Dykeification Ch. 01


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Danielle couldn't keep a bemused smile from her face. "And where do I get one of those?"

"Right here." Grace reached into her handbag and pulled out her phone and a set of headphones. "You can get them all over, but I like to make them myself. I tailor them to the specific needs of my clients. If you like them, I'll get them loaded on your phone too."

"Sure." A little impressed, Danielle accepted the phone and slipped the expensive headphones into her ears. They were noise-canceling, and instantly, all the background noises around her became muted and soft. Grace rose to her feet and walked over to draw the curtains, dimming the room.

"It'll help you relax," Grace explained, when Danielle flashed her a quizzical look. "A little like going to sleep."

"Well, you better wake me up if I do fall asleep," Danielle joked.

Grace just smiled.

As Grace had indicated, Danielle sat back, allowing the chair to recline a little and resting her head on the plush, leather cushion behind her to take the strain off of her neck. She felt a little self-conscious about letting her guard down so completely around someone she'd only just met, but what did she have to lose? Given the way Dulcinea had sung Grace's praises, she wanted to give her every chance.

"I think we're ready to get started," Grace said smoothly, from near the curtains. "Whenever you're comfortable, of course."

Danielle took a few deep breaths, closed her eyes, and hit 'play'. The headphones immediately come to life with a faint, static hum, followed by a set of low, oscillating, synthetic tones, alternating between each ear. Between them all, she felt as though she could hear some kind of deep, resonant echo that seemed to vibrate through her whole body. The effect was as strange as it was compelling. Danielle remembered reading about something like this. Binaural beats? Is that what they were called? She couldn't quite remember. Regardless, she had to admit that it was strangely relaxing and pleasant. Danielle adjusted her posture a little, allowing herself to settle a little deeper into her chair. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

"Hello, Danielle," came Grace's voice, from the meditation track. It had a close, intimate quality that made Danielle shiver for a moment. It was like she could feel Grace's breath on the back of her neck. "Thank you for trying this out for me. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. It's very simple. All I need you to do is relax and focus on my words."

At that moment, Danielle felt an unfamiliar touch on her shoulders. Her eyes shot open. Looking up, she could see Grace standing behind her, looking down at her with a pleased smirk on her face. Her hands were on each side of Danielle's neck.

"What are you..." Danielle started to ask. Her voice faltered. There was a deep, intense look in Grace's eyes that she couldn't quite read.

"A massage," Grace said sweetly, her voice blending with the recorded voice on the recording. "To help you relax. I apologize for being, like, overly familiar. Want me to continue?"

Grace really was being too pushy, but Danielle couldn't help remembering what Dulcinea had said about the PA's massages. She always felt so stiff these days. Why not? She nodded.

"Wonderful." Grace immediately started to apply pressure down on Danielle's shoulders. Unprepared, Danielle couldn't suppress a groan as she felt Grace's powerful fingers push insistently against her aching, sore muscles. It was painful, for a moment, and Danielle started to tense awkwardly, but when Grace relaxed her grip, all the pain and tension immediately drained out of Danielle's body. She let out a happy sigh, so throaty it became something close to a moan. Her eyes fell closed again. She'd had massages before, and she could tell that Grace was good. Very good. One touch, and she already felt far less tense. She couldn't wait to see how she'd feel once Grace really got to work on her.

"...and now that you're comfortable, perhaps you can feel yourself sinking into a nice comfortable position," came Grace's voice on the recording, once Danielle turned her attention back to it. On the meditation track, Grace was speaking in soft, gentle, dulcet tones that magnified the naturally magnetic, charismatic effect of her words. It made her feel as if a soft, comfy blanket was being draped all over her. "If you'd like, you can turn your attention to your breathing, for a moment. We never normally take the time to do that, do we? But breathing is everything. It brings you life and energy. If you breathe nice and slow for a moment, you might feel that energy flowing into you, filling you up, spreading out from your lungs into every part of your body. Refreshing you, healing you."

"Mmm...." Danielle murmured wordlessly. She really could feel it. It reminded her of the feeling of basking in a perfect sunbeam.

"I'm sure it feels perfectly natural to allow your breathing to slow just a little," Grace's voice continued. "In, and out. In, and out. It's so soothing, isn't it? Perhaps a little more, if you'd like. In. Out. In. Out. A nice comfortable rhythm. Whatever comes naturally. In. Out. Good. You're doing very well, Danielle."

It was impossible for Danielle not to let a broad, dopey smile start to spread across her features. She still felt a little silly for engaging in something like this, but that feeling was fast evaporating in the face of the warm, soothing wave of relaxation now flooding her. She couldn't help but bask in it. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, she felt truly pampered. It was like she was at the center of the world. She was sitting in her lovely home, getting a wonderful massage from her new personal assistant. This was exactly what she'd needed.

