Dunyazad: Tale the Fourth

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Victorian adventure involving Templars & a Jinniyah.
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A rescue - a rape club - another naughty bath - a merger - arcane skills - The Caliph of Abbasid's view

I suddenly found Dee could take over if she wished. Without willing it, I found I had pulled the horse-tailed dildo from my belt and was driving it hard just below his sternum. As he doubled over, gasping for wind, she swung it across the back of his head and he dropped like a poled ox. The dildo-cosh was tossed aside and then she withdrew her control, her voice in my head saying, "Shall we go in?"

I stepped over the stunned doorkeeper and, after ensuring there was no one else nearby, crept down the passage that led back to the little room I had stayed in. It now seemed so long ago. The door there was ajar, and peering in I saw a scene that made my blood boil. There was Lucy, naked and bruised, huddled against the far wall. Between us were two more men -- hulking brutes in black. Given their unfastened breeches, the tenor of their interrogation was clear. The further one had other sport in mind as well. He was in the act of flailing a heavy studded belt over his head, postponing the blow to savour the girl's terror. The nearer one was more alert than I expected. He heard my approach and drew an ugly stiletto from his jacket even as he turned to face me. He stopped and his face twisted into an evil leer as he saw there was one more girl to add to their little party.

In the same moment my own knife was in my hand. Even as I threw myself inside his reach, my arm was slashing upward across his throat - with Dee's skill and strength, but my own will and hate. He gurgled and slumped, and I was past him and crouching to leap at his partner. But now the bastard was aware of danger, and he spun to aim his blow at me. I sidestepped and let Dee take over once more. The man's momentum threw off his balance, and, crouching low, Dee swept out his legs with one of our own. As he fell, she rose to meet him and caught him by the head. His own weight did the rest and I felt the horrible crunch as his neck snapped. I dropped him to the floor and stepped over to Lucy. The poor thing was still huddled in a ball in expectation of the belt and had seen nothing of the brief fight.

"Get dressed and gather up your things -- it's time to go," I whispered. At that moment I felt my ring heat, but even without this clue I knew Dee had 'stepped out', as it were. After long hours together, I felt a sudden aching emptiness at her departure. I was on my own -- and still a girl. Plus there was a certain amount of belated terror. I was soaked in blood -- I remember being glad both that it wasn't mine, and that it didn't show much on my lovely black pyjamas. I'd never liked knives much, which was paradoxically why I carried one. Now I tucked the ghastly thing in my sash and hoped I would never need it again. Trembling slightly, I then gathered up the still confused Lucy to wrap her in a heavy black cloak that had been thrown on the bed. Its previous owner no longer had need of its warmth.

Within a few moments, there appeared at the door ... me. It was Dee, of course, having assumed my old face and body to help reassure Lucy. This effect was offset by the fact she was dressed in ill-fitting pieces of same black armour as our attackers, partly concealed by one of their woollen cloaks over her shoulders. I watched Lucy go to embrace her missing lodger and then stop, as confused by the Black Mantle costume as I was.

Dee grinned at the two of us, and said in my voice, "We must go now, my lovelies!" She bent down to give Lucy a gentle kiss, and then took hold of my bum and steered us both towards the front door. On the way out, we passed the poor brute who had watched the door. He was still lying face down in the hall, but was naked now ... and sporting a black tail, owing to some ten inches of plumed dildo planted in his butt.

Dee filled in the details for me later that night. It seems she had coalesced as herself behind the groggy Black Mantle who was still sitting by the front door. Having picked up her unusual truncheon, she stepped naked into his line of sight. Whether dazzled or dazed, he answered her question as to how many men were with him - just the two we had already disposed of - and then she bashed him again. She then changed her form into mine and dressed herself in his clothes, for want of other apparel. When eventually he came fully to his senses, his only recollection would be of a small girl occasionally dressed all in black. What sort of story he would actually tell was anybody's guess.

At all odds, we three slipped past him into the street. Dee (as me, remember -- I've said this was confusing) reassured Lucy more extensively in a doorway when we stopped several streets away. This time when they kissed, there was a good deal of heat. Looking at the couple I realized that Lucy cared for her star boarder more than she had let on. Oblivious of me, she had one thigh rubbing into her hero's groin. It was only then that I realized that Dee hadn't bothered with trousers, so that her erect peggo was sawing against Lucy's leg.

