Dr. Cole's Casefiles - Vanessa


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Judith slapped the blonde's beautiful ass hard. Vanessa cried out, but didn't stop. Judith said, "That's right slut. Giddy up. You heard your lover. Give her what she needs. That's a slut's job." She slapped the other side of the girl's ass.

The slaps, the insults, the dominance, the taste of her lover, Karen's crooning words of love, all combined to put Vanessa on a fast boil. Even though she had already come twice that day, these women had kept her in such a heightened state of arousal that Vanessa knew she was on the verge of a giant orgasm. Desperation tinged her voice. "Please, Mistress, may I come?"

Judith's answer nearly made her new slave weep. "No, you may not." But recognizing that the girl might not be able to hold back, Judith pulled the lady cock out of her.

Surprised, Vanessa broke the pussy kiss again. That earned her another hard slap on the ass. She cried out. Judith's voice grew sterner. "I didn't tell you to quit. Are you going to leave poor Karen hanging?"

Vanessa's voice trembled. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I'm sorry Karen." She went back to work on her lover. Moments later, Karen's cry of release filled the room.

When the slender girl had stopped quaking, Judith said, "Get up, Karen."

Groggy and slow, Karen slid over and put first one, then the other unsteady leg over the side, pointed her toes down, and slid off the table, leaving wet streaks of lust on the wood.

Judith slapped Vanessa's ass. "Clean those streaks, slut, then lay on the table. Face up. "

The blonde's labored breath and wide-eyed stare indicated her disorientation. She uttered, "Yes, Mistress," and bent to her task, removing the traces of her lover's honey from the wood.

Judith crooned. "Such an obedient slut. You may yet earn an orgasm."

Her chore finished, Vanessa sat on the table and placed her hands down flat to help scoot herself back. Judith interrupted her. "Wait, girl. Those shoes are perfect to show off your feet, but they'll scratch the wood." She knelt to unbuckle the straps.

She murmured as she removed the first shoe and caressed her girl's foot. "You have beautiful feet. Maybe the best I've ever seen. The feet of a goddess. I've never owned a goddess before."

The dark beauty lifted Vanessa's foot to her mouth. She kissed the sole, reverently, then wrapped her tongue around the big toe and sucked it into her mouth, as if it were a lover's tongue, humming while she did.

Vanessa whimpered. Her hands traced up her own legs, on the way instinctively to her pussy. Judith stopped and barked, "What did I tell you, slut? It doesn't matter if you feel compelled. Your cunt is MINE. It gets only the stimulation I agree to give it. I don't want to punish such a delightful piece of meat, but have no doubt; I WILL. I'll leave you on the verge of an orgasm for the entire day."

Vanessa snatched her hands away and held them against her own head and whimpered. "I'm sorry, Mistress. Please forgive me."

"This is the last time, slave. Don't interrupt my enjoyment of your body again."

"I won't, Mistress. I won't."

The dark beauty resumed worshipping her girl's lovely feet. When she finished, the wreck of what was once Vanessa Fontaine lay on the table, trembling, whimpering, sweating, lost in lust, now merely a compliant plaything for the dominatrix, her submission complete.

Judith stood and rubbed the lady-cock against Vanessa's nether lips. The blonde spread her legs, and wrapped them around the dominatrix. "Please, Mistress, fuck me. Please let me come."

Judith's voice softened. "You gave sweet little Karen a good orgasm." She turned her head and spoke to the slender girl. "What do you say, Karen? Has this lovely piece of meat earned another coming?"

Karen gazed into Vanessa's eyes. Vanessa's face was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her breath was labored. Her hips rocked involuntarily. Her skin was flushed from her chest to her forehead. Her ears looked as if they were on fire. She stared back at her dark-haired lover and mouthed the word "Please." Karen turned to Judith. "Yes, Mistress. Please give her what she needs. Shall I help?"

The dominatrix nodded. "Fondle her. Kiss her. You be gentle and I'll be rough."

Judith slammed the lady-cock into Vanessa so hard it made her breasts bounce. Karen cooed words of love into the blonde's ear while she fondled and kissed her tits. Judith fucked her fast and hard. Vanessa leveraged herself with her feet on the older woman's buttocks, raising her hips to meet each thrust and drawing the plastic cock further inside. She grimaced, grunted, and sweated. Her body tensed. She cried out. "Please, Mistress, let me come."

Judith answered, "Come now, slut."

