Dominion Ch. 05

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The Republic discuss what they must do about the breach.
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Part 5 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/06/2016
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Jahren stood in silence and looked around the council chamber. The vastness and magnificence of this very room never ceased to amaze him. It had the capacity to hold hundreds, as it now held the nine wings and their representatives. The smooth stone was adorned with nine shields designed in the symbols of each of the Wings of Light, perched above their respective officials.

A Dove hung above Farlan Iearde, the council regent. He was positioned in the center between the Owl and the Sparrow, sitting at an elevated desk at the far end of the room with a pile of papers stacked before him. He surveyed the documents quietly, his expression thoughtful as he read each report with apt scrutiny. His dark brown hair was beginning to gray in some places, and his aging face was creased with worn lines that spoke of laughter and worry alike. The depth of his eyes, however, told the true tale of his age and experience.

At his left sat Okuo Gueno. He was a highly regarded mystic who acted as adviser for the council. The elder Maeleq filled his role with diligence and wisdom, which attributed to his title as the Owl. He was arguably the oldest person in the room, his once amber colored hair now a shade of silver that receded into a very exaggerated widows peak. His green eyes swept across the room before meeting Jahren's with their piercing gaze, and he smiled a secretive smile. The man was no doubt mind walking through every member here, gathering his own Intel from the thoughts and memories of the people before him.

Elorie Schune, the Sparrow, sat to Farlan's right, her thin mouth set in a hard line as she looked pointedly at Farias. It wasn't hard to imagine where her thoughts were; Farias had trained as a healer underneath her for years, and he was one of her top students. He had just recently taken the position of Raven, and in turn walked away from the temple. She had seen so much potential in him, and no doubt found it squandered by his new duties. Though all Tourik had a healing factor, not all were gifted in projecting that ability onto other peoples wounds, so in a way it was a tragedy that he chose not to pursue a career in the medical field where his abilities would have been greatly appreciated.

Phenn Thedonas stood beneath the Eagle as the commander of the combat regiment. During this Rocky time of peace, his job consisted mostly of assisting Hawk with the garrison, and keeping his soldiers disciplined and ready for any strike. He was in charge of calling the men to arms, and spearheaded the task of strategizing offensive attacks. His most important place in the counsel, however, was providing his experienced opinion on the dealings with the Dominion. He had more up close and personal dealings with them than anyone in the court, save Farlan and Jahren himself.

Farias stood beside Phenn beneath the ravens symbol, looking troubled as he stared ahead, lost within his thoughts. He had a lot on his mind, that was obvious. Jahren hoped he had won his friends favor in this meeting, but he was not so sure. The girl was on his mind, the fierce princess that found him in the Forrest earlier that day. He could feel it in Farias the moment they met, as if there was some kind of... Pull that drew them together. Jahren feared he would try to protect the girl, and that was a terrible mistake; Nora the ferocious needed protection from no man.

Beside the Raven sat Luscien, the council treasurer. The Finch was a frail old Gaidec, who chose to simply shave what little hair he had left on his head. His beard was another matter, however, and it cascaded in thick silver braids down past the belt around his brown robes. He was a quiet, but shrewd man. He rarely spoke, but when he did his words were thick with wisdom and reason. Jahren knew little of the elder Gaidec, but he was a close friend to Okuo. The two often times spent their days chatting together in the lush garden that surrounded the great lake. Luscien put his heart into that garden, and it did more than put his elemental skills to use; it gave the city below the falls a certain beauty to it, and in turn lifted the citizens spirits. He would often say that the work reminded him of his homeland, though it apparently pales in comparison to the island of Jhelati.

Beside Jahren stood Hawk, the Commander of the Garrison Defense. Setuo Arvin was always a fidgety man, and for the most part appeared jumpy and craven, but Jahren knew better than that. He was suspicious, yes, almost paranoid even. But he was far from being a coward, and he could fight as well as any other man if need be. The biggest issue with Hawk was that he didn't bring much to the table as far as opinions went. He typically shadowed Phenn, and occasionally Farlan or Okuo... But he wasn't much more than a guaranteed vote for whoever lead the discussion. He rarely found his own voice, and in turn was a wing that had little to offer to the table during council meetings.

