Emma and the Professor

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Coed and professor discover passion.
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Emma trudged down the hall to class. She sighed, knowing she only had a month left in college before graduation. She passed a group of freshman girls giggling at the antics of a freshman boy. At twenty-two, she felt years beyond those girls. She had worked four hard years on her business degree, only to worry she might not want to go into business.

She brightened knowing her next class was her favorite. Her professor, Dr. Ellington, was an amazing teacher. He was interesting, caring and kind. Even though he was at least forty, when he smiled he didn't look a year over twenty-five.

"Em, over here," waved Shelly, Emma's roommate and best friend. Emma plopped down next to Shelly, pulling her notebook and a pen from her bag.

"I'm so ready for this to be over, Shelly. I'm just sick of school." Emma sighed again.

"I know what you mean. Lectures, projects, tests, homework- it all sucks. Just four more weeks, though, and we're free!" Shelly bounced excitedly in her seat until Dr. Ellington entered the room. He was attractive in that older-guy way. His smile made soft green eyes almost sparkle, his dark hair was full, and sparsely sprinkled with grays.

Emma tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but quickly zoned out. She began doodling pictures in the margins of her notebook, tuning out everything. The hour seemed to crawl by, but it was finally over. The class rushed out, eager to begin their weekend.

Emma grabbed her backpack, only to have all her things tumble out. Cursing under her breath, she knelt to retrieve the scattered books, papers and pens.

"Need any help, Em," asked Shelly.

"Nah, go ahead. I'll see you back at home." Snatching her fallen things and stuffing them into her bag, Emma waved good-bye to her roommate.

"Miss Grailey, may I have a word with you," asked Dr. Ellington. Emma nodded and headed to the front of the room when he stood erasing the board. "Miss Grailey, I couldn't help but notice you seemed a bit distracted today in class. Is everything alright?" Emma nodded guiltily, looking down at the floor.

"I guess I just have a lot on my mind, Dr. Ellington. I'm sorry." Emma looked into his eyes, touched to see the worry in them.

"Listen, you know if you need to talk to someone, I'm always here for you. Please don't hesitate to come by my office if you need to someone to listen to you." He squeezed her shoulder gently, reassuringly. Emma felt a jolt in her stomach at his touch.

"Thank you, Dr. Ellington. I appreciate it." He gave her shoulder another gentle squeeze and turned to leave.


"I've wanted you for so long, Emma. I've just never had the chance to tell you." Dr. Ellington laid her on his bed, removing her shirt. The cold air met her bare breasts, causing her nipples to harden. His tongue traced her nipples. Emma arched her back against him. His handles deftly removed her pants, leaving her clad in only her panties. Emma moaned as he gently and slowly slid her sodden panties down her thighs. Suddenly she felt his hot breath on her wet mound.

"Oh Dr. Ellington," she cried out as his tongue flicked over her sensitive area.

Emma woke up gasping for breath. The sensations of his tongue on her still tingled through her body.

"What the hell," she asked to no one in particular. "Why the hell did I dream of him," she wondered. Unsettled by her erotic dream, Emma tossed and turned for the remainder of the night.

The next morning, Emma went to the forest path on campus to try and sweat the sexual dream out of her system. She loved running on the path, with its canopy of trees, thick bushes and lush terrain, it was almost like being in your own private world. With her music pumping through her MP3 player, she zoned out, forgetting everything but the feeling of her muscles burning. Emma pushed herself faster and harder, pounding into the ground. All of a sudden, her foot caught on an exposed root, causing her to tumble to the ground. Splayed on the ground, Emma groaned in pain. She pushed herself up from the dirt and gently tested her foot.

"Shit," she cried out as she put weight on her left foot. Looking around at the thick greenery around her, Emma knew she was in trouble. She hobbled slowly over to a fallen tree and plopped down on it. Rubbing her tender ankle, she scanned the forest.

