Drug Makes her Addicted to Semen Ch. 05

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Is Steve's difficulty finally over? Or just beginning?
8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/09/2018
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Drug Chemical Makes People Addicted to Particular Man's Semen, Ch. 5


Hard knocks rocked Steve's front door on a sunny Saturday morning. Looking at his watch (11 AM), Steve opened the door with resignation. A text message about 20 minutes earlier had alerted him to his impending guest.

Steve opened the door to reveal a sweating, lightly sobbing Maria. In a white summer mini-skirt and matching blouse, the olive skinned beauty had her wavy dark hair cascading down her shoulders and back. It was obvious that the blood-and-bone-deep burn for Steve's semen was coursing through the beautiful Latina.

"Please, joo have to do something" she breathily urged in her sultry Spanish accent. "I've been like this since midnight, when it heet me, I couldn't get away from my husband then, and I lay awake all night fighting this burning...my keeds have soccer this morning, so I dropped them off and rushed right over..."

10 minutes later, the pregnant lady was naked on her back on Steve's bed, her heels resting up on his shoulders, Steve pumping himself deeply into her swollen abdomen.

"Huff, huff, huff-haaa," Maria sobbed with the pumping, getting driven into, her dark hair bouncing in waves around her head with each short poke. "What...what are joo going to do to help me?"

"I'm working on it, honey..." Steve told her, tiredly concentrating more on his thrusting.

"I'm taking a supplement to increase the size of my loads, and I'm going to try to fill a bunch of test tubes with lids, so you can have a few to drink down if this feeling hits you and you can't get to me...the only problem is it will take a bit of time to fill them up while still seeing to all of...I mean, still seeing to you personally every few days..."

"Huff, huff, huff can...can you hurry? I've got to get back to pick up my keeds..."

"I'm...I'm doing my best, hun..." Steve sweated as he continued a short, driving rhythm against the beautiful Latina's midsection. Having to see to four women was taking a toll on him. To urge himself along, he concentrated on the exquisite feeling of the rippling folds of skin inside Maria's vagina, gently undulating against the head of Steve's cock, providing a mild suction, made hotly wet by the burning need beating through the wife and mother's body. The intimate space was supposed to be known only by Juan, Maria's husband, but Steve was all too familiar with the woman's nooks and crannies. Both Steve and the impregnated adulteress were envisioning the impending eruption of milky white heat that would sate her need, and free Steve from yet another round of seeding.

"Huuuuhh...HUUUUHHHHH!" he yelled as he finally crested the peak of his stimulation, and his scrotum seized as he drove a modest load of seed deeply into the starving lady's womanhood.

"Ah-HAAAAAAAA" Maria echoed, throwing her head back and clutching the sheets on Steve's bed, hooking her clenched ankles around his neck in the throes of her own orgasm. "Ahhhhhh..." she weakly trailed off, Steve's semen going to work quenching the woman's burning feeling.

After the pair hastily dressed, Maria urged Steve, "Please...please hurry with those test tubes...I don't want to go through that again..."

When the beleaguered woman shuffled to her car in a daze, Steve came to a decision.

[For shit's sakes...] he thought...[This is getting too hard, on me AND them. I've got this week off work...I'm going to take the drug-injector ring and the final dose of the drug back to Dr. Phelps on Monday. I'll just have to tell him I'm not going to inject a fifth woman. Our experiment will have to go on with just four...I can't even handle all four of the ones who got the drug now!]

Late Monday morning, Steve entered the six-floor building where Dr. Phelps had his offices and laboratory, the injector ring safely in a little box in his pocket. Getting off the elevator on the third floor, Steve noticed a woman sitting at the desk just outside the door to Dr. Phelps' main lab.

"Oh, hello," Steve said, "I'm Steve, here to see Dr. Phelps..."

"Oh, hi Steve," the woman said while looking up at him, a big smile spreading across her face. "I'm Dr. Rutledge...you can call me Charlotte," she extended her hand for a handshake. Steve took a good look at the woman...her long black hair cascaded over her shoulders, and smiling, pouty lips sat above a petite, pointy chin. Her large green eyes looked at Steve as if they either liked what they saw, or knew something he didn't. Steve noticed the sparkling wedding ring on her left hand.

"YOU'RE a scientist too?" he smiled.

"I'm Dr. Phelps' assistant, yes," she explained, raising an eyebrow..."Almost a partner. Why, don't you think women can be scientists?"

"Oh sure, it's nothing like that..." Steve explained in a hurry. "I've just never met you, so..."