Crane was even worse in that regard. Cluo Tierre rarely ever spoke, which made sense considering he spent each meeting recording what transpired. Jahren never said it out loud, but he didn't trust the young boy. Something about him just seemed a little suspicious. His secretive nature made him even more unnerving to be around, and he spent most of his time holed up inside his personal quarters with his nose inside one of his many books.

Not that Jahren had a right to condemn him. He was a traitor in his own right, and it was a miracle that he even stood on the council at all. Choosing to betray the Dominion, only to turn around and be mistreated by his born enemies was a difficult path to take, but he knew in his heart he had chosen correctly, so he braved the situation with a stubborn, relentless determination. He would see this through, no matter how much strife it caused him.

He knew it would be difficult to stop a war in this position, no matter what happened, and he was glad that they weren't trying to go that route. Most of the people here would jump at the chance to go to war again, their hatred for the Dominion was strong and unwavering. In the end, depending on how the Dove directed the conversation, the only ones who would honestly be against war were Sparrow and Finch. The representative of the people would fear the danger it could cause the city and its civilians, and the Treasurer would fuss about the cost. However, if Okuo was against the idea, he had heavy sway over Farlan and Luscien, so they could be outvoted by one.

He hoped that the Owl was on their side, because it could be the difference in how the ruling went.

"It seems we are all here," Farlan said. "The two of you made it just in time. Why don't we begin with a summary on the progress of the missing persons report that was received from Jhelati."

"Sir," Jahren placed his left hand over his heart in the customary salute before beginning the report, "after following the poorly covered tracks for about a day and a half, we found that they lead directly into Krauth forest."

"So it was the Dominion!" Phenn shouted angrily. "This breaks the treaty!"

"When we reached the edge of the forest," Farias intercepted, "we came across the Kyaga princess Nora Gallindo, who commented on a set of footprints resembling that of the Brotherhood traveling boots. After pressing the matter with her, she was actually quite forth coming with some very interesting news."

"That's hard to believe," Setuo replied sarcastically, but seemed curious nonetheless.

"Yes, well, when we found her, she was wearing a power suppressing bracelet," Jahren continued, "and she explained that she suspects a coup."

"It's about time Trysten did something-"

"Trysten Gallindo has been banished from Hollowood. We suspect the coup is being spearheaded by the Brotherhood," Farias stepped in, looking pointedly at Okuo. "At this time, it is our suspicion that the Kyaga are being framed with the abductions."

"Yet it is in Jahren's opinion that we go ahead with a full retaliation," Okuo finished thoughtfully. "You suspect that Trysten will be making contact with us, but you know not how or when. I assume correctly, Jahren?"

"Yes. My intuition has spoken to me in light of this subject," Jahren replied, shooting Farias a confused look before continuing. "However, even if I am wrong... I believe that it would be a wise decision strategically for us to plan an attack while the Dominion is weakened by this civil dispute."

"I have reason to believe that Trysten will be preoccupied for the next month or so, at least," Okuo began. "I suggest we postpone this decision until we hear from the heir."

"How do we even know that he will contact us?" Phenn snapped. "he's a god damned Kyaga!"

"Eleven years ago, a Kyaga came to us with the intent to help end the corruption that saturated the Dominions government system," Okuo admonished. "Today he is one of the most reliable officials in our entire province, Phenn. Do you not recall?"

"Of course I am aware! Yet Crow is only a half breed! Surely his Daegra blood and gifted intuition have a lot to say for his decision to sway in our favor?"

"Yes, and it is my intuition that is speaking to me once more," Jahren replied. "I would bet my life on this wager."

"It's not just your life at stake here," Elorie countered. "It's been years since our last violent encounter with the Dominion, and even still we suffer from the losses that accumulated from it. Family members murdered, towns invaded and destroyed, mass panic and the onset of disease from the rotting corpses we couldn't keep up with."

"Not to mention the costs of rebuilding, of supporting the survivors who ended up with nothing but their lives and the clothes on their backs," Luscien included. "Forgive me, but I can't say I'm pleased with taking such a risk on a simple hunch."

"Jahren does not have 'hunches', Luscien," Farias chided with a disapproving stare. "his gift is not one to be taken lightly. In all of my years I have never known him to be wrong."