Vanessa's body shuddered. She clamped the older woman inside her with the strength of her shapely legs enhanced by the intensity of her coming. She screamed out unintelligible words in a stream of incoherence. Tears ran down the sides of her head, mingling with the dripping sweat. She remained conscious, but lost full awareness of her surroundings. Minutes later, she lay still on the table, her arms akimbo and her legs hanging down.

Through the haze of the afterglow, Vanessa heard Judith speak to Karen. "Come, let's get her into a warm bath. We'll clean her up then the two of you can take a nap together."

"Thank you, Mistress. It's good of you to let us be together even while you're training her."

"You have great value, my sweet. And this lovely creature will prove very valuable as well. You've provided excellent service to me, getting her here and helping me with her."


Vanessa remained quiet for several minutes. I prompted her. "It sounds like you enjoyed the experience, even though Judith treated you roughly and Karen, I guess, 'conspired' is the proper word, with her."

"Well, like anything in life, it was both good and bad. But, really, I'm tired of talking now. Can we stop there?"

I said, "I was just about to suggest that. It's been another extra-long session."

Vanessa gave me an enigmatic smile. "But you don't mind, I can tell."

My panties were soaked. I could smell myself. Thinking that Vanessa made a playful reference to my obvious arousal, I felt my face and ears burn. I could only imagine how red my blush made them.

I tried to ignore my own discomfort. "Speaking to the psychological aspects, you've had an interesting life, not always pleasant, but full of challenges. I'm sure you'd agree that it hasn't been boring."

Vanessa laughed. "Hell no, Sue. Not boring." But the light moment died quickly. "Not boring, but several regrets, even if everything that happened now seems as if it were inevitable."

I looked at her. "Will you be alright? Do you need to continue? You want me to write a prescription?"

She shook her head and looked solemn. "No, no pills. But I can't go on today. It'll wait til next week."

I didn't feel right about letting her go without knowing that she wouldn't be alone for long. "Aaron will be back in town Friday?"

"Yes. And yes, we already have plans."

I nodded. "Very well. Have a pleasant evening."

Session 07

Vanessa arrived for her next session looking downcast. Sleeplessness had left its marks. Under her eyes and in them I saw dark bruising and dullness, respectively. When she got settled on the couch, I said, "You seem sad. Do you wish to talk about what's troubling you?"

She managed a self-deprecating smirk. "What's the old saying? My chickens have come home to roost?"

"You mean something from your past is causing you trouble now? Someone?"

She sighed and lay there quietly and closed her eyes. I decided to wait without prompting, unless she showed further signs of distress. After fifteen minutes, I noticed that she was still and her breathing was regular. She was asleep. I pondered what to do for a moment, then let my nurturing side control me. I got a light blanket that I kept draped over a chair and covered her. I resisted the urge to smooth her hair and kiss her cheek. I assumed that she must have spent a sleepless night, maybe more than one.

I shrugged and started updating some patient files. If she needed to sleep that badly, the best thing I could do for her was to let her.

I was in the middle of typing up some notes when I heard her sleepy voice. "Sue?"

"I'm right here." I glanced at the clock and saw she'd slept for an hour.

She sat up and noticed the blanket. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Not long. Certainly not long enough. How do you feel?"

"Were you going to let me sleep for the entire session?"

"Yes. I'd have stayed long into the night if you needed it."

Tears leaked from her eyes. "Oh Sue. I'm sorry."

"Nonsense. I'm a doctor, first and foremost. I'm treating your mental health, but I won't ignore your physical health." I fetched a bottle of water from the small refrigerator behind my desk and gave it to her.

"Thanks." She drank a third of it in one gulp.

"Dehydration can exacerbate fatigue."

She cocked an eyebrow. "How many ten dollar words can you fit into one sentence?"

I laughed. Bill always said one of my most endearing traits was my tendency for pompous phrasing. "Never mind the fancy words. Do you feel better?"


"Do you feel like talking?"

She finished her water and stretched her arms. "Yes."

"Do you want to lie back down or sit by my desk?"

"I'll stay on the couch. I've gotten used to talking that way."

I nodded. "Okay. Well, when we stopped, you had just described another experience with you, Judith, and Karen. Do you recall?"

"Yes. Judith and Karen bathed me and Karen and I caught a nap. I needed the rest, if you know what I mean."

I nodded. "Yes, sexual activity can consume a lot of energy. From your description, I'm not surprised that you needed a bit of sleep."