"Hello? Help! Someone, anyone! I'm hurt," she yelled. Nothing but the twittering of birds met her inquiry. "Help! Someone help me!" Emma heard a twig crack in the distance. "Hello," she shouted louder, hoping it wasn't just an animal. She heard the faint sound of feet pounding the packed earth. Squinting at the horizon, Emma saw the outline of another runner against the morning sun. Flailing her arms in the air, Emma shouted at the runner.

"Miss Grailey," Dr. Ellington said, "are you ok?"

"I don't think so. I tripped on that root and can barely walk on it. Do you mind helping me back to my car? I don't think I can walk the two miles back by myself."

"Of course Miss Grailey."

"Please, Dr. Ellington, call me Emma."

"Ok, Emma, only if you call me Daniel. I'm only Dr. Ellington inside the classroom." He smiled at her as he helped her to her feet. He wrapped one arm around her waist to steady her while she limped, her arm around his shoulder for balance. Emma's heart raced at his touch.

"It's just the exertion," she told herself. "It has nothing to do with Daniel." She tried convincing herself that the close proximity to him, the manly smell of his sweat and aftershave and the firm feeling of his arm around her waist was not the reason for the rapid pace of her heart.

They made their way slowly through the forest, chatting about class and Emma's upcoming graduation. When they reached Emma's car, Daniel helped her inside.

"Um, Daniel? Would you mind looking at my ankle? I'm not sure if I should go to the doctor." Daniel nodded, kneeling down beside Emma's car and gently removing her shoe and sock. Daniel tenderly touched the swelling area. Emma gasped at the feeling of his skin touching hers. Emma looked down into his eyes. She thought she saw something flicker in his eyes as he stroked the afflicted ankle, but it was gone just as suddenly as it appeared.

"Well," he said, "it looks like you might have just bruised it a bit. I would put some ice on it and try and stay off it as much as possible this weekend." Daniel put her sock and shoe back on as gently as possible.

"Thank you so much Daniel. I really appreciate it. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come along."

"Next time bring your cell phone with you, Emma." Reaching down, he absently tucked a strand of long dark hair behind her ear, leaving his hand just a second longer than necessary. "Well, um, I need to get going. You take care of that ankle, ok?" Without waiting for a reply, Daniel jogged off towards the forest again. Emma touched the skin where the memory of Daniel's touch still sizzled.


"Why don't you talk to someone about it, Em?" Emma and Shelly were packing Shelly's suitcase on Monday morning. They had spent the weekend discussing school, the impending graduation and Emma's recent dislike for business.

"Who am I supposed to talk to?" Emma plopped on her bed, watching Shelly pack. Shelly had gotten a phone call that morning that there was a family emergency back home, and was leaving to go be with her family.

"What about Dr. Ellington? He seems to be the kind of person that wouldn't judge you for suddenly not wanting to go into the business field." Emma thought about it for a few silent minutes.

"I guess it couldn't hurt. I could always see him after class today. Speaking of class, do you want me to take notes for you," Emma asked, watching Shelly zip up her suitcase. Shelly nodded.

"Hey, mind helping me out with my bags? Hey, I'll even drive you over to class so you don't have to walk across campus in the rain!" Shelly and Emma took the bags to her car, piling them into the trunk as quickly as possible, trying to remain dry.

"Be careful, Shelly. Call me when you get there."

"Good luck talking to Dr. Ellington, Emma. Bye!" Emma ran to the shelter of the building and watched her friend drive away.

All during class, Emma deliberated about what to say to Dr. Ellington about her problem. Emma was so lost in thought, she almost missed it when Dr. Ellington dismissed the class for the day. Emma gathered her books and walked towards the professor.

"Um, Dr. Ellington?" Emma stood nervously behind him.

"Oh, Emma! Class is over, so call me Daniel. What can I do for you?" Daniel was putting his materials into his leather briefcase.

"Um, well, I was wondering, um, can I talk to you, uh, in private," she stammered.

"OK," Daniel said worriedly, "follow me to my office." He walked down the emptying corridor and down a floor to where all the offices were. He entered his office and closed the door behind Emma.

