E & E


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"I'll call."

She buzzed for her secretary. When the girl came in she handed the envelope to her, "Please see if you can get this man on the line for me."

"Yes Mam!"

A few moments later her intercom buzzed. "Yes."

"your party is on line two."

"Hello, Mack?"

"Yes, Ginny, How are you?"

"I got your invitation in the mail today. Are you sure you want me there?"

"More than I can tell you. I would try to tell you how I feel but I would probably scare you off."

"Do you mean that? Do you really want to see me?"

"Hell, yes, I miss you so much. I cant get you out of my mind, I can't sleep, I can't eat. I am going crazy. If you don't come I have to warn you I will be knocking on your door the next day."

"Mack, why didn't you call me?"

"I thought you would call me. You said you didn't want marriage."

"Mack I have something to tell you. I think it worked."

"What worked?"

"What we tried to do, I think I am pregnant."

"WHAT! Are you sure?"

"I haven't had a test yet but I am five days late for the first time in my whole life."

"WOOPEEE! Wonderful, will you marry me?"

"Do you really want that?"

"You know that's not the question, do you want it?"

"More than I have ever wanted anything in my whole life…..Mack are you still there?"

"Yes! Oh Yes! I am here, I just can't breath. I can't believe what I just heard you say. Wait a second!…….

I'm sorry, my office people heard me yell and wanted to know if I am all right. Now, where were we. Listen, can you meet me at DeKalb Peachtree Airport in two hours?"

"Yes I can."

"I'll be at the Operations Office by three o'clock."

"I'll be waiting for you dear."

"I love you, I am on my way."

At two minutes before three Ginny saw the sleek gray Marine fighter jet taxi in and park. The canopy lifted up and she saw him climb from the plane. He talked to a man in a Follow Me truck and headed for the office. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. He held her tight for a long kiss. He carried his gear bag and a garment bag. He said he would be right with her. He stepped into the men's rest room. In five minutes he stepped back out carrying the bags but dressed in his Marine uniform. The gold braid on his cap visor, the broad chest full of ribbons and badges and the twin silver stars on his shoulders were impressive. "Wow"! she thought, "what a handsome man."

She took his arm and she showed him to her BMW. She grinned at him, "I love you. Damn, in that uniform you are enough to melt a fair maiden's heart."

"Wait until you see me in my dress Blues with full medals and badges. I have little lights that blink all over me.

Ginny, you look simply good enough to eat. Show me the nearest fine jewelry store, we need a ring set. OK?"

"Yes, Sir! My lord and master to be. Any thing you say, Sir!"

"Well, at least I am getting a little respect from you now."

"Oh Mack, you are getting a ton of respect and a gazillion tons of love from me. I'll prove it when I get you home. But dearest, would you do something for me. Would you come to my offices and let me show you off in your uniform? Please."

"Sure, but you would look much better with my ring on your finger."

"Oh yes. We can stop on the way. They all think I am crazy because I just dropped everything and tore out of the office to meet you."

"How do you think my people reacted to me ordering my car and a jet for immediate departure and just left my desk cluttered with stuff?"

"How long do I have you for?"

"Until noon tomorrow."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, this time. Can you get off for a while?"

"Yes, I think so, especially when I tell them why."

"Great, I want to marry you before I retire. I think it makes a difference in your benefits if I die. You do want to be a General's wife don't you?"

"Yes, but I really hope it will not be for long."


"Yes Dearest man, I am afraid they will want you to go to war again. I won't let you go."

"You scared me for a second."

There was an impromptu party at the law offices where Ginny was a junior partner. The office was closed early and everyone wanted to kiss the bride and shake the groom's hand. Everyone admired the engagement ring on Ginny's finger. Ginny's boss, the senior partner hushed everyone and made an announcement of the engagement. Then he took Ginny's hand and said, "There was a decision made months ago to be announced next month. I am retiring too! Ginny Marston has been selected to become a full partner in the firm. Congratulations Dear lady. We are all proud of you and the wonderful work you have done here."

Ginny covered her eyes and then looked up. "Thank you so much, you have just made me very proud. Please forgive me, but I am proudest of this." She held up her engagement ring.

