Enter the Cat Ch. 08


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"Next time it might be your sister's hands or mouth," I snarl at him. "Don't go getting in between us. I would never do anything she didn't want."

"What's going on here?" Dwayne demands as he pushes in between us.

I allow myself to be pushed away from Sam and when he comes after me to give me a hard shove I don't fight back. I am ashamed at my loss of control over his intrusion into my privacy and regret taunting him with my remark about Rosy's possible participation in future. Sam follows the first push with a second one and glares at me a few seconds before giving a slight nod.

Even though I am the dominant tom I have to remember that Sam is Rosy's brother and his aggression is in protection of her. My remark about Rosy might have been slightly out of line but I intend to become a bit more assertive and obvious about my intentions with her. I want her to start taking this attraction between us seriously.

"I'm just letting Sam know I intend to try to start courting Rosy," I say as I turn my head towards Dwayne but don't take my eyes off Sam.

"Shouldn't you be asking permission instead of informing me?" Sam demands hotly.

I take a deep breath, my patience at its limit for the moment. "Sam, Mitchell, I wish to start courting your sister. I intend to ask her out. To a movie or dinner, anything to make it clear to her I want to get to know her better," I say evenly.

"It's about time you conformed to the proper way of doing things," Mitchell says with a grin as he steps up beside Sam.

"Give Rosy time to get over the embarrassment she is gonna probably feel over what happened between the two of you," Sam orders firmly.

"Give her time to start forgetting she only got pleasure and no fear or pain?" I ask sceptically.

"Don't crowd her," Sam warns.

"You oppose my intentions towards your sister?" I ask tightly.

"I ... no, but I intend on reminding her she does not HAVE to allow you to do anything," Sam says firmly.

"I have to go into town in the next day or two and intend to ask Rosy if she wants to come along. I want to give her time alone with me to realise she doesn't have to fear me," I tell Sam and Mitchell quietly with a frown over their shoulders towards the others who have come outside.

"Isn't there a mess in the lounge room to clean up?" Sam asks turning his head to the side.

"Come on, back inside," Steven orders.

I hear them head back inside but most of my attention is on Sam and Mitchell as they stand facing me.

"Rosy might not be willing to be alone with you," Mitchell says evenly.

"Well I guess one of you would have to come as well," I say with a sigh. I really don't want to start imagining obstacles to being alone with Rosy. I'll worry about them if and when they occur.

"We only want Rosy to be happy and not pushed into anything. She had a lot of bad experiences with strays," Sam says firmly.

"I understand your concerns. Why don't we go inside, sit down and see if we can come to a satisfactory agreement?" I ask easily. I guess the grilling I am about to undergo is similar to that between an overprotective human father and his daughter's prospective boyfriend.

The following day I find out Rosy has no memory of the previous evening's events. It turns out she avoids drinking beer due to the fact her system does not cope with that specific alcohol and she quickly becomes drunk. She also suffers a bad hangover and temporary memory because she drank so much.

Although this reaction is unusual in werecats I do know one tom who only drinks beer because spirits and wine have the same debilitating effect on him. Werecats can usually drink copious amounts of alcohol with very little effect because of our fast metabolic rate.

Rosy's reaction when she is told she went to bed with me is far from reassuring. She is upset, blaming her brothers and me before rushing from the quarters to get some space between us all. Even though I know giving her time and space to think things through is her way of coping, it is still a blow. I had hoped she would want to talk to me about what happened between us and want to work out where we go from here. With only four days and three nights to the Alpha meeting I am hoping for some time to spend with Rosy, before she leaves on the morning of the fourth day.

I am cleaning any rubbish out my car when Steven finds me and leans against the vehicle as he watches me work.

"What's so interesting out there?" Steven asks after a minute or so.

"She went that way," I admit. I make no pretence of not knowing what he is talking about. Even as I collect the empty food wrappers and drink bottles from the floor in the back of the car I am aware I glance towards the trees far too often.

"You going to sit back and wait for Rosy to calm down in her own time?" Steven asks.

"I want to talk to her and explain I had no intention of taking advantage of her last night," I say as I straighten up and look his way seriously.