"So," he said, taking a seat at his desk, "what's on your mind, Emma?" Emma sat in the chair to the right of his desk. She looked down at her hands in her lap.

"I...well, I have a problem, Dr. El, I mean Daniel." Emma lifted her gaze and met Daniel's eyes staring intently at her. He nodded his encouragement for her to continue.

"I've, well, I suddenly don't want to go into business. I'm worried I'll suck at it. I've just spent four years and fifty grand on this degree, and I don't even know if I like what I'm educated to do!" Emma felt tears welling up in her big dark eyes. "I'm so embarrassed to be so close to graduation and having doubts. I'm angry for wasting money and time on something I might never use. I'm upset because I'm lost and don't know what to do!" Tears spilled our of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Humiliated by her tears, she buried her face in her hands.

"Emma, please don't cry." Daniel came around his desk, kneeled next in front of the chair and pulled Emma into a comforting embrace. Emma sobbed and sobbed, letting loose the tidal wave of frustration that had been steadily building in her. Daniel stroked her hair and held her close as she cried. As the tears ended, Emma pulled back from the embrace and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry for that, Daniel," she said smiling. "I've just been so frustrated and confused lately." Daniel wiped away the tears on her cheeks and smiled at her. Emma's heart started hammering in her chest. Before she could stop herself, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. The moment felt like an eternity. The fragrance of Daniel's aftershave wafted through the air and enveloped Emma. Emma pulled away from the kiss, looking into Daniel's shocked eyes. Embarrassed, she jumped up.

"Oh my god. Daniel, I mean Dr. Ellington, I'm so sorry. I..I...I've got to go." Emma ran through the door and out the building. Oblivious of the pouring rain, Emma sped back to her apartment. She plopped on her bed, tears streaming down her face.

"What have I done," Emma asked herself. "Oh god, what have I done?!" Sobbing, thoughts of the brief kiss ran through her head. Lost in thought, Emma barely heard the light knock at her apartment door. Standing up, she wiped the tears off her face and straightened her rain-soaked shirt and went to open the front door.

"Daniel, what are you doing here," Emma gasped. Daniel stood in her doorway, drenched from the downpour.

"Emma, may I come in?" Emma opened the door, allowing Daniel inside. Emma closed the door and leaned against it, facing Daniel. Taking several deep breaths, Emma calmed her jittery nerves before speaking.

"Daniel, I don't know what to say. I'm so sor.." Emma stopped in mid sentence. Daniel and closed the space between them, and had cupped her face in his hand. He lowered his head and tasted her lips with his. His fingers weaved into her hair, cradling her head as the kiss deepened. His tongue traced her lips, delving between them. Emma parted her lips, sighing against his mouth.

Daniel's other arm wrapped around Emma's waist, pulling her against him. His lips traced down the tender skin of her neck, nipping here and there and returning to her mouth.

"Emma," he groaned against her skin. "Emma, we...we need to...stop." Daniel groaned against her lips as she started unbuttoning his shirt. She traced his nipples with her fingers and threaded them through his crisp chest hair.

"Emma. Oh god," he said as her tongue traced his nipples. Taking her by the shoulders, he gently pushed her back. "Emma," he said, looking into her eyes burning bright with desire, "I want you. But tell me now if you don't want this, and I will leave, and nothing will change in class."

"I want you, Daniel." Those three words were all that need to be said. Emma took his hand and led him to her bedroom. In an instant, they were in each other's arms. Lips came together, tongues explored mouths. Emma stepped back, finished unbuttoning Daniel's shirt and peeled the damp cloth off his cool skin. Daniel lifted her shirt over her head. Reaching behind her, Daniel unclasped her bra, releasing her glorious mounds from their confine.

Emma grasped Daniel's head and brought his mouth to her breasts. Throwing her head back, Emma let out a guttural sound as Daniel's mouth found her nipple and sucked on first one, then the other. Releasing her breast, Daniel dropped to his knees and unzipped Emma's pants. Peeling the damp jeans off her thighs, Daniel breathed in the heady musk of her wetness.

