Eva Pt. 05


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"Love you too, Bear. Love you." She walked again behind the office and I went home alone. I enjoyed the ride in the morning to go see her, even with fighting traffic most of the way there. I absolutely hated the ride home, even with clear highways. Thank goodness the summer was almost over.

The following week our parents flew down to South Carolina and Cammy and I were left alone. If a problem came up that I couldn't handle, our aunt Molly and uncle Maury lived twenty minutes away. I wasn't worried. Short of appendicitis or something, I was sure we'd get along just fine together. We always did.

And that's how that week went, just fine. Cammy and I got along great, I only had to "pull rank" a couple of times. We went to another Mets game, she hung out with friends a couple of evenings and I had my friends over another. And that Wednesday we went to visit Eva and Cammy spent the day with her group with I got attached to a boys group. Softball, morning swim, lunch, tetherball, a music session (with ridiculously cute music teacher), an afternoon swim, some time to just socialize and then dinner. Talk about an exhausting day. Singing by the campfire. Then it was time to go. The only bad part was I barely saw Eva at all the whole day.

She walked with Cammy and I to my car, our arms around each other. "I was so busy with those kids, I barely had time to miss you" I told her. "I don't know if thats good or bad."

"It's both, trust me. I have that every day. I want to miss you, but I have very few opportunities to think about it. Until bedtime" Eva said discreetly. "Then I can't stop thinking about you."

"I can't wait until Sunday, when you get home. I am going to do all sorts of fun things to you." Don't worry; Cammy was by my car, at least 50 feet away. "I wish I could kiss you the way I want to. With my hands all over you."

"You'll just have to settle for your lips on mine. And don't count on me for Sunday night. I'll be with my family and then I'm going to sleep in my own bed! Without an alarm! Call me before 11 and I'll kill you!" We chuckled and we kissed a few times.

"All right, but Monday you're mine all day long! Even if we just sit on the couch all day and watch tv."

"Actually, right about now, that sounds perfect. And one night," she said very quietly as we faced each other, her hands on my chest "we still have to try what we talked about last time."

"Not in my car. That should be when we're alone in bed. If we have to wait until we get to school, so be it."

"Hey, Jon, lets go already!" Cammy called. "Don't you two kiss enough?"

"It's never enough, Cammy" Eva called back to her. "Some day you'll find out!"

It really was time to go. Cammy still had her own camp the next day, her last day. I didn't want her missing that so I had to get her home.

"Next week, we'll be together, Angel. I can't wait."

"Me either, Bear. I'll call you as soon as I get home Sunday. It should be around three or four. Now, scoot. And drive carefully."

"Always, my love, always. I love you."

"I love you too. Soon, Bear."

Cammy told me all about her own day on the ride home and she told me she wanted to go to sleepaway camp next summer. A couple more years and she'd be ready to be staff herself. It was exciting and a little sad to see my own sister growing up like that. I wished, in some part of me, that she could stay a kid for a long time.

The rest of the week went fast. Cammy had a great and sad last day at her camp, crying a little when she got off the bus. I took her out for Chinese food, her favorite, but she wasn't all that hungry. By Saturday she was fine and that night we picked up our parents from the airport. They got off the plane with nice suntans and big smiles. Mom hugged Cammy and dad hugged me. I whispered "How are things with you?"

He smiled, big white teeth contrasting with his tan skin. "Much, much better. We talked things out and...well, just lets say things are going to be much better between us. Thanks, Jon. For everything." He hugged me again and I decided what I knew would be locked in my safe in my mind forever. Then I hugged mom and she also thanked me for looking after Cammy. I was just thrilled to have them home and happy.

Then the next day, Eva came home. I didn't see her but we spoke on the phone for over an hour, beginning to make up for our summer apart. It was great knowing we could talk together whenever we wanted for as long as we wanted. But I couldn't wait to see her.

Towards the end of our conversation Eva asked me "So, Bear, are you free during the day? My parents will be at work and Will and Walt will be gone all day." I could hear the mischief in her voice.

"My parents are back at work, and Cammy is going to the pool club with her friend Dana. So I'm all yours, all day."

"Well, let me sleep a little, then give me time to get ready. Come over at 1? And the door will be open, so let yourself in." She giggled in a way that was making me crazy.

"I'll be there, count on it. Should I bring something for lunch?"

"I have things in the house. Just bring yourself. And your libido!"

Just hearing Eva say that had me in overdrive. That night I hung out with my family, reading a book while they watched a dopey movie. But I couldn't keep my mind on the story. My mind was on Eva, and what she had in mind for our day together. It sounded special. I wondered...