"Yeah, she doesn't understand our morals does she?" Steven says quietly as if he is almost reminding himself as well as talking to me.

"It is always the she-kitt's choice." I say evenly. "If there's any doubt, we don't do anything."

Steven gives a sigh and turns his full attention on me. "Any reason we can't head to town? Surely Dwayne can manage things here until Sam and Mitchell get back and it might be easier for Rosy if you and I give her a bit of space when she returns, at least for two or three hours."

"I am hoping she will return before tea," I admit, "I'd wait until after she has eaten before trying to talk to her. Rosy is always calmer with a full stomach."

"Yeah, but if she was to come back right now and see us out here, especially you ..." Steven gives me a grin as I look his way to study his expression. "She'll probably think you're about to take up where you stopped last night."

I give a disgusted snort as I look away and study the tree line for a few moments before glancing back at Steven.

"Anyone can tell you're still primed from last night," Steven points out. "Rosy will take one look at you and figure you're going to take what you want."

I take a deep breath and go to protest that I would never do that to a she-kitt, any she-kitt. Steven has a cocky grin on his face and I turn away as I admit to myself Rosy wouldn't know she is totally safe.

"We'll do a food run," I decide as I check the boot is empty.

"Want me to go and check what we need?" Steven asks as he straightens from leaning on the car.

"Yeah," I say as I slam the boot closed.

I follow Steven into the quarters pausing in the hallway as I see Rosy's scattered clothing. Normally we leave discarded clothing where it falls so the owner can find it easily but I bend and pick the clothing up. I hesitate a moment then head for the small room she has claimed as her own.

I stand at the foot of the bed as I fold the clothing neatly before placing it on the bed. I look around the room noting the small touches Rosy has added to the room leaving her mark. Bright multi coloured leaves that have fallen from trees and bushes rest in a glass bowl on the small dresser. I can smell the tangy scent of lemon and orange and see the thin strips of dried peel scattered throughout the leaves. Several small pictures of Australian bushland decorate the walls and I smile to myself as I realise Rosy has attempted to bring the outdoors into her room.

"Anything special you want to add to the shopping list Micah?" Steven calls from the other end of the building.

"Let me see what you got on the list and what's in the pantry," I call as I turn and head for the kitchen. "It's been ages since we had fresh, homemade pasta."

* * * * *

I answer the phone call just before sunrise. I listen to what Wade has to say, tell him I'll get onto it and then hang up. I rub my hands over my face to wake myself up and get to my feet reluctantly. The ringing of my phone had woken me from a deep sleep and my body and mind were reluctant to greet the early hour.

I head for the bathroom; I have time for a shower as I think about who I will send on this job. Ten minutes later I head for the kitchen to start a pot of coffee before waking anyone up. As I come to the lounge room door I see the light in the kitchen and hear the soft sounds of movement.

"Coffee is just about ready," Steven says as I walk through the lounge room.

"Keep your fingers out of the muffin batter Steven!" Rosy says sounding exasperated.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" Steven asks with a laugh. "Attempt to slap me again and miss again?"

"I'll put broccoli in some of the muffins and make sure you get them," Rosy retorts brightly.

"Steven don't you have something you should be doing?" I ask dryly as I walk into the kitchen. I am surprised to see Sam leaning against the counter with folded arms watching Steven and Rosy with an indulgent smile.

My inner cat prowls angrily. Steven is flirting with our Rosy! Even though I know in my head Steven won't try to win her attentions away from me, I find I am jealous of the way she swats at his hand without real intent.

The once scared and defensive Rosy is learning to play nicely with others.

"Yeah," Steven says with a cocky grin. "I should be quality testing the muffins before and after they are baked."

"Hmmm, they do smell good," I admit. The sweet and spicy aroma from cooking muffins is just starting to come from the oven. Apple and cinnamon is my guess.

"Sam you had better get Mitchell and Dwayne out here. Got a job to be done and I decided you three will go," I say as I pull a frypan from the pile of washed cookware and place it on the stovetop.

Steven retrieves sausages and steak from the fridge as I place a second frypan beside the first.

"Micah you know Mitchell will refuse to leave while Jazzy is in seclusion. So will Dwayne; he's the oldest of you lot here," Sam points out.

