Dragons in the Dungeon

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A swinging pair are surprised in a holiday cottage dungeon.
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially. These stories have been public for some time, but I am slowly uploading my back catalogue of stories currently.

Author's note: as I've been receiving some very peculiar comments, I'd like to clarify that all commenting on stories has been disabled and I've changed my feedback to only allow non-anonymous comments. These are my oldest works and I'd also like to note that furry/anthro work is pure fantasy and it's just a way of imagining characters that this particular fandom appears to enjoy - it is not animal sex. I have some real erotic animal (dragons etc) stories but, if those are actually permitted here, they will be tagged correctly and in the correct category.

Until then - please enjoy! The newest stories, when I come to them, will be my best work in terms of style, grammar and so on; so please be patient while I upload the back catalogue.



Dragons in the Dungeon

"I think this is it."

The white dragon stretched his arms up to the roof of the Subaru SVX, working out the tension of the road with a groan of relief, even within the cramped confines. Rolling his shoulders, he took in the half-circle of country cottages, spaced around the courtyard as if an immense paw had lowered them into precise slots that reigned supreme in some greater plan. Taking the wheel for such a lengthy drive was not unfamiliar for him, but the cramped confines of the car (as nice as it was) never failed to oppress, reminding him of the old day job. But that was in the past. These days, Ruth had more pleasant company, than blaring horns and raging road users, in the form of his green scaled mate, Raiyoku. Fate had a funny way of bringing individuals together, like two pieces of a puzzle in an idealistic cliché. Leaning over the handbrake with a smile that was barely seen under the mask of twilight, Ruth kissed the dragon's cheek, brushing his lips over Rai's smooth, green scales.

"Any further and my legs would have locked up," Rai grumbled: a feeble pretence at grumpiness played out in jest. He shifted his legs, thwacking a knee into the glove box. "I've never been so stiff."

"As long as one particular part is stiff," Ruth flashed a grin.

"You would say that, wouldn't you?"

Ruffling his wings, Rai swung the car door open, catching his mate's paw in his own for a lingering moment. Green fingers curled around white and the two dragons breathed in the countryside's cooler, sweeter air, far from traffic and the drone of aeroplanes. It would be good to escape for the weekend, before returning to the grand tour of the English side of the family, though Rai considered the weekend escape (privately) the calm before the story. As if in synchronisation with one another, the dragons eased themselves out of the vehicle, Rai trailing one paw along the blue exterior.

Stepping over uneven cobblestones, Rai took in the half-circle of cottages, which he hoped boasted more space than their exterior suggested, all with slanting roofs gleaming with the sun's dying rays. Only one cottage was illuminated from within, curtains open in welcome, and a narrow, winding path lead to the front door; the path was bordered with low lying shrubs, though any flowers had safely closed into buds for the night. Beyond the cottage rolled endless, green hills, divided into patchwork squares by hedgerows and farmland, each patch a different shade even in the low light. Honeysuckle scented the breeze and Rai inhaled deeply, losing himself in the moment.

"Seems like she really did choose a place in the middle of nowhere," Ruth observed, hauling a suitcase bodily from the boot, jerking Rai back to reality.

"Isn't this what it's supposed to be though? A quiet weekend before..." Rai trailed off, waving his paw to complete the sentence. "You know. Anyway, it'll be nice to see Ammy again."

"And Foxy," Ruth added, a smile twitching his lips as he fought to retain a neutral expression.

"Foxy?" Rai's muzzle shot up, green eyes bright. "I thought we were here to stay with Amethyst?"

"Oh, we are..."

Raiyoku shook his head, knowing of the fox in question but never having met her in person. She was quite the pretty vixen, quick to correct him on a four-way Skype chat that she was a hybrid, boasting coyote blood that could have been forgotten if one solely focused on her traditional red fox colouring. Black fur took the place of any white that may have teased her form, the tip of her tail and belly painted with dark fur that that shone with good health and care. Last time he had seen her, on a group chat, he had worn her auburn hair tied back, a rim of purple eyeliner enhancing her already sultry demeanour. Amethyst had been most amused at her flirtation and Ruth was little better at concealing his smirks, feigning innocence. The white dragon sighed, slamming the car doors shut in hopes of rousing his mate from where he leaned upon the car, a faraway look in his eyes. Repeating his question for the third time, he still received no response and was forced to wave his paw in front of the dragon's muzzle. Rai blinked rapidly, a guilty flush creeping up his neck.

