Dreams and Wishes Ch. 01


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The dream faded and I awoke. I grabbed my bags and raced down stairs.

"Sophia, I need to leave. I'll be back, but I have to go now."

"Why, Krys, what happened?"

"I can't explain. I'm okay. Know that I love you. Tell Heather, Grace and Rowena I love them," I kissed my sister on her forehead and ran to my car.

It took me more than four long arduous hours to travel back to Ballachulish. The village was in mourning all flags were flying at half-mast. I reached Robbie's house I banged on the door. He opened it after what felt like an age.

"Krystyna?" he greeted surprised to see me.

"I love you, I don't hate you," I said.

He took my hand, pulling me close embracing me. I hugged him tightly.

"I love you too," he whispered kissing my ear.

"May I come in?" I asked gently.

"Of course, you just surprised me, and it was a nice surprise. I like nice surprises. Coffee?"


"Grannie Campbell passed away. I was called back. I did kiss you goodbye, but you looked beautiful and peaceful so I let you sleep."

"I had terrible weird dreams after you left."

"I know that dreams can feel so real. I can definitely relate."

I rubbed Merlin's head and chin as the kettle boiled.

"I missed you, I hope Beth looked after you," I said talking to Merlin.

"I'm sure Merlin missed you too."

"There's no need to be jealous. I missed you too. I'm sorry and very sad that Grannie Campbell passed away. She was a lovely lady," I told Robbie.

"Yes she was. The village is in shock even though she was in her nineties. I will miss her gentle counsel. There is a wake tomorrow. The funeral is the day after."

"That's quick," I observed.

"Grannie had it all planned apparently. Like the Queen she had made arrangements- operation thistle," he explained until his voice broke.

We held each other and let the tears flow. I had lived by myself for so long. I needed quiet time, but here and now I didn't want to be alone.

"I don't want to go back," I confessed between sobs.

I felt his gentle hand stroke my hair. I think he nodded, but perhaps he couldn't speak either. Emotions were running wild. I had a sudden image of a wolf and a stag running side by side down the glen beside the loch. I am certain I heard Grannie's voice in my head- 'follow your heart'. We wiped our tears.

"Then don't go back, stay here with me," he suggested with a smile.

"What would I do for work here?"

"There is more to life than work," he counselled touching my cheek with his fingers.

"Yes there is. Would it be bad if I said I wanted to love you now?"

"No, I think it's understandable when someone slips away. It reminds us all we have a finite time."

"I was meaning sex," I clarified.

"So was I," he said lifting my chin kissing me.

Robbie lifted me in his arms carrying me to his room. We quickly disrobed leaving an untidy trail of clothes. We were completely naked- I pressed my smooth pale body against Robbie. I felt his body hair tickle me- a tiny joyful sensation that spread all over. His hands held my bum, while my fingers traced the patterns on his chest. Our lips met gently at first and then with growing passion. Tongues engaged in a battle for dominance. Robbie lifted me onto the bed, his warm body pressed gently against me. I guided him to my hole taking all of him in one gentle motion. I tipped my head back feeling him fill me. His chest hair tickled my nipples. I sighed with pleasure and acceptance. This wasn't a sprint, it was a marathon. Life was about the journey not the destination. I should embrace it. I think I had learned more about myself in the few days I had been in Scotland than I had in as many years. I am Krystyna. I gently squeezed the muscles of my love tunnel. Our fingers entwined. I needed to feel the love physically: his hard hot cock plunging into my little hole.

"Oh my beautiful Krystyna," whispered Robbie appreciating my hole massaging his cock.

"Love me hard Robbie."

I writhed beneath my strong gentle lover lamenting the withdrawal of his cock before joyously welcoming its return. I had my first orgasm squeezing my eyes tightly shut as I rode the euphoric wave of pleasure. Robbie continued to love me I felt his surge and exhilaration as he exploded deep inside triggering another tremendous eruption of pleasure. We lay side by side on the bed, warm bodies just touching. I covertly tucked my 'bits'. Robbie's fingers played with my hair, ears and neck. I rested my hand on his thigh feeling the soft hair against my fingertips.

"You're so lovely Krystyna. I love you. I love you as you and I wouldn't change a single thing. I love your smell, your cute curvy body and your pretty brown eyes."

"Well I think I love your pretty blue eyes."

Robbie laughed.

"Join me for a shower?"

"In a minute let's just enjoy this moment."

