Dragon (S)Layers Ch. 24

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Felicia has a rather interesting encounter with an assassin.
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Interlude 6 - Felicia's Lonely Road pt. 2

Felicia teetered on the lip of her chair, separated from the purple eyed woman by stacks of plates that threatened to spill from the table at any moment. Felicia had never seen anyone put down as much food as the woman had, but something in her told her this was normal behavior- how else was she to maintain her lithe, muscular body but by eating a lot?

Her purple eyed dining partner had introduced herself as Lostariel, a huntress from the frozen tundras to the north. Felicia had to wonder just how someone so fair skinned and soft spoken could have possibly found a husband but it wasn't impossible to imagine, especially in a city where everyone seemed so exotic. If she had been born in Mawic tribal lands, people would've thought her sick!

In some ways she just might have been. The poor thing had been traveling for years to find a man who'd ran out on her after getting her pregnant. It was a travesty, but a testament to her courage and desire for justice. Felicia couldn't help but respect that- her mom had 'caught' her father much the same way. Maybe their tribes both shared the tradition.

Now there was a thought.

"I mean no disrespect in asking," Felicia prompted, waiting for the woman to invite her to continue as was Mawic custom with such a statement. When she didn't, Felicia clasped her hands. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend." Apparently she was wrong about shared traditions.

Lostariel's brow furrowed a little bit. "I apologize, it's been a while since I've had a normal conversation." She sipped from her tankard. "Something on your mind?"

"Do you think you can catch up to your husband before he dies? I mean, you've come all this way and so far you've not seen him? You've given your own child to the cause and. . ." The teen picked at the table with her fingernail. "I understand? I just don't think I could be that strong."

Lostariel's odd gaze lingered on Felicia for a long moment with that strange emptiness her father got when talking about her mother. "When you think about it, life is indifferent to your existence- you can die tomorrow and the day after trees will still grow, dogs will still chase cats and the sun will still rise. Not even those closest to you will mourn you forever."

"That's. . ." Felicia frowned. "In my tribe we have a tradition of giving sage to newborns, we make a fan of it and dust the baby with it so that the world can identify him by smell- it's really potent, you know? We also do it at celebrations when we're happiest." When the woman gave her a blank look, she smiled a bit. "You might be right, the world doesn't know we're here, but we can show the world we exist. If only for a while."

In lieu of a reply Lostariel downed the rest of her mead and leaned back in her chair looking at Felicia with a faintly puzzled expression. She didn't look in any hurry to speak and so Felicia waited, picking at her dinner and mulling over her choices; she could still go back to the city. She could stop this madness and snap her father out of his stupor. . .

Lostariel interrupted her thoughts. "Do you think that's what happened with Sarah?"

Sarah. . . Sweet, welcoming Sarah. Exotic, intelligent, intense Sarah.

"No," Felicia admitted. "I think Sarah missed out on a lot of opportunities to be happy and I think she's got something hanging over her that's going to keep her from being happy for a long, long time." After a beat she looked to Lostariel. "But she's not the only one, is she?"

That seemed to strike a nerve. A flicker of something intensely powerful sparked in her dinner companion's eyes but just as quickly it faded and the woman was smiling. It was fake, easy to read even to Felicia. "Where I come from life is seldom gentle on those not equipped to deal with it. It spares no one; you have to take advantages as they come or you go hungry- if you're lucky."

"That's. . . I'm sorry."

Lostariel tilted her head. "You're an unusual breed, I think." She raised her finger. "I know your type. Very respectable to the moral nature of man. You must be in politics. A community leader, am I right?"

"Uh- No, no! No, I'm just a simple farmer. . . Well, I mean I am now? No, I'm kind of not sure what I'm doing any more." Her shoulders slumped. "My father wanted us to be traders, he was a paler man- kind of like you but not as ahm. . . erm. . ."

Lostariel's lips pouted slightly, eyes focused and expectant.

"Uhm. . ."

The woman opened her mouth.

"Beautiful!" Felicia blurted. It wasn't a lie. Not hardly, but it still sounded dangerous to her own ears. "Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

Lostariel motioned for her to continue and casually rested her elbows on the table and her chin on the backs of her hands, watching the caramel skinned teenager stumble through some vague hand gestures that might have been her trying to reach for words or some bizarre dinner ritual.

