pursuits turn to the good family Doctor.
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Shauna rolls into the parking lot and kills the engine. She sits there for a very long time, absorbed in her thoughts. It is a daring plan. Beyond daring, it is stupid.

And yet...

And yet, the thought of it actually working sends her into fits of ecstasy.

She and Fred always had 'a thing' going on. He was the tall, sexy, incredibly handsome friend that Ralph introduced her to AFTER they were already dating. Perhaps Ralph worried that she'd jump ship. That was never in her plans. However, jumping Fred's bones, well that was another story entirely. Shauna secretly lusted after Fred since the day she met him. Since then, Ralph made the irreparable error of mentioning that his buddy Fred has a giant dick. That is something that Shauna was not likely to forget. Ever.

Her family doctor flew to India for a family emergency a few months earlier. It doesn't look like Dr Kalil is coming back anytime soon. To Shauna, that spells pure opportunity. Fred's secretary doesn't blink when she sets up an appointment for a 'meet and greet'. Before taking on a new patient, Doctors set up a preliminary meeting to establish whether they will engage in the relationship. It is typically just a formality. Sometimes it includes a preliminary screening and physical examination.

Today, it will be anything but a formality.

She recognizes the receptionist immediately. Although she's never met Gladys, Fred told tons of stories about the old battle-ax.

"You're a new patient?" Gladys growls, clearly not impressed by the extra work a new patient requires.

"Yes. I'm hoping that I can start seeing Dr Fred."

"He prefers Doctor Armand," she quips, the bite unfiltered.

"Sorry. Of course. Dr Armand." Shauna reminds herself that she's in Gladys' house.

"Fill these out." Gladys dumps a clipboard on the counter and turns back to her computer. She's less than thrilled.

She's even less thrilled when Shauna returns the completed paperwork a few minutes later. Gladys lowers her reading glasses to the edge of her nose, ready to lacerate the unsuspecting student if the paperwork is less than satisfactory.

"You don't live near here," she notes.

"That's not a problem, is it?"

"No, just saying. It's unusual."

"I'm fine to drive."

"I'm sure you are," she sighs, "Everything seems to be in order. Maria will send you in when the room is free. We're ahead of schedule today so it shouldn't be long."

Shauna tingles as her mind vaults ahead. Her revelry is broken by Maria's sudden appearance. Shauna gasps and wonders if her thoughts are plastered all over her face. Maria doesn't seem to notice as she leads Shauna down the hallway. They pass a room with a closed door and Shauna's heartbeat soars when she hears his voice! It's unmistakable. Her pussy tingles.

Maria deposits the patient in the next available room and leaves her with the door closed. Shauna quickly considers her options. Too bold and she'll get kicked out instantly. Too demure and she won't be believable. She needs to find that sweet spot, to get attention for her sweet spot.

Footsteps approach. Her heart explodes. He opens the door and walks in without looking up from his chart. He reads the name, looks up and his eyes sprawl with disbelief.

What The FUCK is my best friend's wife doing here?

"Sh-shauna?" he stumbles.

Get your composure man! Just because you've always had the hots for her doesn't mean you can take advantage of your position. Professionalism. Professionalism. Professionalism.

While Fred chants his internal mantra, desperate to regain his composure against the shock, Shauna feels completely out of her depth.

"H'Lo Doc," she whispers. Her strength is leaving her just when she needs it most. She refocuses. Can't lose it now.

"Does Ralph-..."



She shrugs. "I needed to see someone. And I wanted it to be you." She holds his eyes at the last words, hoping they smolder and convey the message she's so desperately broadcasting. She drinks him in. Over six and a half feet tall. Broad shoulders and powerful arms. Tree trunk legs hiding... she shivers ... hiding another tree within. He's a giant and every woman since the dawn of time has wanted him. Shauna has decided that she not only wants him, but she is going to have him too.

Dr Armand shakes himself back to the moment. He'd been caught off guard, but he's been doing this for a long time. On the other hand, he's wanted her for an even longer time.

"Ahem, sorry I don't mean to make this awkward. My apologies, Shauna."

"Oh no! I should have called ahead and given you fair warning. But honestly, Fred, the look on your face was worth it!" They share a laugh. The tension subsides, but is immediately replaced by something else that neither of them understand. But they both recognize it. Neither turns away.