After five minutes of cuddling and kissing we moved to the shower to continue our mutual appreciation of each other. Robbie penetrated me again resulting in another orgasm for both of us as I stood bathed in steam. After, Robbie wrapped me tightly in a large fluffy towel pinning my arms against my body while he kissed me. It was something new: not something I would normally like- being restricted, but I felt safe. I felt loved. We dried each other and then dressed.

"Can we go for a walk and talk some more?" I asked.

"I would like that," he agreed.

We walked through the village. Shops and businesses were all closed, but as we passed houses people came out to greet us. Everyone knew Robbie. I was introduced, many had heard of my exploits in the loch, some knew me from Christmas day dinner at the hotel. Everyone wanted to hug us. We finally had a few minutes to ourselves.

"Sorry, everyone means well, everyone just wants to say a kind word when there has been a passing. I think we all want human contact when we lose someone. They also just want to make you feel welcome," explained Robbie.

"I know and I love them all," I said.

We passed the afternoon talking in his lounge. Merlin sat nearby keeping an eye on us.

It was late when we retired, but we made love again. This time I was on top. This position allowed me to run my hands over Robbie's chest, while his hands explored my thighs and boobs. When we both climaxed I lay on top of him sharing little kisses as his hands held my bum.


January 2

We woke early making love again. It was gentle, less frantic than the previous day. We showered together, dressed and shared breakfast. Merlin assessed us with his big yellow eyes. He made his little meow when I greeted him. I kissed him on top of his head like I do my nieces.

I called my manager and explained my situation asking for a few extra days holiday. He was understanding and agreed.

I changed and wore the black dress, black opaque tights with heeled knee high boots. Robbie wore a black shirt with his kilt. I observed his kilt pin was a stag's head. Was that a coincidence? We walked to the hotel. It was bitter sweet. I greeted the lovely people that I had come to care for. I felt initially detached, like I was intruding. It was sombre, but there were still smiles: I could feel the love that bonded them. Maisie and her three sisters ambushed me hugging me. Alison approached me.

"I have a thistle for you," she said pinning a delicate hand-made flower to my lapel.

I noticed everyone was wearing one.

"Grannie would have wanted you here. You're one of us," she decided squeezing my hand.

I nodded unable to speak.

I had never attended a wake before. It was initially sombre with heart felt speeches. The mood lifted as people began to recount stories of Grannie. I listened to the many recollections of 'do you remember that time when...' and 'Grannie said to me...' There were tears, but then laughter as people remembered happy times.

Alison took me to one side.

"Krystyna, I would like to tell you something. I think you will understand while others might not."

"Alison, I'm here for you."

"Thank you, that means a lot, but this isn't about me really. The night Grannie slipped away- I woke and found her sat on the end of my bed. I know she wasn't there physically, I think her spirit reached out to me. Many of the women in our clan have the gift. She talked to me for a few minutes. I knew it was her good-bye. It was her time to go. She gave me a message. 'Tell Krystyna I know she will be the best wolf she can be'- does that mean anything to you?"

"Yes, I think it does."

"She also left this little box with instructions to give it to you. She said to open it when you are alone and you would understand."

"I must admit I don't understand, but I will do as you ask, as she wanted," I said before hugging her.

The box was tied around with a green and blue ribbon: Campbell tartan. I slipped the small wooden cube into my handbag.


January 3

I think the entire village attended Grannie Campbell's funeral. I joined them. We followed the lone piper to the church as he played a lament. For the first time in my life I felt I belonged somewhere. I think I was home. I had no idea what I would do about my job, my future in London, and for once that didn't concern me.

Alison told me that Grannie's coffin would be taken to be cremated and her ashes scattered on the nearby mountain. The wind would carry her to her resting place. The vision of the forest effigy rising to the stars filled my thoughts.

Robbie and I walked back to his house holding hands. We made tea, sat, held hands some more, comfortable with consoling each other in silence.

It was much later when I remembered Grannie's legacy. I retreated to the guest room and opened the dark wooden box. I discovered a brooch pinned to blue and green tartan- it was a wolf's head. Was that another coincidence? I had the first dream long before I met Grannie Campbell, in fact it happened before I had met many of the council. Was it a mystery I wasn't supposed to solve? Was it my over active imagination taking unconnected facts and weaving them into a dream? Did it matter? I felt happy here. I still had my secret, what if they discovered what I really was? My chaotic thoughts were interrupted by Robbie tapping on the door.

"You may come in," I called.

"Are you okay?" he asked from the door.

