Donna's Destitute Cuckold


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I should explain their sex is always incredible. Mine is erotic but in different ways. I am required to serve and please them sexually, on occasion I am required to please just Master or please just Mistress when I am alone with either of them which is an incredible high for me. As for my 'releases' these usually consist of me cumming in some humiliating form which they have come up with. I have had to hump Mistress's' leg to cum, make love to a blow-up doll, hump a pillow to name a few of the humiliating things I've had to endure. But through each escapade I have embraced my submissiveness and the realization that my emasculation while embarrassing to me is of an extreme high for my superiors which excites me even more and pushing me to allow myself to go to greater depths of degradation and humiliation to please them.

Our lifestyle has also now grown to include Bruce and Marianne. Since they discovered our lifestyle they have become fascinated with the power Mistress and Master have over me. As a joke Master said they would loan me out for my outstanding services to them as 'their' not 'our' good friends. Bruce & Marianne however didn't take it as a joke and took him up on his offer. So now I have another household to look after, cleaning, laundry, yard work, shopping, and taking care of their animals; a cat and dog. Which means I spend an inordinate amount of time picking up dog poop and cleaning out the cat litter box not to mention taking their big, mean Rottweiler for a walk two or three times a day or whenever the mood suits them. One day they had me take him out four times for a walk in a torrential downpour as the four of them sat on the covered porch and drank, ate snacks I'd prepared and laughed. Spike, the Rottweiler also scares me, constantly wanting to hump my leg which amuses my superiors to no end. However, as with Master and Mistress, I have grown accustomed to focusing on the goal of pleasing Bruce and Marianne and making sure their house is in as good order as ours is at all times.

Being a cuckold has excited me, driven me crazy with jealousy, made me angry, and all those emotions mixed in have combined to be my new psyche, which is that of a submissive, beta male in the service of his superiors. I continue going down the road in this lifestyle because when I look back I don't see a lifestyle I enjoyed or was aroused by as much as I am by this one.


"Let's go cucky, these balls aren't gonna fetch themselves." Master said as he rattled a bucket of golf balls as he walked past me and out to the backyard. "And bring us a six pack on your way out here!"

Master and Bruce have taken up golf and like hitting balls into the abandoned field behind our house. This has without a doubt become my least favorite part of the week. Master and Bruce hit balls together for about an hour while yours truly runs back and forth in the hot sun, to retrieve them. I don't get a bucket or anything, so I just have to grab as many as I can with my hands and run them back as quickly as I can.

Master in his unending supply of cruelty or as he calls it "humor" came up with the idea to have me wear a bright red skintight unitard for this particular task. He says he got it so I'll be covered up and he doesn't have to "waste too much sunscreen" on me. Never mind the fact that it has a giant white bullseye pattern on the front and back. At least my Mistress still has a heart for me because she insisted he makes me wear a helmet for this particular task. His compromise was, "well then he does it barefooted cause the hot grass will make the little piglet move faster." I disagree completely because the grass hurts so much I feel I'd do better in sneakers but that's not my decision. Nothing is.

I bring the men their drinks and open the first two cans for them as I strap on my red glittery helmet that Master found to compliment already ridiculous outfit. They were chatting about work. I guess Master's business is doing really well because he's talking about buying a new home out here.

"You still have your apartment?" Bruce asked him.

"Yeah just for nights I want to get some time to myself, I love Donna and everything, but you know, it's nice to get away too."

"Yeah man I wish I had that with Marianne, be nice to have a place to get away to of my own when she's yacking too much."

I'd never want to be apart from Mistress and I can't believe Master has such a dismissive attitude towards her sometimes. I hate hearing him talk like that about her. I knelt down and pushed a tee into the ground for each of them and set their white golf ball on the top and then quickly jumped out of the way once they started swinging. I've done this enough times to know there's about 200 balls for me to fetch and if at any point either of the men are without one to hit for the next hour or so I'll be very sorry.

I've pretty much figured out by now if I can grab about 8 at a time it's enough to buy me enough time and a chance to catch my breath. The first few times I did this was a nightmare. First time I literally passed out. The next few times I paid for not bringing the balls back fast enough with having to retrieve ALL 200 of them with my ankles and knees bound and my hands cuffed behind my back which made for a very long afternoon having to slither and roll around in the rain while my superiors watched a movie inside.

I know they're just being boys but I wish they'd refrain from trying to hit me with the balls. It usually happens about once when I do this little ritual and it makes me cry every single time. The worst time it happened I caught one in the ankle and Master took a brief look at it once I hobbled back in tears and said, "it's just a bruise you baby, keep fetching." He wasn't wrong but it didn't make that day any less painful for me physically and emotionally.

About halfway through their play Bruce stopped me. "Hey cucky, I got a scuff on my shoe come wipe it off. I could really use a breather so I happily obliged. Once I knelt down he ripped the nastiest sounding fart in my face any the two men erupted in laughter and continued their game.

