Double or Nothing Pt. 01


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Finally, regarding the primary dwelling owned by Mr and Mrs Other, I grant full use of the house to Mr Other with no financial penalties. As previously stated, both Mrs Other and Ms Other already have a new primary residence costing them nothing. If Mr Other sells the current home, he will be required to provide 40% of the profits after taxes to Mrs Other.

No one said anything. I don't think anyone expected this as an outcome.

"The divorce of Mr John Other from Mrs Carol Other is granted, this court is adjourned.

We were ushered out of the court while the next case was being brought in. Kim was ecstatic in the hallway; rarely did a divorce favour the aggrieved party, especially the man where custody was involved, but Carol had hurt herself by leaving that letter and demanding I allow Stephen to adopt Mackenzie.

As we walked out of the court, we passed Carol and Stephen along with their lawyers. As we approached, they stopped talking a looked at us. Kim held my hand and kept me walking past them, a big smug, satisfied smile on her face; Stephen glared at me. Carol looked upset then got angry as we were almost past her. I smiled at them and kept walking. I heard her whisper, "You Bastard!" but Kim kept me moving before I could respond.

That evening I got a call from my parents; mum was feeling unwell but was happy to hear the result while also sad that she wouldn't get to see her granddaughter anymore. Dad was pragmatic but also upset. Paul came around, joining Kim and me, and Kim, Paul and I ended up having burgers and a couple of beers. It wasn't a celebration, no one wins in a divorce, but I had gotten out of everything relatively unscathed financially. The one surprising call came the next day from William and Martha.

"Hey Terry, how are you doing?"

"All things considered, not too bad. However, I feel like my heart will never be the same again, Carol's betrayal hurt, but Mackenzie, I just don't get it?"

"We understand, son," William noted. "We love our daughters like life itself; to have someone give you up for nothing but money and an overweight man with an attitude problem and superiority complex is baffling."

I had to agree with William. It was perplexing. "I have the feeling this is a lot of her mothers doing. While I never saw it coming, looking back. I can see that I was never enough for Carol. She always wanted the latest fashion, spent the money I had quicker than I could make it. I had to make do with a second-hand truck for work while she always had a new Lexus. At the time, I didn't understand. I guess now I do. I wasn't enough for her, and she taught her daughter the same thing."

I could feel a little depressed at the loss of my daughter. I think they felt it too, as William changed the topic

"So what are you going to do now Terry?"

"Honestly, I am not sure, I've been talking with Dad, and I am thinking about selling the house and moving away, so there won't be a chance I run into any of them. I've got my truck, my tools and skills where I can get work just about anywhere, so I feel that space might be a good thing."

There was a moment of silence from them


"Yes, Martha?"

"Well, William and I have been talking, and we were wondering something?"

My curiosity peaked; ever since I had met this couple, they had treated me like family; despite not knowing me from the guy next to me from that night at the hospital, they had made sure to check in on me almost like I was one of their kids.

"What would you be wondering?"

I could hear some hushed gestures, and something was happening; William cleared his throat.

"Um, Terry, we were wondering if you would be open to coming and working for us?"

"Working for you, you mean at Deloitz Inc?"

"Well yes, recently one of our managers has decided to retire, he's been with the company for over forty years, and we can't find anyone with the right skills to replace him. However, as you're a plumber, you know the product and its use, you could be perfect. Martha has been at me for a few weeks to talk to you, but I wanted to wait for your divorce to be final. So if your thinking of moving, perhaps you would be open to an offer with us?"

I was speechless; this couple had just offered me what sounded like a management position with them.

"Terry, are you there?" Martha asked.

"Um, yes, sorry guys, you just shocked me; of course, I am interested. It could be the move I'm looking for."

We spent the next hour hashing out details, they told me what they wanted, and while it was a little outside of my management experience, the operational details were well in my capabilities as a plumber. They needed me to help oversee the quality of their manufacturing process. As I mentioned earlier, Delotiz makes a wide range of plumbing products sold here in Australia and overseas. They have three locations and several trucks for shipping and logistics. And the key to their success was the quality of their products. So to offer me a role managing their quality was a big thing for both them and myself. They let me know that my base would be almost double my current annual income as a sole trader, and with performance bonuses, it could be a lot more if I put the effort in.

