Dominant Species Ch. 29-33


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He had found some dark Ray Bans in one of the offices, along with a bandana he used to cover his nose and face. Then he took a blanket and covered himself with it before pushing open the door to the back.

The tractor was still parked there, the trailer used to transport the dead bodies attached to it. He walked around it, thankful that the building was still shading the area. He mentally did the math, then did it again. He even got up onto the trailer and laid down, but no matter how he figured it, the answer was the same.

There wasn't enough room for everyone.

Even if he packed them like sardines, he could only get about half of the one hundred and seven people out of danger. At the speed the tractor could go, he could get them to North Fork, but he could never get back for the rest before sundown.

Math. It always wins.

He went back inside and sat on a crate in the loading dock, trying hard to figure a way out of this mess. Josi came through the door a few minutes later. "Doc? What's going on? Agnes told me you got up and left."

"You don't know? Haven't you talked to Reggie?"

She looked at the ground. "No, I'm still pissed off at him, so I've kept the wall up."

He looked at her with pity in his eyes. "Go, talk to him. Trust me, you need to talk." She looked at him wide eyed, then left him. Ten minutes later, he still had no answers but she had returned, and she had been crying.

"Holy shit," she said. "What do we do?"

"I don't know yet. All I know is that we HAVE to save these people, even from our own people. Also, I need to keep you safe. Reggie has enough going on without having to worry about you." He held out his hand and she sat next to him, leaning into his side as she fought to control her emotions.

Finally, she looked up at him, staring into his good eye. "Marcus, what does it mean that he might have to challenge the Alpha?"

He hesitated, but she was his mate and she had to know. "Challenges are not common, but they can happen. If a wolf believes he is stronger, if he thinks he will be a better Alpha than the one they have, he can try to replace him. In order to make the challenge stick, he needs the support of at least one in four members of the Pack. Those adult wolves need to line up behind him as he makes the challenge at an all Pack meeting. If a quarter of the Pack doesn't support him, the challenge is negated and the challenger is immediately killed by the rest of the Pack. It's a way to ensure that challenges aren't made frivolously, or by someone that isn't worthy of leadership."

She paled as he continued. "If the required number stand in support, the Alpha can concede the challenge and he becomes the new Alpha; the problem with this is that the new Alpha can kill or banish the old one. The other option is to enter the challenge circle, and once you are in, only one can leave."


"That's one way to put it. The two fight in wolf form until one is dead, and the victor is the Alpha."

She sat against him, letting it sink in. "It's a lot to risk, isn't it?"

Marcus hugged her to his side. "It is, just to get to the challenge can be tough. The Pack has grown up under Richard's leadership, they are comfortable with it. They won't shift support to him unless they are convinced he's leading them down the wrong road. That's why he hasn't done it yet. He needs to sound out those people in the Pack, make sure he has the support he needs to even make the challenge."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then he only has two choices, accept his father's leadership or leave. If he leaves, he gives up his right to succeed his father, he forfeits all his property, and he must flee with his family. Just like me."

She hugged his side. "Could you challenge him?"

He laughed. "I suppose I could, but physically I can't beat Richard. He's strong, an experienced fighter and he has both eyes and legs, unlike me. I'm a healer, not a fighter anymore." He looked up at the door. "Those people need me. I was out here trying to figure out if I could take them with me, the North Fork pack would take them in, but it won't work. Not enough room, not fast enough. Even if I could drive up there in the daytime, I can't get them all there. I can maybe fit fifty in the trailer, and nothing else in town is running."

"So what do we do?" She looked up at him, concern etched on her young face.

"What's this oui stuff? Are you French now?" She elbowed him. "You aren't doing anything. Now that I know I can't leave, it's important you get out. I'll send you up into the mountains where you can meet up with Rachel and Raven, then both of you request sanctuary with Alpha Calvin."

"What about you? Are you just going to stay here and get killed?"

Marcus laughed. "No, I'd be in a lot of trouble with my family if I went and did that." He put his sunglasses on. "I have to go see some people. I'll be back before dark. Can you watch things here?"

She nodded as he got up. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Reggie is lucky to have you. You are strong, a born leader, and you care. Never lose that."

He pulled the blanket over him and pushed through the door into the sunlight. Josi closed her eyes, she had a lot to figure out, but part of it was why that sounded like a goodbye to her. She reached out to Reggie through the bond. "Reggie? Love?"

