Ed and Viv

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Sara and Simon reconnect.
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Simon lay on the sofa as Vivienne untied him, painfully aware of his dick lying no longer erect on his cum covered stomach. Evidently Sara hadn't managed to swallow all of it.

"Are all your photoshoots like this?"

"Nooooo, can't say they are, more's the pity."

"Oh. Can I ask a question?"

"Of course. What can I do for you? Other than getting some tissues?"

"Could you give me Sara's contact details?"

"What? But she's your... I mean you two... errr.... Well no. GDPR."

"Shit. Is there anything you can do?"

"Let me think..."


Sara had two full days of nervous panic -- why had she done that? If she was going to suck him off, at least she could have got his name. Well his full name?

But in the end she felt quite proud of herself. This must be how men felt. Enjoy the moment. Don't worry about it. There are plenty more fish in the sea. Simon could just live without knowing who she was. He didn't need to know how smooth she found his chest, and how enticing his cock had been. Fuck, she was doing it again.

Then the email came, from Vivienne.

Dear Sara,

I've edited the photographs from the session. I can send them to you in an email, but if you would rather come and see the prints, they will be available in my studio at 7pm on Friday evening.

I've invited Simon along as well, but if you want to see them alone, just let me know.


Vivienne x


When she arrived at the studio she was shaking. She wasn't sure if this was really just a chance to see the photos, or if it was a date. But in case it was the latter she had chosen a short summer dress, and medium heels. Enough to make her feel a bit sexy, and enough out of her comfort zone that she had spent a whole hour in the shop choosing them.

When she opened the door she could hear Vivienne's voice from the studio at the back.

"Hi Sara, if you don't mind locking the door behind you and coming through?"

There in the studio was a dining room table with three chairs. Simon was sitting to the left, in a rather fetching shirt and faded jeans. Vivienne was in a t-shirt and jeans in the middle, and the chair to the right was empty.

Sara decided she needed to style it out, and did her best to put a sway into her hips as she stalked over to the table. She wasn't at all sure it worked, but Simon seemed enraptured, so maybe she was better at this than she thought!

As she sat down, Vivienne tapped her finger on a large brown envelope in front of her.

"I've printed out some of the best shots, and I'm happy to show them to you... but first, I think some introductions are in order?"

"Oh, OK. Hi Vivienne, I'm Simon and..."

"Not me, idiot, her."

"Oh. Yes. Hi Sara? I'm Simon."

"Hi Simon, I'm Sara. I think we may have met once before."

"Good, well done you two. So let's take a look at some photos, and see what you think."


The first photo that Vivienne put on the table wasn't what Sara was expecting at all. It was the pin-up photo of her Great Aunt Mary.

"Oh. That's my Great Aunt. She was the one who set this all off... at least from my side. I'm amazed that she posed like that in 1944!"

"I was wondering about that, because I can see some of you in her" said Vivienne.

"I see it too," added Simon "That look seems very familiar."

"And you've got her tits."

Sara couldn't help but blush.

"Well maybe. But it's a little unfair to her. Have you any other photos?"

"Of course, but I think we should leave the other photos of your Great Aunt to one side -- they get a little more explicit, and we should really leave her in peace. Let's look at you two instead."

The next photo was one of Sara lying, topless, on Simon's chest. The angle of the shot meant that neither of their faces was visible, and it looked a little...

"Athena 1991" said Simon. "I'm sure I had this on my College wall!"

"Yes. Thank you. I have to work with what I'm given. But if you need something a bit more intense, then how about this."

Sara's hand leapt to her mouth. There in front of her she could see a closeup of her face, her mouth open, and clearly about to descend on Simon's very erect cock, which was held in her firm grip.

"So, Sara. I'd say you quite liked Simon's cock. Now whilst that isn't absolutely necessary for a great relationship, I'd say it was a pretty good start, wouldn't you?"

Sara was speechless. She had never seen something quite so filthy in her life. And that was her. And Simon.

She looked up at Simon, wondering what he was thinking, only to realise that he was staring intensely into her eyes.

"I owe you an apology," he said.

"Whatever for?"

"Not returning the favour."


"Returning the favour. I've been a complete dick. And I should make it up to you. Right now. In fact, I insist."

Sara didn't quite know what was happening. It was all so fast, and so unexpectedly welcome. Suddenly she was in Simon's arms, then the chaise-longue was underneath her.

Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Vivienne reaching for her camera.

Why does she want that? she thought.

And then she was on her back, the warm velvet against her neck, and Simon's mouth on hers. The taste of him brought back memories of the other week, and she was determined to enjoy his kisses, but no sooner had she thought this than he started to dip his mouth to her throat, and then across the top of her dress.

As his head dipped lower and lower her mind slowly caught up, and she began to realise where this might be going.

"Returning the...?"

"Shhh. If you want me to stop, just ask. But for now..."

And with that Simon pushed her legs apart, and lowered his mouth onto her panties. His warm kisses sent shivers up her spine, and then she felt him pulling at the elastic, and a fraction of a second later he was on her, and his tongue was in her.


Simon was having a lot of fun. He had always loved going down on women. The smell and taste of a turned on woman was hard to beat.

His tongue could feel how heated Sara was becoming, and with her hands in his hair he hoped that she was feeling as good as he had felt when she had gone down on him.

Then there was a third hand on his head, moving him slightly to the side.

"Keep that tongue moving," said Vivienne, "I just need you to let me see her..."

The idea of Vivienne photographing all of this somehow made it even more of a turn on for him.

Whilst his tongue worked at Sara's clit, he let his hands roam over her. First along the inside of her thighs -- gently stroking her with his palms, and feeling a shiver run along her legs and up into her pussy. Then he placed a hand flat on her hip, pushing down slightly and feeling the edge of her pelvis through her dress. Another shiver. Finally moving his other hand up and over her dress to her breast, stroking her hard nipple. The shivers were coming more rapidly now.

"Vivienne. Please. Stop. Simon. Now. I. NEED.... Need... him..."

And then Vivienne's hands were on his shoulders, gently pulling him up and away from Sara.

"Come on, stud, you heard the lady."

Simon wasn't sure what was happening. Sara was clearly enjoying herself. In fact he could see her now, reclining back, and stroking herself where his tongue had just been. So what was going on?

"Vivienne? Can you do me a favour? Undress him for me. My hands seem a little busy."

Vivienne spun him around, facing away from Sara and her busy fingers, and started to unbutton his shirt, pushing it off over his shoulders.

Then she was on her knees, undoing his belt, and dragging his trousers and trunks down as he kicked off his shoes.

His cock sprang free, already achingly hard.

"Oh Sara," groaned Vivienne, "I'm beginning to see what you see in him"

"MINE" came a growl from the couch.

"Oh he's all yours! Not what I'm looking for at all. But I will be watching you both very closely..."


When Simon turned around Sara had moved. Now she was on her hands and knees on the chaise-longue, her dress a puddle of fabric on the floor.

"Bring him to me!"

"Righto, Sara. One Simon coming right up..."

Vivienne grabbed his erection and pulled him towards Sara.


"Just give us a second..."

Vivienne used her left hand to position Simon at the edge of Sara's swollen pussy, then with her right hand pulled aside the thin covering of her panties so that Simon could feel the wetness on the tip of his cock.

"Slowly, slowly," whispered Vivienne, "No rushing off and coming too soon... slide into her gently..."

Simon gasped as he followed Vivienne's instructions, pushing himself hard against Sara's pussy. At first there was a frustrating resistance, as if the walls of her vagina had been glued shut against just such an invasion. Then he was through, and her pussy was gushing warm juices across him. His cock plunged deep, deep inside her, and both Simon and Sara let out involuntary groans.

"OK, so this is going better than I expected... go to it Simon!" Vivienne was back to her camera, photographing them from every angle as they fucked away on the sofa.


Vivienne hadn't tried to photograph anything more steamy than a (in comparison) rather tame boudoir shot for a nervous bride to be. That had focused on helping the poor girl see how beautiful she really was in the face of a deeply unpleasant groom and his family. She kind of hoped that the bride had done something sensible and jilted him at the altar, but somehow she doubted it.

But now she was actively watching people having sex. In front of her. And she was trying to photograph it whilst realising that she was becoming more and more distracted.

Still, she had a job to do. It just seemed odd having to instruct Sara and Simon.

"OK, stop there. Simon lean back! Sara look into the lens. OK you can go again..."

"How about you lie on your back Simon, and let Sara mount you? Oh good. Really good. Jesus that looks hot..."

