Erin No Bra


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If she was looking to get our attention, she had it, particularly Erin's.

"That family had another child, a girl, the one you knew. Then, of course, there was also the parents, both alive at the time, though I don't know about now. What if you took all of those who's lives were affected nearly as much as the child who was sodomized? And you know what, all of those children, or most of them, had at least one parent, and quite often both, and more than one sibling too. All of those people were just about as directly abused by proxy as was the child. Doesn't it make the percentage of those abused much more than the relatively few—as they say, again, statistically—at least four hundred percent greater than any might suggest? The horror and anguish those mean and hateful people perpetrate will never be seen in its proper perspective.

"And while we're at it, how many of those families were needlessly harmed by hiding those 'few'—as they like to say—priests who could have been stopped? My, they would have had something to really say about low statistics then, huh?

"And again, still at it, how many monseigneurs, bishops, cardinals, and even popes, know about it, and ignored it all. In fact, what percentage of bishops and cardinals in our country knew about this? And while they did all of their statistical stuff, how many of them hollered at the offending bishops and cardinals? Not a one as far as I know. No, they're a very close knit protective society of criminals. They could have done so much to stop it and keep all those after the first from suffering instead of multiplying their numbers so much. Erin, sweetie, when you feel any guilt about leaving your teachings from your girlhood, think about these kids, their families, and how that they've done this for thousands of years.

"In the past, they got away with it because there was no news as we have it today, though the way some people hide their heads in the sand, you'd never know it was in the news. But there's more to it than that. Liv, the one who was murdered for holding the classes she had for lesbians, she quoted the nun as saying that Martin Luther hated reasoning, and said it was the worst enemy of belief. Keep that in mind too as you read, and prove things for yourself.

"Now, if I haven't given you too much to read, I'd like to offer you another book, if you'd like to have it, that is?"

Erin looked at her and nodded emphatically, mesmerized by the way Charmaine was talking, what all she was saying.

"This book is very interesting in telling an apparently very true historical tale taken right out of the old library of the city of Venice's church archives. Those people didn't seem to know what they had in those old records, but this book tells all about it, if it can be believed, and as far as I know, none in the church has denied it just as they didn't deny that other book, Fallen Order, about the priest that sodomized the kids in Naples, Italy.

"As you go through it, you'll see some rather perverted sexual goings on, especially that one priest who had the nun in charge of the convent to have all the nuns strip and bathe in the river so he could see which he wanted to have sex with the most. Their history is full of things like that, and they hide it all from the people by not allowing them to reason, or ask any questions. I think your eyes will be opened further by your continued reading, as well as proving what you read for whether it's correct or not."

The book was titled, "Virgins of Venice", by Maria Lavin. That was an interesting title if ever there was one.

"Unless you have burning questions later on, I'd like for you to read this material before coming to see me again. Not that I don't enjoy your company, because I do, and frankly, when Lydia returns, I'm taking her to the club—I can't wait until she asks why it was named the CACTI Club," she said, and did her best to fake stifling her laughter. "Oh, my, she'll be so red in the face, but she'll love it. She'll probably need a distraction like the club anyway, and doubtless enjoy it as I did, so thank you for inviting me," she said to Erin.

Erin, too, blushed, but she didn't mind it at all, enjoying Charmaine's antics.

* * * *

"What do you think, hon?"

"Wow, glad you found her. She's interesting, funny, and a wonderful lady, if a bit bawdy thinking," she said and laughed.

"Yeah, I bet she's an interesting story."

"Probably some bordello fodder in her too, but it's all good in her, she's so honest and straight-forward," she said, and in the best of ways.

Chapter 11

Erin began an Internet search on the Catholic Church. What all she saw shocked her. We knew about the constant charges against priests from one city to the next, and even how it came out that the higher ups did shuffle them, that is, send them off to other parishes where they continued to molest. If we knew about it, why weren't we, particularly Erin, shocked? We surmised that it was because that most likely as others, we had turned a blind eye since it all drug out for so long, some here, then all quiet, than some there, then all quiet again, the constant pattern lulling our senses, and never really seeing it for the monstrous thing it was, or rather, that it is.

