Don't Get Mad, Get Even


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"What?" I asked.

"It hurt you badly when you found out that Sarah had slept with Rick didn't it?" she asked. I nodded.

"When a man loves a woman ..." she sang in a terrible impersonation of Percy Sledge. "You guys like to think that we belong to you. What would be worse?"

"Shit, I can't really think of anything worse," I said.

"So you think that you fucking me is the worse revenge you could get against Rick, right? And it's also good revenge against Sarah too, isn't it?" she asked.

"Maybe," I said. "But I don't really want revenge. I just want to move on with my life. Revenge is only good if you get to see how it affected the other person and I don't want to see either of them."

"That's why you need me, Honey," she smirked. "I'll take care of you. I'm going to be your director of revenge. The first step was you and me fucking. And we're going to be at it for a very long time. Like you said, it doesn't matter what they did or how long they did it. You and I are about more than sex ...much more than sex. There is something I've wanted for a long time and you gave it to me. There's also something you want that I'm going to give you."

"Oh you gave it to me this morning," I quipped. She just smiled.

"Stevie, that's not part of the revenge, Honey. And I enjoy it just as much as you do. But I want you to think about something. How bad do you think it would hurt Rick to know that not only are you fucking me while I cut him off totally, but I'm doing things with you that I have never done with him and never will?"

"That would hurt," I said.

"That's nothing," she said. "How bad would it hurt him if you got me pregnant?"

"Oh shit," I said, thinking about how I would feel if that had happened to me.

"At first, I only did it to get back at that bastard," she said. "And I really wanted another child, but he hasn't been able to get the job done. I picked you because you're so sweet and so smart. But once we got started, I developed feelings for you. I love you, too, Stevie. I want to have your baby. And I want you to be around to see him grow up and to have a part in his life. And then when he's 18, I'll tell Rick exactly what happened and why. I'll leave it up to you whether or when you tell Sarah. I'm sure that you and she will have kids by then, but she'll have to live with knowing that I have you your first child because of what she did with Rick."

"That's pretty evil," I said.

"It's up to you," she said. "I am definitely pregnant, but we can end the pregnancy if you don't want to have a child with me."

"I've always wanted kids," I said. "It seems doubtful that I'll have them with Sarah."

"There's something else," she said. "I'm going to make Rick give you that car."

"The Chevelle?" I gushed.

"Yep," she said. "Consider it yours. Of course there is one catch," she said. I arched an eyebrow, as I listened to it.

"You have to let him apologize to you," she said. She noticed the look on my face and hugged me. "I'm not saying that you have to forgive him. I'm not saying that you have to rebuild your friendship with him. That's all up to you. You could also pretend to be friends with him again, just so you could be closer to me and our son. But again that's up to you. All you have to do is let him come over here and say he's sorry for sleeping ... Okay ... Fucking Sarah. After that it's all up to you."

"Okay, I'll do it," I said.

"Shit, you must really want that car," she laughed.

"Nope, I really want the chance ... " I began. She looked at me suddenly.

"You want what?" she asked.

"I want you," I said. "However I can have you. Even if it's only to catch random glimpses and the occasional hug while I'm playing uncle to our child. I need you in my life Georgia."

I saw tears form in her eyes. "Georgia, don't worry. I know that we probably won't be able to make love anymore. But I just need to be close to you."

"Stevie," she said hugging me even tighter. "I am not going to give up any of what we have. I have no idea of why a handsome barely thirty year old man like yourself wants to be with an old lady like me, but I love you just as much. Why do you think I wanted you to get me pregnant? Sure I wanted revenge and a lasting one against Steve. But I wanted a little piece of you to call my own too."

I started laughing even as I pulled her closer to me. "What's funny?" She asked.

"You already had a little piece of me to call your own," I smiled.

"Yeah but that piece isn't so little," she said reaching for my dick.

"Not that, Georgia," I said seriously. "It's right here." I took her hand and placed it over my heart. That put her over the edge into full blown tears and she ran out of the house.