"Yes, no, maybe," I replied.

"Do you need some time?" he asked.

"I need time to work things out in my head, but I don't want to be alone."

"Would it help to talk about it?"

"I don't think so for now, but I would like some tea and a hug. Grannie Campbell left me her brooch."

"That's very special. You clearly made a big impression."

We talked for a long time.


January 4.

We had just tidied up the kitchen when there was a knock at the door.

"Krystyna, would you be an angel and get that?"


I opened the door to find Sophia and my three nieces.

"Surprise," they called.

I stepped outside and hugged them. It was a lovely surprise. Perhaps surprises weren't all bad.

"We know you have to go home soon. So we talked to Robbie. We're staying for the next two days. We wanted to visit the village you told us so much about," explained Sophia.

"I'm sorry I had to rush off."

"Krystyna, invite them in," called Robbie.

"Oh, right, sorry, yes, please come in."

I kissed each of them as they gathered in the hallway. We spent the day together.

It was mid-afternoon when Robbie told me there was a telephone call for me.

"I spoke with a contact I have at the hospital. They are looking for an IT manager. Ella is the HR person. I didn't mean to surprise you with this, but I wasn't expecting her to call me today," he explained.

"Thank you Robbie."

I had a long conversation with Ella. I was invited to an interview the next day. I told Robbie and my family of the development.

"Does this mean you will live closer to us?" asked Rowena excitedly.

"Mouse, I haven't been given the job yet, but yes it would mean I would move here," I explained.

"So we would see more of you," added Heather unable to hide her joy.

The joy was infectious.

"I promise I will do my very best at the interview, but they might not think I'm suitable."

"I think they'll love you," declared Grace.

We ate dinner together. Sophia and nieces left for Maisie's hotel where they were staying overnight. I retired early and changed into the pale blue lingerie Robbie had bought me. I sat on his bed until Robbie joined me.

"Wow, don't you look beautiful," he observed from the door.

"I really like this."

"It looks really good on you."

Robbie embraced me. I couldn't stop smiling when I was in his arms.

"Would it be too much, if I asked you to love me in my lingerie before we sleep?" I whispered.

"I'll never tire of loving you, my sweet Krystyna. You want on top?"

"Would you mind if you topped me? I really like it."

I surrendered to him. I revelled in his gentle, but firm touch. His hot hard cock drove into me. The feel of warm satin stimulated both of us. I loved the smooth silky stockings. It didn't take long before we climaxed. We were happy.


January 5

Robbie left early for work. He kissed me while it was still dark.

"Good luck with the interview. I have left you the spare key on the kitchen table. I will see you later. I love you," he whispered.

"Be careful, be safe, I love you too," I told him.

I showered and dressed. I chose white panties and bra, black opaque tights, white blouse and black skirt. I added subtle makeup wishing Heather was there to show me how she had achieved my perfect face. I spritzed a little perfume and collected my court shoes.

I ate breakfast with Merlin before setting off in Horace. I arrived at the hospital in good time. The interview went well: I returned to Ballachulish. I meet Sophia and my nieces at the hotel.

"Well look at you, don't you look lovely," greeted Maisie.

"I just came back from a job interview," I explained.

"That reminds me, I and a number of the business owners would like to engage your services. We will pay consultancy rates," she offered.

"I would be happy to help you and the villagers."

Sophia and the girls appeared.

"I thought we heard your voice," reported Sophia.

"Do you get the job?" asked Heather.

"Yes, they have offered me the job."

"That's good news?" queried Sophia.

"Yes, they have offered to match my London salary and throw in a relocation bonus. They admitted they have had difficulty hiring someone with the skills up here."

"Yay!" cheered Grace.

"I think this calls for Champagne," decided Maisie.

"I can't I'm driving, I don't want to be arrested by Robbie," I laughed.

"I'm sure he would make an exception."

"We will all drink Champagne when I start the job and I'm living here."

"So next week?" asked Rowena.

"Sorry, Mouse, I have to give three months notice, but the time will fly by and then I'll be back before you know it," I said kissing her on her head.


I was back at Robbie's house when he returned from his shift. I gave him my news. He was pleased for me: he hugged me and spun me around making me cry out with joy.

"Where would I live?" I asked.

"With me?" tested Robbie.


"You don't want to? You need your own place?"

"I have furniture and clothes, well the entire contents of my apartment."

"We don't need to solve for everything right now, but the guest room could be your wardrobe, your office and put the rest into storage short term."

