Educating the Capo Ch. 02


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I woke her at 6.30 with a tray of food and a kiss. She was instantly awake although the rumpled sleepy look and morning voice stayed with her for a while. Her arms went around me and pulled me down to turn a friendly kiss into one loaded with promise. Yeah… I could definitely get used to this.

We ate breakfast sitting on the bed. As the meal progressed I could sense a growing tension in her. It was becoming uncomfortable when I finally clicked to what was up.

“Carol, when I said I don’t care what you used to do, I meant it. And I stick by that.” One glance at her face told me I was bang on the money. “Honey I’m a pretty simple guy. I have a set of rules that I live by. Call it my personal philosophy. Rule number one is not to be judgemental. Everyone has reasons for what they do, and it isn’t my job to decide the right or wrong of people’s decisions. What you did hurt no one and to be perfectly frank if it wasn’t for your job, I wouldn’t have met you. It is part of your past and shouldn’t get in the way of your present or future. I live my philosophy baby and when I say it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t. Alright?”

Without a word Carol leaned over and placed her tray on the bedside table. When she turned back to me there were tears in her eyes. Her hand came up and softly stroked the side of my face, her hand rasping over my morning growth of bristles. Then cupping the back of my head, she pulled my lips to hers.

Her hands flitted softly across my face, stroking as she rained small wet kisses on my lips. Without a word she pulled me down beside her. I dimly remember hearing the other breakfast tray thump to the floor. Our bodies slid together slowly, her hard nipples like small pebbles against my chest through the slippery fabric of her camisole. Our kiss increased in intensity; still soft and gentle but with a growing sense of urgency and passion. Her tongue slipping into my mouth to do battle with mine, to sweep around the inside of my mouth and lips. Her teeth nipping at my bottom lip, chewing softly.

My hands roamed the firm muscles of her back pulling her in closer to me. The heat coming off this woman was incredible. Everywhere our bodies touched I could feel it, radiating out from her internal furnace. She moaned into my mouth, and at the same time her fingernails dug into the skin of my back. Her hips surged forward shoving the mound of her pussy against my growing cock. That was enough for me. All self control left me. Rolling her over onto her back I reared up over her. Gripping the neckline of her camisole in both hands I tore it down the middle and off her body. Fuck it… I could buy her another.

“Glenn… fuck me baby…I want you inside me.” She moaned bringing her heels up and locking them behind the small of my back. “Make me come baby.” With that she started to grind her crotch against the growing bulge in my shorts. She pulled my head down to her magnificent breasts, feeding me her nipple and groaned as my hand came up to cup her other breast. Soon my boxers joined the wreckage of her camisole on the floor. The time for finesse was over. We both wanted the same thing and wanted it quick.

Moving up to kneel between her spread legs I looked down at the gorgeous sight that lay before. Our eyes met and held as Carol reached down and took my rock hard cock in her hand. I moaned and jerked as her warm hand pulled me closer to her wet pussy. Then the head of my cock was nuzzling against the soft, wet, silken folds of her pussy. Our breath caught in our throats simultaneously. Then with a moan I sank into her in one slow, long, steady, thrust.

“Oh God Glenn!” Her legs came up and wrapped around my waist as I flopped forward into the press up position, her nipples grazing my chest as her back arched throwing her breasts forward. Her hands came up and buried themselves in my hair as I bottomed out in her sweet cunt.

Sliding into Carol was an exquisite agony. Her pussy clamped down on my cock with velvet vice like grip. She was hot and incredibly slick. As I slowly slid my cock back out of her she moaned and I felt her pussy ripple along the length of my erection. I paused at the entrance of her hot pussy then as I slid forward and into her again she groaned, grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my mouth to hers. Her tongue darted into my mouth as I started a slow steady thrusting rhythm, her cunt seeming to suck me in deeper on every thrust. I was in my own personal Nirvana. As our kiss intensified in passion my pace inside her quickened. Soon I was slamming into her body with every thrust; our hips slapping together with a sharp wet sound. Her fingers were going crazy in my hair as she arched her back again to drag her nipples across my sweaty chest. I was so close to cumming I slowed my pace wanting to prolong this incredible experience.