A short time later it happened. I was in the back, sitting on my deck, when I heard a tapping at my fence. I opened the gate to find Rick standing there. He was smiling.

"Why the hell are you smiling?" I asked angrily. His face changed almost immediately. The smile was replaced with a look of abject horror.

"Steve!" he said. "I'm sorry I smiled." His tone was almost whining.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you," I said. "I just don't see exactly what the fuck you could find funny, if you're really sorry. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Maybe I'm just not ready for this. I just don't understand what is so God damned funny about YOU fucking my wife. I fail to see the humor in YOU ruining my life. I can't see the comedic aspects of you destroying my marriage. I don't feel like laughing about YOU rendering me alone and lonely. So maybe this just isn't the time for this." I started to close the fence back but he shrieked, "Noooooooo! Pleeeeeaaase!"

"Steve, it's not funny at all," he said. "I wasn't smiling because I thought something was funny. That's not it. I was only smiling because the absolute worst period of my life is ending. Maybe it's not over but at least I can see daylight at the end of the tunnel. I know it's a selfish thing ... Can I come into the yard?"

I opened the fence and he stepped up onto my deck and sat down. "He looked around and he sighed. "God damn, I've missed being here," he said. "But I know that it's my own fault. Steve, first off, I need to tell you that I am sooooooo very sorry for what happened between Sarah and me. I know it's no excuse but I never looked for it. I actually turned her down twice. I also should have told you the first time she came after me, but Steve ... I'm not you. I'm not charming and friendly and handsome and all of that bullshit. Women don't come after me. They never have. I chased Georgia for months to get my first date with her and she wasn't even dating anyone at the time. I think what got us together was my persistence more than anything else. If anyone else had wanted to date her, I would probably still be a bachelor.

So when someone as young and attractive as Sarah wanted me, it pumped my ego up pretty high. I knew that it was wrong but it was such a high. I didn't want to have sex with her, but I got addicted to the ego stroking. And after she told me to forget it, she'd find someone else, it got me thinking. I mean I didn't know why the hell she wanted ME when she had YOU. But it was clear that she wanted something and I still don't know why.

I guess I had the idea that if she did it with me, your marriage was safe. I would never try to fall in love with her or take her away from you. But I couldn't say the same for someone else. And she swore to me that it would only be a few times. The problem was that after the first couple of times, I was hooked. I was the one calling her. Don't get me wrong, Steve. For the sake of our friendship, I'm trying to be as honest as I can. I'm not trying to paint myself as a saint or as the good guy. That's your role here. I'll get back to that but anyway I love my wife. I love Georgia. That woman has stood by me when no one else would have. Did you know that this is the third time I cheated on her?

She must really love me to keep taking me back. But she already told me that this is my last go around. If I cheat again I'm toast. She has my lawyer working on a marriage contract between us. I'll sign anything to keep my family together.

Anyway ... as much as I love Georgia ... Please forgive me for what I'm about to say, Steve ... But there's just something special about sticking your dick in a really fresh pussy that's still tight. As much as I love Georgia, they pulled three kids out of her through that pussy. It is never going to be tight again. So like I said, when I felt that, any sense of guilt just disappeared. And I know she's told you this but it was only sex. It never lasted more than ten minutes. We didn't kiss. She didn't give me blowjobs ... It was all just plug and chug and then it was over.

But I was hooked, Steve. So when she told me that we were done, I wanted to just bow out, but I couldn't. I kept begging her for one more for the road. And she refused. I called her a selfish bitch a couple of times. I mean ... She used me. When she wanted to fuck, I was there for her. But then when she didn't need it anymore ... Fuck what I needed, it was over. That was why I called her. Shit it was in the middle of the night. I expected you to be at work at the hospital, cause you were working all of those midnight shifts and ..." He looked at the floor.

I was like a Damned addict. I just wanted one more fix. But it cost me everything it cost me our friendship. It cost me Georgia's trust. It almost cost me my family, my marriage and the chance to see my kids grow up." He started sobbing then. I almost tried to comfort him.