She closed her eyes, as if gathering her thoughts for a few moments before speaking. "Sleeping with Karen was always sweet. And I mean sleeping, not, you know, the other. I always thought that was a stupid euphemism."

I smiled. "Look who's using ten dollar words now?"

She returned my smile and cocked an eyebrow. "Well, I graduated from college, didn't I? Majored in English, no less, so I'm entitled to an occasional pompous phrase or two."

I said, "As many as you want." I had to stop myself from leaning toward her and taking her hand.

Her smile faded slowly and she remained quiet.

I asked, "Do you miss Karen?"

She shrugged. "Yes. She was a good friend. Of course I miss her. Mostly, though, I feel guilty about letting her slip away."

"But you say you didn't love her."

"I did love her in a way, just not as intensely as she loved me. In the end, I couldn't give her what she needed. Maybe she needed me to return her love from the first time we made love together. Probably so."

"Didn't you tell me that she was under the impression that you did? Because you put so much into the sex you had together? You just didn't say the words?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I guess that's why she waited so long to push me."

"Let's start there. Tell me about it."

"That'll take a good long while. How much time do we have left?"

I didn't even glance at the clock. "I have no plans for the evening. You can talk as long as you like. If we get hungry, I'll send out. If we were eighty miles south in Beauchamp on the coast, we could order creole seafood, New Orleans style. Here in Forrestburg it's either pizza or Chinese."

Vanessa smiled. "Whichever one of us gets hungry first can choose. Deal?"

I returned her smile. "Deal. Now, talk to me."

She inhaled deeply and started. "After Karen and Judith bathed me and put me into bed, I slept. I don't know how long. A movement on the bed woke me up. Judith had uncovered Karen and was kissing her pussy. Karen hadn't woke up yet. Judith kept on licking and looked at me. She darted her eyes up at Karen. I understood. She wanted me to work on Karen's top while she did the bottom. I smiled and nodded.

"Karen had the longest nipples I ever saw. And very sensitive. Just a light touch of my tongue was enough to usually get her started. That day, I swirled first and then sucked hard. She began moaning. I think she was still half asleep. After a few minutes, I moved to her other breast and pinched the one I had just left. Her eyes popped open. Her orgasm must have struck the moment she realized we were pleasuring her body while she slept. She shuddered and cried out something incomprehensible.

"She grabbed my head and reached between her legs to grab Judith's. Neither Judith nor I stopped. I couldn't get enough of her nipples and Judith, apparently, couldn't get enough of her sweet cunt. Karen always had the most delicious pussy. So clean. Such an arousing female smell. Such pretty lips. Hers had more loose flesh than mine, but still such a lovely shade of pink.

"And her bud was amazing. Most women's nub might harden, some don't. But Karen's was like Judith's, it popped out of its fleshy pink sheath. Judith's was as large as the end of my pinky finger. Karen's was like her nipples, long and narrow. Judith wouldn't let the delicate piece of flesh go. She kept sucking it and plunged two fingers inside Karen. She screamed as a second orgasm shook her. More gibberish. It was hyper-sexy to watch her losing all control."

Vanessa lay quiet. I made an observation. "It seems that you measure sexual enjoyment by the loss of control. Would you agree?"

She raised her eyebrows and shrugged. "I guess so."

I continued. "And do you see a correlation between that and what you believe to be your submissiveness?"

She pondered that for a moment. "I never thought about it before, but it sounds logical. I mean, the relationship between the desire to give up control and the complete loss of control. Yeah, that makes sense."

I continued. "But it can only work when you trust the people you're with? Or would a sense of danger merely increase it? It does for some people."

She shook her head. "Not for me. I can't stand the thought of danger, well, not much beyond a rollercoaster ride or something like that."

I nodded. "That goes back to your childhood experiences. Your father gave you love, comfort, order. Your mother interjected fear, rejection, chaos. And the chaos won. Such backgrounds usually give rise to two different kinds of personalities. The first seeks to repeat the familiar chaos. These people tend toward self-destructive behaviors, such as excessive drinking, drug use, and sexual promiscuity. The second exhibits a low tolerance for any level of uncertainty and can develop a controlling personality. These people can exhibit many different forms of neurosis, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Both kinds tend to have trouble forming stable relationships. The chaotic ones drive away the people that they tell themselves they want. They set themselves up for failure and see themselves as constant victims. The obsessive ones reject people, telling themselves that these people don't measure up to their standards. They're seen as impossible to please."

