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Story with a vague army theme.
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Well, I've really done it this time. For ages I've been getting away with all those little illegal acts that everyone commits from time to time. The worst I'd ever suffered was a caution/slap on the wrist. Until now, that is. And all because I'd lost my temper. I was out and about, minding my own business when a prick starts to follow me (understandably, this is a slightly biased account), finding my not quite the norm style of dress amusing; in short, I'm a bit Gothic. I ignored the first few heckles, then stopped and turned. Unfortunately for him, he didn't. He walked right up to me, still chattering pointlessly.

I had ceased to listen to him, deciding instead that the quickest way to end it was to scare him. If he wanted to call me a freak, then fine. I would show him just how freaky I could be. And duly punched his face. He stumbled back blood flowing freely from his mouth, and I launched myself after him, knocking him to the ground. Before he could recover I had pulled out the adorable little switchblade I like to carry and held it next to his throat.

But there are always do-gooders aren't there? Do-gooders who in this case were convinced I was about to fillet the little idiot and did their marvellous public act of restraining me and calling the fuzz. So now I'm sat in the police cell for a little off the record interview with a policeman and my solicitor. As the officer catalogues all my little transgressions of the past year I feel the unpleasant swirling feeling in my stomach that this has escalated out of control.

The trouble is, my solicitor explains condescendingly, that this is not the first violent incident on my record. It is most likely, I am told, that the powers that be will want to lock me up on the strength of this one, convinced that I'm a danger to society. And I probably am. The officer interjects at this point, and starts to talk about a rehabilitation programme that they're currently testing. He goes on to say, basically, that if I agree to be a guinea pig, then I'll stay out of jail.

I push the Clockwork Orange images out of my head. Stay out of jail. Sounds good to me. Everyone knows that rehabilitation programmes don't work, and if they do, it's only in the short term anyway. I bite the bullet and nod my head in agreement. Ok, I'll do it. The policeman looks pleased, my solicitor positively ecstatic. He obviously didn't relish the idea of having to represent me if this one went to court. And so they let me go, saying that they'll be in touch, and for God's sake to keep out of trouble until I hear from them. I smile and nod, and walk out of the station like the model citizen, laughing inside. I've fooled them all again. They'll figure it out one day.

A few days later I get the letter, and the day after that I'm picked up (in a marked car, they could have sent one of the posh undercover cars couldn't they?) and driven off to the centre. The centre. Ironic really, considering that what it really appears to be is a disused military base in the middle of nowhere. My new companions and I are herded like cattle into a darkened room where we sit through a wonderful PowerPoint presentation to explain to us why we're here. (As if we don't already know). Next, they pass some booklets and pencils (rather blunt ones I note) around and tell us to answer the questions within.

Apparently it's a small test to determine which rehab group we should be placed in; which one is most suited to our needs. Okay then. I breeze through the test, finishing a good twenty minutes before anyone else in the room. I then sit and stare out of the window, daydreaming. When everyone's finished, we are herded out again, and given our issue clothing. Training shoes, combat trousers (snigger) and white t-shirts. The difference between me and everyone else? I make the clothes look good.

By the time we've all changed, a tannoy announces that the tests have been marked, and that we should proceed back to the room to be sorted into our groups. I grab a seat at the back, wanting to be able to get a good look at everyone else. Names are read out, and groups of about six to eight people are led out of the room. Eventually there's only me left, and I smile to myself at the presence of the obligatory establishment cock up.

A man had walked into the room as the last group were leaving, and now he's sat in the corner at the front. He's one of the rehab officers, I can tell from the way he's dressed. He gets up and speaks quietly with the officer who was reading out the names, who then nods and leaves. The man turns and walks towards me.

"And then there was one. You scored highly on that test young lady. Too high for us to put you in a group."

"Does that mean I get to leave then?" I feel decidedly smug.

"Oh no. That means you get me."

This guy's going to be a pushover, I decide. Quite softly spoken, it would seem, and with a rather nice voice. Northern, but not harsh like you'd expect; honey coated, with a breezy confidence. Probably falls apart when it comes to women though - I'll soon have him stuttering like a schoolboy. "Well, you already know my name, what's yours?"