"I am going to marry and spend the rest of my life adoring this man. He is everything any girl could want. He is handsome, a real hunk, a much decorated genuine hero, he is hung like a stud horse and knows how to use it. He is kind and very gentle when he touches me but I know he can be a killer if necessary to protect me. He is my match in intelligence and in athleticism. But most important is that we deeply love each other. I am so happy I could just scream, I know I will later tonight when he loves me. I am the luckiest of all women. Thank god for him." She reached up and gently pulled his lips to hers.

Later as the sat in a trendy Atlanta restaurant holding hands he said, "Ginny, I have a sort of confession to make to you. I was preparing to come after you after my retirement if you did not come to me. I bought a large motor home and was going to pursue you where ever you went. I want you to come to North Carolina for the ceremony. As early as you can, hopefully tomorrow. We will be married as soon as we can fill out the forms and get our blood tests. I think Savanna and her kids will be there too. After the fuss is over we will board my new home and head south and take your sister and her kids home. Then you and I will go where ever you would like for our honeymoon. When you need to be back I will bring you back and park the bus where ever I can, and start taking care of you, sweetheart. You can go to work in the mornings and I will stay home and become the best househusband you could ever want. By the way, did you call your sister?"

"Yes, Dear, I did. She and Sue Ann are tickled to death."

"I suggest we pay our bill and go find a nearby bed."

"Mack, that sounds like a plan to me. Let's go home."

They rode along in her BMW and she stole a glance at him. "I have a little confession to make too! I am all packed and ready to go. I was going to leave in the morning for North Carolina. I was going to find you before you retired and left and I wouldn't ever find you." He watched as a tear ran down her cheek. "I have had that nightmare every night for a week now."

He looked at her, "Really? You were coming after me?"

"I couldn't bear the thought of never seeing you again. I was on my way in the morning."

Mack reached in his flight bag and got his cell phone and dialed a number. "Is this the Staff Duty Officer. Good, this is General McDermott, please patch me through to Brigadier General Zeigrfeldt.-----Jack, this is Mack. I am in Atlanta with Ginny, she has agreed to marry me. She was planning to drive up there, leaving tomorrow. I am going to drive back to Cherry Point with her. We will either get married on the way or when we get there.----- What? Yes,, just one moment, Ginny, my second in command wants to talk to you." She took the phone. "Good evening General, I hope Mack didn't interrupt you at anything important. Thank you."

Ginny Gave him all of her vital information. Date and place of birth, home address and much, much more. She laughed and thanked him again, then handed the phone back to Mack. "What was that all about Jack.-----You are? Thank you Jack, one other thing , send the FA18 trainer with two pilots to Atlanta's DeKalb Peachtree Airport to pick up my plane, It is supposed to be all refueled and ready to go. Thanks again pal."

"Well that's all settled. We are getting married tomorrow afternoon at the Base Chapel. Jack said he would take care of everything. He is a damn good man. He will do it right. Do you have a suit or something to get married in?"

"Yes, Dear, I have a perfect white suit to get married in, I even have a hat and shoes to match. I am so excited, will Savanna, Sue Ann, and Bobby be there in time?"

"I don't know, Jack said he would take care of that too."

"Honey, everything is happening so fast. My head is in a whirl."

"Do you want to slow things down? We can easily do that you know."

"No! I am so happy and I love you so much, nothing is going to stop our wedding now! You will be all mine tomorrow afternoon. I just can't believe it."

"I have a feeling that when the word gets out there will be a lot of broken hearts in Atlanta."

"Well, maybe a couple of guys will be a little disappointed. Nothing they won't get over."

"I would be devastated if I heard you married someone else."

"Never gonna happen my love, never. I have waited all my life for you. I am not going to let you get away now. How long will it take us to drive it."

"About eight hours if we don't stop too long for pit stops and lunch."

"I won't be able to sleep anyway, let's get a early start in the morning. OK?"

"Six suit you?"

"Thee or four would be better, then we can take a nap when we get there."

"Aw shucks, I won't have time to love you the way I want to tonight."

"Six is fine." She giggled, "First things first. If we go to bed at nine that will give us nine hours to make love. Sounds about right!"

"I have a feeling we are both dreaming, but I am willing to give the plan my whole hearted effort. If it doesn't work out we can continue when ever it suits us."

"Or start over and over until we get it right."

"That will do it. Do you have your IPT with you?"