"How long do we wait then?"

"As long as it takes," Farlan replied. "If we aren't contacted, then we don't continue with this attack."

"This was a clear breach of the treaty, no matter who did it or why!" Setuo cried out angrily. "Are we just going to sit by and allow them to simply get away with it?"

"The heir is banished, and the princess held like a prisoner," Jahren replied softly "Yet you question the Dominions motives? I agree with Setuo. I think it would be safer to stop this coup before the conspirator takes the throne. If the Naugu take the crown, all of the Intel we have recovered, all of the lines of communication and records we have will be lost."

"What makes you think the Naugu are the culprits?" Phenn asked. "Why would they risk a confrontation with the Kyaga?"

"A hunch."

They glared at each other while the rest of the room considered the situation. The silence in the was so thick you could almost taste it in the air, and it was some time before Farlan decided to speak.

"It is in my opinion that time is of the essence," he exclaimed with silent conviction. "As of now, we have two choices. We either strike now, or we wait until we hear from the Prince. This is the final call for words before we vote."

"I have a proposition to make, a... Middle ground of sorts," the Owl began with a twinkle in his eye. "I agree with Jahren that it is dire we mount an attack before the throne is compromised. However, jumping into action before we know what the Prince has in mind could be just as devastating. I suggest we hold out for a fortnight. If we do not hear from Trysten by then, we should move forward without him,"

"Hmm, I agree with this wager. Anyone else?" Farlan waited until it was obvious there was nothing more to say. "Let us begin the vote, then. All in favor of attacking immediately"

Phenn and Jahren were alone in their votes. The decision to wait for Trysten's contact was supported by Elorie and Farias. in the end, the two week wait won out with four votes, and the meeting was adjourned, leaving Jahren impatient to hear from the man who he hoped would change the course of this war, and fight for peace. He could hardly focus on the rest of the meeting as his mind reeled with strategies and plans and every 'what if' he could think of. What if they didn't hear from him in time? What if he was captured by the enemy before they had a chance to find him? Shouldn't they be tracking him down instead? What if they wait too long and the time to act passes? His heart was pounding on his chest as all of the overwhelming possibilities took over.

Calm yourself, child.

A soothing calm washed over him as he focused on Okuo's voice. He took a slow breath and tried to do as was asked of him. It would do no good to fret about things he couldn't change. He remembered with a wry smile when there was a time that the mystics intrusion of his mind unnerved and angered him. As his trust in the Owl grew, he found moments like these to be more comforting than anything, most of the time. He continued to steady his breathing as he waited for Okuo's next words.

There was a reason I chose this time frame, young one. He will not contact us in time, not with a plan of action.

Then why wait? Why not act now?

Because he needs to prepare, Jahren. By the time we have the logistics of the war planed, we will have our answer. But he needs time.

Time for what? We don't have time!

Patience, child. You will see soon enough. For now you must focus on your duty today. There are other matters at hand that are of equal importance.

Jahren gritted his teeth in anger. There was nothing as important as this! He had been waiting his entire life for this moment, to free his people of their subjugation. He and his brother would not be alive right now if it were not for their 'quirky talents'! The Dominion meant to use them as puppets, and only killed their parents instead. Interracial breeding was illegal, and if it weren't for his gift he would not be alive now. How many countless people had to suffer similar fates before he could free them from this pain? How did they expect him to simply sit here idly while they discussed tax reform and business licenses, when the chance to strike was slipping between their fingers! He felt his knuckles pop from how tightly he was clenching his fists.

"Jahren," Farlan's voice snapped him back into attention, "take a walk. You aren't needed here for this."

He looked up suspiciously between Okuo and Farlan, but was met only with concern. He sighed and nodded, shrugging his way past Cluo as he stomped angrily from the courtroom. He knew why he was sent out. His temper was outrageous at times, and he wondered if he would ever get a handle on it. He fought so hard to be the stable, calm man he knew he needed to be, but sometimes it felt like he was just a candle burning at both ends, and other times it felt like he was a raging inferno held in check with nothing but paper thin layers of control. As soon as he made it to the hallway, he fist connected with the stone wall, and the soft crunch of his knuckles brought him back to reason.