[Wow...] Steve thought [...if I wasn't giving up this ring...]

"Well I was in England seeing to a family matter back when you began working with Dr. Phelps...Randy...he told me you'd be meeting him today. You can go in, he's with his daughter and her future mother in law."

"Thanks...maybe I'll see you later?" Steve tried to be smooth. Charlotte just smirked and lifted her eyebrows, returning to her work.

Steve entered Randy Phelps' office to see the scientist standing in front of his large tables littered with the implements of his work. A young, twenty-something woman with a very slim, almost-hourglass figure and long brown hair stood to his side. Phelps was talking to a stately woman, more voluptuous, perhaps in her mid-forties, with long, curly red hair and a serious demeanour. The three looked up as he came in.

"Ahh, Steve, come in," Dr. Phelps invited. "I was expecting you. This here is my daughter, Taylor..." the slim young woman piped in, "Hi."

"...she's getting married on Saturday! And this lovely lady..." Phelps indicated the dignified redhead, "...is Mrs. Banks. She's Peter's mother...that's Taylor's fiancée."

"Pleased to meet you," Steve chimed.

"The pleasure's all mine," Mrs. Banks smiled. Steve noticed her looking at him like a hawk.

"You all must be pretty busy, planning the wedding!" Steve asked.

"Well, my husband is a preacher," Mrs. Banks intoned, "and he's actually performing the service. My son Peter is also training to be a preacher, so weddings are sort of, part of their job!"

"2 Preacher's wives in the same room..." Steve joked "...that's got to be lucky or something, right?"

The others just smiled at Steve's lame joke.

"Ahh, I know you wanted to talk to me for a bit Steve," Dr. Phelps told him, "I was all ready to meet you now, but Mrs. Banks just arrived with a bit of a snag in the wedding plans...I've got to whisk her over to the hall...we parents have planned a little something for the soon-to-be-newlyweds!"

"Oh, ok Dr. Phelps," Steve returned, "I've got a bit of time, I can come back later..."

"What about this afternoon? I'll be back around 3?"

"Perfect! Um...do you have a washroom I could use?" Steve asked.

"Yes, just down the hall," Phelps replied, then turned to his daughter, "And Taylor, after you've finished cleaning the test tubes, could you flush the hoses on the other table?"

"Ok, dad," Taylor said, straightening up the scientific equipment on the table.

Phelps and Mrs. Banks left, and Steve took out the ring. He considered leaving it on the table, but didn't want Taylor coming across it. The drug experiment was top secret.

"What do you do with my dad?" Taylor asked Steve with a smile, flipping her bouncy brown hair over her shoulder.

"Ahh...I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you!" Steve joked, returning the smile. "It's to do with an international experiment though..."

"You mean the big top secret one with Eldaria, or with Germany?" Taylor asked. "Those are the only two that are international that dad's working on now...he won't say anything about them though!"

[Uh oh...] Steve thought, [Enough hints!]

"Um, well it might be one of those..." he played stupid. He excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Alone in the lab, Taylor's curiosity finally got the best of her. She pulled out the little key her dad had kept hidden under the rim of the second table. It was the key to his filing cabinet that Taylor had come across the other week while cleaning.

After going to the washroom, Steve came back down the hall, passing Charlotte at her desk. She smirked up at him, and he tried to think of something funny to say. Just smiling instead, he went back into the lab. He'd decided to leave the ring behind to get rid of it...

...He closed the door and turned around to find Taylor going through Phelps' papers, a quizzical frown on her face.

"Oh, Steve...I was just looking at this Eldaria experiment...this is terrible! My dad's gotten involved with making some kind of drug that will make women addicted to the ejaculate of the man that she lays with after being injected with the drug! What kind of sick bastards bribed my dad to help make this?!"

"What? Really?" Steve feigned, "Um, Taylor, you probably shouldn't be going through your dad's secret files...you'd better put those back now. Forget all about it..."

"Oh my God! Look at this!" the increasingly frantic girl all but yelled, "My dad has sponsored someone to actually go around and experiment with the drug! It says here he's already injected 4 women, and they're all coming to see him and have sex with him...my God...! I've...I've got to DO something!" she whispered.

"Look, whoever it is," Steve told her, "it's none of your business, ok? You should shut those files away..."

"Oh NO!" Taylor exclaimed, wide eyed and exasperated, reading through more of the notes, "Some of these women are MARRIED and have been impregnated! This bastard has caused them to cheat on their husbands to get his semen and conceive! And it says here Charlotte was involved in making the drug too! I've...I've got to turn them in to the police! The authorities!"