"Damn! I hadn't thought about that," I say and take a deep breath as I think for a moment. "What do you think of Steven and Mikkarl working with you on this one Sam? It's only finding Hank Weston and reminding him to keep to the less populated areas. Doc has seen him three times in the last two days down the main street in town."

Both Sam and Steven grimace as they hear the news; Hank Weston is a roving stray who often roams our territory. He has a history of becoming overly attached to human females and ending up with a restraining order against him. If we warn him and head him towards the bush he tends to stay out of trouble for a considerable amount of time.

"Steven, go wake your brother would you?" Sam asks.

"You're not going to hurt this guy are yous?" Rosy asks as she pulls more muffin mixes from the pantry. There is a worried look on her face when she turns around to face her brother.

"Rosy," I say and she glances my way uneasily. "Hank Weston functions better away from large populations of humans. He has a tendency to follow lone women a lot. So far he has been harmless but we just head him for the country areas where he is distracted by the chance to get away and change to cat form. He handles being a werecat much better that way."

I explain patiently and I am happy to see a lot of worry fade from Rosy's eyes. She turns back to the items on the bench and looks down at them for a minute or so before looking my way once again.

"They're not going to go out and attack this guy Hank for no reason?" Rosy asks a trace uncertainly.

"We're going to prevent him getting himself into trouble," Sam says gently.

It's hard not to remind her I have told her several times that we do not attack strays but I force myself to remain cool and calm. I can only guess at what poison and lies she had been feed by that mongrel Jasper to make her keep away from clan cats. We have to let her develop faith in us by our actions, I remind myself.

Everyone wakes despite the unusually early hour and breakfast is a quiet meal. I notice Rosy is still worried and know it will take her a long time to come to trust what we say. I become aware of tension between Mitchell, Malcolm and Timny. I make a mental note to have a quiet word with Dwayne and then I am busy giving Sam, Steven and Mikkarl their full instructions.

I intend to try to chat with Rosy once the three warriors have left, try to ease her concerns about what they will be doing, but Wade comes over as they are about to leave and asks me to come to the main house once they are gone.

When the work van pulls away from the quarters I glance around to make sure everything is under control before I head for the main house. I can hear Malcolm taunting Mitchell for letting Sam go off on a job without him and I glance towards Dwayne to make sure he is aware of the situation before turning and following Wade.

"Rosy seemed upset," Wade comments as we reach the main house.

"She still has to get over the belief clan cats kill strays," I say evenly. "She's worried what Sam's exact instructions are."

"She should stop worrying and leave it all to you warriors," Wade says dismissively. "Jim Tuck wants those carved wooden gates delivered as soon as possible. Take the light truck, Rosy and Mitchell, and deliver them today. A trip down along the coast should distract her from thinking about what her oldest brother is doing."

"Mitchell won't want to leave the compound because of Jazzy being in heat," I tell him evenly.

"One of the others then," Wade says with a shrug. "Who has Rosy developed an interest in?"

"I've asked Sam and Mitchell's permission to start courting her," I say evenly trying to keep the pride out of my voice. I guess I didn't do a good job because Wade turns his head to glance at me as we make our way to his office.

"I could have sworn Donovan said she was sleeping with Chris Inness," Wade says.

"That's all about to change," I say trying to prevent a growl as my anger starts to rise at the thought of Chris touching Rosy.

"So you're still hung up on the idea of taking her as a wife?" Wade asks.

"I don't remember mentioning wanting to marry Rosy," I say surprised.

Wade laughs softly and watches me as he settles himself in his favourite chair in his office. I cross the small room and glance out the window at the view of the well kept lawn before turning and sitting on one end of the couch beneath the window.

"I am your father, don't forget. I recognised the look in your eyes the first time I set eyes on you near Rosy. You lifted her out of the work van Sam's team was using," Wade says with a half smile. "So tell me, how do you plan on catching the full attention of this little wildcat?"

I can't help the smile I feel curve my mouth as I remember the other night when I had Rosy in my bed. It is a long time since Wade and I have talked like this, like father and son. He started treating me like an employee not long after I became head warrior, orders taking the place of conversation.