I half expected them to couple right there in the street, but with a last quick squeeze Dee told the girl to follow me, as there was one more thing to be done. So, with what speed we could, Lucy and I returned to the Cat ... checking with care that we were not followed. By now it was past midnight. Once inside the door I remembered it was I -- as Dee -- who was in charge of the place, and so I ordered a very surprised Lance, who was still manning the door, to detail staff to fetch his 'Captain' Peter, and to then look after Lucy and find her a room. I sent her off with a hug, having reassured her that she was safe now, and told her to make herself at home.

I had begun to debate with myself as to whether I should get Peter to gather the lads and go back to cover Dee's retreat, when the man himself appeared -- Peter, that is. He began fussing over me -- God knows what he made of my bloody appearance, but he made no enquiries beyond ensuring I was unhurt -- and I found myself distracted by his strong jaw and his warm, concerned, no, passionate eyes ... He quickly stripped my bloody garments off me, and used his own shirt to towel me down before wrapping me in a fashionable shawl taken from the inventory of oddments left near the door.

In any event, I needn't have worried. Even as I allowed Peter to comfort me, Dee (still styled as Thornton, naturally) appeared with Lola and her girls in tow. Charlotte and the other girls were ashen, having glimpsed the latest massacre in Lucy's quarters, while the madam looked positively livid.

"My Lady," Dee said to me, "This is Lola. I've told her everything. How you hired a soldier-of-fortune -- that is to say, me," -- here she gave a little bow to our guest -- "to track down and stamp out the gang of beasts who have been attacking the working girls in this neighbourhood. Of course I apologized for my misjudgement in luring the blackguards to her house and putting her and her employees at such risk. I also conveyed to her your offer of restitution."

I tried to follow Dee's lead as best I could. "Thank you ... Thornton. And thank you, Lola, for coming."

"Didn't Have much bloody choice, did we? Seeing as your man sez that this 'ere gang will be sendin' even more of them bastards 'round. They just burst in the place and started to drubbin' poor Lucy. Got what was comin' to 'em, though. Fancy there being a bloody club of rapists." Here she paused, and gave Dee a nod acknowledging his efforts at making London safe. Then to me she said, "Anyways, milady, your offer to buy me out and to take on my girls at your own establishment was a generous one, I'll admit."

"You're very welcome," I responded, and meant it. I had a feeling Lola could probably now retire to Oxford with Rollo -- who also was due for a share in the swag.

When our new recruits were suitably re-united with Lucy, Dee gave me a wink and drew me up the stairway. When we reached our quarters, I was quite ready to throw myself on my back with my legs spread wide. I was seriously aroused, having been a woman for ... had it only been a day? I had been fucked all too briefly that morning, and had since been steeped in powerful urges, not the least being the unaccustomed flush of battle. I was positively twitching with unspent energy.

Dee was more inclined to leisure, and began by stripping off the oversized cloak and the black armour hidden beneath it. And the hot sudsy bath she'd called for was probably in order after that evening's work.

Once we finally set to, Dee managed to outdo herself. She orchestrated a symphony of teasing caresses, of galvanizing nibbles. When she entered me I was already aflame -- and then! As we approached the crescendo together, her body began to ... I was going to say shimmer, but that wasn't it. It appeared almost liquid, like a mirage. As did mine. Wherever we touched -- cheeks and tits, bellies and thighs - out flesh felt as firm as ever. But in the low gaslight it looked as though our flickering surfaces had actually merged. Except that she continued relentlessly to drive her cock into me. That was unquestionably hard. And the thing was that I could feel it -- not just that raging shaft plunging deep inside me, but from the other side, too. As before with Jane, I was sharing in both our orgasms as they grew. But now, I could feel everything. When we peaked ... at that moment I could feel each surge of essence course between us, from root to womb.


The next morning I lay dozing and started awake to the sound of a gasp. I opened my eyes and saw Jane at the doorway, staring. It took me a moment (and a glance in the mirror) to see the cause. I was my old self again, alone in the bed. I was a little taken aback myself -- I'd had no idea if I could go back. In fact, I was momentarily disappointed, until I reasoned that, having been a woman once, why not again?