Carol moaned in protest and thrust back against me harder. It was obvious that she was close as well. As I slid deep inside her I swivelled my pelvis to put a corkscrew motion into my thrust. This grazed her clit at all sorts of different angles and soon she was rocketing towards her peak. Her groans and gasps changed to a high pitched moan that escalated in volume as she neared her orgasm. There was no way in hell that I was going to be able to hold off any longer.

My strokes shortened and the force increased as I neared my climax. Pulling my mouth from hers I looked down into her eyes and watched as she slid quickly into her orgasm. My God! What an event to witness.

Carol went rigid, her breathing stopped and her eyes slitted until I could only just make out her pupils through her lashes. This held for a heartbeat. Then she exploded into motion as I withdrew until just the head of my cock was still inside her and then slammed back into her for the final time as I dropped over the lip of the chasm into orgasm.

I felt it first in the grip her pussy still had on my cock. Her slick walls undulated and pulsed up and down the length of my buried hard on, sucking on me, gripping then relaxing on my shaft. Her hips bucked, once… twice… then exploded into a thrashing blur, her breasts quivering, the nipples hard and deep pink. Her beautiful face contorted as her head thrashed from side to side, her hair flying on the pillow. A hot wetness flooded my cock and balls and soaked the sheets beneath us. All this I noticed as my own orgasm roared through me with the momentum of a freight train.

My muscles locked up burying me further in Carol’s silken depths, and I started to shake like a man with the DTs, as my balls emptied themselves in a series of gut wrenching, steady, molten, jets. My mouth opened as I gasped for air, and the tendons in my neck knotted and stood out as I grunted my way through my orgasm. The force of my climax surprised both of us, dwarfing the frenetic climax of last night. I continued to shudder and shake as my orgasm petered out. Drained I dropped forward onto Carols heaving breasts as she came down from her own high.

“My god woman” I gasped. “What did you just do to me?”

I slowly withdrew from Carol’s hot soaked cunt causing a pool of cum to flood out onto the sheets. Flopping down onto the bed beside her I pulled her to me and wrapped her in my arms. She threw her leg over me and pulled herself even closer resting her head on my chest. Slowly our breathing returned to normal.

“What a way to start the day” she murmured into my chest. “I could get used to this honey.” If I were a cat I would have purred.

We lay there for a while just talking and stroking. Neither of us mentioned the events of the previous night although we would have to discuss them soon. Finally it was Carol who made the move.

“Come on baby. Time to get up and get going. I have a class in a couple of hours, and I am going to need to check the damage to my house before I go in to work. Want to scrub my back?” she asked with a wicked grin as she disengaged herself from me and rolled out of bed. I watched her awesome ass sway as she headed for the shower. Then it struck me. She wanted to go to work! I was off the bed as if shot from a cannon and was standing next to her in the bathroom seconds later.

“Carol you can’t go into work.” I blurted out. “We need to establish just what Robert is up to and what he intends to do before you can get back into any semblance of a normal life.” The moment the words left my mouth I knew we were in for a battle.

First she looked shocked, and then the shock turned to annoyance. I mentally braced myself for what I knew was about to come. I didn’t have long to wait.

“No way Glenn! If I stay away from work then he has won. No way am I going to let that son of a bitch dictate terms to me now when I finally have the life I want, the life I fought for. He did that for the duration of our marriage and I’ll be damned if I am going to let him do it now!” She was angry but I knew her anger wasn’t directed at me. Still I had to get the seriousness of the situation across to her.

“Honey, we have no idea where he is or what he intends doing. Putting yourself out there is just going to turn you into a target, and there is no way in hell that I want you in that position. A place like the university just provides him with an enormous amount of cover and makes you an easy opportunity. He will just be another face in a sea of anonymous faces. Baby it would be next to impossible to protect you in a place like that.”

She stood there staring at me and I suddenly felt like I had just run over her cat. I steeled myself and continued.

“Realistically we shouldn’t even stay here although it may be handy to have a familiar base to operate from. He now knows you are here… we have to assume that. This place will be a hell of a lot easier to defend than the University.”