I accepted on the condition that I could pass the contract by Kim before formally accepting. They were happy with that and approved that I was looking out for myself. When I passed the opportunity by Kim, she was very happy for me. It would get me out of town away from Carol and Mackenzie. And she knew William and Martha from the hospital, so she knew my new bosses were good people. So the next day, I accepted and began the process of relocating.

Instead of selling the house, I went to an agent and looked to rent it out. This way, I could get an income from it and not have to pay Carol anything. Within a fortnight, I had someone ready to move in, in around six weeks. For myself, I found a little rental not far from the Delotiz offices; it was a two-bedroom unit with parking and storage giving me enough space for my truck and tools. The rental agency was happy that I would take twelve months at a time rental.

While I was preparing for my move, I also heard that Stephen and Carol had gotten married. That also meant that Stephen had adopted my daughter; well, now she was Mackenize Morrison. I was no longer her father. I thought it would hit me a lot harder; however, it didn't. While I was sad, it was just what happened. I guess I was moving forward with my life.

The night before I left, Mum, Dad, Kim and Paul came over, and we had the most amazing Thai food from a place that Paul had found accidentally. Sadly it was the third last time I saw mum outside a hospital; we didn't know at the time, but she had cancer, and while they were doing tests, mum and dad hadn't gotten the diagnosis.

"So now it's all said and done, you haven't heard anything from Carol or Makenzie?"

"No mum, I honestly didn't think I would, though. I heard they had a big wedding. Mackenzie was part of the bridal party and gushing about her new dad."

"Yes, but I heard there is already trouble in paradise!" said my sister with a sparkle in her eyes

"Really?" I asked

She nodded, "Yes, apparently after that evening at the hospital, Dr Stephen Morron has been put on probation. Apparently, losing one of their large donors and having them walk out to another hospital got them some notice. But, of course, it also helps that some lawyer somewhere was able to provide evidence and witnesses that saw him yelling at an in a patient in an unprofessional manner."

We all laughed, "Some lawyer?"

"Well, I hear she's incredibly good looking and has a sharp mind!" she smiled, "But I'm going to be keeping an eye on Dr Dickhead. I've told the hospital that if any further complaints surface, we will be seeking damages. Their response was to put him on probation, and he had no bonuses coming for the next two years. So I am sure between that and no money from your university account that things are not quite a rosy as it was supposed to be for the newlyweds and his new daughter."

The following day, the movers arrived, took the rest of the furniture away, putting it into storage. I would ship it to me in the future if I needed it. After that, a cleaning crew came in and cleaned the house, ready for my new tenants. I was securing my tools in my truck, preparing for the drive to my new apartment, when I heard one of the few voices I least expected.

"Where are you going Dad?"

Turning around, there stood my former daughter Mackenzie. A little further down the street, I could see Carol sitting in her new Lexus watching.

"Away," was my simple monotone response.

"But dad, why are you going away? Now that everything is done, you can see me again. I sure would like to see you. You can spoil me again and give me the birthday present that I'm sure you got me!"

I grunted and said nothing checking the tie-down behind my driver's cab. Inside I was split between running to my little girl for a hug and screaming at her for how she hurt me.

Mackenzie watched me for a few minutes, then turned that little pouty voice all daughters use to get their way with their fathers. "Daddy, don't you want to see me?"

My response was instant. "No, Not really. I don't want to see you" I turned back to her, letting a little of my anger from the last six months seep into my expression. "Mackenize, your fifteen now, so you are going to need to start learning how the adult world works. And after what you and your mother did to me, right now between you and me, your adult life starts here!" I was trying not to get too angry and trying doubly hard not to swear. "So no, I have no interest in seeing you, in spoiling you or giving you anything."

"But daddy, I am still your little girl, your still my father!"

I almost exploded. Instead, I punched the side of my truck, the metal on the side giving off a metallic thud. Mackenize recoiled.

I left my fist coiled up against the side of my truck, my face to the ground as I spoke to the girl that was once my most precious possession. "No, I am not your father anymore. You and your mother demanded that I give up that right when I came home that day; you left me without any warning. I got no goodbye, told no contact at all for over six months as you both got a restraining order on me!" a single tear rolled down my cheek. I straightened out and looked at Mackenzie. "What did I ever deserve to be treated like that? Can you tell me? Can you Mackenzie?"

I felt terrible berating a fifteen-year-old like that, but six months of pain was rolling out of me. Carol had gotten out of the car and was walking towards us; following the show of emotion, she would be able to hear what I was saying clearly, so I kept going.