"As you breathe like that - in, and out - it's only natural to find yourself sinking into the nice comfy chair, or couch, or bed, or wherever else you might happen to be." Danielle couldn't get over how relaxing Grace's voice was, especially when it was whispering in her ear so softly and intimately. She could make real money selling these kinds of relaxation and meditation tracks. If that was just part of her PA service, maybe she really was everything Dulcinea had promised. "You can feel yourself really sinking, sinking, sinking. It's a nice word, isn't it? Sinking. It's not quite the same as falling, or dropping, or slipping. Sinking is slower than that. More relaxing. More comforting. It feels good to let yourself sink, at your own pace, letting your mind sink naturally into a state of relaxation. Sink for me, Danielle."

"Y-yes," Danielle responded instinctively. She really could feel herself sinking. It was magical. Her body felt heavy like never before, but in a good, pleasing way, like she was finally absorbing and processing the dreadful, dreary fatigue she'd been carrying around for so long. That heavy, heavy sensation kept her lying back in her chair. She wasn't sure she could move, even if she'd wanted to. Everything was heavy. So heavy. The chair she was sitting in felt infinitely deep and soft, like there was no end to the comfort it could provide her. She could just keep sinking, especially with Grace's skillful hands turning her muscles to jelly.

"Relaxing like this helps us discover ourselves," Grace's voice continued. "It helps bring all kinds of new thoughts and new feelings to the surface. All kinds of needs. All you have to do is open yourself to them. Let yourself feel them. Let your body turn warm and sensitive for me, Danielle. Think about the way I'm touching you. Think about how it feels. Let that sensation really run through you."

Danielle found herself suppressing another weak, throaty groan as the warmth Grace had been describing started to settle deep in her body. She shifted slightly, and let out a breathy sigh at the way her thighs moved against one another. Was she aroused? It didn't seem possible, but given how incredible Grace's hand's felt...

"You're so heavy now," the recording continued. "So heavy. You might feel as though you're heavy all the time. How couldn't you? All that stress, all that work. But now you can really feel it. You're so heavy. Your body is so heavy. But what's heaviest of all is all that tension. You know what I mean, don't you, Danielle? All those little aches and pains you carry around all day, barely registering, yet still weighing you down. But now, all of that stuff is so heavy, it's just draining away. Draining right out of you. You can probably imagine that, can't you? All of your tension draining away, leaving you with nothing but warmth and lightness."

At first, Danielle wasn't sure, but the more she tried to imagine it, the more it seemed to be coming true. Grace's massage certainly helped. She'd moved on to Danielle's neck now, her dexterous fingers carefully working over every little muscle. So many tiny knots of tension and soreness inside Danielle's body were starting to unravel. Pains she hadn't been aware of were being soothed away, replaced with a delicious, pleasurable tingling that seemed to echo through her form. Danielle would have been embarrassed by how turned on she was becoming, but she was already too relaxed for such concerns. Her muscles were far, far too light and weak to make her body move. She wasn't sure she could even open her eyelids. Not that she wanted to move. She didn't want anything. She just wanted this relaxation to last forever.

"But, you know, those aches and pains aren't the only source of tension." Grace's voice wound on and on, ever soft, ever soothing. She wasn't really processing her new assistant's words anymore. They were simply flowing straight into her mind, carried there by binaural beats that vibrated at the core of her being. "There's so much more than that, isn't there? Things that aren't physical. Aren't so easily massaged away. Worries. Anxieties. Fears. Concerns."

Danielle's brow furrowed as she nodded imperceptibly. It was true, as unwelcome a thought as it was. She had so many worries and anxieties, but in that moment, she wanted nothing more than to forget them all. Was a few minutes or hours of respite really too much to ask?

"Fortunately, though, those things are draining away too," Grace's voice quickly assured her. "Those painful, tense thoughts are all going to drain away. That sounds hard, doesn't it? But it isn't really. We do it every day and every night. Every day, when we focus on something and lose ourselves in the moment, and every night, when we close our eyes - just like you are, right now - and go to sleep. Nothing could be more normal, or more natural. It's simply a matter of focus and relaxation. You're very relaxed right now, aren't you, Danielle? So very relaxed. And you're very focused too, even if you haven't realized it quite yet. You're listening so intently to my every word. You're doing very, very good. I'm so pleased. Because, you see, being this relaxed and focused means you can start to let your thoughts drain away. You can let all those pretty, pesky thoughts drain right out of your pretty head. Isn't that what we both want, Danielle?"