"Always with your mind on the vixens!" Ruth jabbed Rai in the ribs with the tip of his tail and the dragon yelped dramatically.

"I can't help it if you insist on surprising me," he grinned, taking his own suitcase and leading the way. "It's going to be an interesting weekend at least. Even more with how sly you are being."

Widening his eyes, Ruth padded behind his mate, eyes wandering up Raiyoku's swinging tail to his rump. Why should he not enjoy the view? Rai brushed a paw over his two black horns, which curved away from the rear of his skull, conscious of his watcher but belaying no complaint. He flapped his wings, stirring up a cluster of dry leaves that scattered against his legs as he approached the polished wood of the front door: it swung open at his touch.

"Hello?" He called out, peering into the dimly lit entrance hall. "Anyone around?"

Deeper within the cottage, someone yelped and a loud bang reverberated, swiftly followed by trilling laughter. Ruth ushered Rai into the hall and tucked the suitcases against the white wall, a narrow, pine staircase rising to the left while doors leading off the entrance hall promised entry to the living quarters. They had barely a second to stand in confusion as hooves clattered across floorboards and a chestnut mare tumbled through the far door, launching herself at the dragons with a shrill whinny.

"Hi!" Amethyst, the culprit, gasped, slightly out of breath from her headlong pelt as she wrapped her arms around each of her friends in turn. "We thought you were never going to get here!"

"You didn't make it easy for us," Ruth chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Your directions are not the best, Ammy."

"Oh, get off," she laughed, flicking her tail. "You got here, all right, didn't you? No fuss about it."

"Mhm, you could say," Rai tapped his snout, gazing skywards as if considering a serious matter. "There were a few...detours."

While Ruth protested that no such detours had occurred - and that the road through the fjord had been a scenic route - Amethyst guided them down a short hallway to the dual purpose living and dining room, which was indeed more spacious than the exterior had suggested. Gesturing to the table some distance behind the crimson sofa, she stepped lightly over to close the curtains, blocking out the twilight garden that was previously viewable through the patio doors. Amethyst had dressed casually for the evening in her usual slim jeans and a form-hugging, camouflage t-shirt, something that the dragons were glad for; a day or more of travelling did not leave anyone smart enough for a formal dinner.

"What was that bang just now?" Ruth grinned, settling into a chair and curling his tail between the back and the seat. "I don't think we can order takeaway if dinner bit the dust." The mare yelped, feigning offence, and swatted his side with her chestnut tail.

"The cheek of you!"

The conversation would have continued in a similar ilk, if not for the timely entrance of a certain vixen. Pausing in the door frame, kitchen to her back, she raised one heel-clad hind paw, tracing the toe up the opposite calf. Her fierce, red fur gleamed in the tasteful dining light and she folded her curves into the frame, all eyes drawn to her black, fashion leggings and violet shirt with a cowl neck. Her lips tightened marginally, the effect she had upon the silent, enraptured furs as glaring as sunlight in a cavern. Amethyst rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes, honey, you're gorgeous," the mare tilted her muzzle. "Now stop teasing these poor lads."

"Don't spoil my fun," Foxy grinned, showing a flash of wicked teeth to rival that of the dragons, eyes alighting on Raiyoku. "I don't believe we have been officially introduced - in person, that is." Rai cleared his throat.

"Yes, I mean, no, no," he fumbled, cheeks heating up. "No, we have not met in person before, though Ruth said he'd met you when you were last visiting England."

"Yep!" Her black-tipped tail flicked against her thigh, the vixen stalking forward with the audible tap of heels on the hardwood floor. "It's been a while, but wonderful to see you again, Ruth!"

"I could say the same, though you should really play fair, Foxy," Ruth reprimanded, the twinkle in his eye impossible to ignore. He leaned forward, resting his chin upon two thoughtfully clasped paws. "I've had opportunity to resist your charms before, unlike my mate, who is...sorely tempted."

"I'm not tempted!" Rai protested, back ramrod straight.

"Denial, denial!"