"I believe I have her full attention; she just has to realise she likes it," I say quietly. "Rosy is reluctant to interact with the more dominant warriors, but I am winning her trust. She still has times she needs plenty of time and space to think things through for herself but she has stopped short of running away."

"I guess in six weeks or so when she comes into heat you'll be joining her in the cage, staking your claim and ensuring she catches, gets pregnant?" Wade asks casually.

I remain silent for a minute or more as his words sink in and I try to find a polite way to say what I have to say. Wade's assumption that I would join Rosy in the cage with or without an invitation stirs anger I struggle to keep hidden. His suggestion that I would trick her into a relationship and trap her into marriage is an insult.

"Tricking Rosy and forcing her to bend to what werecat society expects would be a mistake. I believe with another few months I will win Rosy's trust to where we can build a lasting relationship," I say stiffly. His words have me wondering if Wade has a hidden agenda which is why he talking to me so companionably.

"You don't believe living as a stray for so long has warped Rosy to where she is incapable of living the life of a clan cat?" Wade asks quietly.

Back to this again. I know Wade has serious concerns as to Rosy's mental state after all she has been through. I know she has issues but the more I get to know her, the more certain I am she will be able to adjust to clan life.

"I am sure there will be some things Rosy has a hard time adjusting to, one being learning to think and speak like a werecat. But I believe given time and help she will manage it," I say in a firm confident tone.

"Why is Jazzy confined to the secure room? Marissa informed me it could have waited another few days," Wade says evenly.

Ah, the real reason for this talk.

"Jazzy is coming into heat. She seduced Mitchell in cat form and she has become volatile around Rosy. In fact the reason Dwayne handed her into Marissa's care is because she tried to attack Rosy. Luckily Rosy didn't seem to..." I begin to explain to Wade.

"WHAT! You say Rosy attempted to attack Jazzy!" Wade snarls angrily, once again becoming the Alpha I am now more familiar with.

"No! Jazzy tried to attack Rosy but Dwayne managed to grab Jazzy before she did more than land a light kick on one of Rosy's legs. It was in the middle of a heated discussion and Rosy could have easily struck back but she didn't," I answer evenly.

"You let your sister get into an argument with Rosy who has lived the life of a stray?" Wade demands tightly.

"No. Everyone misunderstood a comment Rosy made. Everyone was upset with her, and Jazzy decided to take it on herself to dish out some punishment. Thankfully Rosy seemed more inclined to avoid a confrontation with Jazzy then defend herself. This might be Jazzy's home territory but Rosy is definitely the more dominant," I say with confidence. "Rosy is not aggressive. She will fight to protect herself from toms though."

Wade is silent; he sits leaning back in his chair with one leg crossed over the other above the knee. He holds his hands together with fingertips touching but the palms apart as he studies me silently.

"Have you talked to any of the others about your thoughts on Rosy being the more dominant?" Wade asks after several minutes of silence.

"I had a long discussion with Dwayne, Steven, Sam, Mitchell and Timny the night Jazzy tried to attack Rosy. I pulled Malcolm aside the next morning and asked his take of the situation; he seems to be able to read Rosy better than the rest of us can," I say and pause as I remember the conversations.

"Everyone agrees that Rosy would be the more dominant if she wanted to assert herself. We don't believe Rosy will attack Jazzy but at the same time we do not intend for the chance to present itself for a fight between them."

"Jazzy, yes she will have a go at Rosy. Jazzy has never had the chance to make her own place in the ranks of the she-kitts because of her illness. I don't believe she sees Rosy as much different to any of the warriors when it comes to bossing us all around. She's just another cat to boss around or demand attention from," I explain calmly.

"What do Sam and Mitchell think of your wanting to court their sister?" Wade asks evenly.

"Neither of them are against it," I say and pause, refusing to state that both of them had been seriously against the idea of letting Edwin try to gain Rosy's interest.

"As long as I do not attempt to pressure Rosy into anything that is her right to say no to, then I have their blessing," I continue evenly.

"Having their approval is good," Wade states then gives a smile. "I'll let you go talk Rosy into going for the drive down the coast with you. If you want to take your time returning home so you can show her a good time, I have no urgent need for you to get back."