Once more, Danielle nodded imperceptibly. Inwardly, she wasn't so sure. Something about Grace's tone struck her as a little inappropriate. And did she really want to stop thinking? Was that the point of all this? She wasn't sure. But disagreeing would have required so much mental effort and energy, and in that moment, nothing seemed more unattractive. She had no energy. She felt so light. So, so much better to simply go along with things. That was what relaxation was all about, wasn't it? As she let go, that pleasurable tingling started to seep into her mind, and everything felt better. No need to worry. Just relax.

"Good." Grace's hands were no longer massaging her neck. Instead, they were simply running over her skin, Grace's fingertips drinking in every little detail of her form. For a moment, they wrapped themselves around her throat, not gripping, but merely sitting there possessively. The feeling was strange, but Danielle didn't object to it. It was pleasant, in its own way. It had been some time since someone had paid such close, tender attention to her body.

"Mmm..." Danielle moaned softly. Grace's touch was really doing something to her. Her new PA was impossibly skilled. She was plucking and toying with Danielle's senses like a musician at a harp. Some of what Grace had told her floated back through her head. Something about discovering new needs. Some of her needs hadn't been attended to in quite some time.

"Your thoughts are draining away now," Grace's voice told her, on the recording. She said it so matter-of-factly that Danielle couldn't even imagine questioning it. "Draining out of your head. Each and every one. They're so heavy. So very heavy. It feels so nice to let them go. Doesn't it feel nice to let go of all those worries and cares? That just sounds so perfectly relaxing. Perhaps that's what you're feeling now, as you breathe nice and deep, and sink. Just sink. Sink, and feel your thoughts draining, drifting, sinking. Remember, it's OK to let go. You're safe. You trust me, after all, don't you? You know that I'm here to help you. That's my job. My purpose. To help you, and let you relax. So it's OK to just let go, and sink for me. You trust me with that, don't you?"

Danielle didn't question that either. Why would she question someone who was helping her feel this good?

"But Danielle, now what's left?" Grace asked, on the recording. "What's left, now that you've let go of all those thoughts? What's left, now that they've drained all the way out of you?"

Danielle's brow furrowed as she considered the question. Her thoughts were like treacle. They came so slowly.

"Nothing," Grace told her.


"Nothing," Grace repeated emphatically. Danielle went utterly still. "Nothing," Grace repeated for a third time. "Nothing in your head. And that means you're empty."


"Empty," Grace repeated. "So perfectly empty."

As she spoke, it became Danielle's truth. She was empty. There was nothing within her. Just a void, empty of thought. Empty of identity. Empty of feeling. Empty of everything. It felt cavernous, all-consuming. She felt almost as though she was falling, falling into a deep, dark blackness within herself.

"And do you know what's so important about things that are empty?" Grace asked.

Danielle didn't know, but she knew Grace would give her the answer. That felt natural, now. She was so empty, and Grace's words were all she had to hold on to. They felt so important. Grace always gave her the answer.

"They need to be filled."

Danielle's breath froze. Yes. That was it. She needed to be filled. Her mind needed to be filled. It would have been a troubling thought, but she knew she had Grace at her side, and she trusted Grace implicitly. It was instinctive, not rational. Grace was making her feel good. Grace was giving her what she needed. Danielle's face relaxed into a smile. Yes. Grace would help her. She was so happy and comfortable with that thought, she didn't even notice the binaural beats cease as Grace carefully plucked the headphones out of her ears.

"Perfect," Grace purred, as she took a few moments to inspect her handiwork. It had worked even better than she could have hoped. Either she was getting more and more skilled, or the celebrities she was crossing paths with were getting more and more weak-willed. Either way, she would get what she wanted. Danielle Cartwright was under her hypnotic spell, lost in a deep, deep trance and she wouldn't hesitate to take advantage. But that would come later. For now, she just had to start laying the groundwork.

"Tell me, Danielle," Grace began. She knew Danielle would tell her anything, without hesitation. She was lost to trance. "Are you into girls? Even a little? Or are you totally straight?"

"I'm straight," Danielle replied slowly. It was true. She lacked the willpower to lie. Her voice was hollow, empty. "I'm not into girls."

A nasty grin spread across Grace's face as she contemplated Danielle's future, and wondered how a more punk, rebellious aesthetic would suit her newest plaything. "Oh, don't worry," she said, knowing that it didn't matter if Danielle heard. "We can fix that."

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liz33ndliz33ndabout 1 year ago

great start, i hope it doesnt stall here.

BoxcarbillBoxcarbillabout 1 year ago

It's a good start. Will be interesting to read how Grace turns Danielle and what other tricks are up her sleeves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Strange but a great concept.

KonradCurzeHorusKonradCurzeHorusabout 1 year ago

Very exciting beginning, can’t wait to see how Grace corrupts Danielle

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 stars can't wait for next chapter

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