Finally, Mistress came to my rescue early today. "Baby!!" She called Master.

"What babe?" He said sounding annoyed.

"I need cucky, Marianne is gonna teach him to give me a Mani-Pedi!"

"That's more important than my golf game?" He asked.

"It is if you wanna get laid tonight!" She said.

The men laughed and Master challenged her. "You can have the loser but we're going to need him for twice as long tomorrow."

She just rolled her eyes and blew him a kiss.

I was so distracted by their conversation I didn't notice Bruce had hit a ball that bounced and was headed right for me. I dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes before I even realized what happened. I had a shooting pain from my groin all the way down my legs. I had been hit right in the nuts.

Bruce put his hand to his head and Master and Mistress asked what happened as they didn't see.

"I think I got him in his little coin purse.".

Normally I'm supposed to ask permission to be dismissed but the pain was so great I instinctively came back as quick as I could to avoid getting hit again even though they had already stopped as they were too busy laughing.

"Dammit man I can't believe I missed that; we've been trying to get him in the beanbag for weeks!"

Mistress was laughing too but to my surprise she had her open arms waiting for me on the other end.

"Awwwhaww my poor cucky," she said as she hugged me and I sobbed into her shoulder, mostly from the pain but partly because I literally couldn't remember a time she expressed any affection for me like this since Master came into our lives.

"Go get some ice and I'll get you away from the mean old boys," she said shaking her head and smiling at Master and Bruce as they continued laughing and she led me by my hand back into the house.


So now aside from becoming a caddy for Master and Bruce I've now entered into my new job as a manicurist for Mistress and Marianne. Lately it seems there are barely enough hours in a day for me to get all my chores and tasks done now that I'm serving four people. It was bad enough when there were only two, but now Bruce and Marianne have become more demanding and Mistress and Master not only allow it but encourage it. Ugh I guess that's the life of a submissive, but I am becoming used to it.

My alarm buzzed at 6:00 and I stumbled from my humble basement area, gave myself a sponge bath and began my daily chores. Today was Saturday and I had both lawns to do but wasn't allowed to do them until after 10:00 when everyone was awake. I quietly started laundry, then went to Bruce & Marianne's to take Spike out for a walk and then clean up his poop so I wouldn't hit it with the lawnmower. Next it was the cat litter box, and laundry at their house and then shopping for both families. I was exhausted just thinking about it, but when I envisioned my Mistress and Master making love like they did last night with me kneeling at the foot of their bed, and then allowing me not only cleanup duties, but my monthly 'release' it made it all worthwhile.

By dinnertime I was exhausted, but the bulk of the day was behind me. As Mistress and Master lounged on the couch watching a movie I scrubbed the dinner dishes, dried them and put the kitchen back in order. Just as the last dish was dried and the last cabinet was closed Master summoned me to the living room. They were a truly gorgeous couple; she in a silk teddy, her large breasts overflowing the tops, her big thick legs tanned and inviting, he in a pair of neon green Under Armour briefs which is Mistress's favorite color on him, his flaccid penis showing through the skin tight fabric looking like someone had shoved a cucumber down his shorts, he wore a white V-neck t-shirt and I assumed they both wanted a foot massage. But Master motioned for me to kneel and then paused the movie. My throat went dry. Was I in trouble?

"Your Mistress and I need to speak to you regarding your engagement to Mistress. I know we haven't spoken about it quite a while and you've been on pins and needles wondering what our decision was going to be am I correct?"

I gulped air and swallowed hard. "Yes Sir."

"We've decided to let the marriage proceed. However, there are some stipulations and it will not by any means be a traditional marriage. We have been living in this lifestyle for quite some time and you have adjusted very well to being a submissive. Now you will enter into the true definition of a cuckold; you will be the husband of an unfaithful wife. Having said that, here is what we demand the stipulations of the marriage be."

He took a long sip of his beer, placed his big hand on Mistress's naked thigh and she lay her head on his chest. He went on.

"Mistress and you will be married in a civil ceremony. However, prior to the ceremony you will officially change your last name to my last name. That way Mistress will have my last name officially even though I won't be married to her. Next, you will not have the rights or privileges of a married man. The lifestyle you've entered into with us will continue just as it has been these many months. Lastly, on the day of your wedding you shall sign total control of your assets, current and future over to your wife. In that way you are demonstrating your total subservience and submissiveness to your superiors. Also, this will solidify the fact that if we are not pleased with your performance as a submissive cuckold husband we can kick you to the curb so to speak and you will leave here with nothing. Also, by agreeing to these conditions you are in truth putting your life in our hands. By giving your wife power of attorney you are taking the most intimate and final step in a Dom/sub relationship."

I knelt there in front of the two people I had been slaving to please for the past years wearing only a very sheer teddy and my chastity device, my knees burning from kneeling on the carpet. And yet despite this rather pathetic image, as I viewed the two people who sat in front of me on the couch, my cock grew totally rigid and I couldn't think of anywhere else I would rather be or any other people I would rather serve. Master went on.