The next day I was at her house promptly at 1 and i remembered to just let myself in. I opened the door and saw a small sign on the wall by the stairs, about twenty feet away. "Up" was all it said, with an arrow pointing upstairs.

"Hello?" I called out, just in case. "Follow the signs!" I heard Eva call out from behind her door. At her door another sign said "Strip, then turn sign". Ok, I'd play her game. It was fun actually. I got out of my clothes, except my boxers. Then I turned over the sign and the other side said "Everything!" I had to laugh; she knew me so well. I took off my boxers, then pulled off a strip of dark paper covering the bottom. "Now enter!"

I went in her room and she had the curtains drawn so the room would have been very dark, even in the daytime, except for the dozen or so candles that were lit. "MMMM My handsome Bear is here, all naked for me. A bare bear" she giggled and I laughed with her. Eva was on her bed in her short silky purple robe, tied around her waist, with her legs covered in black stockings. My cock immediately began to rise.

"Welcome home, Angel. That was very cute, those signs. You know me so damn well."

"I sure do. My shy Bear. Or are you shy? Are you feeling playful? Are you feeling as sexy as I am?"

I couldn't help stroking my cock a few times. "More. I want you so much. I think I might burst in a minute."

"You'd better not. I expect better self control from my lover." Eva crossed her legs and I thought I would pass out from lust. "Now come here, my love. Let me show you how much I missed you."

I didn't need a second invitation. I slid into bed next to my love and said "Hi sexy lady. You look like a present all for me."

"Gift wrapped" she gasped as we kissed hard, deep passion right from the start. My hand slipped inside her robe and I could feel nothing but skin from her tummy up but she was wearing lace panties on bottom. As we kissed I thumbed her nipples one at a time, and she moaned with our tongues dancing together. "I've missed having you whenever we want. And I want you now. So much. So much."

"Me too, my sexy Angel. I need you so bad." I rubbed my cock on her thighs and Eva moved her legs so her thighs trapped my cock between them, then started moving her legs forward and back, in effect jerking me with her nylon clad thighs. I thought my eyes would pop out of my head, it felt so good. "Oh my god, what are you doing to me!" I moaned with pure lust.

"Doing something naughty to you" Eva said with a very dirty grin. "I haven't been able to wear anything sexy all summer, and now that I can, I want to play."

"Damn, Eva, that's incredible" I whimpered as I grabbed her ass with both hands and started humping my cock between her legs. Whatever I was hoping or expecting before I got to her house, it sure as hell wasn't that. "Hold still" I whispered, lost somewhere in ecstasy. "Let me do the work." Eva stopped moving her legs and let me fuck her thighs. It felt silky smooth; every time I went all the way, my balls rubbed on the nylon, adding another layer of pleasure to what we were doing. What I was doing.

Eva pulled open her robe to expose her left breast and guided my mouth to her very hard nipple. I sucked greedily as if I expected milk to come out. She moaned with me as my hands kept squeezing her cheeks and I started pumping my hips as hard as I could. My orgasm hit me and my cry was muffled by her perfect breast, a soft small mound surrounding a firm nub. My cum shot on her thighs, on the sheet, even some on my fingers and her cheeks. It was a hot, thick load that left me spent, temporarily. I let her breast go and my mouth sought hers, kissing her with as much love as I had in my heart for her.

"Angel, that was...indescribable. Nothing like I was expecting."

"Maybe that's why it was indescribable. I loved the feeling of your cock, hot, throbbing, between my thighs. And when you came, the feeling for me was...indescribable" she said with an incredibly sexy laugh. We kissed harder, lovingly, wonderfully.

"Just one thing" I said. "You didn't get to enjoy it."

"Oh, I disagree, my sweet Bear. I enjoyed it quite a lot. I love making you happy. You made this summer so special. Coming to see me almost every week, making that long drive alone. The concert, loving me. I wish we had seen more of each other, but that wasn't possible. You made the summer so much better than it already was. And now we have weeks and months together. Who knows, maybe years. And more years. I think about that, even though we're young."

"I think about it too. I think we're both crazy, but it's a good type of crazy. Although I think our families would think we're bonkers for even discussing it."

"No doubt. But they don't know what we talk about. Or do, for that matter, though I guess they have a decent idea. Or indecent idea." Eva rested her head on my chest and I tickled her back and shoulders. We were talking about marriage...again. It wasn't the first time. Did we really love each other that much. at 18, to commit to each other for life? We were headed for the same college in a week. Time would tell, I thought. Time would tell.