Standing up, Daniel gently guided Emma backwards towards her bed. Dropping to his knees again, Daniel spread Emma's thighs. Emma arched against Daniel's mouth as his tongue flicked out. Tasting the wet juices flowing from her pussy, Daniel continued his oral assault.

"Oh...Daniel, Oh god Daniel! I'm about to cum!" Daniel kept his mouth on his pussy as he felt her whole body tense then shatter into waves of pleasure. When her body calmed, Daniel unbuttoned his pants, removing the last of his clothing. Kissing her hips, stomach, and breasts, Danielle made his way up her body.

Daniel looked into Emma's eyes. Emma nodded her permission, and Daniel positioned himself between her legs, guiding his hardness to her wet, waiting entrance. Emma moaned noisily as his hard cock filled her. Daniel began his steady thrusts, sliding in and out of her slick pussy.

Daniel couldn't believe what he was doing. He was fucking one of his students. He never thought he would be one ofthose professors, the ones who took advantage of their students, wielded their power to get laid.

Then again, he never thought he'd meet a student like Emma. He had felt the sparks when he touched her, felt the sexual tension grow. When she timidly kissed him in his office, desire exploded within him. When he had come to her apartment, seen her soaking wet, her eyes swollen from crying, it was his undoing. The innocence and raw passion he had seen in those eyes drove him over the edge.

Emma writhed under him, moaning with desire. Daniel increased his tempo. Emma raked her nails down his back.

"Daniel, please...please don't...oh god, please don't stop!" Emma met each of his thrusts with her eager body, wanting him deeper and deeper. Daniel drove into her harder and faster.

"Oh Daniel, Daniel, I'm cumming!" Emma's pussy clamped down on Daniel's still thrusting cock, released it in pulsing waves of pleasure. Feeling Emma's pussy juice wash over his cock brought him to the brink.

"I'm cumming, too, Emma, oh god!" With one final thrust, Daniel roared, shooting his cum deep into her.

Daniel collapsed on the bed beside Emma, a feeling of satisfaction coming over him. Collecting Emma in his arms, he placed kisses along her jaw line.

"So, Miss Grailey, what do you think of business now?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Needs pruning

Good story but lead-in is way too long. Check our my Emma story. readers want to get to the point much sooner..

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Love It!

Best I've read so far! Please continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
darling emma

i have only known one woman in my life named emma. she was quite attractive, but the exuberance and intelligence she embodie made me fal for the younger, but not extremely so woman. totally by surprise she baked a cake for my birthday and i made a stupid, wiseass comment that angered her. she left soon after, ot because of that, but i never had the chance to ingratiate my self again. no woman has ever excited me as much and i have hard far more than me socalled share. i can only imagine what a wonderful lover she must be. i wish i could have fucked her, everyday, for the rest of my life. i am sure i would have never become bored with her. i hope you are happy, wonderful emma.

gdavisgdavisover 17 years ago
Great set up

I really enjoyed this story. Realistic without needing a prolonged build up. As has been already mentioned the last line doesn't work, but everything else certainly does.

don87654don87654over 17 years ago
Good reading! But......

I seem to recall that the Professor is the one that visited her at her place, so it is rather obvious that he was possibly trying to get his dick wet from her pussy juice. So why did he suggest that they had to stop when he was obviously turning her on. Something here seems a little fucked up? If I am going to go after a piece of pussy and go and see that pussy to possibly fuck it, that is the last thing I would suggest to that pussy!

Aurora BlackAurora Blackover 17 years ago
Your story

Has been mentioned in the New Story Reviews thread on the Lit forum (Author's Hangout).

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
agree about the comment on the ending

Great story, great attention to detail and buildup of plot. But... the ending was a bit *wince*

tickletickletickletickleover 17 years ago
pretty good

i'd probably change the ending, though. it started out nicely but in ended with a bit cheesy question.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Please continue

I'd like to find out what happens next...

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