She gave me what has often been referred to as an old fashioned look. Contemplative yet almost pitying. I felt like a deer caught in the headlight beams of an oncoming car.

“Honey, I know you just want what is right for me, but there is no way in hell that I am not going into work today. I’m sorry Glenn but that is final. I am tired of hiding and having this moron hanging over me like some dark spectre. I have to do this baby. Please help me?”

What could I do?

“Okay but you will have to explain it to the guys. They are in charge of this case and I am actually part of the principle detail here.”

“Deal,” she said as she turned on the shower. “Now get your ass in here and scrub my back.” It was the least I could do under the circumstances.

An hour later despite the protests of Manny and Simon, we were in the Suburban headed for school. As we approached her house Carol scooched down in her seat trying to get below the level of the dashboard. She kept her head down as we drove past, which was probably just as well. She didn’t see the havoc he ex husband had wreaked on the place. Every window I could see was smashed, her garage door was hanging off its rails, and the flowerbeds were ripped up and flowers and shrubs were strewn across her front lawn. Mr. Robert Taglioni had been a busy boy indeed. I thought it was information that Carol could do without so I kept it to myself. There was no sign of the BMW. I glanced in the rear view mirror to see Manny about 200 meters behind me in his car. The plan was that he would shadow Carol while Simon would maintain the security at home.

The rationale was that Carol would be safe under the protection of Manny and I while at University. The risk would come on arrival back home. That was our considered assessment anyway. Simon would be checking my home security system while we were away, and also getting a couple more of our guys in to beef up our protection. The idea that the threat would come while we were at home didn’t dampen our vigilance.

We were near the end of Waterview Rd. before Carol sat up with an embarrassed grin.

“I just didn’t want to see him or the damage he has done.” She said by way of explanation. As the drive continued we turned to practical matters that would need to be addressed if we were to have any chance of a relationship. For a start there was no way I could remain in her class. The ethical ramifications were too grim to deal with.

Another thing I had to deal with immediately was informing the University administration of the situation and explaining that Carol would need protection at all times while on the University premises. I wasn’t sure how they would react to this.

I was mulling this over in my head when the point was rendered moot.

The only warning of the attack that I got was a roaring chattering sound, then a split second later the windshield and side window imploded. As the gummy shards of safety glass rained down on us, something struck me with sledgehammer force in my left shoulder and upper chest, driving me back and sideways in my seat. I dimly heard a scream from Carol as I lost control of the car. As the car fishtailed across the road and started to mount the embankment at the side of the road, I looked over at Carol. The last thing I saw as I slid into the blackness of unconsciousness was Carol flopping limply against the restraint of her seatbelt; her face a mask of blood. Then everything went black.

My ascent back to the land of the living was a painful and stuttering one. My first conscious recollection was of the paramedics’ face swimming into focus below me. I remember wondering why he was below me, then a bolt of pure white agony shot through me and I was slammed back into unconsciousness.

My next trip back to wakefulness was equally as brief. This time I was in an ambulance. I knew it was an ambulance because of the siren. The same paramedic was hovering over me with a look of concern on his face. Carol! What about Carol? How was she? I tried to lift my head to look over to where the second gurney would go but this only told me two things. First, I was strapped down and couldn’t move my head, and second, the attempted manoeuvre caused another bolt of agony. I plunged back into unconsciousness.

My third attempt at regaining, and maintaining consciousness found me in the emergency room where I caught my first glimpse of a familiar face. Through the throng of scrub clad medical personnel swarming around my gurney, I caught a glimpse of Manny. He was pushed back against the wall, his ashen face wore a mixed look of rage and helplessness. Tears tracked down his cheeks. I tried to lift my arm to wave to him to let him know I was going to be okay. At the first hint of movement pain shot through me once again threatening to tip me off the lip of the abyss and sink me back into oblivion. I hung on grimly and gradually my vision cleared.

I could feel hands all over me then all of a sudden I felt a breeze and cool air sweep over my body. My clothing was being cut from me. On my right side a nurse hove into view and fumbled for a moment before I felt the sharp sting of the IV needle sliding into the vein on the back of my hand. The nurse looked up and seemed surprised when he locked eyes with me.