Awkwardness overcome, the femfurs trembled with repressed laughter and Amethyst shook her head over her friend's antics: there was always one. Snorting, Rai slumped, rattling claw tips over the polished table, one catching an aquamarine placemat and sending it spinning. Ruth rested his paw on the dragon's thigh, stroking until he felt the tension beneath his fingers seep away, Rai concealing a smile that could only be described as sheepish. Observing the exchange intently, Foxy cocked an eyebrow at Amethyst and gave the white dragon a knowing wink, confirmation of their 'special', shared secret that words designed to reinforce.

"I'm sure we have a great deal to catch up on...over dinner."


It had been unwise for Ruth to underestimate the extent of seduction the vixen was willing to demonstrate, all the while maintaining a manner that would have convinced a monk of her celibacy. Beginning with casual touches upon the shoulder and bare arm while pouring wine, the interaction had seemed accidental to the casual eye, Foxy proving to be a charming dining partner. However, the intimate displays escalated rapidly to a point where even Amethyst had to swallow a smile as the vixen leaned forward, breasts straining through the violet fabric, casting out lines of innuendos as if she was in hope of catching a fish, or perhaps a dragon.

Clutching Ruth's paw tightly throughout the main course of fish, Rai shifted constantly, rocking his weight from heels to toes and back again, claws scoring red marks into Ruth's palm. Minding the 'show' rather less, Ruth paid Foxy back in kind, startling her into peals of laughter on more than one occasion while Amethyst smirked, taking them in her stride as the raunchy jokes flowed. Upon being confronted by the white dragon in the kitchen - more wine had been required for the dinner table - Amethyst claimed ignorance with regards to her friend's actions, even if Ruth could not deny the appeal the vixen's personality held for him. As hypnotised as Rai, he could not drag his eyes away as Foxy sipped from her wine glass, eyes wide and blessedly innocent.

When dinner was concluded and the dishes retired to the kitchen, the four furs sat around the table, sipping what remained of the second bottle of wine, comfortably full yet far from sated. Relaxed by the wine and warmth of company, Rai leaned back in his seat, adding his voice to the after-dinner conversation, which had settled into an exchange of stories from each of their corners of the world. Amethyst in particular took interest in the stories of Australia, complaining that she did not cope with the heat well enough in order to visit for an extended period of time; she was sure she could give the two of them a run for their money if surfing was taken on in competitive spirit. However pleasant the conversation was, far more lay ahead during that not-so-lazy evening, something that the fox among them keenly anticipated, eyes flicking between the dragons. In a motion that was near imperceptible, Amethyst combed her forelock to one side, meeting Foxy's gaze and tipping her muzzle in a subtle nod: it was time for the evening to progress and secrets to be shown.

"If you'll excuse us ladies for a moment," Amethyst rose fluidly to her hooves, tail swishing. "Allow us to adjourn and freshen up."

"Cut the fancy, Ammy, we're just going to preen," Foxy jabbed her in the ribs, earning an indignant squeak. "Back in a minute, draggies!"

Rocking her hips in a sultry sway, the vixen wrapped her arm around Amethyst's waist and the mare flipped her tail affectionately against the sleek brush. As if forgetting the dishes, unwashed in the pristine sink, they headed down to the hall and presumably to the bathroom or bedroom, if Rai was to permit a wandering imagination. The green dragon wound his tail around the leg of the chair, providing a form of anchorage for his unsettled, yet pleasantly stirred, nerves.

"You had your eye on Foxy, didn't you?" Ruth blinked, cradling his wine glass. Rai huffed.

"Like you weren't looking at the two of them," he shot back, knocking his knuckles on the underside of table, though Ruth merely shrugged, blue eyes hiding nothing.

"I'm not the one denying it. Foxy was being a right...well...vixen," Ruth chuckled and shook his head slowly. "Though it's the quiet ones you have to watch."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Amethyst," he said simply.

"Oh, don't pull that on me." It was Rai's turn to laugh, slouching and taking a gulp of wine. "She wouldn't do anything. Hah! We're more likely to be plotting against you." Ruth grimaced, a good-natured smile teasing his lips.

"Mhm," he rubbed his horns sheepishly. "Look, that package may have taken me hours to get into - you two packed it well, I'll give you that - but at least mine always reached you in one piece!"

"One piece that refused to be penetrated by any means."

"Penetrated?" Ruth openly smirked, shooting his mate a knowing look. "Now, now, bedroom talk starting a little early, is it not?"

"Never too early for that," the green dragon near purred.

