Educating Laura Ch. 06


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Andy spoke. "Richie's on the train to South Bermondsey. He'll be here in ten. Not desperate for food, he says."

"Right." Ali removed the vibrator, to my combined relief and disgust. "Well, let's see what an art display we can put on for him. Andy, could you put her arms together and tie them round the headboard? Then there's space for us each side. Can't have you hogging all the space, can we babes?"

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Whose fault was that?"

"Brat. I'm definitely going to give you a good spanking, tomorrow."

My last night with the guys. "What's the plan for tomorrow?"

Andy replied, "I'm at work all day, nine to five. You, too?"

"Yes," Ali confirmed. "So I suggest you go shopping or whatever, buy us food, produce dinner for us all. Try to get Richie home early. Then we'll do as much filthy educational stuff as you have time for. What time's your train on Wednesday?"

"Any after ten. They go every half hour from King's Cross."

"Right, well, I'll go to the station with you and see you off. Then, we expect phone calls between six and seven each day. You don't want us calling up that scary housekeeper of yours!"

"The porters, but yeah." Glorified avuncular security guards crossed with receptionists, college porters were all ex-military types. Protective of their students, especially female ones experiencing over-amorous awkward young gentlemen, as one had confirmed, dealing with exactly that for me.

"Promise?" She lifted my chin and stared into my eyes.

"Promise. Until term starts."

"Sure. You can forget us, then." Interesting. I wasn't the only insecure girl here.

"No! I meant, then I'll have tutorials, lectures, meetings for plays -- I won't be able to commit to a set time. Nor every day. Maybe I could send a text, just check in?"

"Or we'll send Richie round? Fair enough. Speaking of Richie, he'll be here in a couple minutes. Let's have you looking extra gorgeous."

"Arms not too taut?" Andy checked. 'You know, this position shows off your tits something fantastic."

"I was thinking of showing them off even better." Ali showed me some black and silver in her hand. "Let me suck this one hard -- you do the other one, Andy. Right, babes. You liked the clothes pegs. This should be even hotter."

These clips were metal, rubber over the ends, squeezing over a larger area. It was... Intense. Like a better-quality version of before.

"Oh, yeah, this is good!" I confirmed. Happiness was bondage and pinched nipples, clearly.

"And the other. Look at you! Aw, look, she's all purring! Now, you could just lift the chain between the clamps, to pull on them a bit. Or, easier, just tighten these screws a little..."

"Oh!" It was so good, but, my body being all connected, it just highlighted how empty my cunt was. "Need something inside me..."

Ali looked at Andy, who glanced towards the door. I could hear Richie's footsteps on the stairs.

Ali shoved the vibrator inside of me and turned it on at least halfway. She held it and the plug in place while Andy clambered round the sofa to stand by her. He had his arm round his clever kinky girlfriend, staring at me, the piece of art on his bed. I supposed his bed had never before had a naked woman appear upon it, let alone one tied down with heavy black leather restraints constrasting with smooth skin, silver chains hanging across her breasts, and her legs held wide open...

This artistic vision writhed and moaned. Every time I tilted slightly, the heavy chain pulled harder on one nipple or the other. Somewhat painful, but in such a good way.

Ali licked her thumb, pushed the sliding vibrator back in, and laid her thumb over my clit, just as the door opened.

I yelled blue murder. Only later did I recall Ali telling me not to come until Richie arrived. It was pure luck I'd obeyed. I couldn't possibly have stopped myself!

By the time I noticed Richie, he'd wiped any surprise from his face. "All right, guys? Huh. Nice new curtains. And... other decor." He circled a finger at me. "Can anyone play?"

"Be our guest," Andy said.

"Shame not to have this hospitality all the time! Well, well, Laura. Don't your tits look good?"

I was momentarily startled when Richie sank his mouth over mine, but when he squeezed a clamp open and I screeched into his teeth, I understood. The bastard didn't even touch my poor painful nipple, just opened the other clamp and tossed the chain aside.

"Can you be quiet now?" he asked.

I nodded. He sucked one nipple, squeezing the other between fingers and thumb, then swapped. I kept my jaw shut, though vicious squeaks escaped the sides, like a screeching kettle. My pelvis rocked, desperate for more touch.

Richie sat up and laughed. "Poor poppet. Are you begging to escape, yet?"

I shook my head. He moved nearer the foot of the bed, so as to see what was going on between my legs. Ali stepped away, and my vibe slid out.

Richie picked it up, turned it off. Then he must have caught sight of my plugged arse, and realised how I'd been doubly filled while he'd been playing with my breasts.