"Yes, that is the first thing I am going to do when I get home, in about thee minutes we should know. The brick house on the right with the green shutters is mine, sorry Darling, ours."

Mack grabbed his bags and followed her in the garage door. It was a very large colonial style house. She yelled, "Make your self at home. I'll be right back!"

Two minutes later he heard her whoop and a door flew open. She ran to him with a huge grin on her lovely face. "We are, oh yes, the test says we are pregnant."

She looked up at the tears running from his eyes as he pulled her to him and soundly kissed her. It was a long delightful kiss. She took his hand and led him up the stairs to her bedroom.

He grinned at her as they both hurried to get undressed. "Well, we don't have to make love anymore now that you are pregnant."

"That's right, Ho Hum! Let's just go to sleep."

"Right, you little minx, if you think you are going to sleep, you are in for a hard time. It will be up to you though."

"It damned well better be 'hard' and 'up' for me. We need to practice for the next time."

"Ginny, let me just look at you and touch you, I can't really believe you are going to be mine. This is beyond my wildest dreams. To have you forever. God! I am so lucky. I think I am going to cry again, cry for joy. Yeah I am crying, some tough Marine, huh?"

"Hush, my sweet lover, just hold me tight, I am crying too!"

Their lips met in a loving kiss, full of passion and desire. Full of wanting and needing. Full of love for each other. For the first time they felt the need and urge to couple was tempered by the desire to please the other. The urgency was gone. Now they just wanted to combine into one being. Two hearts beating as one, being absorbed into one another. A melding, a fusion, a merging, a blending of two parts combining to make a new whole. Their lips, tongues, eyes, and hands explored each other leisurely. Waiting to see the other persons reaction to a kiss or lick on a special place. Feeling the joy of finding a pleasure place on the other and filing that spot away in memory for further use. Touching a nipple and hearing the sharp intake of breath from the other. Nibbling on an ear lobe and hearing a soft sigh. Caressing a warm belly and seeing their love's eyes slowly slip closed. Tasting a sweet breath as they sucked on a tongue or lower lip. Gently stroking a shoulder or a thigh, learning how to give and receive the greatest pleasure was the purpose and the reason for joining together. Procreation was no longer the only desire, pleasing was now the primary object. And please they did.

Virginia Marston lay on her back, her legs widely spread, his face was buried in between her legs, his fingers spread her vulva, his tongue was gently and wondrously touching and licking the entrance to her vagina. It felt so very good. She moaned softly and held her breath, what would this marvelous lover do next. She felt something touch the around the entrance and then slowly slide inside her. Yes it was his fingers, two or three of them. It felt as if he were worming his way inside her, she loved it. She gently pulled his face up so his tongue was at her most sensitive place, her clitoris. His tongue was like a live little animal that wanted to devour her clit. His lips sucked and pulled at the little nub of nerve endings. Then his tongue, or was it a finger tip, no it had to be a tongue flipped the clitoris rapidly back and forth then from side to side. She felt the surge of ecstasy flow through her, the pleasure was greater than anything she had ever known. She screamed as loud as she could. She was unable to control her legs and she felt her whole body surrender to the joy of the feelings that rocked her body. He pulled back slightly and she clutched at his head, "No, don't stop now, that is sooooo damned goooood. I love it, I love it." She pulled him up over her and kissed his lips, she was surprised that his face was soaking wet. She knew it was her juices. She gently licked some off his cheek. It tasted good. She hugged him to her as tightly as she could. "Mackie, I love you, you are so damned good. I wish I knew how to please you like you please me. I just don't know how to do it. Teach me, please."

"You already please me way more than any other person has even been close to doing. Just let me hold you for a while until I can get my breath. When I feel you really have a great orgasm I think I forget to breathe I am so eager to please you."

"Yes Dear man, hold me tight, did I drown you?"

"No, Dear it was delicious. I love it when you do that, then I know I am pleasing you. Let's go take a shower together."

"Sounds like fun."

"Wow this is a huge bathroom. The shower looks as if it were built for two."

"At least two, watch this." She turned a valve and water sprayed from all directions. She laughed as spray caught him in the eye.

"Poor baby, did it sting you? Let Momma kiss it and make it better." She pulled his face down and kissed his lips.

"Ow!" He yelped holding his cock. "This hurts too!"