"Now pause with him just inside you... that's it... I want to see the ridge on his cock just nestling in your pussy..."

"Push her onto her back, Simon. Grab her ankles and spread her wide!"

"I want those nipples harder... come here, Simon, let me give you a tweak... good..."

"And take him in your mouth, but keep your legs spread wide... I want to see pink..."

She knew the shot she wanted. Sara with Simon's cock in her mouth, and her pussy wide open. But the angle just wasn't right, and Sara's legs kept coming together. Fuck it. She'd have to intervene. Carefully she put the camera down -- she'd have to pick it up in a second -- and spread Sara's legs with her hands.

Somehow she found herself staring at Sara's clit from just a few inches away. It did look inviting. Perhaps Sara wouldn't notice -- she was very very distracted.

Vivienne bent down, stretched out her tongue, and lightly ran it over Sara.


"Sorry, Sara, I just. I mean I. I'll stop."

"No. No, please. I was just surprised."

Vivienne looked up Sara's stomach, past her amazing breasts and erect nipples, to where she was holding Simon, an inch from her mouth.

"Vivienne, could you please go down on me. I'd love it. And I think Simon would too."



Some time later all three of them were lying around her studio. Simon and Sara were naked, and Vivienne's top had also somehow become a casualty, and was decorating a floodlight.

Simon's hand was lazily tracing out circles on Vivienne's breast. She had been a bit worried about Sara's reaction, but her gentle grin and a nod confirmed that however much she might see Simon as her property she wasn't above enjoying the view when presented with the chance.

Simon's cock was soft and a little sticky with the residue of Sara's pussy juices and his own cum.

Vivienne glanced up at Sara's pussy, which was somehow upside down from her position on the floor, and noticed the tendrils of cum spreading out from her and across her left inner thigh.

This all felt very relaxed and good.

Sara smiled at her again, and beckoned her over. It seemed a lot of effort, but she hitched herself up until their bodies lay alongside each other.

"Thank you for this. It's been wonderful. But how about you? We're both very happy..." she vaguely waved her arm across the room, encompassing Simon.

"Oh, don't you worry about me"

"But I do! So tell me, do you fancy either of us. Well. I mean one of us more than the other?"

"I like both of you to be honest. You seem so... open. Are you sure you didn't know each other when you first came in?"

"Nope. I'd never laid eyes on him. Simon?"

"Yes -- this was a complete surprise."

Simon had moved himself up until he was on her other side, and Vivienne could now feel the two of them pressing up against her.

"So, if you can't decide which of us you prefer..." started Simon.

"How about we both show you our thanks." Finished Sara.


Simon bent into Vivienne's neck and gently nibbled at her ear. He was aware that Sara was up to something on the other side, and his mind was wandering enough that it was getting hard to focus on Vivienne.

And then a sudden noise from the front of the shop made Vivienne freeze.

Simon took a few seconds to realise what it was -- the sound of keys in the door.

In a flash he was back in San Francisco, three weeks ago, when the last vestiges of his relationship fell apart around his ears. That time the keys had been his, but the scene he walked in to hadn't been his partner in the arms of a lover, or of lovers, it had just been a desolate emptiness where her belongings had been, and a realisation that however hard he had tried it had just never been enough.

But back in the here and now there was a pile of bodies, and possible a lot of explaining to do. Vivienne had suddenly sat up, and was pulling a robe around herself.

"Ed? Ed? Can you wait outside? I'm just finishing up with a client in here..."

"Sure thing Viv. Just let me know when you're done."

Simon turned to Vivienne and whispered: "Ed?"

"Yeah. Ed."

"And this?" Simon waved his arm, taking in Sara and his nakedness. He noticed that Sara's hands were over her face, and frankly he felt a little like that himself.

"This is none of Ed's business. Well, unless you would like it to be?"

"Let's think on that a bit," came Sara's voice from behind her hands. "Tell us a bit more about you and Ed please."

"Well Ed lives upstairs with me. Well not with me. He's my lodger. Or he was. Look, it's complicated and a bit embarrassing, but I'm crap at DIY. No, wait, it's relevant! Anyway the bathroom door hadn't been locking and I never quite got around to fixing it and one day it was really hot and I wanted a shower and I mustn't have been thinking or something and I was just wearing a towel and I opened the door and there he was in front of me towelling himself down and in my shock my hands went to my mouth and then my towel..."