Stupid Kyaga! Why am I always so volatile! Get a grip, dumb fucking mutt!

He punched the wall again, and drew back his bloody fist with an angry curse. They could pin as many stupid titles on him as they wanted, but it wouldn't change who he was. The republic feared him, and with good reason. No matter what kind of facade he tried to play, he would never be anything more than a hot headed, volatile, stupid fucking mutt.

You are so much more than that, Jahren.

"Get out of my head!" he snarled at the mystic as he punched the wall again. "I don't need your fucking pep talks, mind walker."

"If you won't listen to him, then maybe you will listen to me."

Jahren snapped his head in the direction of Farlan's voice, and his anger began to melt away. Tears forming in his eyes as he faced the man who was the closest thing he ever had to a father. He felt like a child as he stood there on the verge of tears, staring up at Farlan with defeat. He would always be a disappointment to this man. No matter how hard he tried to prove he wasn't like the other monsters of his kind, he always fell short of being able to put out the fire that he contained inside of him.

"I know that look," Farlan said with a soft sigh as he bridged the gap between them and took Jahren into his arms. "You can't help what you are, Jahren."

"I'm a mistake."

"No," Farlan chided him, grasping Jahren's hair and holding the young man's face to his chest as the tears began to fall unhindered. "You are my son."

"If only I was!" he sobbed brokenly, "Then maybe I could be half the man that Farias has become. Then maybe I wouldn't be such a disappointment!"

"You are exactly as you are meant to be."

"I'm just a stupid, angry mutt!" he growled as anger began to replace his tears once more, and he tore himself from Farlan's grasp as he shook from the rage gripping him. "I try so hard to be the calm patient man that the Tourik are. I fight every day with this damn fire that just eats away at me! Why must I always be so angry?"

"You mistake your heart," Farlan replied. "The Kyaga blood within you burns with more than just fire, Jahren. Your heart is aflame with passion. It is burning with conviction."

"Does this look like conviction to you?" Jahren cried out as he held up his bloodied, broken fist for Farlan to see. "Because to me, this looks more like a temper tantrum!"

Farlan ticked in disapproval as he reached out and took the broken hand between his own, surveying it silently. A frown marred his features as he assessed the damage with the same scrutiny he used for everything else. Jahren scowled again at the disappointment in Farlan's eyes. He was, and always would be, a failure.

"I told you. I'm just a stupid mutt."

"Hey, don't talk about my brother that way," Farias piped up from behind as he approached the situation. "The rest of the meeting was postponed for tomorrow as you asked, father."

"Great," Jahren groaned. Now his stupid tantrum got in the way of the courts responsibilities. He sighed in irritation as his hand was passed off to Farias, and the warm sensation of his healing factor flowed over Jahren's wounds, mending the broken bones and tendons.

"You aren't a mutt, Jahren," Farias began as he finished up the healing process, and Jahren flexed his hand a few times before dropping his arm back to his side. "There's nothing wrong with being bi-racial, And being emotional doesn't make you a bad person."

"You make me sound like a teenage girl."

"Well, if the shoe fits..." they both glared at each other for a long moment before bursting into much needed laughter. Now that the tension was over, Jahren looked sheepishly at Farias. He felt like such a fool. His brothers hand grasped his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him before he spoke. "Listen. I wouldn't want to know a cold, boring, emotionless Jahren. Your inner fire is encouraging. You have the stubborn will of a Kyaga, yes. But it's what makes you who you are. I wouldn't like you any other way."

"Oh, quit being so sappy," Jahren scoffed with a nervous laugh, "It creeps me out. Next thing you know we're going to be sharing secrets at slumber parties over cups of tea."

"Hey, don't forget the pillow fights!"

Jahren slapped his brother on the back in a playful manner before turning back to Farlan. There was a smile on his face now, and it was relieving to see. He couldn't stand the disappointment from earlier.

"Thank you. I'm sorry I'm such a hot head."

"There's no need, son. I'm always here if you need to talk," he dipped his head and turned to leave, allowing his sons to continue on alone. He was glad they had grown so close. They needed each other more than they realized, "Don't be late tomorrow."