"James. But you can call me sir. It'll be easier to remember when you're begging me to let you die. Now get outside."

Perhaps not such a pushover. Having little choice, I stand up and allow my new rehab officer to direct me outside. The cogs are turning though. If this Tin-Tin look-alike thinks he can push me around, he'd better think again, because there's no way I'm going down without a fight. No matter how desirable he seems... - wait, where did that come from..?

Outside there's no one around, and it looks like even the weather decided to take some time off. It's all completely neutral. There's nothing around to catch my eye, nothing to distract me - it's the perfect venue for a place like this; all I can do is focus on the task at hand. I stand on the concrete with the building behind me, and my new arch-enemy in front of me who's looking me over with evil intent. I suddenly notice that he's holding one of those telescopic baton things that the police have, and from the way he's swinging it around it looks like he's familiar with using it.

"Well, I'm told that you're pretty intelligent. I wonder if all that reading leaves you any time for exercise. Let's start with something easy. I want twenty five sit ups." Now, I know I shouldn't answer back. I should just keep quiet, do as I'm told, and then I can go home and pick up where I left off. Sadly, my sarcastic side wins through.

"Well what you want and what you're gonna get might not tally."

He walks round behind me and for a minute I think I've got away with my (very witty) comment. And then he kicks my legs out from under me, literally. With a deadly accurate aim, his foot lands across my legs, right behind my knees, and knocks me to the floor.

"Twenty five sit ups" he says again.

A little taken aback by this demonstration of power, I shift into position. As soon as I'm there, he stands on my toes (totally unnecessary), folds his arms and looks down at me. "We haven't got all day young lady."

Knowing that I'm beaten, at least for now, I start giving soldier-boy his sit-ups. The first fifteen are fairly easy, and I think I surprise him, but ok I admit it, I struggle for the rest, especially the last five. I finish, and lay flat again with my eyes closed.

"And now I'll have another ten for the smart remark."

I open my mouth, but then sanity graciously pays me a visit and I close it again. Deep breath. My muscles are reluctant to start again now they've relaxed, and it hurts. And he knows it, which is why he gave me the few seconds rest. I struggle some more, and then I've done it. I open my eyes and look at him, but I can't tell whether he's pleased or hacked-off that I completed his little task. And he's not giving anything away, just drops a bombshell.

"Right. Turn over, and twenty five push ups."

I know that there is no way I can do that many, least of all outside with someone standing over me. But I don't want to let him know that, so I slowly turn over, hoping in a mad moment that my bum doesn't look big, and grit my teeth. Something hits the back of my head, and oh fantastic, now it's raining. This is definitely not one of my better days. I brace myself and start, very conscious of the fact that he's still there, and crouched down beside me now.

I get to six with relative ease, by ten my arms are telling me that it's time to stop, and by fifteen I'm quite sure that I'm going to die. Eighteen proves to be my undoing and I collapse with a whimper. The rain is falling harder now, to the point when it stings as it hits my back. I silently wonder what the chances are that he'll take pity on me. Slim to none, I decide, as he digs the baton in between my ribs. "By my count, you've still got seven to go. Stop being pathetic and get on with it."

"Can't..." I manage to say, trying to slide away from the sharp baton-tip. "Oh dear. That sounds like defiance. You want me to double it?"

I panic. "No sir." Bloody hell! What made me say that?

"Then you'd better get a move on."

I'm cursing him silently as I brace my hands against the wet concrete. Right, I can do this, if only to prove the bastard in the red t-shirt wrong. I struggle slowly through five more, but have to stop briefly to catch my breath. In the few seconds pause he brings the baton down across the bottom of my back and I yelp with pain.

"You don't stop until I say so. Two more, d'you want me to count for you?" It's a sickenly patronising tone, but I bite my tongue. He wants me to answer back so that he can prolong this hell. Well you're out of luck Tin-Tin. I stare fixedly at the ground and force myself through the last two, then lay still face down letting the rain drench me.