When we talked, we remembered Charmaine's words about the statistics, how it was only a small number of priests, or so they claimed. We saw a report that cited over ten thousand in the United States. Using Charmaine's four to a family as the least number affected, we were stunned to realize that it came to over forty thousand lives traumatized, and or ruined or severely affected. And that wasn't all of it, we were sure. We were also shocked to hear of nuns being abusers, especially in an orphanage in Vermont where over one hundred cases were reported.

"And both John Paul Il and Benedict, the new pope, knew about it? That's too much," Erin fumed. "Just as bad is that creep in Boston who was accused of molesting at least one hundred thirty kids, and his big boss knew it, and then was promoted, so to speak, to a big position in Rome. How could they do all of this? Why weren't they prosecuted?"

"Didn't Charmaine say that similar happened in Naples, Italy at about the time of Galileo, and the guy was promoted, and his old supervisor made a saint?" I reminded her.

"Yeah, she did. Damn, this is worse than I ever thought. Screw them!" she let out in her anger, her utter frustration at having believed in them so much.

Her decision was made much easier by the notes to the new class that Charmaine gave her. For a long time we did nothing but work, make love, and study. Yes, I helped her study—prove—as Charmaine said she was to do.

"It all looks like one huge joke played on us all by first the newly formed Catholic Church, then by all of the others who only changed a few things on rituals, and seemed to say 'The hell with checking it all out to see if it's true'. How could we all have had our heads in the sand for so long?" Erin asked, honestly wondering how she, and so many others believed all that they were told.

"We—the churchy people—were raised to believe it," I said. "Looks like we did, and that was that. That doesn't say much for us as a people, huh?"

Yeah, I had to include my 'Christmasy' self in it too.

* * * *

In between all of this, we did find a lot of time for our love, however, I found I was becoming frustrated with Erin. Oh, it wasn't Erin per se, but my eyes, they loved to gaze at her thighs that were the epitome of sex itself. I remembered how when I first saw her, and those luscious thighs how I felt my hunger roar like crazy in me, or as May said, make my pussy drizzle until a janitor might be needed to mop the floor under me.

She did have some very delicious looking thighs that I hungered for, but since we were naked so much of the time we were home together, I also had to look at her pussy that was now shorn of the most delightful and sexy colored hair. Damn it, I missed her hair as if a burning bush warning one to beware of its heat, how it could scorch one mercilessly.

Then again, when we made love, or rather, when I had to have her, I loved taking those lips of hers and suckling on them as I often did on her nipples. And on her nipples were, of course, those gorgeous breasts that they were attached to. In short, I wanted all of her, all of the time, and it tore me up to have to settle on just one portion of her, though I must admit we did love how I settled on whatever portion of her I was on. She was driving me crazier by the day. And I had to tell her about it.

She laughed. "Oh, god, you're so funny, and I love you more for it, but you make me so hot when I think of how you want me. Too hot, baby."

She was more than good with being with me, loving me and having me love her. No more did she have any demons whispering nastily in her mind that she was going against her church, and giving up heaven for an eternity in hell. Like me, she found her heaven in our love, and in the physical enjoyment of our love, the way we both gave and took pure sexual joy from each other that was such a great part of our love. We were making our own heaven, and if there was a supreme being, that Goddess or God had to be happy with how we loved with such beauty of heart and mind.

But not long afterward, she decided to see if she could let a small part of her mound grow back the hair I loved and missed. Shortly, my eyes were happy again; they could now see all of her without missing anything that mesmerized them so. If my eyes were happy, I was happy.

That was good, and it was bad, but in a good way. Since we both loved to dance, that was something we did quite often, and quite naked too. That afforded me all of those opportunities that I so missed having, of seeing all of her in all of her sexy glory as we worked very hard at titillating each other with some very bawdy moves that led us to do naughty things. Most of the time though, we made it to the bedroom, but sometimes, well...

Chapter 12

We did finally return to see Charmaine, and when we did, we found Lydia had returned. She was a most pleasant surprise.