Leaning in close, Rai slid his paws around his mate's waist, scooting his chair closer so that he could comfortably rest his muzzle on Ruth's shoulder. His claws scratched over the white dragon's shirt and Ruth murmured under his breath, the utterance unheard as he brushed his muzzle over the top of Rai's head, scales smooth beneath his lips. Their muzzles quickly found each other's and tongues slipped past lips, teasing in a familiar dance that never failed to arouse. Rai moaned, tail seeking out Ruth's and trapping it in a coiled embrace, the white dragon's paws roaming freely.

"Come on, love," Ruth panted as they broke the kiss. "I have something for you."

Mildly dazed, Rai blinked several times, tail unwinding compliantly from Ruth's as the other dragon stood, holding a green paw tightly in one of his own. Giving Rai's paw a gentle squeeze, Ruth's tail lashed the air, excitement trembling through every line of his body as he refused to let go of his mate.

"Um...what about Ammy and Foxy?" Rai allowed himself to be tugged half out of his seat, chair scraping obnoxiously in haste. "Won't they wonder where we are? Or would they...just...know?"

"Oh, I think they're waiting for us by now," Ruth slid his gaze away elusively, pulling Rai up to his hind paws and closer, close enough to share warmth. "Come on, love."

Rai barely had time to digest that information as Ruth towed him through to the hallway - ignoring mumbled protest - and, to his greater surprise, yanked open the door beneath the stairs. The expected cupboard was non-existent and a series of dark steps descended into the bowels of the cottage, unlit and tantalising with promise.

"Wait," Rai protested, though he could not induce much force into his tone. "Where are we going? And what's going on here? Where are -"

"Shush and follow me," Ruth held a finger to his lips, barely holding back a wide grin. "You're not the only one capable of plotting. Besides," he winked, "I have to catch you out upon occasion."

Taking a deep breath, Raiyoku followed, matching Ruth step for step and shivering as Ruth's tail curled over his stomach, deliberately arching between his thighs to caress the bulge. The dragon inwardly cursed his devious mate, then considering his own penchant for excitement in the next thought, hoping against hope that the plans for the evening involved a special pair of ladies that they both had been so taken with. His heart hammered in his chest, pounding with such force that Rai wondered if it was about to burst between his ribs. That would really put a damper on the evening. The stairs creaked dangerously and he flung out an arm, fearing that he was about to be tilted forward into Ruth, sending the duo careering down to land in a heap. That would be just like them. His mind raced. Were the femfurs were waiting at the bottom of the stairs for them? How much had Ruth plotted? And to what tastes?

Some more delectable tastes would not hurt, surely?

At the base of the stairs, Rai spread his hind paws, savouring the feel of solid ground, some kind of cold surface - linoleum, if he was to chance a guess. What lay before him could only be described as a dungeon or, amusingly, the true version of the 'red room of pain' from that accursed book, Fifty Shades of something or the other (Amethyst referred to it as Fifty Shades of Crap, though he was not quite so crude). Quiet enveloped the dragon, wrapping him in a blanket of white noise that was comforting, leading his attention to two sensuous feminine silhouettes traversing the far end of the room. Paws busy, they sinuously evaded furniture laced with leather and cuffs, evident bondage implements with an obvious purpose. Raising an eyebrow, he inhaled the aroma of conditioned leather, reaching to his left to trail his fingers along the array of dildos (possibly encompassing every known species), which were arranged tastefully along a polished, mahogany shelf. Ruth smirked and set his shoulders back, lifting Rai's paw to his lips for a kiss, returning Rai to ricocheting reality as he appreciated the femfur's handiwork. The dungeon was more spectacular than he imagined, equipped with bondage devices tantalising enough to make his scales bristle and every manner of tool to cause pleasure, pain or both.

"So...what's all this?" Rai's jaw had fallen somewhat slack - it was overwhelming. "Ruth...just what exactly have you been up to now?" Ruth chuckled musically, squeezing his mate's paw.

"Can't I surprise you anymore?" Ruth beamed, showing a flash of brilliant white teeth.

"Oh...no," Raiyoku snorted, rubbing his bicep. "Not at all, you'd...ah...very much be wrong there. You surprise me far too often, love, far too often."

"Then I'm doing my job right."

"Hello there, lads," Amethyst paced closer with a flirty flick of her tail, attired quite differently than she had been at dinner, as was the other 'foxy' dungeon mistress of the evening.