"Fuck me!" He sounded genuinely shocked. I had to admit I was finding my situation hard to believe, myself.

"You fuck me," I told him.

Instantly motivated, Richie deduced how to accomplish that.

"Andy -- can I have a couple feet more slack on this rope? Great." He did the other one. "Knees up to your chest, Laure. Oh man, that looks good." He admired my pussy, forcibly exposed to him. "Pillow?" Ali tossed one over. Richie shoved it under my arse, pushing me up the bed until he had space to kneel between my legs, not hitting his toes on the sofa. He'd kicked off his trainers.

"Right." He held my shins, pushing my knees back and wide, showing off my cunt, all soaked, and the rainbow flange of the butt plug. "Man, where's a fucking camera?" It was a rhetorical question. Richie pulled a square from his pocket and rolled the condom on.

"You want this?" He indicated his cock.

"Hell, yeah," I begged him.

"Thank fuck for that." One forearm across my shins to hold my legs up, other hand pulling out Ali's butt plug, Richie sank his cock deep into me.

I sighed in relief. Richie grinned, pulled most of the way out, and drove himself down again, and again. I could feel the sore bits from where the plug had pressed, pushing back against him; I wondered if he could as well.

My pussy was a bit bashed from where I'd been fisted earlier, but was now snug around his cock. No harm from the stretching. Good. This was so good...

"You kinky little bitch," he murmured fondly, ramming his cock deep, then pushing a thumb in and out of my arse. "Man," he panted, switching back to fucking me. "You'll be wanting two men at a time, next!"

I thought. "Nah." I had limits.

"Cool." He kept going, both of us silenced beyond incoherent moans. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ali dropped to her knees, sucking Andy off, while his eyes swivelled between me and her.

I groaned, almost too tired to endure the orgasm, but I had no choice. Richie wasn't stopping. My body shook, my vocal cords made noises, all without any conscious control of mine.

It left me exhausted. At least I didn't have to get up tomorrow. I dimly noticed Richie coming. His cock slid out of me.

"I need to sleep, now," Richie said, stroking me on the cheek in his version of affection.

"Take the sofa, pal," Andy said. "I reckon us two can fit with Laura."

Richie nodded, and was zonked within five minutes. Ali and Andy removed my bonds. Andy flung a dressing gown round me and helped me to the bathroom. By the time I'd brushed my teeth, I was less light-headed. Ali washed up, leaving the butt plug and vibrator standing on the draining board next to the dish rack. That was a domestic sight I'd like to get used to.

"In the middle, Laura. Me and Ali will have it to ourselves soon enough, love." Ali just smiled, snuggling up to me.

Come 7am, Richie got himself together, brushing out his long reddish hair.

"Morning, Rich."

"Laura. I told them I needed to leave by six at the latest, today."

Ali looked up. "Good. Get back for your important class."

"Oh? What's that?"I asked, still lying against her hip.

She looked down fondly at me. "Advanced spanking, and painful implements for beginners? Ring any bells?"

"Oh. Yeah. That."

Richie just nodded. "Later."

"And then there were three," Ali murmured.

"What time do you need to leave?"

"Ten to nine?"

"Quarter to," I heard Andy's deep voice just behind me, as he pressed his body closer to mine. "An hour and a half before we need clothes on, jus' saying."

Ali smiled at him. "I've not seen you in fucking action, yet."

"No?" I was amazed. "What have you two been doing?"

Identical fond grins appeared on both sides of me. "Watching a cute girl, mostly. Don't you worry. Tomorrow afternoon, Richie won't be coming back early..."

"There's a chain for the door, we'll be usin' it," Andy growled.

"Oh? You don't want a voyeur for all of your sex life?" I teased.

Andy wrapped his leg over me, rolling so he was on my shoulder. "No."

"Some first times are filthy threesomes, some first times are a bit more personal," Ali attempted to explain.

"I get it! I mean, being part of his experiments can be great, but just being watched, observing like you're a bug under a microscope -- it would be off-putting. Not the same as being all coupley and sweet, for sure." Even if you had been getting off on being watched, I supposed.

"Ah, you'll be an exhibitionist yet, love. Man! Coming back after a great day's fishing, getting to the trees, I thought I was hallucinating, there was you standing all topless, wet hair, then Richie noticed me and kept stripping you off, washing everything way more carefully than needed..."

"Oh, it was needed! But he did give everything a lot of attention, you're right. The bastard. Did you enjoy watching him with his kit off, though?"

Andy coughed, making my body vibrate. "That was when I sat and gutted the fish."