"I'm sorry, I don't usually say those things about a woman- not one older- not one- er-" Felicia blushed a furious crimson and scrubbed her face. "Aghhh." She buried her face in her palms. "Can I try that again?"

"No," Lostariel said flatly. "Say what you mean and mean what you say or stop wasting my time."

"I- uhm- I. . ." Why was it so easy to get flustered? Dammit, what had Sarah done to her?! She took a deep centering breath and laid her palms flat on the table. "I'm sorry. I think you're very beautiful. I wasn't- I mean, I really wasn't!- attracted to women as such, but I can see why my mother fell in love with someone from the north. . . So, ah- so there!"

Lostariel watched her a moment longer, face betraying nothing. After a few seconds she chuckled a lyrical sound. "How old are you?"

"Ssss- Nineteen. . . I think? I'm not very good with numbers."

"Or lying."

"Or lying. . . You're right." Felicia swallowed. "Sorry. I'm old enough to walk upright and run a business, own land and take a husband. That's kind of all that matters to my tribe."


"But, I really should get going. I need to hit the lowlands before sunrise. . ." Of the many parting gifts she should have given to this woman, none seemed more appropriate than something to help her on her travels. Felicia smiled and produced one of the gold coins Sarah had given her. The dragon coiled around a screaming elf woman depicted on the face might have been ominous, but she would have appreciated the gesture all the same. "I know it's been a brief meeting, but I really would like you to have this; for your travels."

Lostariel looked at the gold piece strangely like it might catch fire and then she looked to Felicia. She cracked another forced smile and shook her head. "I don't want your money. . ."

"It's very rude to refuse a gift."

"A gift. . ." The word hung between them like a blade. Slowly, the woman leaned forward. Her silky night shirt hung low, giving Felicia a glimpse of cleavage. She never would've looked before having met Sarah. "A gift is one that gives back to the giver. No, I have a better idea."

"Uh-. . . Y- yes?"

Only inches away, the scent of old sex and sweat was overpowering- her entire body had a strange spicy scent to it that reminded Felicia of pure cinnamon. Her voice was anything but however, and the teen had to struggle to hear her. "What if I came with you and helped you find Sarah? She's heading west. It won't be like anything you've experienced out there. I have. . ." She paused for it to sink in. "You're going to need the help."

There were a lot of moments in one's life that could redefine whatever might be left of it, but the looming sense of importance hanging over Felicia when she eyed the woman seemed especially powerful; as if someone was warning her to choose carefully. "You know Sarah. . . That's right."

"I do."

Felicia swallowed. The woman didn't seem like she wanted to hurt Felicia, even if she was kind of strange. Who didn't have their eccentricities, though? Besides, if something did happen, wouldn't it have been better to have someone nearby just in case? "Ah, s- sure. . ."

The woman smiled slightly. "Excellent." Almost as if rewarding- or taunting- Felicia, she ducked down in the isle between tables so she could rifle through her knapsack. With her skin tight leggings, it wasn't just Felicia's attention she was getting- the man at the table next to theirs looked over unashamedly at Lostariel's sculpted butt and her thick, powerful legs that looked as if they could bend steel. Her entire body was tight and compact with sinewy muscles born from a life of living in an inhospitable environment, but her hips swelled and her thighs had followed; in her power and grace she was a cat; supple and mysterious and powerful beyond Felicia's comprehension. She bit her lip and felt a new rush of heat burn her cheeks.

"Dear gods. . ." The man breathed.

"The gods had nothing to do with it." Lostariel said as she stood up, tossing a leather vest over her shoulders and grabbing her pack, looking to Felicia. "Are we ready?"

"Uh- Y- Sure."

Lostariel lead Felicia outside. She didn't walk so much as prowl like the cat Felicia had thought her; her hips had a languid roll that was mesmerizing to anyone who saw it and Felicia was no exception- more than watching her muscles ripple and flex, though, there was something ringing the danger bell in the bank of her mind. This was all new territory for her: her parents had always made the choices for her and now she was making them herself. The very first thing she'd decided to do was be seduced by power?

Gods was she insane?