And, at any rate, I was back in fine fettle - my staff was rampant under the silken sheet. The sight of Jane, wearing nothing but a loose shift, did nothing to settle the disturbance in my lap; but rather than flee she approached and said, "I beg your pardon, sir. I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but is my mistress about?"

"Not far, I think," I answered. Actually, I was not sure where she was, or even how far she could get from my ring - so far she'd already been upwards of half a mile off, to my certain knowledge. I knew, though, that she was elsewhere, and that I wished she wasn't. She'd said there was much to be done. Comforting Lucy, to begin with, no doubt.

I must have said that last slightly uncharitable bit out loud, because Jane said, "Of course. My Lady is always so thoughtful!" At this a pretty round face peered around the doorframe behind her, nodding agreement. "Only I wondered," continued Jane, "that is, I hoped she would do me the honour of allowing me to introduce my sister."

Ruth had come to meet the new madam, dressed -- or rather undressed - as enticingly as her sister. She was, as befit one of the house's star attractions, strikingly beautiful, with auburn curls and twinkling brown eyes. Where Jane's delightful body had the fecund curves of an Irish country milkmaid, Ruth sported what I imagined to be the sinuous lines of a French courtesan and, by all accounts, a repertoire to match.

Of course I invited them in to wait for Dee, but it did feel a little awkward. Jane only knew me as her mistress/lover's paramour, yet I had actually fucked the girl ... albeit while masquerading as Dee. And before that I had explored her body inside and out when Dee took a turn as Jane. In the course of fornication and pillow fights I had also been privy to a good number of confidences concerning Jane and Ruth both.

As I dwelt upon the above mentioned fuckage, my already aroused member began to writhe like a snake. And to grow, a little. The sheet failed to hide the turmoil in my lap, or the disproportionate size the thing reached even before it was fully erect. I was baffled, since I'd thought Dee's presence was required for such strange events. However the deeply curious attention of my guests soon brought my thoughts back to the carnal here and now.

For what seemed a long time, they simply stood by my bed and gazed at my lap, while my peggo did calisthenics under the sheet. Finally Jane said, "I remember ... things. About the past few days." She reddened and I suspected that one of those 'things' involved a glimpse of me fucking her doppelganger. "My Lady told me that you and her was illusionists - that you conjured in fairs between, ah, missions. But ... it all seemed so real." Ruth's face flushed as well, possibly because whatever it was that Jane had told her about our games was beginning to look less improbable. I had a sudden notion of my epitaph: He could make whores blush.

"Yes, well ... the thing is ..." In truth I was buying time while I considered my options. It was hard to see how Dee and I could continue to roger Jane - or her sister - without revealing a version of the truth (insofar as I knew it myself). "The thing is ... My Lady was sheltering you somewhat. And ourselves, to be honest. What I am about to tell you is deeply secret," I improvised. "But we have already trusted you with our lives ..."

Naturally both girls promised that our secrets were safe with them.

"We learned certain mysteries," I continued. "Arcane skills, in the far east. Not merely sexual in scope, you understand. Ahh ... actually, it is My Lady more than me who has mastered these things. I have not yet fully grasped the ... nuances involved."

In the event, my single-minded cock continued to put the lie to the latter statement. Firstly, because I was to all appearances displaying considerable talent in controlling said member; and secondly, the thing did seem to be mesmerizing these girls, who were slowly climbing onboard my bed as sparrows might approach a serpent. Once in range, they both looked to me for permission to pull the silk covering away. I nodded, a little uncertain myself what would be revealed.

To my relief, and I presume to theirs, my rowdy member had not acquired scales, beady eyes, nor yet a forked tongue. It was no longer even wriggling ... much. On the other hand, it was now the size and shape of a truncheon, and should have alarmed anyone not under some sort of hypnotic influence. Or blind lust - which, to be honest, I had already witnessed in Jane, but which should not be expected to overcome a professional like Ruth.

Whatever the motivation, they both closed in to fondle and then to lave my member with their tongues. This was done with a great deal of familiarity between the sisters, who were not above stealing from one another the occasional early pearls of my seed.