"Now, just wait a minute," Steve implored the desperate girl, getting frantic himself. "You're just super sensitive to that because you're getting married yourself...really...this is none of our business. You can't bring this to any authorities...they'd...they'd arrest your father and Charlotte out there too! Your own dad...they'd lock him up! You...you're getting married next week. Just forget all about this, ok?"

"No...NO I can't...my fiancée is a preacher and everything...I've...I've got to do what's right! I've got to turn them all in...dad...dad can blame Charlotte or the Eldarian mob and get off of charges or something..."

Steve started to panic. [What if the girl goes to the police?] he thought. He certainly didn't want to end up behind bars!

[Shit...That hot assistant out there knows all about this? She was smiling at me the whole time knowing that I've been injecting women with this drug...HER drug!!]

"Taylor, LISTEN TO ME" Steve urged the frenzied girl. "YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE. That would be disaster! Just walk away!!"

"Just...Just shut up!" Taylor squeaked, "Where...where did I put my cell phone!!" She started to look around.

Steve was getting hysterical himself. He had to make sure Taylor didn't turn them all in. He had to stop the girl from ruining their lives. He knew only one way to make sure she stayed quiet. He pulled the ring out from his pocket.

[The LAST thing I want is to inject another girl, especially Phelps' own daughter!...] Steve thought to himself, [but if I don't...maybe if Taylor drastically needs my cum, just like the others, she'll keep the secret...from everyone, including her father. If she really needs it...]

As Taylor frantically slid beakers and boxes around looking for her cell phone to call the police, Steve popped the top of the ring open and twisted it around to face out from his palm...

"And YOU!" Taylor snapped, "if you're not helping me here, then just get out! I've got to..." the girl cut off as she noticed Steve lift the open ring into view. A small needle seemed to protrude from the ring, sticking up from his hand. Her eyes opened wide a split second before he clapped her on the bottom.

"What are you...is that...NO, DON'T! DON'T YOU DA...OUCH!" she yelled, and slapped her hands to her ass. Steve quickly drew his hand away from Taylor's right ass-cheek.

"YOU!!" Taylor hissed, "YOU'RE the one using this drug! You...you injected ME, you son of a bitch! You son of a bitch!"

Enraged, Taylor beat Steve back. "How could you DO that? How could you, you prick!!"

"SSsshhhh..Taylor, be quiet!" Steve implored her, "listen, you've got to cooperate! You can't reveal your own father!"

"YOU..." Taylor tried to yell, swinging an arm at Steve but instead staggering against the table.

[Maybe the drug is already working] Steve hoped. He grabbed the girl's upper arms to steady her and hold her. Shaking, Phelps' daughter tried to push free.

"I'm going...I'm going..." she stammered...

Taylor felt distinctly odd. This asshole had just injected her with a drug her own father and his assistant had made! She would NOT start to get horny. She would NOT. Thinking of that, however, caused Taylor to notice a faint heat start to radiate from her womb. [Oh NO], she thought...[NO...I'll fight it! I won't succumb to it!] The mild heat began to burn deep, with a little more intensity. [I can't...] she told herself...[I can't get horny...Peter...where's Peter...? Maybe if I get to him, he can fuck me...he can take me...] the hapless girl told herself, struggling to stay standing. That thought led her to picture her and Peter making love. Her squirming underneath her fiancée. Her cumming hard while her fiancée tensed his body on top of her. The heat started to pulse in her gut...

[NO]...she thought...[don't think about fucking!!] "NO" she said aloud to herself. Steve still held the trembling girl up. "I can't...I won't..." the burning heat started to spread through the girl's midsection and pulse in undulating waves, a fiery rhythm that started to keep time with her heartbeat. The heat became a definite tingle that made the lips of her womanhood through to her uterus feel like they were being massaged...vibrated...tantalized...they felt hot. They felt teased. Annoying, cloying teased. Like a feather brushing them, but just barely on the point of contact. Just enough to...

Suddenly, Taylor's holiest of holies started to secrete a hot, wet release, a moist, dripping soak that she couldn't control. She felt the need to touch herself, to writhe her thighs together to rub the incessant tingle away.

"I'm not fucking you, you asshole!" Taylor forced through her clenched teeth. She was almost doubled over by now, grabbing the table with one hand and her lower abdomen with the other. Steve still held her up by her upper arms. "I'll never fuck you!" she gritted.

"Taylor, we've got to help protect your father," Steve gently urged.

