Donovan's Door


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"Fun, don't you think?" he asked as he trailed his barbed finger along the underside of her breast before cupping the small, firm flesh in his hand. She gasped as he squeezed, letting the needle-like teeth sink into her giving flesh.

"What do you think, Katherina?" he asked as his other hand trailed lazy lines along her inner thigh.

He heated as he watched her thigh shiver under his touch that climbed higher and higher toward her now glistening, full flesh. He inhaled deeply, smelling her arousal—hot and heavy—as it wafted up to him.

Quickly, he grabbed her ass hard in his hand, making her violently twist from his touch. "C'mon, Kat," he chuckled, "what do you think? Tell me, do you like our new toy?"

"Uh," she grunted as she settled into the touch, her eyes closing as she let the bite's sensation seep throughout her whole body, "huh."

He gave her delectable ass one more pinch before he let her go. Then with slow, deliberate, almost gentle strokes, he ran his hands up and down her exposed flesh. Over her smooth, sloping shoulders. Along the lean length of her arms. He felt himself heat as he touched her breasts, swirling his hands over her subtle curves, watching intently as her flesh shuddered under his touch and her nipples hardened under the unforgiving clamps' bite. She groaned low in her throat as her eyes rolled back in her head and her knees buckled. Lowering himself to his own knees at her feet, he trailed his fingers down her trembling stomach and over her waist and hips.

He peered up at her face. Her mouth was parted as as she heaved shallow, quick breaths and small, helpless sounds escaped her lips. Her eyes were shut, fluttering as if in deep sleep or a zen-like trance. Her limbs hung slack from the ties, her body blissful and relaxed as she gave over to his touch. He leaned back, taking his hands away to gaze at her beautiful body displayed to perfection on the St. Andrew's cross. She looked serene and satisfied. Peaceful and pleasured.

He grinned.

With quick fingers, he pinched her thigh. Hard. His smile spread at her high-pitched yowl. Her tilted, brown eyes popped open as she glared at him. He chuckled as he waggled his eyebrows at her.

He heard laughter coming from behind him, her gaze shot up to dart around the room daringly. The laughter not only continued, but roared.

Just as fast, he pinched her other thigh. And her hip and stomach. He pinched his way up her sides and down her thighs. He let the gloves' sharp, little teeth sink into every inch of her responsive flesh, loving it as her body bounced as she struggled against the cross and the bonds. She made harsh, choked squeals as she uselessly tried to escape him. "Peter, please. Please."

"Please what?" he asked, his voice practically a growl as he gingerly teased her nipple.

"Please, Peter," she rasped as he squeezed just a bit, "I need more."

"More what?" he asked as he played with the gold chain running between her breasts.

"Just more," she whined, writhing as he gave the chain a tug. "Peter!"

Peter let out a satisfied breath. He loved listening to Kat cry out, loved watching as her body—her mind and soul—stopped being hers and became his. When his little Katherina got lost in the sensations and pleasure he gave her.

He swallowed hard as his fingertips traced the triangle of curls at the apex of her spread legs. He smiled as her body tensed, her stomach sucked in as he trailed the sharp points softly against her sensitive skin, touching the seams of her thighs. He kissed her gently just above her pubic bone as her back arched and she thrust her head back with her mouth open on a moan.

Her hips pushed toward him hungrily. Suggestively. "Peter," she begged as she squirmed. "Peter, please." She bit her lip and bucked even further. "I need your mouth on me and your fingers inside me."

God, he never got over how hot it was to have his innocent, sweet Kat talk dirty to him. He chuckled low again. "You want these fingers," he said, pressing one barb-covered finger over her mound, just above her clit, making her hiss and jerk, "inside you."

"As fun as they are," she mused with a conceding frown, "I could do without the gloves for this."

He laughed loudly as he gave her a quick smack on the ass. "That's what I thought." He smiled as he slipped off the gloves and turned back to his toy bag. "Good thing for you the gloves aren't the only new toy I picked up."

He reached in and found what he was looking for. Pulling out the brand new, wireless, hands-free, dual-bullet vibrators, he grinned. He applied lube to one finger before reaching between her legs. He felt her instantly clench as he reached between the firm, full cheeks of her ass.

"Umm," she whispered warily, "Peter, I don't know about this."

"Don't know about what?" he asked, pausing.

"It's just," she said, worrying her lip. She shrugged. "I don't know if I can do this in front of people."

"This?" he asked, pulling back his hands. "Be specific, Kat. Are you calling the scene?"

"No," she said hurriedly. "No," she repeated before she paused. "I just," she sighed before saying softly to him as she looked up at the people around them, "I'm feeling a little self-conscious. With everyone watching."

He nodded. "Do you want to stop?" he asked, standing up to look her in the eye. "Wait until we get home?"

"No," she said again, sounding less sure this time, "I'm still green." She swallowed hard. "I just don't know if I can do this, knowing everyone's watching me."