"I'm so glad to finally get to meet you two, and yes, Charmie, they are just about the most beautiful couple I've ever seen—after you, that is," she charmed us with her soft and melodious words after we'd exchanged small hugs and kisses.

Lydia was one amazing looking woman. Surely in her fifties, yet she was more than handsome, and quite sexy looking too no matter how old she was, and I do mean sexy looking. Her form and figure were superb, as was the way she was made up, and minimally so.

"Thank you, and we're glad to meet you too," Erin had to good sense to say as my eyes took in Lydia, then Charmaine once more. They were easy on the eyes, and difficult to think of as loving lesbians since it seemed to me that they would be very loving indeed. They almost had to be.

"Charmie has been telling me all about you two."

"I have," Charmaine echoed.

"I bet she's happy to have you back," Erin said to Lydia.

Lydia laughed lightly. "Oh, she needed some time to herself, to enjoy some peace and quiet without having me under foot all the time."

"That's not true, honey. You know I love having you under foot all the time."

Though she said 'under foot', it came out as a loving endearment, the look on her face adoring of Lydia. Lydia, however, sweet as she was, and funny in the same way, looked up, rolled her eyes like a comic born to the job, and grinned. She was a natural born comedienne in the softest, kindest, and loving of ways.

"She's not always this mean," Charmaine smiled, countering Lydia's antics.

It was easy to see how well they got along in each other's company. Also, they made a marvelous pair. If seen in a supermarket, one would think they were good friends who lived near to each other instead of being loving lesbians.

"Have you been on the Internet to check on abuse by priests?" Lydia asked after much light talk.

"Yes," Erin said. "There's a lot there, and most of it is newspaper articles, and much of it a repeat.

"Have you found 'Bishop Accountability'? Lydia asked.

"No. Is it good?" Erin wondered.

"For what it's about, it's fabulous, if one can use that word on something like this. It does tell you a lot, and gives many links. Truly, it's a treasure trove of information on priests and sexual abuse. When Charmie was brooding so much, and rightly so, on that one boy, and delved even more into this as she has, it helped our understanding."

"That was a terrible time," I said.

"It was," Lydia agreed. "Just as she tried to help that family, Charmie helped me too, but before that. It gave me an appreciation of what all of these people are going through, but more, mystifies me as to how the public continues to believe in all of these charlatans. There are so many, and of all stripes, but the television kind are right up there with the Catholic ones, just in a mildly different way. Still, that built in need we have in this ever more complex world keeps all of those people wanting to hear what makes them feel good, and never mind anything else. It's hard to blame them, but someday we're all bound to pay for it in one way or another."

We talked a lot more, and Erin told them about how she was over her Catholicism, and more, saw how she'd been led like a lamb to the slaughter house, just following all the others.

"That girl that took over Liv's classes, she brought up a good point in her telling of those kittens who were raised in a horizontally striped environment until they were fully grown, then put into a regular environment like we all have. Did you read that in her notes?" Charmaine asked.

"Yes I did," said Erin, "and that's one of the things that really helped me out, helped me to understand how they nearly ruined my chance for happiness."

"It's a strange world we're building now; so much is being put on profit, and making ourselves valuable to a company so we can live comfortably, and never mind our inner needs. This striving for goods and wealth keeps us from our inner self, from questioning life as we should be doing. In many ways, we're all caught in the flow of what the masses are being led to do. I certainly hope you two can keep apart from this as much as possible, and continue in your happiness," Charmaine said.

"And I'll give one of those big 'Amens' to that," Lydia punctuated it, and laughed. "Sorry to throw in that bit if churchiness."

* * * *

"That Lydia is something, isn't she?" I said as we entered our house.

"A middle aged sex pot in a lot of ways, and funny to boot, but she does funny beautifully."

We had eaten dinner with them—they both insisted, especially Lydia—and now it was down time before our love session began as it always did. Or did it ever end? Yes, but only when we weren't alone, and even then, it was hard to say we weren't making love in some quietly surreptitious way.