"Aaahhhh..." Taylor groaned, the heat beginning to rise through her stomach to her spine and chest. Her backbone felt like a molten whisper was blowing up it, while her breasts started to tingle with the same radiating pulse that fired through her loins. The bottoms of Taylor's small breasts hardened and lifted, feeling a warmth like that of a lover's hot breath. The breath continued to blow across her chest, from the inside, until her humble nipples quivered and calcified, jutting forth like diamonds.

"Fuck you..." Taylor whispered to Steve. "Fuck you...I'm not doing it..."

The relentless heat moved inexorably down Taylor's body through her thighs, causing them to quiver harder. Barely able to stand, the enthralled girl started to gently move her knees back and forth in opposite directions, to try to scratch the niggling itch that grew hotter in her lower lips. The heat moved lower, through her calves and into her ankles. Bending over double now, Taylor's feet bent inwards, as if thrusting her heels down would help the poor girl grip something stimulating with her legs.

"Get...get out of here...I need...I need to..." the daughter stammered. "H-haaaaaaaww!" She suddenly gurgled, standing up rigid, as the pulsing heat rapidly hit her neck and head. Taylor felt as if she were a marionette, and an unseen puppetmaster was pulling the string on her head, lifting her high as the hot waves lapped at her brain.

"What did...what did you do..." the girl whispered. Her thoughts were so hard to control...she tried to think of anything other than how her body felt...how the drug was making her feel. She tried to think of her fiancée, her job, anything other than the pulsing grip on her mind, leading her to think of being penetrated, how good it would feel to be taken, to be pierced...NO...she...would...fight...it...

Steve held the shaking girl up as she pitched forward into him, stifling a groan, "UUUnnnnn..." Rather than continue propping the deflating girl up, he gently lay her down on the carpeted floor in front of the laboratory table. "Fuck...fuck you..." She murmured.

"Just relax, Taylor, just relax..." Steve urged her. Lying on the floor, Taylor suddenly lifted her hips high off the ground like a possessed thing, the almost-painful radiant heat stabbing through her entire body.

"Ahhh...unnnnnn..." she moaned. Her miniskirt began to darken over her crotch, soaking through with the slick wetness.

Steve tried to hold down the thrashing woman, not to force her, but so that she wouldn't hurt herself in the throes of her drug-induced estrus.

Suddenly, the door to the lab swept open, and Charlotte swung her head around it to see what was happening. Steve had to think fast.

"Charlotte! She went through her dad's papers! She knows all about the experiment! She knows everything...she wants to reveal us all to the authorities! I...I had to inject her...to keep Phelps' secret...YOUR secret...I didn't want to..."

"SHIT" Charlotte cursed. She entered the lab and locked the door behind her. Quickly hurrying over to where Taylor was lying on the floor, Charlotte crouched down and grabbed the thrashing girl's wrists, pulling her arms up and holding them down on the floor above Taylor's head. Taylor continued to lash about, the sex-maddening heat coursing through her now, like ocean waves. Still the girl held out against it.

"You...you..." Taylor grunted. "I'm not fucking him...I'm not fucking...rrrrrr."

Charlotte leaned towards the imperilled girl's face and gently cooed into her ear, "Now, now, honey, shhhhh, it's ok, I'm here, you know me...just let him fuck you...come on, now, honey, we can't send your dad and I to the authorities...it'll be jail for him, for this guy right here, for me, maybe even for you, Taylor...shhhhh, just let go...just let the nice medicine do its job..."

Taylor thrashed her hips back and forth on the floor, trying to pull her arms free of the scientist's firm grip.

"N-no...no...you bitch!" Taylor hissed. "You...you traitor...I'll never...never fuck him..." Taylor's voice was growing quieter with each word, her eyes a little more glassy. As Taylor fought the drug with every fiber of her being, she started to feel, see and hear the effects of the hot, driving sex that the drug was inducing in her mind. Flashes of a rock hard cock deliciously stabbing into her began to force their way into Taylor's brain, feeling like that would sate the heat and fill the cloying, nagging emptiness that began to swallow her midsection.

Charlotte continued to murmur into Taylor's ear, "Now honey, soon it'll be all ok...you'll have a nice bit of sex with this great guy...look at him, isn't he cute? Wouldn't it be great to just have a little quickie with him, just us here...no one would ever know..."

Taylor continued to squirm, trying to will the drug surging through her veins into submission. Helplessly, she saw flashes of her hands clenching on a man's back muscles as he buried himself amazingly deep in her, his hard probing of her depths making her have to bite her lip to stop gasping in ecstasy. Steve continued to try to hold Taylor's undulating body down.