He stands up again and runs the baton down my spine. It feels almost nice - it takes my mind off the burning in my arms and shoulders for a second. "You can get up now."

Except that I can't. The very thought of having to use my arms for anything ever again makes me want to die. Fortunately he seems to realise this, and deigns to give me a hand. He puts one hand under my chest (and despite my exhausted state I notice his fingers wandering) and hooks the other in the back of my combats and lifts me into an upright position, and then assists me to stand by dragging at the neck of my t-shirt.

"Looks like you're going to need some more training on the physical side of things." He smiles, but it's chilling. The sort of smile that a shark would give right before it takes a bite out of you. "By the time you leave here, you're going to be a different person. You'll respond to me without even realising you're doing it. You won't question, you won't hesitate - you'll just obey. By the time I'm done you'll walk in fear of me, and you'll do anything to avoid my punishments. Understand?"

His words travel straight to my soul, and start to squeeze it. I feel extremely uncomfortable. Normally I would have thought that he was just trying to scare me, but every word was spoken with such conviction that I believe him instantly. I'm so wrapped up with thinking about what he's just said that I forgot he's asked me a question. The baton whips out and connects with the side of my thigh, inflicting an agonising dead leg. It hurts so much that I feel sick, and as I try and fight the tears back he asks me again.

"Do you understand?"

I swallow, making sure that my voice won't shake. "Yes sir." There's not a hint of defiance or sarcasm; I feel crushed, scared, and even anxious to please - or rather, not to make him angry. A tight knot appears in my stomach as I realise that I'm already adhering to what he said.

"Good. Now let's go back inside and start on a little theory work, hmm?" He turns and walks away and I follow, feeling relieved. Books I can do. I might even get the chance to impress him, but somehow I doubt it.

So now I'm four days into the programme. Four days of Hell, and all at the hands of my so-called rehabilitation officer. But I've got a new name for him. The Sadist. He seems to take great amusement, even delight, at any pain I suffer. He continually pushes my limits both physical and mental. I'm left completely drained after every task he dreams up for me. The only thing that stops me caving in is the thought that I won't give him the satisfaction of breaking me. His goal is to reduce me to a quiet, compliant nonentity. He lectures me at great length about the benefits of being a useful member of society, but never fails to tell me how far off the ideal model I am. I found out on the second day that no rules exist inside the Centre apart from the ones that the officers make up. And the rules change every day. At least, they seem to for me, but that's probably one of my rehab officers' sick little games. He constantly tries to catch me out, waiting for me to make the slightest mistake.

But sometimes...

Sometimes I think I like it.

I don't know. The structure, the discipline maybe. Occasionally it feels okay, like it's filling a gap. I realise I might be going soft, and pull myself back into my usual frame of mind. I will not be rehabilitated. Not by him; not by anyone.

But nothing could prepare me for my third night.

I was in my cell (yes, cell - so much for rehab), when I hear the door being unlocked. I ease myself up into a sitting position and start to chew nervously on my bottom lip as he walks in and closes the heavy door behind him.

"Stand up." I can't assess his tone, but I know better now than to try and defy him. That damn baton is in his hand again, and I don't fancy finding out how good he is at using it. I stand up slowly, wondering what the hell I've done this time.

"Now turn round, and put your hands on the wall."

I obey, but I'm starting to feel scared. I want to ask him why, but I keep my mouth shut. And then I find my voice when I feel his hands close around my waist. "What are you doing?"

His hands grip me a little tighter. "Did I give you permission to speak young lady?"

" sir" I stutter slightly, feeling increasingly nervous.

"Then don't." His hands start to move, sliding up from my waist, and then I suddenly feel them on my breasts. He squeezes gently, then gradually harder, clearly enjoying himself.

"Stop it." Sadly though, the words don't come out as authoritively as I would like, and he just laughs softly. One of his hands moves up further and takes a light grip on my neck, tipping my head back so that he can speak quietly into my ear.

"Stop? Oh petal, I've hardly started. You've been asking for this since you first got here. Now then, you just relax and let yourself enjoy it."