"I came home that day, and your mother tore my heart out. I loved her and gave her everything I could. When she needed to go out, I was home to look after you. When she needed dinner done or the place cleaned up, I pitched in. When either of you were sick, I looked after you. If she wanted new clothes or shoes, I made sure she had the money for that. But it wasn't enough." Carol was now standing behind Mackenize, not saying anything. Then, for the first time, I started her down, letting the love that had turned to hatred directly at my now ex-wife. "She took what she wanted from me pretending to return the love I gave her and had an affair that I was oblivious to for almost two years. I was oblivious because I loved her. But that wasn't the worst betrayal. Do you want to know what was Mackenzie?"

She looked at me like a deer in the headlights

"It was you Mackienize, my own daughter," I thumped my chest, more tears rolling. "My own flesh and blood betrayed me. Your mother tore my heart out, but you stood on it and lit it on fire. Never once did either of you bother to check if I was ok. When your new father told you I was at the hospital, did either of you bother to check if I was ok or injured? No! On my birthday, there was no happy birthday, no message saying you missed me. But on your birthday, Makeinze, you tell me I can call you to tell me what your present was. I had no idea what I could do because I was beyond hurt, and you both added insult to injury by putting a restraining order on me when you both left me. Then you both told me to give up my rights to be your father. I was betrayed by those closest to me.

"So no Mackenzie, there are no presents for your birthday, there will be nothing for Christmas or weekends, if you need something don't call me, don't ask me to help you. Both of you almost killed me, so there is nothing from me anymore. I'm no longer your father, and to be honest with how selfish you have acted; I don't recognize the girl I knew. If you want something, you need to go and ask your new father, because to me, on that day when you both left, you both died as far as I am concerned. I will mourn you both for the rest of my life; it's easier to think of you dead than alive with what you both did to me. It will hurt less."

My tears were like a stream falling from my eyes by the end of my impassioned speech, the first real tears I had cried in months. Mackenize, unable to take it, turned and ran back to the car, my heart broke again, but nothing was to be done. Carol tried to catch her, but she ran past her.

Carol turned back to me as the car door slammed, closing Mackenzie off from me, and my now ex-wife let her fury back on me. "How could you do that Terry, she's your daughter and wanted to come and make amends. You're a real first-class bastard. You know that!"

"She isn't my fucking daughter anymore, and I am only that way because of how you acted, but it is not my problem anymore, is it? You made sure of that!"

She glared at me.

"So that's it, you just fucking give up and run away like a pathetic excuse for a man; Stephen was right about you!"

"No Carol, like I told you, you and your daughter destroyed me. You took every ounce of love that I had for both of you and killed it. All that paperwork and those bloody adoption papers! They were months in preparation, and both of you had to be in on it. Your daughter knew you were going to fuck me over. SHE KNEW! The morning you left, you both acted like nothing was going to happen!"

"And fuck me, Carol! The night before in bed, you never gave me any fucking indication you were about to leave." Carol blushed and looked down at the ground for a moment, recalling our last time having sex. "But fuck that, you're a fucking ice queen to make love to me like that, then just walk out the door."

I kept pushing.

"And for the record, I didn't give up; you gave up on me. You forsook our marriage vows and fucked another man becoming a cheating slut. You're the one that acted like a coward and ran away, then did everything to make sure I couldn't follow you. You manipulated Mackenzie to become the same self-centred spoilt bitch that you have become. You could have had the decency to let my daughter be my daughter. But no, you had to fucking have it your way. You did what you wanted to fuck anyone else in your way. So tell me, Carol did you ever love me?"

She softened for just a moment and looked like she was about to start an apology, then something went through her mind, and her eyes narrowed.

"Fuck you Terry! You know what, me and my daughter will be fine without you; Stephen is twice the man you are, and we will be fine without your plumber's wages!"

I laughed. "Yes, he is twice the man I am; you better watch it. The dickheads stomach is quite large. It must be difficult being stuck under all that weight as he pushes that little fat-bellied cock into you. And before you met him, I don't recall you ever complaining about me being a plumber before!"

"You know what, Terry...." I held up my hand and sighed.

"Carol, stop. You and Mackenize have made your choices. You now have to understand that I am no longer a part of anything you do. I have given you the money that the court requires, and as I am no longer part of those choices you have made in regards to you or your daughter, I am choosing to walk away and remove myself from the equation."