"It's still not good between Georgia and me," he said. "When I realized that you'd heard me over the phone I was scared shitless. I was expecting you to come rushing over and kick my ass. And if you didn't do that, I knew you were going to come over and tell Georgia about it. But you didn't do either. All of a sudden my marriage mattered to me more than anything on earth. I had pretty much settled into an old folks pattern with Georgia. We had boring, married sex about once a week and it felt like we did it just for the hell of it.

But after you caught me, suddenly, I couldn't fuck her enough. For about a week, until she found out ... I was pounding her like a fucking drum. I didn't know if I would ever get between her legs again. And I was right. Since she found out, I literally am not allowed to even touch her. I don't mean that we haven't had sex. I mean I literally am not allowed to make any sort of physical contact with her. She does not even allow incidental contact. We barely talk. And when we do, it's not good. I suppose I should be grateful that she even takes me to my doctor's appointments.

She has told me that the first step in regaining any semblance of normal communication is getting you to accept my apology. She has also told me not to ever expect to have sex with her again. But to be truthful, I'm to the point where I'm just glad to be in the same house as my kids. I'm willing to put up with whatever punishment she wants to mete out.

Her terms were that I sign the agreement the lawyer is drawing up. It says something to the effect of ... If I ever cheat on her again I have to just walk out of the house with nothing but the clothes on my back and whatever is in my wallet at the time. No credit cards, no investments, no bank accounts. Georgia gets everything. I also have to agree not to ever try to contact her or my kids again.

The second thing I have to do is get you to accept my apology. I understand that it doesn't mean that you forgive me. It doesn't mean that we're friends again, only that I have given you my most heartfelt statement of my sorrow at what I did and my acknowledgement that I was very wrong.

The third thing is that Georgia gets to get even with me. She gets a get out of jail free card. Sometime between now and whenever, she gets to fuck some guy and I can't say shit about it. But truthfully, I'm not worried about that. Last time she caught me she told me that she was going to do that and as far as I know, she never has. Georgia is approaching fifty. She hasn't gone through menopause yet but she's reached a time in her life when sex just isn't that important anymore. She isn't going to be fucking anyone. I think it 's just her pride making her ask for that.

So Steve, from the bottom of my heart, Dude, I am so very sorry. Please accept my apology." His hands were still too damaged to shake. And he couldn't even curl his fingers to do a fist bump. So he raised his right hand in a salute. I returned it and turned to open the gate so he could leave.

"Steve," he said. "There are three more things I'd like to talk to you about. I'll try to be quick." I nodded.

"After what I did to you ..." he began. "You had every right to ignore me when I hurt myself. But you proved what I've been saying all along. You're a better man than I will ever be. You crawled over that Damned fence and got me free of the car and then did first aid on me and even drove me to the ER. Hell you even did my X-rays. I just wanted you to know that I am very grateful for what you did for me. I owe you one, if you ever need or want anything from me, you have only to ask and it's yours.

The second thing is something that probably should be harder on me, but surprisingly isn't. You know, as much as I try to act like I know about cars and things, I had no idea how to do any of the things we did so far on the Chevelle. And I have no idea how to do any of the things we still need to do. It was always you dictating what we did. Shit the first time I went out there without you, the fuckin' car almost killed me. So I want you to have the car. Just come over and get it whenever you want it. If you wouldn't mind it, I'd like to see it when you're done with it. But really the car is yours to do whatever you want with."

"But I can't take ..." I began.

"Yeah you can," he interrupted. "You have to. Georgia still loves me deep down inside. It's a miracle that she does after the way I keep cheating on her, but she does. And she hates the car. She is so afraid that I'm going to get killed working on it. She told me that she has nightmares about the car falling on me or something like that. She wants the car gone. Her exact words were that she will not allow that Damned car to deprive our children of their father. So I have to get rid of the car or she would give it away for me. Please take it. It's a reminder of the friendship I ruined. You love it as much as I did. To tell you the truth, I'm a bit scared of it. Remember all of those stories we used to laugh at in the newspapers? Remember the ones about that Yellow Mustang that supposedly killed people? Well I believe them now. I'm telling you I barely touched the car before that hood slammed down on me. I can still feel the pain. I can still see it slamming down on my fingers and see my hands trapped there. I expected to lose both of my hands. I'm not sure I could ever look at that car the same way again." I nodded.