I tolerate it for a few seconds more, then whip my right arm back, making my hand into a fist. It catches him squarely in the face and he stumbles back, having no choice but to let go of me. I turn round, but he's quick to recover, and I'm backed up against the wall.

I've shocked myself with my actions, and I'm frozen to the spot. He raises his hand to his mouth and dabs at the blood then looks at me. I suddenly feel incredibly afraid, but he seems totally unmoved. So I don't shift when he walks towards me. Without a word he grabs my hair and drags me over to the bed, and then sits down, pulling me with him. I kick and scream and try to fight him, but he must work out regularly because he's overpowering me with ease.

Before I realise what's happening, he's draped me over his knee and pinned my legs in between his own to stop me from kicking.

"That wasn't a good idea you know. Normally I'd make out a report and you'd be dealt with higher up for striking an officer, but I think I'd rather punish you myself." And then his hand comes down hard on my backside. It's a complete shock and it takes my breath away, and then I feel the pain and squeal loudly. The sound echoes around the cell, and then as if reading my mind he says, "You can scream all you want. We're the only two people in this whole block. No one will hear you."

He continues to spank me, holding me in place as I wriggle on his lap, desperate to escape. I try to reach back and protect myself with my hands, but he just pins my wrists together with his free hand. The blows keep raining down at random in a different place each time, continually taking me by surprise as each new sting of pain hits me. I can picture how red my arse must be by now, but my resolve is broken; all I can do is squeak and whimper my way through the punishment. Just as I'm contemplating begging him for mercy, he stops. I feel relieved, but only briefly as I remember how this whole situation came about. He had entered my cell obviously intent on having more than a quiet chat.

His hold on me loosens and I clamber to my feet before he changes his mind. He leans back against the wall, looking amused at my injured expression and calmly says, "That probably gave you something to think about. Now strip."

I feel my jaw drop. "You've got to be kidding."

"Do I look like I'm joking?" he says mildly. "But you could always go back over my knee until you change your mind..."

In answer I pull my t-shirt over my head, and slowly undo my combats, trying to delay the inevitable. I try not to think about his gaze travelling over me as I unhook my bra. I had considered leaving my underwear on, but a voice in the back of my head told me that when he had said strip, that was precisely what he had meant, and I'd be punished for anything less than total obedience.

He's moved round behind me and is resting his hands on my shoulders. He massages them briefly, then his fingers slip around my neck and squeeze just once before moving downwards on to my breasts. This time I don't squirm or raise objections; I'm enjoying every second, every touch. The fact that he's still fully clothed, dressed in his training officers attire of similar combats, trainers and red t-shirt excites me even more. He's in charge. I'm the rehab student assigned to his tuition, and I want to please him.

I can feel myself starting to get wet as his touch becomes firmer. He caresses my nipples, teasing them into becoming hard, and then I whimper when he pinches them, twisting them round in his fingers. The small shocks of pain seem to shoot through every nerve ending in my body, and I feel my legs starting to give way. An idea hits me and I let them give, turning round to face him as I sink to my knees. I reach up and undo his belt, and drag at his clothes until I get what I want. He's already hard, and I smile to myself at the quiet moan from above me as I take him into my mouth. I hold him there for a moment, and when I feel him trying to thrust I draw back - he's tortured me the past three days, and now it's my turn.

I slowly increase the tightness of my lips around his cock and then start to slide my head up and down, almost letting him slip out of my mouth on the upstroke, but not quite. I swirl my tongue gently around, feeling every contour, and revelling in the small sense of power that I can glean from this.

I feel his hand tangle into my hair and as he tugs on it I can tell that he's fighting the urge to start thrusting down my throat.

He suddenly pulls out of my mouth and I look up at him, confused.

"Get yourself bent over that bed."

I do as he tells me, and then cry out as he rakes his nails down my back; I didn't think it was possible for me to get any hotter, but then again I've been discovering quite a lot about myself just recently.

I feel him nudge at my wet hole, then gasp as he thrusts into me in one swift motion. He fucks me slowly at first, running his hands all over my body; wherever he can reach. He brushes his fingers across my clit, driving me nearly insane with lust. "Please sir.." I beg, pushing myself back further on to his cock.