"My Josi... why are you so worried?"

"I talked to Marcus, and he explained what you were talking about when you said you might challenge the Alpha. Reggie, you can't do this because of me. I'm not worth it."

Reggie's love surged through their new bond to her, its warmth filling her. "You are worth anything Josi, even my life if that is needed. It isn't all about you, though. I could live with a father that resents who the Goddess selected as my mate, and thinks you weaken me and my family. I know in my heart that you would make him eat those words, for when your wolf comes she will be a strong one."


"No, love, it's about doing what is right. I was mad about how Marcus did it, but now I know why he did and why trying to convince my father of it was futile. He's a better man than me, but I will fight for you, and fight for what is right in this world."

She was so proud of him, it hurt. "Marcus said you want me to leave with his family."

"Yes, it's important that you be safe so I can focus on what I have to do. Let Alpha Calvin know what is going on, and go back and stay with your friends until I come for you." He sent his love over the bond again. "And make no mistake, I WILL come for you. Nothing and no one will stop me from being with you."

"You better. I have plans for you, Reggie. One night with you is nowhere near enough for me."


Reggie exited the bedroom, a smile on his face. So far, he looked like he would be able to get the support he needed. The Pack members were shocked by Marcus leaving them, then again by the Alpha's order to kill on sight.

It just wasn't done to someone who wasn't an immediate danger to the Pack, and no one could believe that description applied to Doc Marcus.

The story behind the order was spreading in the rumor mill like wildfire, helped out by his close friends. It didn't take much in a pack of forty members, thirty one of them adults, to spread the word. They were shocked at first by what he had done against Alpha orders, but once he talked to them their minds changed.

Salmon was a small town, most had lived here their entire lives. They had always excluded humans from some things to protect their secret, but none of them hated humans. They were classmates, coworkers, and friends. They didn't want them to die.

For those that were still reluctant, the knowledge of the Alpha's disdain towards human mates was a shock. Marcus wasn't the only person who had found a mate in the human world, and that potential was just another great reason why they should be protecting the humans.

Eight people.

Eight people willing to make a stand with him for what was right, to stand against their Alpha and risk everything on him winning the challenge. That was all he needed, but it was a hard ask.

The Idaho Falls pack Alpha had survived a challenge by his Beta ten years earlier. One third of the members had sided with the Beta, but he wasn't able to beat the Alpha in the circle.

Once the Alpha recovered, he remembered each and every person who stood against him and punished them for their lack of loyalty. Wolves were stripped of rank, some forced to leave with only the clothes on their backs, some beaten or forced to serve those who remained loyal. No one wanted to be the first, and once he had his eight brave backers he would see no more.

It hurt his wolf that he was even considering this move against his father and his Alpha. His wolf knew that even in the best case, the Pack would be ripped apart and would take decades to heal.

Reggie looked at the clock, it was nearly time for the Pack meeting. Since they were scattered among different houses, the Alpha would hold the meeting in his house and broadcast everything over the Pack bonds to the others. When this conference call like setup was in place among the adults, any wolf could send their thoughts to all the others. You just had to maintain the discipline to keep your wall up until you had something to say. Reggie thought himself lucky, he was at Marcus' house along with Tom, Mary, Rachel, their kids and their human guests. Silvia and Abigail were awake, they would be filled in later, the children were all asleep.

Five minutes to ten. He had just enough time to check in with his mate. "Josi? Baby, are you there?"

He felt the love as she opened up her bond. "Reggie, how are things?"

"Going well. I've been meeting with some friends, trying to lock down the eight people I need to stand with me. I know I have a few absolutes, but the rest want to wait until they hear what the Alpha says at the meeting."

Josi sighed in worry. "You have to be absolutely sure before you make this move, Reggie. You know the stakes."

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing. I'm not going for the minimum; I want most of the pack to stand with me. It's the only chance I have to make Dad see reason. If the Pack is against the path he has chosen, maybe he will change his orders and I won't have to do this." He paused for a second, then blew out a breath. "Of course, Alphas aren't known for questioning themselves or their orders. It's more likely he digs in even further."

"Just keep your head down, Reggie. Don't make any moves until you are ready, and don't let him bait you." She sat down in a chair at the clinic, looking around at the patients. All were improving now, she could see the sores and the burns starting to heal already. "You have to make it about the decision, not the decider. These people are worth saving, Reggie. Make it about them and not your Alpha, and you have a chance."