"As with entering any legal agreement, it is imperative all parties are on the same page, understand exactly what they are entering into and have time to consider their legal options and choices. Therefore, we are giving you the next 24 hours off. No chores, nothing, you will go to your space downstairs and simply think about this and come to a decision. You can also release yourself from chastity for the next 24 hours and cum as many times as you want, as we want you to make your decision based on your free will. We will see you tomorrow night."

And with that, he dismissed me. I walked to my space in the cellar weak in the knees and not knowing what was happening. This was the first time in the past year I had nothing to do for a full 24 hours except think and reflect on my life past, present and future. It felt so good to have my cock free. I reached between my legs and touched it while I thought about what Master and Mistress had proposed to me, it grew rigid in my hands and I stroked it. In only a matter of seconds I had shot a load all over myself. I wiped up the ropy strands of white cum and licked my fingers clean. Then I fell into a blissful sleep and slept late the next morning, which was strange, but also filled with guilt as I felt I should be up serving them.

Needless to say, it didn't take me long to come to my decision. Twenty-four hours later I was back on my knees in front of Mistress and Master. I asked for and was given permission to speak.

"Master and Mistress, I have thought long and hard over what you have proposed as to our life going forward. I must say in all my life I have never felt so fully rewarded as I have in the past year. My life has seen purpose, both as a submissive and as a beta male. Truth be told, the two of you are the first thing I think about on waking in the morning and the last thing I think about before closing my eyes at night. I am proud and honored you two have chosen me to be your submissive and my heart is filled with joy that you have chosen me to be Mistress's' husband if only in name. It is with great joy and love in my heart that I accept your offer." And with that I handed them back the key to my chastity device.


The wedding was a low key but beautiful affair as I was able to hold Mistress's hand while I slipped a huge diamond ring on it while we exchanged vows. Prior to the actual ceremony, I had legally changed my name to Master's last name and signed all the appropriate paperwork provided by a colleague at Mistress's law firm. The story they used was that I had a medical condition and we thought it best she has power of attorney over me and my affairs should anything happen to me. It was all very quick and professional.

As the Justice of the Peace pronounced us man and wife, and said, "you may kiss the bride," Master stepped in pushing me aside and they exchanged a long, deep, tongue entwining kiss. Bruce & Marianne were in attendance also to clap Master on the back and hug Mistress now that things were official. I stood there by myself in my gender-neutral clothes a tear running down my cheek in mixture of joy, apprehension and excitement of our life to come.

The four of us had a small party at home in the backyard to celebrate "our wedding" and of course it meant humiliation for me. Master and Mistress thought it would be cute if I wore a full wedding gown complete with veil as I cooked ribs on the hot deck while the four of them lounged quite a distance away under the big shade tree in our backyard. I spent the entire afternoon scurrying off the deck to refill drinks and get them hors d'oeuvres. Finally, when dinner was ready I stood by in my wedding dress as they ate the food I prepared. When they were all finished and retired to their chairs back under the shade tree, I was allowed sit and eat the plate Master and Mistress had "prepared" for me which consisted of their leftover ribs, corn on the cob, cold beans and soggy salad. Just as I raised the first rib to my mouth to suck whatever meat there was left on it Mistress called me.

"cucky, run out to Bruce & Marianne's car and get the wedding presents they brought us and on the way back get me another drink." Again, there was no please or thank you, it was a command.

I put the bone down and stood. "Yes Mistress."

I was then not allowed to finish my dinner because Mistress said dinnertime was over. I was made to kneel in my wedding dress while they lounged in their chairs Mistress opening presents from Bruce & Marianne. Of course, there were no wedding presents meant for me. There was crystal for the house, gift cards to fancy restaurants, a golf club membership for Master. As Mistress unwrapped the final present I couldn't help but think I had finally completed my journey as a submissive, beta male, cuckold husband and I honestly loved every minute of it. Mistress tore the paper away from the last present and tears welled in her eyes. It was a book and she studied the cover and beamed and then turned it to show us all the title: Baby Names for the Expectant Mom!

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someoneothersomeoneother4 months ago

A very boring slave story.

TrstxxxTrstxxxover 1 year ago

A good story…but a sad story. No love in Cucky’s submissive relationship. A slave. A broken shell of a person slave. But still a good read. But don’t expect a happy ending.

FseriesFseriesabout 2 years ago

She’s such a hypocrite and totally sold him a different lifestyle than he got.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

I tried , really tried, I get dominant submissive. I even almost get humiliation. Still couldn’t get past that. Sorry.

KinkyJamesKinkyJamesalmost 4 years ago
Old story

Hey cuckytoher, you're a legend of your own in this genre. I remember your blog, you had a story, I can't remember the name, but I think it had Zelda in the title, or something that started with a Z. Can you repost some of your older stories? That was a fucking nut buster for me.

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