“He’s awake!” He leaned in closer and said urgently, “Just hang on buddy and we’ll have you fixed in no time.”

Then everyone was talking at once. It was too much and I slid back into unconsciousness.

Beep… beep… beep…

I think it was this annoying noise that finally woke me. I became aware of light next but surprisingly there was no pain. I had complete recollection of what had happened and my first thought was for Carol. I needed to know what had happened to her. Trying to sit up was a big mistake. A low groan was ripped from me. Immediately I heard a scrambling noise from the other side of the room. A second later Manny’s face loomed into view. He looked worried yet relieved to see I was awake.

“Jesus Glenn, you gave us a hell of a scare. Hang on and I’ll get the doctor… be right back man. Don’t go anywhere.” With that he left the room at a quick trot leaving me wondering exactly where I was supposed to go. The pain was back. It was a living, breathing force that throbbed with every breath I took. It wasn’t unmanageable but it was bad enough to warrant me craving some heavy-duty painkillers.

After what seemed like hours, but what in reality was probably only a matter of minutes, Manny re-entered the room with a small woman in a white coat in tow. She looked like everyone’s idea of a favoured granny complete with silver hair and big round rimmed glasses. However the expression on her face was all business. Grabbing the chart hanging on the end of my bed she came around and stopped at the head of the bed.

“Good morning Mr. Barrett. I’m Dr. Lewis. I’m the surgeon who did the panel beating job on you. You are in the surgical suite at Saint Benedict’s hospital.” She referred to her chart for a few moments then looked up and carried on in a slow measured tone.

“You got pretty banged up yesterday Mr. Barrett. I removed one large calibre bullet from your shoulder, sewed up multiple gashes including a very sizeable flesh wound in your left arm, and set breaks in your nose and cheekbone. You are going to be okay although the shoulder wound is a bit worrying. It will take a bit of time until we know the extent if any of permanent damage to the shoulders functionality. The bullet missed the brachial plexus but there could still be a bit of nerve damage which could affect your arm movement.” I cut her off at this point.

“What about Carol? Is she okay? Where is she?”

Manny spoke up. “She is okay man. She’s down the hall in a private room like this one. She’s sleeping at the moment but I’ll bring her down when she wakes up okay?”

I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Carol was safe… or was she?

“Manny can you get someone out to stand guard on her room?”

“I’m way ahead of you boss. Nick and Paul are on her door. On top of that the cops have got enough manpower surrounding this place to control a minor riot. Mike Abernethy is waiting to talk to you as well. I told him he would have to wait until the doc here okayed it.”

Mike Abernethy was a detective on the local Major Crimes Unit. He was also a pretty good friend and was a regular visitor out at the house. Dr. Lewis was speaking again.

“You have a long list of people who want to see you. I’m going to examine you now and when I’m satisfied that you can live through the next ten minutes I’ll allow your visitors one at a time. Manny here will be able to stay with you as long as you like. There are rules though. They are my rules and they are non-negotiable. You will not over exert yourself. You will not try to be a tough guy and forgo pain medication. It will slow down your recovery time. And you will tell me anything you may learn that could endanger you, my staff or any of my other patients. I might look like everyone’s favourite dowager Aunty, but I can be a tough old buzzard when I need to be.” With that said she bent to the task of examining me.

I looked up at Manny. He had something serious on his mind.

“Spit it out buddy. You look like you have something to say so just say it.”

“Glenn I don’t know how to say this gently so I’m just going to say it. Simon’s dead. Our friend made a side trip back to the house after hosing us down and cut his throat. I found him out at the side of the house between the rose gardens. I don’t think he knew what happened man. I’m sorry buddy.” It was like a solid punch to the chest. Simon was a good friend as well as a valued member of our team. “Taglioni got away clean.”

“You’re sure it was Taglioni?” I managed to croak.

Wordlessly he nodded. His eyes were filled with sorrow and something deeper… something I was sure was mirrored in my own. Rage. If Taglioni was lucky the police would catch him before we did. If we got him first he was a dead man. Nothing more needed to be said between us. We were reading from the same page.