"I have to go, honey. I love you, stay safe for me. I have nothing if I lose you." With a mental kiss, he closed the link again and went to the living room.

The adults were all gathered there, the harsh outside light blocked by heavy blankets nailed to the windows. They had the windows open, allowing a little fresh air in. After the days in the bunker, this felt amazing to them all. Rachel had interrupted her packing to be the hostess, bringing out snacks and drinks as they waited for it to begin.

Just as they were setting back in their chairs, they heard a racket on the front porch and the door opened. As soon as it was closed, the blanket came off, the sunglasses were set aside, and Lisa smiled at them all. Rachel and Reggie jumped up and embraced her. "Mom, what are you doing risking the sunlight?" Rachel checked her mom over for burns, finding none.

"I had to be here with you for this. I need to make sure you two don't do anything rash."

"Mom, we..." Reggie started to plead but was cut off by his Mom's glare.

"Just sit down, and whatever you do, don't react to what he is saying. Give things time to settle down."

They were about to react when Alpha Richard's voice echoed over the Pack bond. "This Pack meeting is called to order."

Everyone sat down again and some closed their eyes to focus better on what was being said. "I need to bring everyone up to date on what is going on in our town, and with our Pack. First off, let me say how proud I am of each of you and how you've reacted to the events of the last few days. I'm thankful to say that no Pack members have been permanently injured, and our preparations for any emergency have certainly paid fruit. As you know, it appears a severe solar storm has caused an electromagnetic pulse event that has decimated the power generation in the area, knocked out communications and electronics, and disabled all but the oldest means of communications. Our latest information is that the storm is over, along with the radiation danger from it, but the sky will take much longer. The particles have wiped away the ozone layer, leaving us vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation after even short exposures. As such, we need to maintain our schedule of working during the night and sleeping during the day. Keep blinds down, don't look in the sunlight and don't go outside unless it is an emergency, and even then keep yourself covered and wear UV resistant glasses."

The group looked around, waiting for the shoe to drop, and it didn't take long. "As you know, the Alpha Council and this Pack have explicit restrictions on the turning of humans and the need to keep our existence secret. This is nothing new, nor unexpected, and the punishment for this has always been death. Despite this, a former Pack member has endangered all of us by his reckless action, not just once but THREE times. The first occurred while Marcus was visiting North Fork. Wolves under his command found and bit two humans, causing them to turn, and Marcus revealed his nature to the group of five young women."

"Alpha, weren't those women mates of the two North Fork wolves?" It was one of the elders.

"Yes, but we have a process for turning a human mate, and it wasn't followed- nor was it necessary to expose our werewolf nature to the others. Now, if I may." There was a short pause. "The second time occurred on the road between North Fork and Salmon. In this case, Marcus came upon men who had raped a mother in front of her kids and killed her husband. It was right and proper for them to lend assistance and rid the world of these scum, but they could have done it without revealing their wolf nature. As a result, we now have a human family among us that we have to deal with."

"What about the child exposing her wolf to Abigail? Is that Marcus's fault?" One of the young women this time.

"No, that was unfortunate; the child of course cannot be held at fault for doing what a child does, but the parents will still face sanctions after we know how it ends up. It's another example of why we have rules, and why not following them can cause problems." They could tell that Alpha Richard was starting to get exasperated by the questioning by his tone.

"As is this wasn't bad enough, when Marcus and I went to the Clinic, we had a specific discussion related to the turning of humans. He was told in no uncertain terms this was not allowed. Instead of following Pack law and Alpha command, he chose to make himself a rogue and do it anyway."

Several people started to talk over each other, there was anger, outrage and sympathy all mixed together. Finally, a low growl from the Alpha caused them all to go silent again.

"It gets worse. We know now that not only did he expose our existence as werewolves to the townspeople, but he bit with intent to turn, every single person in that clinic. This is exceedingly reckless, as we all know the problems that even a single human turn can cause if the turn goes bad. None of these people have mates, and they have no Alpha to guide them. They will turn against us and against the rest of the town if we don't stop Marcus and fix this."

There was a general uproar at this news. "We are not a large pack, only thirty of us could fight, and he's made himself a personal army of over a hundred. In two days, if we allow them to turn, they will kill us in our own homes and Marcus will replace our pack with his. For this reason, at sundown tonight the warriors will gather by my house, and we will go to town and stop this madness once and for all. It isn't a choice I want to make, but it is the only one that preserves our secret and our safety. Thank you all for your attention, now it is time to rest up for the coming night. That is an order." They felt the Alpha Pack bond pull back from them, and they looked at each other in amazement.