"Oh, my! Let me see! Oh my dear baby, let Momma kiss it."

"You should have been a doctor, you sure know how to fix a boo-boo."

"Mmmm-Ummmm! Slurp. Is it better now."

"It still hurts some."

"I don't believe you big guy. You just like this."

"You are right about that. I love it. Come up here, I know that tile must hurt your poor knees." They carefully washed each other then got out and dried each other. They kissed a lot too.

"Come on girl, let's get in your bed and snuggle. I missed cuddling you something fierce, I don't sleep with out you touching me."

"Oh, me too Mack, I toss and turn looking for you."

Let's not ever let that happen again. OK. I don't have any pajamas with me. I'll have to sleep in the nude."

"I will too then."

They arrived at the gate at Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station. The sentry looked at Mack's ID and snapped to attention. "Good afternoon, General, we have been expecting you. Welcome home."

Mack drove to his quarters and was surprised to find none of his things were there. He turned and Jack Zeigrfeldt grabbed his hand and shook it. "I took the liberty of moving your things to the VIP quarters, your other guests are already there. I guess this beautiful young girl is your bride. Ginny, I am very happy to meet you."

"I have heard a lot about you General, Mack thinks the world of you."

"Mack, I'll follow the two of you over to the VIP Quarters."

Mack grinned at Ginny, "What did I tell you, he will do it up right for us."

The VIP quarters were very impressive. They were set in a lovely wooded area. It resembled a huge old Manor house. Jack pulled up behind them and escorted them to their suite. He turned to Ginny, "Mam, your sister and her children are next door in the adjoining suite. You can go in through that door."

Ginny opened the door and was almost knocked off her feet by a small body screaming, "Aunt Ginny, Aunt Ginny." Sue Ann smiled up at her. Then the little girl walked over to Mack who grinned down at her. He reached down and lifted her high in the air, then hugged and kissed her. Sue Ann looked at him very seriously. "Uncle Mack, Momma says you love Aunt Ginny too."

"I sure do, girl."

"Do you like to kiss her?"

"Yes I like that very much."

"Then put me down and do it."

He did as he was told.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder, he looked down to see Savanna smiling at him. "I want one too. You guys look great together."

"Come here girl, I have a kiss I have been saving just for you. I know I am a little early but I am going to start calling you Sis right now. I have never had a sister.

Jack entered, "I hate to interrupt, but it is time for every one to start getting dressed. This is my wife, Jan. She will help the ladies and they will meet us at the chapel. I'll be in charge of getting Mack there."

"Don't you dare let him out of your sight, I don't want him to get away."

"Ginny, all the forces in the Marine Corps could not keep this man from being there."

Mack grinned at Ginny, "See you at the altar, Babe."

The wedding was as spectacular as only a military wedding can be. The newly weds walked out through an arch of crossed swords. She was in a white suit with white hat and short veil and gloves. She threw her bouquet to the bride's maids. Savanna made a great leaping catch and stood giggling.

The reception at the Officer's Club was very well done. They were greeting people in the reception line when a young Marine officer stepped forward and Saluted Mack. Mack shook his hand and hugged him. He turned to his bride, "Ginny, this handsome young officer is my son, Micajah." Virginia held her hands out to him and was soundly kissed. "Wow, you kiss almost as good as your daddy. I would like you to meet my little sister, Savanna Bushnell."

The young office took Savanna's hands and gently kissed the back of them. Savanna introduced Micajah to Sue Ann. When the reception line was finished Mack and his son spoke. Micajah told Mack his new wife was beautiful and wanted to know if Savanna was married. "Son, she is a widow, all I will say is that she is a very special person. Don't do anything to hurt her. She is having a tough time as it is. OK?"

"Dad, you know I don't do that sort of thing. I just think I want to know her better."

"Son, you should know that she also has a baby boy."

I bet that is some sort of package deal, right Dad."

"Right, a damned big responsibility."

"I still feel I need to get to know her. She is very lovely."

"Smart as a whip too!"

"Good, I like that in a woman."

Mack felt a hand on his arm. It was Ginny. She grinned up at him. "Your son is a nice boy. He seems interested in Savanna."

"I agree, he was just asking me all about her. I think he is very much interested in your baby sister. He doesn't plan on making the Marine Corps a career. He plans on getting out in about another year."