"Oh my"

"Yeah. Best shit DIY I've ever done. And we aren't really in a relationship, so he has no say over any of this. We just. You know..."


"Yep. I get horny, or he does. And he is such a considerate lover. I'm sure if you decided you wanted something that he would be the best."

Sara opened her fingers and looked at Simon through them. 

"What do you think? Would you be comfortable with another man?"

"Yes, actually. Or at least I would be myself. I'm not sure how I'd feel watching you though, Sara."

"Oh, interesting! I've got an idea Vivienne. I'm starving. How about we get dressed, then all four of us can pop over to Pizza Express and get properly introduced. If we all feel like it then we can take things further, and if not then at least we had pizza."


Simon and Sara were holding hands under the table, and Sara was pretty sure that Viv and Ed were too. They were lucky that the restaurant wasn't busy, and the low background music was an additional bit of cover for their conversation.

Ed was a bit shorter than Simon, but built along the same lines, and Sara had to stop herself from imagining both of them, naked, together. That was a thought that was worth coming back to.

Already the conversation had moved on from introductions and how they had all met, and was heading rapidly into a discussion of all things sexual.

"I've always known I've been attracted to men and women," said Ed, "it's just never been an issue for me. I like people, not genitalia!"

Viv coughed into her wine. "OK, Viv, I admit I've got a bit of a thing for your genitalia! Sara, you should see her pussy, it's lovely."

"Oh, I have and it is."

It was Ed's turn to nearly choke.

"Well, I guess it's time to ask the big question. It's pretty clear that we all fancy each other. So... would you like to come back to the flat? There's no pressure, and I don't think Viv or I would be upset if you decided this wasn't for you. Shall we put it to a vote?"

Ed looked around at Viv, Sara and Simon, then raised his hand. Viv smiled broadly and her hand joined Ed's. Simon looked at Sara, and gripped her hand tightly. Sara looked back and smiled.

"Well this has certainly been a week of firsts." Sara raised her hand, followed a second later by Simon.

"You want the bill?"

None of them had seen the waiter come up behind them, and it was all they could do to stop themselves bursting into laughter.

"Yes, please."


The double bed in Viv's room lay before them like an invitation.

Simon, Sara, Ed and Viv stood in the doorway of her bedroom. Now that they were all here it seemed like no one really knew how to take the first step. Ed knew that some positive action was needed -- something that would lower the tension, but definitely something that would make people smile.

He sensed that of all of them it was probably Sara who was the most uncertain.

"OK Sara. Remember you can say stop at any time. But I'd like to show you something that you might not have seen before."

With that he grabbed Simon by the back of the neck, and pulled him onto the bed. They landed in an accidental heap of limbs, but Ed's hands were firmly around Simon.

"Oh, now this is interesting, don't you think Sara?"

Sara could only stare at Viv, and then at Simon and Ed.


Ed's hands were roaming under Simon's t-shirt, and Simon was clearly getting excited. It wasn't long before the two of them were topless, their shoes and socks kicked off, stroking each other and kissing deeply.

"I'm getting the feeling we're a little surplus to requirements here," said Vivienne. "I hope they don't forget all about us!"

"Oh we haven't forgotten you two," said Ed, "but I felt you might enjoy a little boy on boy action. Can you help us with our jeans? Our hands seem a little busy. Viv, why don't you help Simon, and Sara you can help me..."

Sara felt conflicted. Even though she had only known Simon for a short while, this felt odd. She felt that she owed him. But at the same time she could feel her body responding to what was happening, and although it felt wrong in some ways, she was beginning to be able to tell that little voice in her head to fuck off and let her enjoy things.

As Viv tugged down his jeans, Simon was feeling something similar. How would Sara feel watching this? Would she be scared away? What would happen if she had sex with Ed? He had enjoyed seeing her with Viv, but that seemed different -- even though logically he knew it wasn't.

"Sara, are you OK with this?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am. I'm nervous as hell -- sorry Viv and Ed -- but I want this. And you. Don't you ever forget it."

At that moment Viv pulled his shorts down, and he could feel her mouth on his cock.

Pulling his mouth away from Ed again for a second he looked across at Sara. She was staring at Viv as she sucked on him, and then she looked up at Simon, and smiled.