Dragon (S)Layers Ch. 02: Sorceress


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"Gods." the little elf sighed, slumping back in the couch while Sarah's lips pressed down firm enough to slide the foreskin back so her tongue could lap at the head. She went down on it even as she sucked from the thick shaft like an over sized straw. Tessarie groaned and draped her head back over the couch while the woman continued her ministrations. Pleading, coaxing, massaging. Every inch within her mouth sang to the woman's tongue. . . And far too soon it was over.

Tessarie had never had someone do this and didn't know what to expect but when her orgasm broke, she jerked forward and felt her cock pulse. Time and again. Wave after wave of exquisite pleasure rippled through her body as the couch creaked and groaned where her nails dug into the upholstery. She came so hard she couldn't even breathe as her cock throbbed and pumped thick, gooey ropes into the object of her pleasure. She was too far gone to think of the name or even how she had come but she could feel something sucking at the tip. Milking her to greater heights of pleasure even as she came again.

This time she managed a weak mewl while her cock erupted again. Another thick splash of cum poured from her and she pumped forward unconsciously against the object bringing her to climax. This time, she was surprised to feel the thing around her cock tighten-- before she knew it, she felt hair draped down either side of her tights and a tongue lapping at the base of her shaft. She managed to look down to see a woman's head buried her between her legs. Red hair glistening in the dim light, she had her lips pressed to Tessarie's pelvis as she swallowed load after gushing load.

This time, she didn't pause as Tessarie came. She wasn't even swallowing any more. It just went straight into her stomach as the woman cooed. The little elf placed her hands on the woman's back, unsure even of who this woman was or how she came to be there. Just reveling in the pleasure that was unlike any she had experienced before.

She slumped forward after a final spurt, resting her weight against the woman and shaking violently from adrenaline and orgasm. Slowly she came back to her senses and the moments before her first penile orgasm came flooding back. Sarah was the woman's name. A half-blood human and elf. . . Who bragged about her tongue.

Maybe it wasn't so much a brag as a statement of the truth.

Sarah swallowed, causing her throat to tighten around Tessarie's cock. The little elf whimpered. "Nomoreplease. . . Gods."

The woman chuckled and kissed her pelvis, patting her butt. After she realized that the woman couldn't move, Tessarie leaned back-- more appropriately, she slumped back-- against the couch, utterly spent.

Sarah closed her eyes as she withdrew the full length of the woman's cock from her throat, leaving a trail of saliva and semen across the first three inches and a rope of mixed fluid from the tip to her mouth. She looked up at Tessarie and ran her tongue over her lips the way one did after a good meal.

Tessarie looked at her bleary eyed. Gods, she was beautiful in that moment. Humans and elves had made this woman and somehow she managed to be more beautiful than many of the paragons of either race. . . Maybe it was the lust talking, but Tessarie found herself enamored.

"Well," Sarah licked her lips once more and crossed her arms over Tessarie's knees, looking up at her with a grin. Her teeth had a opalescent glean to them now. The elf smirked dreamily.

"Well. . ." Tessarie exhaled, still trembling.

"That was quite something."

"Y- Yes, that's one way to put it. . . I can't stop shaking."

"Why did you try to put me to sleep?"

"I-" Tessarie frowned, her hazy thoughts still muddled. "I didn't?"

"Dear girl," Sarah tutted. "I know magic when I feel it."

"Oh, no. No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" In her fluster, she lost all sense of dignity and resorted to compounds.


Tessarie bit her lip. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, really-- I-- truly Sarah, I'm sorry."

"I'm not." She smiled playfully and laid her hand on Tessarie's. "Tell me, dear. . . When do you get off work?"

"I. . . I don't."

A frown creased her lips as she intertwined her fingers. Tessarie found herself doing the same as her mind fog cleared. "I'm not allowed to leave until my debt is fulfilled."

"That right?" Sarah eyed her for a long moment. "I think we might be able to come to an agreement, then, my dear."

Tessarie nibbled her lower lip, wondering just what she had in mind, and strangely excited to find out.


She awoke to the sound of Makrin's drawl and the crash of the booth door against the wall. Her head was resting on Sarah's thigh and for a long moment she wasn't sure what the fat man would say. She started to get up but Sarah laid a hand on her shoulder and kept her there as she sipped from her wine.

On the table, next to the bottle was a hand written contract and a mechanical ink pen. "Perfect timing." Sarah said brightly, ignoring Makrin's dangerous scowl. "I was just going to send for you."


"I have a business proposal for the owner," Sarah cut him off. "You are the proprietor of this fine establishment, are you not?"