"But then where would I sleep?" I asked thinking of the room filled with boxes.

"With me?" he suggested.

"Oh, I see."

"I love you Krystyna, being with you has been the best thing to happen to me I think in forever."

"We have only known each other a few days, what if you learn I have bad habits?"

"I'm sure we will both have something the other doesn't like. It's called being in a relationship. I know you need your space sometimes too. I promise I won't crowd you. I'm not demanding or possessive honest. I want you in my life. I hope you want me too."

"I do. I think you are the best thing to happen to me too. I have to leave tomorrow and return to London. I don't want to go, but I have to. We can video chat until I come back."

"I know, but I will miss your kisses every single minute."

"Well you can always have some now, and may be a cuddle with something extra," I suggested.

We hurried to the bedroom. We were quickly naked. There were lots of kisses and cuddles before we had sex. I think sex was better each time. My orgasm was intense leaving my spirit shuddering with pleasure.

January 6

I met with Alison and told her my secret. She told me I was brave and it didn't make any difference to her. She would be my friend no matter. I told Maisie next. She smiled and hugged me.

"You're Krystyna and we all love you."

"What will the others think?"

"If they can't accept you then the devil can take them. I think most of us are open minded and its thoughts, intentions and deeds that count."

"That's kind of what Grannie Campbell said too."

"She was very wise. I miss her. I'll miss you too."

"I'll be back soon and then we'll have that Champagne," I assured her.

I made my goodbyes to Sophia, Heather, Grace and Rowena. I kissed each one as I always did. The village came out in force to see me off. There were tears, but they were joyful ones because I knew I was coming back. I was going to make my new home here. I would have my new life here. I had a long hug and lots of kisses with Robbie, but I couldn't delay any longer.

I drove back to London. My apartment felt lonely. I missed Merlin. I missed my sister and my nieces. I missed everyone from the village. I missed Robbie. The next day the contract details arrived in my email. I immediately signed and returned it. I met with my boss and gave him my letter of resignation. He loved my work and asked what he could do to change my mind. He offered me a significant pay rise, promises to discuss with senior management regarding career progression. I told him it wasn't financially or career guided. I had found a home. I had found love. I'm certain he thought I was crazy, but he reluctantly accepted my decision.

The days, weeks and months slowly passed. I had nightly talks with Robbie. Weekly chats with Sophia and my three nieces. Heather called and wanted to know when I would be arriving: she wanted me to meet Lorraine. I also exchanged emails with what felt like half the village that wanted to engage me as their IT expert. I was happy.

What would life be like far to the North? Time would tell.

To be continued?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Beautiful is all I can say thanks

RachelPrRachelProver 1 year ago

This was awesome. Being Scottish, well what can I say! I absolutely love it. I had to stop multiple times to wipe the tears. 🥰💋💞

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wonderful story!! More please!!

xDarkAngel0xDarkAngel0over 1 year agoAuthor

Karen, I hope it brought fond and happy memories.

Boris and Minx thank you.

Chloe x

Minxmaster1963Minxmaster1963over 1 year ago

Absolutely wonderful

Boris6942Boris6942over 1 year ago

A great story, extremely well written.

KarenWinterKarenWinterover 1 year ago

Thank you for this wonderful winter treat! I'm a little familiar with the area from university days, and it was nice to be able to picture the scenery. What a fantastic story, so well written and not afraid to take it's time. Just lovely.

xDarkAngel0xDarkAngel0over 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you for your kind words Nasty and Adventure. Anonymous, I have been on holiday in and around Glen Coe, Fort William, Skye and Ballachulish. I don't know if there is a stone circle close to the village, but there are many dotted in the landscape. My Grannie was a Campbell and she would tell me stories of the little people, fairies, witches, sprites and other magical creatures. Many of the clans have stories of animal guides and feature on clan badges. The council is my creation. Chloe x

EjschatzEjschatzover 1 year ago

I thought this story was marvelous I think I loved just about everything about this story I do hope to hear more about them in the future

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please do continue. What a wonderful story and beautiful characters. I cried happy tears. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

really liked your background setting, you familiar? is the magical/mystical part of scottish lore? storyline a bit easy yet had its own realism. have to read more of your writing.

Adventure_in_NVAdventure_in_NVover 1 year ago

Beautifully written. Vivid images. I felt as if I was there.

Nasty56Nasty56over 1 year ago

Outstanding story, your writing is incredible. Can’t wait for the next part!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please continue this story if you feel led to do so. It gives me hope

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