"It sure was! You could have knocked me over with a feather," Fred laughs.

"Imagine if I had disrobed."

"I don't have to imagine. Isn't that what you're here for? A physical?" He tries to take the eagerness out of his tone. He coughs, "I mean, I have time to make sure you're clicking on all cylinders. Only if you want, of course."

"Sort of. I mean, yes. Yes," she nods, "That would be really great Fred." She purrs his name, hoping like hell that it was subtle.

"Here, sit up on the table. You know, that paper robe is designed to close in the back."

Shauna dutifully complies. She's wonders whether her dripping cunt will saturate the paper and give her away. She squirms with delight, sinfully praying that it will. She thinks he notices and looks away. He's testing with his eyes. She doesn't influence his direction. If he wants her, he will have to take her. She won't give herself to him.

She delivered herself. That's true.

But delivering and giving are two very different things.

It is in his hands now, she thinks. Roll them fuzzy dice, girl.

She recognizes his boyish nervousness bubbling to the surface. It has always made her adore him. She thinks he's glorious when he tries to hide his discomfort.

"Let's cover off the basics," he says, his eyes pretending to scan the chart. He tosses the clipboard onto a chair and loosens his tie. She notes a rosy hue creep across his face. The bait is in the water.

"I'm just going to do some standard checks," he says.

"Of course Doctor, I am in your hands."

He approaches her and places his hands on her neck. She's sweating and her heart hammers like a piston. Doctor Fred plunges his fingers into the flesh of her neck, feeling for irregularities in the area. His fingers graze her carotid and he notes its frenzied pulse.

"Are you alright, Shauna? You seem a little flushed." He hates himself for asking her that. He worries for a breathless moment that he's broken the spell. He realizes the game requires a certain degree of aloofness to certain details. He let his mask slip and the spell hung in the balance.

She doesn't respond. She catches his eyes, seeking to determine what answer he wants. She simply nods.

Fates be damned. Push ahead man! Before you lose your resolve!

"I'm just going to listen to your heart. Sorry, this might be cold," he chuckles as he breathes onto the stethoscope. Her robe, already open in the front to dangerous proportions, reveals more skin as he peels it back. As the stethoscope descends, he's greeted by the appearance of a pretty pink nipple atop a perfect globe. He'd been a distant admirer of her tits for years. He never understood why she went for a guy like Ralph. He tries to turn his thoughts away from unprofessional pursuits. But a glance down her robe and they resurface. He catches a glimpse of golden pubes as her robe separates for a moment when she adjusts herself. He's in murky water and he knows it.

"I bet my heart is pretty fast right now, sorry Doc," she volunteers as he removes the scope and steps back. "I do have a lot of things on my mind these days. I feel like I'm going through changes."

"What sort of changes? Are our age, things start to get a little weird with our bodies."

"I don't know how much of it is physical and how much is mental. But I have been having urges that are difficult to explain, and impossible to resist."

He swallows. "What sort of urges?"

She shrugs.

"I'm going to conduct an examination of your lymph system, including your breasts. Are you comfortable with that?"

"You're the Doctor," she quips.

Her trembling fingers peel her robe apart. The room felt warm a moment ago, but now the open air on her exposed breasts flays her. The heat rushes in a moment later in a crimson flush that swells across her neck and chest. And worst of all, her nipples stand at full attention.

She'd give anything for him to pinch one. She shivers.

His hands flow out to her, starting at her neck. He feels along the jawline. Her skin is on fire as his fingers probe her. She struggles to stifle a whimper. Afraid it will betray her, she locks her jaw and tightens her lips. Her mouth begs to fall open with her tongue hanging out as she pants in heat for this man.

He stares at the top of her head, but his eyes keep flipping back to the majestic melons he's dreamed about countless times. They're both playing a game now. He recognizes the signs. Doctor Fred has had his share of pussy and he knows a willing player when he sees one. Her chest heaves. He knows it has everything to do with his touch. He throws caution to the wind and takes a leap of faith. He drops his hands and turns to retrieve the clipboard "accidentally" brushing each of her nipples. He is rewarded with her instant and visceral response. She bolts upright and trembles, her lips part slightly as a low hum escapes. She wants to scream at him. She wants to demand that he vigorously massage her breasts and send her into orbit. Shauna's nipples beg to be touched again, the brief contact whetting her appetite. Her body instinctively pushes toward him as he pretends to scan the chart. She feels the heat emanating from him and smells his powerful male aura. She considers laying it all out on the table, literally, but understands that she is no longer in command of this game. She is in his house. These are his rules. If they play, they play his game.