Every time that we had talked, my hand was always finding itself on one or another of her thighs, I so loved them. As mellow as Lydia's presence had left us in, we were well primed to enjoy some extra sweet love of each other. In the shower, we upped the mellow in us, our hands and lips betraying our most primal needing of each other. That quickly carried over to our bed. Erin was suddenly more than primed.

"Make love to me, baby," she said, no preliminaries, just something in Erin crying out to be satisfied, that had to be sated.

Her hands spastic on my body, she quickly climbed up and sat on my face.

"Fuck me with your tongue. Now!" she demanded.

Whatever it was that was so suddenly driving her, Erin was wild on my face. It didn't bother me at all since she quickly translated her lusting onto me. I wanted her, and I wanted her hard and quick, then I wanted her again and again, such was the explosiveness of her sudden mood on me.

Licking her hard and deep, lashing her clit, then suckling it and her mound, my mind had a flash of joy in knowing she had let her hair grow out, limited though it was. It was a silly aphrodisiac, but one nevertheless. Hearing her moans, and feeling her jogging hard on my face had sensations of pure, unadulterated sex clashing harshly in my body. Those thrilling feelings shooting all through me drove my tongue and lips to want more of her, to feel her moist, wet, and powerfully horny pussy. In a scream of driving need seeking fulfillment, I heard her as she wildly sat on my face, quickly lifted up and jogged, then sat again as a hard orgasm hit her.

That orgasm lasted a long time, and it seemed that it taxed her whole person. Expecting her to slide down in exhaustion, I was shocked to hear her panting, gasping breath as she lightly jogged on my face once more.

"Just a little more, baby. Love me," she begged passionately in a whisper that was strained. "I need more," she pleaded.

How she needed it, I read, was soft and loving by the way she moved on me in an unhurried pace, though her breath was still stunted. Gently, tenderly, I loved her and coaxed her love to fill my mouth over and over. My joy was boundless. The red head that excited me so much when I first saw her was exciting me even more. I was relishing her need of me, of my love. It was a sweet ending for her, but as she said, she needed it again and again, and I brought her to another end. It was exactly what she wanted, what she needed—I could tell by the way she was breathing, how her fingers sought my face, caressed my cheeks with a loving tenderness that filled me with an ineffable joy.

"Thank you, my wonderful lover, my heart, my life. Whatever took over in me, I have no idea, but I needed to feel you love me like that."

She kissed my breast, then kissed it again, her other hand caressing my other breast, and lightly teasing my nipple. It didn't surprise me that I wasn't desperate for her to love me as I had her. There was a sense of satisfaction in me, of comfort in knowing her love of me, her needing of me. And there was a joy in having given her the love she wanted, the love that had her satisfied and happy as she fell asleep.

I kissed her head, and fell asleep with her.

Chapter 13

"I have no idea what affected me, why I was so needy, so horny, last night," she told me after we'd awakened and held each other.

"Me either, but you were hot as could be. You made me so horny to have you."

"And I'm glad you had me too," she laughed. "That was so good, baby. How in the world can anyone say that what we have is an abomination of any kind, or to any one, especially to a god that's supposed to be loving? It's all too sweet, there's too much love and joy between us to be bad."

"Save in some nuts book, huh? You know, maybe it was how we saw Lydia with Charmaine, and how you saw the beauty of their love, and them as old as they are. I mean, I'm not saying that they're too old to love. They both look hot for their age, and I do mean hot, especially Lydia, and I bet they go after each other passionately sometimes, if not often. Maybe seeing them, and thinking about them in the back of our minds worked on you, and translated itself onto me too."

"You know, you may be right? After all the hang ups I've had, seeing them together, the beauty of how they obviously loved each other, and how good it all still was for them, might have turned loose the last vestiges of all that had been set in me by the church," she said.

How Charmaine and Lydia were with each other must have worked a magic in us, I think. At any rate, we still studied all that we had been given by Charmaine, and kept learning about the lies Erin been fed, and how they worked to control her, and all the others too. And as difficult as it was, we did read much of what was on that site, bishop accountability. It was difficult because we kept seeing how they hid pedophile priests, and those sexually aggressive and sadistic nuns were pretty much a shock to us too.