That seemed to make the man reconsider whatever was about to leave his mouth. Still, Tessarie, sunk away from his gaze, wrapping her left arm around Sarah's waist in an effort to get behind her as much as possible. When the man eyed them both, he furrowed his brow. Finally, he said. "I am."

"Tell me, do you rent out your. . . entertainers? I have a rather special need for someone of her talents and beauty." She smiled.

"You've been in here for hours. I think it's time you left--"

"Ah, but I'm not finished, my good man." Sarah tutted. "I've paid for her company-- and may I say, you have excellent tastes. I've a desire to hire her for a short and rapacious engagement outside of your establishment. Perhaps something that can more fulfill my lascivious proclivities in ways fit for both man and beast."

The man sighed. Likely at all the big words the woman was throwing out like candy. Some part of Tessarie wanted to smile, but every other part of her was wondering just what Sarah was driving at. Makrin scoffed derisively and rubbed at his sweaty neck. "What's your game, elf?"

"Hm?" She made a show of looking at Tessarie and then with theatrical flair, held her hand up to shield her lips from the man's view, whispering much too loud to be considered conspiratorial. "I think he believes me to be someone of your remarkable beauty! Gods, I'm going to blush!"

She couldn't help herself. Tessarie giggled.

That only seemed to make Makrin more upset. He started towards Sarah, looked like he was about to grab her and stopped abruptly.

Tessarie looked at the woman and realized why. She was holding a pistol trained on him. "Please, have a seat." She took a sip from her wine and made room for the man's bulk.

"You're not gonna do anything."

"Dear boy, the last think I want to do is upset your business. Quite the contrary! I want to help you!"

Makrin frowned, looking caught off guard. He grunted.

"Grand." Sarah smiled like nothing had happened. She tucked her pistol into her belt and motioned to the contract. "I have here a contract from the redundantly Unionized organization of Fae and Fae-blooded creatures of which miss Tessarie Variel is a card carrying member. Now, I'm not one to tell someone how to run their business, but because miss Variel isn't represented by her union here, I have to wonder just what kind of conditions she's working under!"

The man blinked and looked at the contract. "What're you, some kind of guard? We got a deal--"

"I'm sure you do! But this deal does not extend to our Union! We act under direct order from the King himself to protect the rights of working Fae and Fae-blooded creatures working for human employers." She sipped her wine.

Tessarie backed away slowly. She had seen Makrin's temper a few times and knew better than to be anywhere near it. Sarah might have been crazy, and armed, but she wasn't a match for the fat man's size.

Makrin looked at her oddly for a moment, seeming to consider Sarah and not quite sure what to make of her. "This why you asked for an elf?" She smiled at that. "So. . . What is it this Union wants?"

"Nothing much, dear. We just need to make sure that the conditions under which miss Variel are to standard. Food appropriate to her blood line--"

"We've got good food. Don't we Tess?"

She swallowed. Paused. She couldn't go with this deception. Sarah was on her own. "Oh, yes. The beef is delicious. . ." The thought made her stomach churn.

"Beef you say?" Sarah tutted. "You are aware, my good sir, that elves and most other Fae-blooded folk are allergic to meat, yes?"

"She's been eat'n it for months, she's fine--"

"The symptoms are slow to develop, you see." Sarah leaned in just a little, casting a glance back towards Tessarie as though she might overhear. "See, they develop rashes and soon everyone's coming down with them-- highly contagious, you see." She winked at the elf.

Makrin looked over Sarah. "I--"

"If you didn't know about that, I have to wonder what kind of beds you have on the premises! Please tell me you've a swing bed for the poor girl at least?"

"I. . ." He was getting swept up in the woman's web of lies, he fumbled for the words. "I'm sure we can. . ."

"I'm sure! But has she been allowed to exercise her powers? You know, elves won't stay healthy if they're not allowed to exercise their innate magical talents at least once a day."

He shot back defensively. "She gets plenty of exercise on the stage--" He grabbed his mouth. "Er. . ."

"On the stage. I see. So she dances for you as well, does she? Grand! So we've one less thing to worry about!"

Makrin's shoulders relaxed.

"Well, perhaps I spoke too soon. You're aware that the city law precludes magic from being cast within the limits unless certain permits are filed, yes? The owner of the building or business is held responsible--"


"Nasty business, really. A solid year in prison for each infraction! Gods, I'd hate for the judge to hear about how many performances this poor woman's been giving unbenounced to the taxation department." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. Her tone edged towards playful as she set her glass down. "That brings up the matter of taxes, too. . . Have you been paying your taxes?"