Once they judged my cockstand to be sufficiently lubricated, they proceeded to take turns gripping it, starting from the root - each put her hand tight against the other's, as though choosing who would bat first in cricket. Thus they worked their way up until Ruth took hold of my knob from above, her fingers touching the top of Jane's nearly closed hand below.

"I win!"

"The first innings, yes," said Jane. So saying, she helped Ruth to straddle my hips. This was a bit worrying -- I knew I'd fit inside Jane before (likely thanks to a bit of Dee's influence), and probably would again. But Ruth?

And then the girl in question said, "Get ready, my stallion," as she pressed her cunnie to my cock. To my alarm, my body followed her lead. Even as it slid between her moist nether lips, my cock transformed itself in shape to that of a horse's appendage. Ruth didn't seem to notice, but Jane's green eyes went wide with shock at the change. Only a desperate mental effort on my part prevented the thing from growing more than a few extra inches in the process.

Given the number of mirrors around us, I decided to limit the exposure to Jane alone for the moment, by sitting partway up and sweeping Ruth's feet out behind me. The girl abruptly slid the rest of the way onto my reshaped erection, and responded by leaning back herself -- "Ooh," she said, "the Spider! One of my favourite positions!"

My first thought was, they have names? But the result was satisfactory, given my intent: lodged mons Venus to mons mine, she could hold me tight in her vulvic grip, and enjoy the novel sensations within ... but she could not escape to see my equine enhancement. Jane seemed to comprehend that the pony thing was our little secret, for now. She gave me a wink, and a remarkably salacious grin. Anticipating her turn, I expect.

It was then that I felt my ring heat and heard Dee in my head: "You have found entertainment in my absence, I see. Did you not miss me?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed aloud.

Both of my human lovers took this as meant for themselves, and favoured me with smouldering looks.

"Excellent, my Priapean Prince - you have been swift to learn to mould your body!" Dee took control and sent a single strong pulse of ejaculate into Ruth, who let out a gasp as her cunnie riposted with involuntary spasms along the entire length of its meaty prisoner.

Unaware of the return of her mistress, Jane set to licking and nibbling around the now leaking carnal junction between me and her sister. At the same time, she shifted her bum about until her left hip was against my ear.

"We have urgent errands," Dee continued. "Still, I think there is time enough to see this through."

I felt something odd happening at the tip of my already unusual prick, which was accompanied by a thin wail from Ruth; and then came the lurch I had yet to become accustomed to, that of exchanging bodies with Dee. Only this time I found myself in darkness, my head completely enclosed in hot slimy flesh, and my tongue flicking through a tightly gripping ... womb! I knew, without question, that I was experiencing the world from the end of my cock, which had been provided with a face. "The Caliph of Abbasid quite liked the view from there," said Dee's voice inside my new head. "And this, as well."

I felt the coming blast of sperm deep in my roots, just before it surged up my throat and forced room for itself in the tight space around me. I could taste it, too - as it made its way over my tongue into the womb beyond.

To be honest, I was undecided about the Caliph's chosen fantasy; but before I could form any sort of opinion on the matter, I abruptly found myself looking at the world through Ruth's eyes. I took over her cries, too, encouraged by the horse wang (and its writhing tongue) lodged deep inside me.

It was only after I'd enjoyed one of those full-body female releases that I had so recently discovered that I thought to wonder -- where's Ruth? Since both Jane and 'Thornton' had both gasped loudly and briefly stopped their bucking (while the inner tonguing continued apace), I guessed that both bodies had been reoccupied. Seemingly it was a case of 'clean cup, move one place on', as the Reverend Dodson would have it (in rather less rude circumstances): I had become Ruth, Ruth was now in charge of Jane's body, and Jane's essence had found itself with a frisky horse-cock, which was in turn personally animated by Dee. My theory was supported by the faint 'I-told-you-so' smile Jane-in-Thornton gave her sister as she fucked me.

And to think that I had been trying to conceal a trivial pony-style peggo, for fear of upsetting this randy pair.

After several more orgasms all around, the activity inside me ceased, and it seemed likely that the other three had switched again, because Dee's authoritative voice came now from Jane, telling whichever girl had been re-designated as Thornton to lie back. Once that had been accomplished, Dee-in-Jane straddled 'Thornton's' face, and suggested I get my feet under me so I could properly ride whichever sister was doing duty as her cock. Which I did.