"Holy shit." Rachel looked at her brother with panic on her face. "He's not just after Marcus..."

Reggie met her gaze. "He's going to kill them all. All the humans, turned and not, he's planning to wipe out the entire town."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I would like to add a point 8 to the anonymous comment below:

8) With all communications out there is no way to contact the other alphas and change the laws even if they wanted to. Like it or not, every pack, or close packs, will have to make their own decisions.

This is an example of why authoritarian systems suck. As long as the leader makes good decisions they may seem good, but a leader used to yes-men will stop listening to others and you get into situations like this. Happens over and over again in the real world.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Its amazing Richard has kept his views of humans to himself for this long.

OddBall68OddBall68over 7 years ago
Glad your doing well.

Given the current conditions, Abigail should worry for Autumn and her safety. It would be safer, until things get sorted out, if they run with Rachel and Raven. Even Sylvia, Zach and Michelle should be worried. They are not pack and know the secret. It might be a big caravan of people leaving. Any of the pack with converted mates should question if their mates and children could become targets as well under alpha Richard's temporary insanity.

Bethany, Brittany, Cheyenne, Willow, Eric and Derek are going to walk into this mess as they pass through to look for their families.

The 5 packs are going to need to communicate. Runners could carry messages from pack to pack daily maybe. The simplest form of communication i can think of with more ease and speed would be to set up their own telegraph lines between packs. Or ancient field phones or radios. Maybe someone in one of the packs may have squirreled away some old military/cold war gear. It could come in handy to link everyone for support.

Hope things continue to go well for you partwolf. I look forward to more of your story.

partwolfpartwolfover 7 years agoAuthor
Thank you for your concern and kind comments!

The first of three surgeries went well, and in the week I had where I couldn't work or drive I got some stuff done. I'm hoping to write more come the holidays.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Whoa .... genocide is so far beyond the pale ...

it makes Marcus' mistake seem insignificant by comparison - as some of the humans he turned did consent.

Alpha Richard is showing he's clearly no longer capable of being Alpha:

1) Marcus is the only doctor for the 5 packs. Without him, who will care for the packs' medical needs?

2) Does Marcus' mistake really deserve a "kill on sight" order?

3) Killing all the turned humans in the town is genocide, pure and simple.

4) Other pack members are clearly uncomfortable with his orders.

5) He won't have a family left as his daughter, Rachel, his son, Reggie, and his wife, Lisa, disagree with him. And his kids definitely don't want their mates killed.

6) The laws Marcus broke are written for "normal" times. The solar storm destroying all electronics and destroying the ozone layer is an extraordinary event. If the laws can't evolve with the pack, then they're a barrier to were society, not a benefit.

----> And as Alpha, isn't Richard's first obligation to his pack, which he's clearly ignoring? (See 4 and 5).

7) I doubt were society alone can solve all the problems caused by the solar storm. The additional skills/labor of humanity will be needed.

Lastly, Alpha Richard can take the opportunity to look forward and be progressive, instead of letting himself be ruled solely by fear and laws that need to evolve in this "new" world.

Let's hope Lisa and children can change Richard's mind, or Reggie or Lisa? will have to challenge Richard for the Alpha role (but I hope it won't come to that, as it will be emotionally devastating for Lisa and especially Reggie, if he kills his Dad).

On a completely unrelated note, hope all is well with you, partwolf, and that your surgery and health issues are getting better. Thanks for some wonderful, entertaining, thoughtful chapters.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Love it.

Great cliffhanger. Glad you are alright and writing again. Looking forward to more of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Thank you!!

So glad you were able to add to this amazing story. I was very sad when I thought there would be nothing new until next year! I hope you are healing well & that you are back up & at'em soon!

txcrackertxcrackerover 7 years ago
First of all We are glad your all right !

First of all We are glad your all right ! And that the surgery went well !

Second this story is a wondrous cliff hanger and I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for more <impatiently as usual >, So thank you for taking time in your recovery to think of us <your readers> .

Thirdly GET HEALED AND WELL ! With Luna's help .

Thanks again for a great read !

tx cracker

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

so glad to read more of your story. it just gets better and better. truly love it!!!!

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