"Well. . . I. . . Yes, of course I have! Every week!"

"Good to hear! So, for a very law abiding citizen, I'm willing to overlook these other discrepancies in your business practices."

Makrin exhaled his relief and leaned forward. "What's it going to cost?"

"Cost? Oh dear, I'd not considered that! I'll tell you what. For this girl, I'm going to have to fine you five gold and--"

"Five gold?! Are you daft!?"

Sarah shot him a look and he backed down. "Certainly not! With so many violations of her basic rights, I can't imagine the Union overlooking this treatment! At the very least you should be in jail for letting her perform her magic openly." She seemed to give it some thought for a moment, tapped her chin and then smiled. "But. . ."

"But?" The fat man looked hopeful.

"But. . ." she drew the word out. "You're a good man. You pay your taxes on time and from what I can tell, the women seem happy, so I'm going to help you out. I'll take this jail sentence waiting to happen off your hands in exchange for your keeping things quiet." She smiled when his color started to return. "Does she have any property here?"


"Yes, I do."

"Go get it, then, dear. I'll meet you by the back door."

Tessarie slipped out of the booth and made for her room, her mind fluttering with a million different thoughts. Could this really be happening? What was the strange half-elf going to demand of her instead? Could she dare hope that she was finally out of this nightmare? She made her way to her room with these thoughts swirling around her like a heavy mist.

Whatever game the woman was playing, she seemed to know it well enough that she fully believe the things she was saying. Maybe she was telling the truth, maybe she was actually part of some kind of union-- gods, maybe her brother had heard about what happened and sent help!

That had to be it!

Tessarie grabbed her yellow travel cloak and walking staff along with the tiny pouch of charms and keepsakes she had been forced to hide from Makrin. By the time she got to the hall that lead to the back door, Sarah and Makrin were exchanging polite handshakes and he was giving her a small charm that she recognized as one he had taken from her during her first day there.

Maybe it was a peace offering, in the event she told this 'Union' how bad her experience really had been. Tessarie swallowed. She had no doubt that the intent was exactly that. But when she got closer, he was all kind gestures and false modesty. He gently broke the magic and undid her collar before giving her a placid smile, wishing her all the best.

When he was gone, Sarah stepped up beside her with the charm and a folded piece of paper. She smiled slyly, kissed her cheek and turned towards the back door. She stood there for a moment looking into the early morning gloom as Tessarie unfolded the paper.

It was a document freeing her of all debts and allowances. It was signed. She was free. "I- Is this real?"

"It is!"

"By the gods. . ."

"Just wits, my dear. Come! We have your freedom to celebrate." Sarah lead them into the alley with acute caution.

Tessarie followed behind, reading the document carefully. None of the debt was transferred to Sarah, none of the clauses said anything about her owning Tessarie. She was really and truly without a 'master'. "I'm free!"

"That you are!"

A man spoke up from behind them. Gruff and wary. Human. "But she's not."

Tessarie whirled to see a hulking man with scars across his jaw and chin. He towered over her. "Oh--"

Some scrabbling rocks ahead caught her attention and she saw four men stepping from the shadows as Sarah moved to reach for her pistol. But then she stopped, knowing she was outnumbered. She raised her hands in surrender. "Bollocks. . ."

And this was how Tessarie's new life started.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Started reading today now im hooked

Good series

T_SilverwolfT_Silverwolfabout 10 years agoAuthor
Thank you all!

First, I want to say thank you to everyone who's been making this so much fun to write. It seriously means a lot. I don't usually like asking for anything of my readers, but I find myself struggling big time and I hope you'll consider becoming a patron of my work. For as little as a dollar per chapter, you'll get higher quality content (I can spend more time editing!), free books in this and other worlds and so, so much more. If you have a moment, take a look at my blog and it will explain the situation a little more clearly. tsilverwolf(dot)wordpress(dot)com I'm not holding future content for ransom, but your support would mean more frequent writing, more frequent releases (in all forms) and it also means I can support myself instead of having to worry about finding a warm bridge to sleep under. :)

aisielynnaisielynnover 10 years ago

i'm truly enjoying this story. i look forward to future chapters. Keep up the wonderful writing. *smiles*

T_SilverwolfT_Silverwolfover 10 years agoAuthor
Thank you all for voting and commenting!

Thanks a lot for taking the time to vote and comment, I really appreciate it. :) There are several more chapters in the queue for approval, but they might be delayed, because I didn't read the submission guide like a big derp >_>''

Stay tuned, though, they're coming. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I've been waiting for this chapter thanks a lot.

Its a great read

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Comment Title

Very nice.

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