That's when Felicia noticed the small dagger at the small of Lostariel's back. The scabbard had been sewn into the vest along with several other empty ones poking out from odd angles. All of them had been designed for easy access if she was reaching under her clothes or cloak. What a strange setup. "Uhm. Nice blade?"

"I made it myself."

As soon as they were out in the early evening sunset, Lostariel stood a bit straighter, though no less enticing. She looked back at Felicia and smirked a bit when she caught the girl watching her butt. Felicia blushed and looked away. "Sorry."

"How is it I run into two women who've designs on my body within as many days?"

"Ah- no, no! No, see uh. . ." Felicia mumbled as she bridled her horse and- with some difficulty- loaded her gear on to his back. She made sure it was far enough back to give Lostariel room to ride. The woman didn't seem terribly thrilled by the prospect of getting on the horse. She actually stood there looking at Felicia for several moments before she let her load be taken and climbed on.

The horse tensed between Felicia's thighs.

"It's okay, I didn't forget you. . . We'll get something to eat at the next town."

"It can't understand you-"

"Sure he can." Felicia glanced back with a smile. "Horses are very intelligent if you ween them right." With familiarity born of life on the plains, the Mawic girl guided the animal on to the path and set off with her new companion, already sensing that their journey was going to be strange and exciting. She glanced back at her new companion- the barbarian from the north- and said, "Better hold my waist if you're not comfortable." She had to wonder though; how much of it had to do with her comfort and how much of it was Felicia's own insecurity? Only time would tell. . .


It was several hours before Lostariel began to relax, the idea of riding on horseback was apparently so alien to her that she'd actually gone remarkably still against Felicia's back. Not that it wasn't unpleasant to feel the press of warmth against her, but Felicia had to wonder why she was so skittish- and for that matter, why the horse was still so tense. She'd chosen him for his gentle disposition, but between her legs he seemed ready to sprint at a moment's notice. Something she'd not felt when she rode him out of Sorash. Maybe he didn't like being out at night.

Maybe he was homesick.

Felicia glanced back, "Doing okay back there?"


"You don't sound so confident." She smiled playfully. She could barely see the woman in the darkness, but she could feel her breath rustling the hairs on her neck. "It's just a horse!"

"Shh." Lostariel hissed.


"Something is going to hear you," The woman said sharply. Her small hands tensed around Felicia's waist. "Wolves." She added as an afterthought.

"I don't think there are wolves this far south-"

"Shh." Lostariel put a finger to the teen's lips. When Felicia didn't offer resistance, the older woman pressed herself forward and took Felicia's hand, "There." she pointed into the gloom.

At first she was going to dismiss it, but then she saw the flash of iridescent eyes. Two sets of orange shimmered in the veil of darkness ahead, on an elevated position. Felicia tensed. The road was wide enough to fit two carts side by size, they'd have enough room to maneuver if it came to it, but not enough to actually do anything of substance- fortunately the horse hadn't noticed, yet. The resulting panic could've gotten someone killed.

Felicia steadied herself and eased the horse to the far side of the road, preparing to sprint at a moment's notice. The horse seemed mildly confused by her change, sluggishly following her instructions. Felicia did her best to keep track of the predators as they trotted by, hand clutching the reins in case they needed to make a quick get away. Lostariel's grip had tightened, too.

Strange. Very strange. Wolves didn't approach the south, especially not on open trails like this. What could have possibly drawn them out? Felicia puzzled on it as they cleared the hunting range and continued on. She didn't realize it at the time, but it wasn't to be the only animal sighting on their trip: every other hour they seem to run into some predator or another eying them from an elevated position. Every time they did, Felicia edged to the opposite side of the road and kept her hands on the reigns, barely managing to slip by without comment.

Lostariel seemed strangely quiet whenever they got close to such an animal, but in the in between times, she didn't share much except when Felicia prodded her for conversation- it was strange and vaguely annoying. How could anyone go for an hour without uttering a breath? Maybe it was a side effect of her lifestyle.

Still. . .

It was annoying.

It'd been stupid to bring along a complete stranger, thinking back on it, but she'd seemed pretty interesting at the time- sensual and. . . Exotic.

Like Sarah.

Felicia sighed. Was she an idiot? Was she going to be drawn in by every person with even the slightest touch of the unusual to them? If so, she was in for a world of uncertainty. . .