But she knows that he knows. And she's still there. She realizes that he should have kicked her out by now. But he hasn't. He hasn't.

The game is very much afoot. Or a dick. Or a pussy. She grins mischievously.

"Lay back Shauna. Here, put your feet up here. Yes, that's right."

She feels her pussy lips peel apart and separate as she exposes herself to him. She fixates on the ceiling tiles. She can't imagine looking into his eyes with her pussy on full display. He snaps on some gloves and the sound makes her tingle with cascading sparkles. The desire to be spanked by the neoprene-covered hand floods her mind. She imagines the sound wafting to the waiting room. She feels the need to be bad. It is all she can do to keep herself from saying, "fuck it" and taking her shot.

Arousal emerges in its purest form. He smells it wafting up from her. Her pussy is drenched, of course. She doesn't even try to hide it from him. She can't. The sight of the speculum in his hands brings her to the threshold of an orgasm. The tool looks space age, comprised of translucent plastic with an internal blue tinge and a light adorned at the head. The entire thing is wired for tech and ready to light up like a Christmas tree. It looks tiny in his massive hand.

"Standard procedure which I'm sure you've had the pleasure of experiencing routinely in your annual physicals."

"Um, no Fred, this is different."

He glances up and holds her eyes. When they break contact, his eyes slide down her body and he sees the truth in her words. She crossed another line with her statement. She flushed it out into the open. His eyes bore into her vagina, mesmerized as though he was an expectant young man instead of an experienced doctor. He shakes his head, resetting his nerves.

"Well, yes, we have known each other a long time and this is the first time we've seen each other professionally." His voice quivers. She gives no indication that she's noticed. The unspoken quotient in the formula is the fact that Shauna and Fred have always had an underlying sexual tension to their relationship. Mutual attraction is obvious, but now, a potential willingness to push the envelope further enters the arena.

He clumsily inserts the speculum. He feels like a rookie, forgetting to even warn her. Her sharp indrawn breath breaks the silence in the room. She's frozen like a deer in his headlights. She fears that even the slightest movement or sound might break the spell. She wants it to last forever. The cool plastic is unpleasant, but the fact that He put it there creates pleasure on its own. He flicks on the light and does a quick scan. He falls back into his old routine, nodding in his absent way when everything checks out. It is his shield against whatever-this-is.

A glistening thread of mucous links the speculum and vagina as he pulls out. She's wet. Obviously and obscenely wet. He wishes that he could think of an excuse, any potentially plausible medical reason, to slide one, two, or three fingers into her steaming cunt. She's on fire and he knows that she'd be cumming upon insertion. He lets his mind roam and imagines her squirming on his examination table as he manipulates her with an experienced hand. He knows that if he could bridge that gap, he'd have her eating out of his hand forever. Her nipples appear painfully erect and push through the thin fabric of the robe. She licks her lips when she thinks he isn't looking.

It is now or never.

He knows Shauna. He's heard the whispers over the years and he knows that look in her eyes. Fred feels fairly certain that she'd let him unleash his python and slide it into her. Despite being big, he knows that he'd go in to the balls on the first stroke. She is beyond ready.

He can't risk it. He wants to, but the reward is dwarfed by the jeopardy. His nurse routinely enters after a brisk knock. He can't push his luck that far.

But he also can't help himself.

"You know, Shauna, everything looks good. I just want to take a closer peek at the area around your clitoris. It's probably nothing, but I just need to check out the consistency and resiliency of the skin around it. Is that alright?"


He dives in, his strong right hand sliding up her thigh casually. Ownership. Power. Command. He is in the driver's seat now, as he ever was. She's captivated by his machinations, desperate to know what he will do next. Her eyes widen slightly and her nostrils flare with excitement. She wants to moan but guards against it insofar as she is able.