He nodded as he wiped his hand against his pant leg. "So," he said, "you're still green so long as you don't know there are people watching." He nodded again. Okay, he could work with that. Reaching into his pocket with his other hand, he pulled out another long strip of leather. "Close your eyes, Katherina," he said as he held out the long tie.

Giving the room one last wary glance, she breathed deep and closed her eyes. She held that breath as he fastened the blind over her eyes, careful of her hair. Finished tying it, he stepped back. "What's your color, Katherina?" he asked.

Kat just breathed for a long moment, her face held in thoughtful concentration. Someone coughed behind them, making them both turn. Peter made a mental note to add ear plugs and a proper blindfold to the toy bag next time.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You are so beautiful." He licked the edge of her ear before capturing her lobe between his teeth. "There isn't a woman in the world who affects me the way you do." He growled low in his throat. "The things I want to do to you right now;" he groaned, "it turns me on to have you here. At my mercy." He nipped the sensitive shell of her ear. "Here for my pleasure."

Kat panted as she shivered.

"What's your color, Katherina?" he asked again, his voice low and rumbling in her ear.

"Green," she replied breathily.


"Glad to hear it," he said as he smiled against her skin. Seen without seeing; that would fit Kat perfectly. Why hadn't he thought of it before? He moved to kiss her deeply before putting more lube on his finger again and sinking to his knees.

"Shh," he cooed, as he moved to rub gentle circles against the still tightly clenched opening of her ass again, "relax."

He leaned in and kissed her clit, sucking it between his lips. Hearing her—feeling her—sigh, he let his finger slide in past the knuckle as he licked her labia. As he slowly eased his finger deeper in her, he let his tongue lazily lick her, peeking in to flick and play with her cunt or bathe and love her clit.

Slipping his finger out, he replaced it with the smaller vibe. He gave her labia one last kiss before he pushed the other bullet deep inside her vagina. "Hold them in, Katherina," he said against her thigh, making the warning in his voice clear and unmistakable before pushing himself to his feet.

Taking a lollipop crop and a small remote out of the bag, he turned back to her with a smile. Flipping the remote's switch, he reveled at Kat's surprised cry as he caused the two bullets deep inside her to vibrate. He slipped the remote into his pocket and stood in front of her.

Holding the crop in his hand, he took aim at her breasts. He gave the top of her left breast a light tap, just enough to get her attention. He saw Kat freeze, her body going rigidly tense. Yes, even with the blindfold, she knew the crop by touch. The cold, hard, unforgiving feel of it against her flesh. She knew the damage it could do. The ease and speed with which it could deliver the harshest punishments.

A lazy top toy, the man who'd sold it to him called it. With just a flick of his wrist, he could leave a bruise that she would carry with her for months. With just a few well-placed strokes, he could reach her limit. If he wanted, he could have her calling yellow or red within moments.

But that wasn't what he wanted.

Slowly, lazily, he strolled around her, letting her hear his heavy steps against the concrete floor. He could see her try to track him with her ears, her head turning this way and that trying to place him. He could see her breaths rush as her chest heaved, panic and anticipation taking hold of her.

On silent feet, he crept out of her range of hearing. He waited, letting her imagine and wonder at what he had in store for her. The whole room seemed to still as if it—the room, the house, the whole world—held its breath, just waiting.

He saw the second Kat let her guard drop—where her wondering slipped from when to if—and, the moment she didn't expect it, he struck her. He let the lollipop crop's hard, polished sandstone head smack her hard just above the aureola of her nipple.

She gasped and jerked, clenching her whole body as she wrenched against her bonds. He could see the clear outline of the crop's round head, left red and angry on her skin. She pulled as if she meant to curl around herself, protect herself. But there was no protection for his Kat. Moving to other breast, he tapped her clamped nipple, the jarring sound of stone against metal making a much harsher impact than the actual hit as it messed with her head.

He moved to strike at her thighs, giving each a quick and vicious smack that left mirroring marks on the inside of her thighs. Peter, so tuned in to Kat, could almost feel the burn of those marks as the sting spread throughout her sweet body. Could almost trace the shudder that wracked her. He could definitely feel the same heat that raced through her, like a current that ran from him to her then back to him. A cycle that fed both their hungers. That sated both their needs.

As lost in that heat as she was, he swung the crop in quick succession. The tops of her thighs. The underside of her breast. Her nipple. Her hip. It was a need, a force the drove him. And the only things that seemed to ease it were the soft, mewling sounds that fell from Kat's lips to beg him on and the rising marks on the perfection of her skin. His marks.

"Peter," he heard her cry. "Peter, please."

He pulled back instantly, dropping his hands at his side to come closer to her. "What's your color, Kat?"

"Yellow," she said. "Yellow. Don't stop, just I can't take any more of that."

He nodded. He understood. He set aside the crop and moved close to her. She gasped as he took off the nipple clamps, her body shaking under his hands from the overwhelming sensation. Tenderness tugging at him, he shushed and soothed her as he caressed her body. She sighed as he touched her stomach, her waist, her neck. She whimpered as he laid his hands against her tender breasts, letting the heat and pressure of his skin weigh on aching flesh.