I paused. Vanessa squinted, as if concentrating. "I don't think I fit into either of those archetypes."

I nodded. "I agree. You are a great deal more balanced than anybody else I've treated with a similar background. It's what makes you especially interesting as a patient."

I realized that I sounded too clinical, too unemotional, the minute I saw Vanessa's flat stare. "I lay here and talk and tell you my stories and I know how aroused you get, but not from your facial expressions or your words. Shit! If I couldn't smell your wet pussy, I'd swear you were a damn Vulcan on Star Trek."

She stood, hiked up her skirt and straddled me. The chair I used had no arms and was more like one from a kitchen set. She put her arms around my neck. I opened my mouth to protest but she didn't give me a chance. She filled my mouth with her tongue. It was a thing with a life of its own, probing every inch of mine, entwining my tongue, sucking it into her own mouth. She unfastened the barrette that held back my hair and ran her fingers through my raven locks.

She broke the kiss, briefly and whispered. "Undress me."

I protested. "No. We can't. We mustn't."

She swirled her wet tongue in my ear and bit my lobe. Her breath, when she spoke, burned the flesh of my neck. "We must. We both need it. You've wanted me since the first day. I need you to take me. Do it now."

Her lips felt like fire on my throat. The smell of her hair filled my nostrils. I felt helpless, my resistance fading, my lust already risen, as always when I listened to this lovely creature, possessed me. I fumbled with her buttons. She rocked her hips against me and whispered. "I need you, Sue. Take me. Do everything you ever dreamed of doing to me."

I gave up. To hell with professional ethics, the doctor/patient relationship, my career, everything. Nothing mattered now except for this amazing woman that had been such a tantalizing part of my life for these past weeks. A woman like no other I've ever met. A creature of pure sexual magnetism. Bill, my friend and therapist had been right all along. If she could enrapture a fifty year old lesbian dominatrix, surely I had never really stood a chance of resisting her. Judith had been entirely correct in her description of Vanessa: PRIMAL. The quintessential female archetype.

Her blouse was off and her bra discarded. Her magnificent breasts, warm, firm, and perfectly round quivered subtly before my face. I ran my hands over the smooth skin of her back and kissed her left nipple chastely.

"Bite me, baby."

I bit, gently, no more than a holding of her nipple with my teeth.

She arched her back, pushing her bosom against my face, threatening to suffocate me with her opulent flesh. "Harder, like you mean it. Like you want me. Like you want to eat me."

Remembering something she'd related in a prior session, I bit down hard and squeezed her buttocks. She gasped and grabbed my head. I released the bite and swirled my tongue, then repeated the action several times. She whimpered and moaned.

She stood, unfastened her skirt, and let it drop. Her red nylon panties were dark with the wetness of her lust. Her tawny eyes smoldered as she looked at me while hooking her fingers in the waistband and pulling the panties down. Her gaze never wavered as she hooked the sex-scented garment with her toe, extended her leg, and raised it to my face.

Mesmerized, I took it, closed my eyes, held it to my nose, and inhaled as deeply as I could. When I opened my eyes, there she lay, on the couch, naked, her legs spread, her cunt glistening, and one foot in the air, twirling in a circle, inviting me to continue the journey I'd desired for so long.

I took her dainty foot in my hands, gazed into her eyes, and sucked her toes, one by one. She smiled in a sleepy-eyed, dreamy fashion, as if acknowledging my expressed appreciation for her unsurpassed body. I worked my way slowly up her leg, splattering hot and wet kisses along the way to her perfect cunt. I lapped her juices and kissed her bud and plundered her pink nether lips with my fingers through several orgasms. I wallowed in her pussy, covering my face, my hair, even the bodice of my dress with the aroma of her carnality.

We assumed the sixty-nine position and continued making love for what seemed hours. No control. No caring about tomorrow. Nothing but pure need existed in that room that night. When we reached exhaustion, I covered us with a light blanket and we slept entwined on the couch.

Session 08a-The Long Session Begins

I woke up sweaty and disoriented. God, what a dream. Surely it had been a vision manufactured from the raw material of my dangerous desire for my beautiful and troubled patient. I thought I had my infatuation with her under control, but the dream belied that assumption. It was so thrilling, allowing her to seduce me and me plundering her delicious body with such abandon and she mine. Oh, but it was SUCH a dream. And I recalled every moment vividly.