Over the next week, Eva and I shopped for things we needed to go away for months. And some of those months would be damn cold and snowy. When we weren't shopping, we were spending time with my friends, who had become Eva's friends as well. We also spent time with our families, separately as well as a night with each others. She came to my house for dinner Thursday and I went to hers on Friday. We were both family oriented people.

One thing we couldn't do as much as we would have liked was make love, since her period came during the week. We expected it; she was on the pill after all, and it's very predictable. Eva always offered to take care of me those weeks, but if she could live without, so could I. We would have plenty of time at school. Well, we hoped.

Monday, Labor Day, our last day at home. Eva and I stopped by a party in the afternoon but we promised to meet our families at Marco's at 5:30 for an early dinner since we had to get a very early start in the morning. Also by being there early the small restaurant was able to accommodate are relatively large party of nine without waiting. Eva and I sat together and Cammy insisted on sitting next to me on the other side. She was going to miss me terribly, maybe more than my parents. And I was going to miss her too, definitely more than my parents.

It was a fun and melancholy evening, and it was even more special for Eva and I since it was the scene of our first date. Our families were friends now, and my parents were closer than they had been in a long time. When we left at a little after 7, Eva and I went to be alone for an hour. We both promised to be home by 8:30. So we went to what we thought of as 'our' place, the little clearing not far from the restaurant. No fooling around. Well, a little. We just wanted to be alone for a little while in a familiar and comfortable place.

We sat in front holding each other. We weren't leaving each other, we were headed to school together, yet there was a feeling of a huge change in our lives. Would we last? Would we be tempted being around all sorts of new people?

Eva said "Bear, you haven't sung to me in a long time. Sing something, please?" I thought and picked a Simon and Garfunkle song, 'April, Come She Will'. A short song, kind of sad actually, so maybe it wasn't the best choice. But it's a beautiful song and I sang it well, though I couldn't hit the notes Art Garfunkle could. Eva had a tear in her eye at the end. "Jon, why did you choose that? I mean, you sang it so beautifully, but it wasn't what I was expecting."

"I don't know. I've always found it pretty to sing, I can pick another, something more appropriate for us." I then sang 'America', also by S&G, also a slow, sweet sound about two young lovers traveling to discover America. That was much better, something germane to our lives. In the morning we would start the next phase of our lives.

Saying goodnight was hard, but we were all going up to Binghamton together. Her parents (minus Will and Walt, who were going to a friends house after they woke to save room in the car) in their car, my parents in theirs, and Eva and Cammy in my car, a mini caravan with three cars full of clothes and records and other things, like my stereo. We were leaving at 7AM. Ugh.

"I love you, Jon. My Bear. Thank goodness we're going there together. I think I'd be terrified if I was doing this alone. Even with you, I'm still scared."

"You're not alone. It's scary for me too. But we're going to get through this together. And this time you'll be valedictorian. First place all the way!"

"HA! I know I'm smart, but Binghamton is filled with smart people. I'll be just another face in the crowd there."

"Hey, let me tell you something. You will never, ever be a 'face in the crowd'. You will stand out because you're incredibly beautiful and because you're incredibly brilliant. You stand out in any crowd. And I'm damn proud of you." I kissed her long and loving. "I'm always proud of you."

"I'm proud of you too. You're smart; you have to be to get into Binghamton. You're devastatingly handsome" she said with a big smile. "And you have a great singing voice. You should use it there. In a choir or a group or just for your own fun. Don't hide it, Bear. It's lovely."

I stared down at Eva, into those soft blue eyes. I wished we could have spent the night together. But there was too much to do in the morning. We said goodnight and I got home just in time. I spent time with my family until we went to bed at 11. Not that I slept for a while. I wondered if Eva slept. I wondered what living away from my family would be like. I wondered about a hundred different things. I wondered.


As always, I appreciate your votes and comments. Don't be shy, people, I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong!

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Rabbitman55Rabbitman55almost 3 years agoAuthor

Re: Lions86 OK, don't read it anymore. Plenty of people are enjoying it. It's under Romance, after all.

Lions86Lions86almost 3 years ago

the amount of times they call each other bear and angel is sickening. makes it so hard to read when every line is some form of i love you bear or my gentle bear or my loving angel or whatever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

There's a pretty good, nostalgic story for me, somewhere between the 75% sexcapades passages. Could have been 5* for every chapter for me if not for all the sex details. Also, I can't see how the hell the Dad could get away with having sex in the living room for 6 months or more. Women, particularly wives, would be highly cognizant of the slightest throw pillow inches out of place!

BOOMER1948BOOMER1948over 3 years ago
Great story line!

If you can, I would enjoy following Jon and Eva through college and on the married life and a family. Fingers crossed 🤞.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

5 stars all the way. Loved it.

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