His index finger runs along the outside of her labia, driving toward the clit. He discovers the hooded target fully engorged and throbbing. Softly he runs his fingers along the skin around it, careful not to engage directly with it. It provides enough stimulation to push Shauna to the edge of madness. Her hips drive against his hand, and she yearns to be filled. A growl emanates from her throat and she counts it fortunate that it isn't a high pitched moan. She marks the fact that she is no longer in control of her body or of her moans. He makes her cum and grants her the release she needs. But the full release that she desires is still deprived to her. She yearns to be filled by him. She yearns to experience the full extent of his sexuality. The separation between them is unbearable. Despite the minor concession, there's a gulf between Doctor and Patient.

She is unprepared for the swell of emptiness that descends the moment he breaks contact. It elicits a sharp breath. Her hips trace his finger, rising from the table in a futile attempt to keep the pleasure rolling.

He turns away. Her heart drops. He runs the water in the sink and washes his hands.

"Everything seems to be working quite well. Do you have any issues?"

"Not enough action."

He freezes. She sees that he's struggling to cultivate a comeback. She laughs nervously. He laughs along, relieved for the reprieve to gain his composure.

"Well, be it as that may be so, I'm sure that I can prescribe some blue pills for old Ralph if you think he needs a little extra kick." Now she knows he's teasing, but goes along with it.

"That sounds good Doc. I believe in the saying 'use it or lose it'. Since I've ramped up my carnal activities, I've definitely been enjoying sex a lot more. I find myself more obsessed by it than I've been in years."

He notes that she didn't refer to Ralph in her expose on her renewed libido. He knows she's sending him a signal. He's not blind. Fred knows when someone throws themselves at him.

Still, Ralph... They've been best buds since University. There are limits. Right?

Still, he never shook the thought that he met Shauna one week too late. Many times he was certain she'd kick Ralph to the curb and come seek him out. Eventually, he got tired of waiting and moved on. He never expected to get another shot.

"If you're serious about becoming my patient full time Shauna, I'll need to see you more regularly. I'm going to send you for some blood work and baseline testing. I'll have Gladys call over to Doctor Kalil's office and have your records couriered over. Sounds good?"

"You bet Fred. I mean Doc. I'll be seeing a lot more of you and you'll be seeing a lot more of me, too."

Fred shoots her a look, certain that she is blatantly flirting. And yet, there is also an innocent explanation. At first he thought he was reading into it, until he witnessed her obvious heightened arousal. He's a trained observer of human physiology. She wants to fuck him. This is certain. He just doesn't know if he wants to take the risk. He's already pushed the envelope with the prolonged clitoral stimulation...

"Shauna, look," he turns and levels his gaze at her. "Get your blood work done and come back next week. We can revisit your issues at that point and see if this is something we want to address together. With an eye to resolving the issue, of course."

"Of course," she nods. Her imagination reels as forbidden thoughts suddenly explode from the realm of possibility.

It warrants a bold move.

"Tell me, Doctor Fred, do you make house calls?"

"I don't. But if I was to consider it, I'd be most likely to make an exception for a patient I've known for years. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. Just was curious as to what 'special services' you might provide."

"We can explore that on an as-needed basis."

"I have a lot of needs."

"I'm happy to explore that."


He imagines ripping her paper robe to shreds and throwing her on the examination table. He imagines dropping trow and unleashing himself into the steaming cunt that teased him throughout the exam. He imagines covering her mouth with his giant mitt as she screams in ecstasy.

His crotch twitches. He can't believe that his dick is starting to thicken as his arousal spikes. He's a professional and this sort of thing hasn't happened to him since his internship.

"I better get to the next one, Shauna. Um, say hi to Ralph," he mumbles, suddenly nervous. He understands that it is himself that he fears most in this instance. Flight or Fight suddenly aren't the only two possible alternatives to this stress response. Throw Fuck into the mix. And that's what scares him.

I'll take Option 3, Alex. Fuck fuck fuck.

Fuck my practice? Fuck my friendship? Fuck my life?

Somewhat late to the party, Fred's conscience decides to show up.

Fred collects the clip board and strategically hangs it in front of his groin. Mercifully, Shauna nods and mouths her own goodbye. She smiles but he can tell she's torn. She came for more, he knows this now for certain. But he knows that she's also happy with the compromise. He understands that he sent her a very strong "maybe".