A giggle from Ali. "There's a euphemism I've not heard before!"

"No, he really did! Two big trout each, he brought us."

"Aye, well, so I waited for youse to get decent, you pushed off back to your tent, finally, so then I sat by the fire to finish the job."

"I think he's irredeemably straight," I told Ali.

"Ah, well," she said, mock-sadly. "Though Richie's not the only man in the world. In the meantime, pet, get me a brew and I'll watch you fucking her."

"You mean tea, right, don't you, love?" The man sounded concerned.

"Of course." She realised his confusion, from her use of the word 'brew'. "Who drinks beer at this time in... Not me, anyhow." We got the impression Andy was sensitive about potential alcoholism.

He passed Ali the mug, wary until she set it down safely. Then he gave me one of his rare smiles.

"How do you want it?"

I got to elbows and knees, my arse sideways-on to where Ali sat at the head of the bed. I heard Al sigh happily. She had an excellent view of my breasts hanging down. Personalised porn, I supposed.

Andy sank his cock straight inside me. I was mastering relaxing and opening up quickly, still tight around a cock. "Ach, man! Best home for morning wood, ever!"

I rested my face on my folded forearms and agreed with him. A good way to be woken up. The soreness on my arse had virtually gone, but being fucked deep and hard -- where I was slightly tender -- was a good attempt to make me feel it again. Like a sex object. Perfect.

Andy showered after that, taking Ali with him -- "so she don't slip and fall over." I suspected it was more an excuse to watch her in the shower. I breakfasted, then contemplated what to do with the day.

As she got ready to go back to the centre -- where I could volunteer for another day but didn't want to -- Ali said, "I'll get back between four and five. I'd like to see you here. If you've got something in the oven for dinner by then, we'd love you even more than we do already, in a kinky family way..."

"Food in oven by half four. I can do that. An oven!"

"Here's some cash. You know where the market is, that way? Don't go to the first two stalls -- they rip you off. What are you going to do before that?"

I shrugged. "Soak up the city, again? Bit of clothes shopping? Actually..." No point being embarrassed, not any more. "Where did you buy all your toys?"

"Fetish fairs, mostly. But there's shops -- Soho, obviously, but try this lot -- female-only sex shop in Shoreditch, called Shush..." The card she gave me said Sh!, with an address. "They're so nice in there. They'll even fetch you a cup of tea while you browse!"

"Oh, bless..."

"Sounds like paradise," Andy said sarcastically. "I thought you were going to say they offer themselves!"

Ali looked away.

"What did you do?" I wanted to know.

"Well... this lass had come to the end of her shift, I offered to help close up, there's a break room in the basement..."

"You realise, I'll be thinking of that when I go, now?"

"Hold the thought." Ali grinned wickedly. "If you see Anna with the blue hair, give her my regards." She looked at Andy. "Fun couple dates, wouldn't work as a relationship. Too young and clingy, even if she's older than me."

"Whatever. Come on, you, don't be making me late for work. Tell me all about her on the way. Later, Laures."

I waved goodbye to the pair of them, then luxuriated in the bed. A bed! Sheets! Double bed, even! All to myself!

Ah well, come Wednesday night I'd have three of those. Single beds, in college. I put a reminder in my phone -- call the guys after six each night.

I wrote down my plan:

Wednesday: settle in, buy food.

Thursday: visit departments for copies of this year's syllabi. A sign of my posh education, the Latin plural coming to my mind before the modern 'syllabuses'. Test coffee and cake in library lounges -- Materials, and Chemistry, though I might see what Chem Eng offered...

Friday: pick a topic and get to work.

Weekend? Departments would be locked. I had no keys, yet. I'd chill at home, do a bit of reading and cooking.

Then I remembered. Richie had promised to visit. Well, now. That should be interesting!

I washed in leisurely fashion, loving the electric shower's unlimited supply of hot water. Clean, scrubbed, shaved, trimmed, face mask, hair conditioned... I figured I was as ready for the coming evening as I was likely to get.

Time to go shopping. First stop: Shoreditch.

Chapter 7 will involve more intense BDSM, and not appear for a while. A standalone chapter about Richie's weekend with Laura will appear shortly -- please Follow me to be alerted to it.

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EarlyMorningLightEarlyMorningLightalmost 2 years ago

Thank you so much for giving us more Laura! I love how you’re taking us through her process of self-discovery, but in an incredibly low key and set-positive way. The dynamic between Paura and Ali is especially wonderful.

As always, you bring so much skill to fleshing out these characters, and to the construction of the dialogue between four very different people.

As always, looking forward to the next installment.

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