At least, she mused, she wouldn't be lonely.


Night eased into morning in it's lazy way, painting the sky with hues of warm orange and gentle lavender, welcoming the trio into the formal trails that were used by traders to move goods between Sorash, Caham and Laleah- known colloquially as The Ferret's Triangle due to the winding nature of the mountain paths that would dip into low lands only to rise back up like a weasel dancing to ward off predators.

Felicia had memorized the trail when her mother had taken her to the city to find her father for the first time- back when the sprigs of blue day lilies clinging to the dew soaked rock face seemed magical, and not like an immediate slipping hazard. Her mother had trained her well, though and she guided the horse through the hazard without making it obvious.

Even as they eased onto the main road towards Laleah, she felt a vague sense of pride. She was taking control of her life and going after something she wanted, something that had never been a force in her life but now seemed tantalizingly close; a love of her own. Sure Sarah had a reputation- a deserved one from her experience- but she also followed through with her promises.

Sarah had promised she'd wait. She would deliver on it, just like she'd delivered on buying her father's farm. Four hundred and fifty pieces of gold wasn't just handed out by someone with no sense of propriety and honor. Sarah would be there. . .

If not, Felicia had all she needed to start somewhere new.

Oh, but if she was being honest, the thought of spending time with her- or with any elf blooded person- sent a thrill through her. Maybe she'd go to the north lands and see what could be found there if Sarah didn't want to be with her any more. . .

The little plains rider chewed on her lip as thoughts of fey blooded lovemaking roiled around her tired mind. Passionate, intense, timeless. Beautiful. . . Perfect. She could be perfect, too. If only for a little while and if only in their presence. Felicia sighed softly.

"Do you need a moment?" Her passenger whispered in her ear, startling the girl.

"I thought you were asleep-"

"I sleep when I'm tired." Lostariel rested her chin on Felicia's shoulder looking over the sloping fields in front of them. "Curse of elven heritage. I recognize this road." She looked back, now seeming more alert and attentive than before. "We're heading west."

"Yes? That was the idea, wans't it?"

"It was, I just didn't expect you to be. . ." She paused.



Felicia waited a beat for her to elaborate or pardon offense but Lostariel's cool purple eyes merely watched her as if she was an oddity. After a few moments she gave a challenging smirk as if she'd won some victory. Felicia picked up the pace a bit, nudged the older woman softly. "That's not very nice."

"I'm not a nice person, Felicia. But that is impressive, not many could've made their way in the dark unless they knew the roads."

Felicia actually felt her cheeks warm a bit, praise was such a rare thing. "Yeah, uh. . . My mother brought me up The Ferret's Triangle when we were coming up north. It's kind of a cliché but. . ."

"But?" Lostariel tilted her head to regard her.

"Well, they say that the gods drew the dirt roads of the world on our veins and the plains themselves on our skin when they were making the first of our tribe." Felicia tightened her grip on the reigns, already knowing the woman was going to laugh at her.

Instead, the woman surprised her by nuzzling against her and bringing her arms fully around Felicia's waist, her voice a throaty purr that made the girl shiver. "You should praise whatever gods gave you such a gift. . . It may have saved your life."


There was a pause.

Eventually Lostariel whispered, "You saw the animals on the trail. . ."

"Oh- Yeah. I mean, yes, I did." Once they hit the dirt portion of the trail, Felicia sped up a little more. The poor horse was going to be tired by the time they got to a road inn, but it couldn't be helped. If they wanted to make Laleah by evening, they needed to move quickly. "I don't mean to pry, Lostariel, but uhm. . . What're you planning to do once we get to Laleah?"

"That depends."

Felicia waited a beat. When her companion offered nothing else, she looked back- probably letting too much of her irritation show- and asked, "On?"

"Whether I find Sarah there or not."

"Seems like we have similar plans. . ."

"Not quite."

Felicia already knew the conversation was going to die off again, so she kept speaking as they climbed a small hill, if only to hear something. "If she doesn't want to be with me, I think I might have to look into finding another city to go to- maybe the elven lands. Speaking of which, didn't you say you had elven blood? If you don't mind my saying so, I've never met an elf with purple eyes-"

"They were blue."