"Thanks," I said. "I come and get it later today. I have to clean out my garage's second bay for it."

"Last thing," he said. "I'm sure this isn't my place, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Sarah LOVES you. Do you know what she did before we did it every time? She would be there wringing her hands like she was about to do the worst thing she could think of. And she cried AFTER we did it. Every fucking time. Again, this probably isn't my place to say but I think you owe it to her to at least talk to her and find out why she did it. Maybe you could get her to sign a contract like the one Georgia is giving me. I'll bet she would leap at the chance." I nodded and he turned and went home.

As he walked away, I thought about everything he'd said. He made a hell of a lot of good points. As angry as I'd been at Rick angry as I still was at him, I couldn't bring myself to hate him anymore.

Would I take his car? ... Fuck yeah. I couldn't think of a single car guy who wouldn't jump at the chance to own a Chevelle SS. I hate GM cars, but I still wanted it. Did I feel guilty about what was going on with Georgia and me? Fuck no. Georgia was mine. She knew it and I knew it too. The only thing preventing her from leaving that asshole was their kids. Georgia had said it best. She loved Rick. They had three great kids and a lot of history, but she was in love with me.

We would play the good neighbor routine and get together whenever we had the chance. We would have to be extremely careful. Not because we were worried about Rick finding out, Georgia had two get out of jail free cards to use on Rick. But we needed to make sure that nothing that could embarrass their kids came to light.

But as sporadically as we would be able to get together, I would be getting more sex out of Georgia than Rick would. I was sure that eventually she would start rationing out the occasional mercy fuck on his birthday or Christmas, but she had sworn to me that she was mine, body and soul.

I also thought about what he'd said about Sarah. When it came to her, too much was hazy. I still felt too much anger to think rationally. I had loved Sarah. We had been very close. We had been intimate. And I didn't meant that in the sense that we had sex.

The funniest thing about the twenty-first century was that so many of the terms and words that we use on a daily basis have been redefined. Having sex nowadays no longer requires intimacy. For a lot of people sex is no longer something exchanged between lovers. It has become as meaningless and disposable as a hug.

In it's most basic it's just called hooking up. There are even apps for your phone that help you hook up. Girls as well as guys look to hook up. And surprisingly it means very little to either party.

And far from bringing to two parties together and making them close, hooking up mostly pushes them apart to the point where subsequent chance meetings between two people who have hooked up are often awkward and embarrassing. Sometimes the parties avoid meeting each other.

Intimacy, on the other hand, means being emotionally close with another person. It means being able to almost sense their moods and feelings and caring about them as well.

Sarah and I had been intimate before we ever had sex. Everything in my life revolved around making her happy. We'd had our entire lives planned out. It was still very painful for me to consider the reason we'd split.

She had betrayed me in the worst possible way and with the worst possible person. It was like double jeopardy. I lost both of the most important people in my life in one devastating blow.

And as bad as Rick's betrayal had been, on some levels I could understand why he had done it. Rick had also never sworn in front of our friends and family to be faithful to me. Sarah HAD.

To be truthful, every time I looked at her I wanted to cry. At the same time I was so angry at her that I could barely breathe.

"Well done, my love," she said. Just hearing her voice made me feel better.

"Where's Rick?" I asked.

"I gave him his pain meds and watched him nod off. The cute teen from down the block is earning a few dollars watching my kids. She'll text me if he starts to wake up. I paid extra for that," she said. "I was just wondering if anyone around here knows how to take care of a pregnant woman with an itch in her pussy?"

"Would I do?" I asked.

"You'd do perfectly," she smirked.

Less than two minutes later, we were naked and in my bed. Our kisses were wet and slow and each one lasted for what seemed like hours. It felt like heaven being between Georgia's thick legs. And as usual her pelvic movements seemed to both squeeze the hell out of my dick and to milk all of the fluids I could produce out of me.