God, he could feel her heat. Could feel the blood that rushed hot under her welted skin. Could distinctly feel the outline of the crop like a brand—his brand—on her body. He swelled with indescribable pride and passion. And possession.

God, he had to have her.

He let his hand slide down. Let it coast over her thighs, reading and reliving the past few moments over again in the story of lines and scars left on her skin, before letting his hands move between her legs.

He could still feel the bullets whir inside her as he cupped her vulva. "You're so wet, Katherina," he told her, nipping and licking at her jaw. He loved how responsive she was. How excited and aroused she got by their play.

"More to your credit than mine," she purred as she gyrated against his hand, urging him on.

"Is that a hint?" he asked as his finger snaked up to stroke her clit.

"If it was," she sighed as her breath hitched, "I think you got it."

"Really?" he asked as he circled her sensitive bud.

"Almost," she begged. "Almost."

He chuckled as he increased the speed and pressure of his strokes. God, he loved her. With his other hand, he pushed aside the blindfold, letting it fall from her face to the floor, so he could look into her eyes as her pleasure built. When she came, he pulled her close, kissing her as he swallowed her cry.

"Thank you," she murmured sweetly between kisses. "Thank you."

She hung there on the cross weakly as he eased the bullets from her shaking body. He kissed her forehead as he pocketed the toys. "Good girl." He knelt down to undo the ties on her ankles first before releasing the ones at her wrists. He caught her limp weight, carrying her down onto the floor as he cradled her in his arms. "Good girl."

Weak as she was, she clung to his neck, wrapping herself tight around him with a fierce strength that always awed him. He stroked her back and cooed against her soft skin. He held her tighter against himself, wrapping her legs around his waist, as he pressed every part of him against every part of her.

She was still shaking so hard.

"Shh, Kat," he whispered into her neck as he squeezed her close. He kissed her cheek, her forehead, her hair. "Shhh, baby, you're all right."

But she wasn't.

He didn't know how he knew, but he felt it in the shudders that wracked her, in the grip of her hold on him, in the wet sobs that he felt against his shoulder. It worried him. Sent a cold chill up his spine and had a crushing grasp over his heart. Was she hurt? Had he hurt her?

Oh God, he'd never forgive himself, if he had.

"Kat," he said as he swallowed hard against the choking fear inside him. He rocked her as he held her, needing the comfort as much as—if not more than—her. "Kat, are you okay?" Oh God, please be okay. "Baby?" he asked as he stroked her hair back and tried to loosen her grip on him. She wouldn't let go. Only held tighter. "Baby? Talk to me."

He wanted to shake her. Wanted to make her answer him.

But she looked—was—so fragile and he would never do anything to harm her. So he held her, rocked her, and silently begged for her to speak.

After a long moment, her breathing calmed, turning her sobs into quiet hiccups. Her grip, while still sure, clung less desperately. With a shaky sweep of her arm against her face and a soppy sniffle, she looked up at him as she bit her lip. A worried look crinkled her tear-soaked face.

He reached toward her and wiped away the tears her arm had missed. "Are you okay?" he asked her quietly. "Please," he begged as he laid his forehead against hers, "tell me."

"Tell you?" she murmured idly as she leaned back. She nodded, a determined look crossing her face. Placing her hands over his chest, she looked deep into his eyes. "I should tell you." She took a deep breath. "I've wanted to tell you for a while now, but I've been afraid."

"Afraid of what?" he asked as he held her around the waist. She never had be afraid of him. He never wanted that from her.

"I was afraid it would change us," she whispered in a small voice that echoed inside him. "That it was too soon. Or too late. That, once said, I could never take it back. Even if we both wished I could." He felt his chest clench as he saw her cringe into herself as shame flushed her face and her eyes flitted about the room, making her shrink and retreat further.

His hands tightened on her as he held his breath. "You don't have to say it," he told her, the words like sand in his mouth. He brushed back her hair. "Not here. Not now. Not if you're not ready."

"I'm ready," she told him as she sat up straighter. "I am." She took a deep breath and cupped his face with her hands, shutting out the rest of the room. Seeing only him. "I love you, Peter," she said as she pressed her lips against his. She laughed as she kissed him. "I love you."

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Scotsman69Scotsman69almost 11 years ago
A fine piece of writing

You captured the profundity of a loving d/s relationship perfectly. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

What a treat! Another well written story about how beautiful this can be. Thank you so very much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

yes love...has everything to do with this little gem of a story. Hits all the right notes in perfect harmony with hot. Bravo! Thanks...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Very exciting, and romantic. Five.

Sonni_de_SotoSonni_de_Sotoover 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you so much!

If you'd liked this story, you should check out the excerpt of my soon-to-be released novel, The Taming School, featuring Kat & Peter:

mel_pomenemel_pomeneover 11 years ago
Enjoyable and kinky!

I think that says it all, really! Nicely done - thank you - five.

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