"But that money was Makenizes, not yours; you should give it to her!"

"And there we go, again it's about money! Furthermore, now it's all done, you never said you're sorry for how you treated me, how you left, how you so casually turned my own daughter against me, putting a restraining order in place." Carol was looking at the ground now, something like shame on her face. "It's obvious you only came here for one thing, money! So it's not no to giving you anything from that account, but fucking hell no! Neither you nor she will be getting any of that money. When you two chose tiny dick to adopt her, you removed that money as an option for her. You and her new father can find the money if she goes to university; you're the one who keeps saying how much better the slimy piece of shit is. And as Mackenize is no longer my daughter, I will save it for the day when perhaps I have a child that will love me unconditionally and give it to them.

Carol looked like she was about to explode. I looked at Mackenize sitting in the passenger's seat sobbing. I didn't know if it was because I gave her a little dose of life or because she lost me. I would likely never know. I held up my hand again before Carol could say anymore.

"Carol, whatever your about to say is not going to be helpful. We are done. Know that once I loved Mackenize and you with everything I had, I would have given my life for either of you. But know that is gone now, and you won't like what has replaced it if you keep pushing. So go back to your new life and do what you want. I am doing what I want with mine!"

With that, I turned back and kept securing the tie-downs on my truck. She stood there for about five minutes, just staring at me. Then she turned and left. I watched out of the corner of my eyes as she sat in her car another couple of minutes, her and Mackenize talking. Once Mackenize went to get out of the vehicle. However, it looked like Carol held her back. I never once directly looked at them; I just kept finishing securing my tools into my truck. Then, as I was doing final checks and walking around my truck, I noticed the car was gone.

I spent a few more minutes making sure everything was set. The house was clean. I got into my truck and drove away. I wasn't sure what was next in my life, but I would try and be ready for it. Ha, ready for it; little did I know that life was ready to throw me curves that I was never going to be ready for!


Thank you for reading part 1 of 'Double or Nothing'. I appreciate all comments and love constructive criticism as I am trying to learn how to be a good author. I've already written about a 1/3 of part 2 where Terry's new life will change how he looks at everything.


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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

I like the story; this is the second or third time I have read it. You express the indignation, anger and despair Terry feels very well. But I agree with Anonymous 1 month ago, you either need a copy editor or find one who is competent. The average of one grammatical or spelling error per paragraph is unacceptable (or should be to any self respecting author). Do you actually read over anything you have written? Such errors break up the flow of the narrative and while there are probably many readers whose understanding of English is such that such issues pass them by there are also many who find them an unnecessary distraction.

I don't wish to sound too much like the grammar police, but if you are paying an editor, find one who is worth the money. Rant over. It's a great story for which I thank you; I shall keep reading with pleasure.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I quite enjoyed the story itself, but I'm alarmed to think you might have wasted very much time or money on the services of an editor (as implied in your introduction).

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Still one of my favorites after all this time and all the times I came to read it again. It still gets me incredibly emotional which just proves to me how memorable and all consuming this story has continued to be.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

5 Stars on one of the best stories here . Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I know that I've read this before, a very good story. I've had several professions in my life, plumbing among them. You earn every dollar paid and then some. Thank you, 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

consulting91consulting913 months ago

Great start. I can’t wait to see where this series goes.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief3 months ago

One hell of a story so far. It's hard to imagine the hurt Terry went through, but I'm hoping things work out for him and there will be payback.

midatlstorymanmidatlstoryman4 months ago

Excellent story. I do love it when the cheating "loving" wives get theirs. And in this case the equally evil daughter. Can't think of anything to make it better, until we find out what caused these two sluts to come crawling back.

SlomoverSlomover4 months ago

A very good story but the grammatical errors are horrendous. Proofread your work then have someone else proofread it for you. Then correct all the mistakes before you submit. If you can do this I think your work will be a pleasure for everyone to read.

Calico75Calico754 months ago

I really like this part of the story and have read it several times. Well written. The second part I do not like nearly as well. This is an excellent author, however, and I enjoy and respect his stories.

dgfergiedgfergie4 months ago

A very good story still, after my second reading. The depravity and heartlessness of some people is amazing. Some of these LW stories are closer to real life than many realize. This story is particularly close to my own experience of losing a wife and 2 daughters after 13 years of marriage. But thank goodness there is Karma and I was fortunate to find a loving woman with 4 kids that allowed me to start over.

good story and still 5 stars.

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