Eva - Valentine's Edition


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But I'd had some good relationships from high school until a week ago. I admit that most of them had just been to fill the void in my life. I'd never really wanted a serious relationship because I always figured work was so much more important.

But what was it about this girl that made me feel things that I hadn't felt since Anne? Yes, she was a sexy thing, but sexy hadn't been enough to affect me in the past ten years. Hell, if beauty stirred me, I'd have married Monica long ago.

Perhaps it was the way she was chattering now, nervous to be out with me in the murky darkness. Her fingers were clasped over the slight swell of her tummy and she was going on about the people she'd met at the party inside. I guess I couldn't blame her for being all fidgety and nervous. I would be, too, if I were out for a moonlit stroll with my boss.

"The dress makes you glow in the night," I cut into what she was saying. She looked up at me, her eyes mirroring delight.

"Thank you. I didn't know what to wear, really, since I hadn't been to one of these before. My friends thought I could never go wrong with this, though."

We walked in silence for a while more before we came across a wooden bench in front of a cluster of trees. I bade her to sit.

"Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bench. Her profile was turned towards me.

"No, not at all," I replied, leaning back onto the bench and propping a foot over a knee. From my vantage point, I could see her smooth, curved shoulders topped with dusky skin. I felt something tighten inside me as I looked at her, so beautiful in the semi-darkness. It was almost like a longing, a yearning. I stifled it as best as I could as I waited for her question.

"Ok." She cleared her throat. "Um, why are you what you are?"

At my perplexed look, she quickly backtracked. "No, no, uh, I shouldn't have asked that. Sorry. Just forget I said anything." She got up. "I should go in."

"No, wait." I laid a hand on top of hers to stop her. Something sluiced through me at the tiny contact, but if she felt anything, it didn't show on her face. "What exactly do you want to know?"

She sat again, still well-prepared to flee if she must.

"I just wondered why you are what you are. You know, a lesbian. I've a few friends like that and they all have a reason to be. I was just wondering what made you one." She wasn't looking at me anymore. In fact, her eyes were fixed on her lap.

I chuckled, not being able to remember a time when someone had put a question like that to me. How was I supposed to answer that?

"Eva." She looked up momentarily and then looked away again.

"Yes, Ms. Carter?"

I leaned forward, my face just inches away from hers.

"You don't have to have a reason to be gay."

She turned and her shy eyes held mine. God, I really wanted her. The park was dark and there was no one around, so I decided to take the jump.

"People like to categorize things too much. With me, I just do what my heart tells me." Her cheek was soft when I feathered a kiss over it. She didn't move nor did she ask me to stop. I took courage from that. Her eyes still held mine, as though she was mesmerized. And if she was feeling half the sensation that I was, she had a right to be.

"So do what you feel like doing. I'm not going to judge you."

She was very still for a few seconds, then she turned her head toward me, slowly, and I saw it as the invitation that it was. Her plump lips yielded as I pressed a gentle kiss to them, giving her ample opportunity to squirm away if need be. She kept very still. I took the kiss deeper, pulling her towards me with a hand pressed to her nape and another stroking her cheek. She was pliant beneath me, accepting, but I felt her heartbeat quicken beneath my fingers.

I slid my lips over hers again and again, simply enjoying the feel of her softness. Hesitantly, I felt her hands steal up my sides and touch my shoulders. A smile curved my lips and I bit her bottom lip, watching her eyes widen in fascination. The innocence in them undid me and I tangled my fingers into her hair, darting my tongue to breach the barrier of her lips.

Her fingers on my shoulders began digging into the suit, her tongue shyly coming forward to meet mine. I made a humming sound deep in my throat when she entangled her tongue with mine, gently swirling it. Her taste was intoxicating; I couldn't get enough of her. Whenever she whimpered against my mouth, a sliver of lust would shoot through me. My body virtually vibrated with the sexual tension that was between us. I couldn't remember the last time that a simple kiss felt so good.

Unbidden, my fingers slipped to the top of her dress, kneading the exposed curves. She jerked in surprise and shock, then was still again, moving her lips under mine.

"Eva," I breathed when I pulled back, my fingers on the front zipper of her dress. Her lips looked slightly swollen from my kisses and she seemed a little dazed. I kissed her again, just because she was such a temptation.

As I lowered the first inch of the zipper, a distant tinkle of laughter cut into the swirl of sexual haze, making me realize where we were and what I was about to do. It wasn't self-depreciation that tore through me, but it was close. I sighed, pulling back a little and running the back of my knuckles over her cheek. I barely knew this girl and yet, she made me feel things I hadn't expected to feel in my life. With anyone else, I'd never have taken the chance of making out on a public bench. She made me forget all the rules.

"I'm sorry. We shouldn't do this. Not here, not now." I pulled away from her, but not before I caught the hurt in her eyes. She turned away to straighten her hair, averting her eyes.

"Ah, shit." I pulled her back to me and ravaged her lips until she trembled intoxicatingly in my arms. When we finally pulled apart to breathe, she rested her head against my shoulder. The scent of her surrounded me. Vanilla. I was a goner.

"You have to know that I could get fired for this. That's why I pulled away just now, not because of anything else." I felt her nod against my shoulder. "Would you, um, would you like to come over to my place tonight?"

She leaned away from me to stare into my eyes. Then she placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Yes, I would like that very much."

She pulled her hair into a bun and zipped her dress back up, her movements efficient and precise. I simply sat and watched her do up what I undid. Then she leaned over me and wiped her lipgloss off the corner of my lips with the pad of her thumb. The act was so intimate that it scared me for a moment. But the smile on her lips made me forget the twinge of fear.

As I watched her walk towards the function hall, I'd never been more eager for a party to end.


"It was very nice to see you after such a long time, Violet. You should visit the company more often. We could use your smile once or twice a week."

Violet Claiborne stood before me with her escort on her arm, ready to take her leave. She was always one of the final few that lingered in the hall over leftover cakes and sconces.

"Aww, Jessie, honey, aren't you the charmer. It was real lovely tonight. I heard you handled it all by yourself."

"Yes, I did," I smiled. "Marie had too much to do."

A large white limo rumbled around the corner. "Ah, there's your chauffeur now."

"Keep in touch, Jessie." Violet extended her hand and I raised it to my lips before bidding her a good night.

Finally, I thought, excitement thrumming through my veins as I watched the last few people leave the hall. It was late, after one in the morning, and it had been a fruitful night. I'd nearly finalized two contracts with Terrance & Co. that would give VioletCo. a head start on the summer advertisings. It felt good, knowing that the night hadn't been wasted on just socializing with people I saw almost everyday.

Where's Eva? I wondered ten minutes later when she hadn't showed up. I checked the ladies' room and the foyer but she wasn't there. I decided to wait in the hall for another twenty minutes before finally accepting that she'd probably left. The excitement in me died a quick, painful death.

It wasn't hard to understand why she'd left. If I were straight, I'd like some time to think about things before jumping into bed with a woman. It wasn't simple a simple decision to make -- almost a lifestyle choice. I couldn't fault her. Hell, I'd only fault myself for pressuring her. It was definitely too soon.

I lit a smoke as soon as I reached the underground parking lot. Something was tied up inside me and it made me uncomfortable. I'd looked forward to taking her home so badly but she'd left in the end, anyway. Funny thing was, I couldn't find it in my heart to blame her for leaving. Everything in me told me that it was my fault that she'd left.

I pulled out of the car park, feeling moody and disappointed. Grumpily, I played with the radio in the Rover as I waited for the cars to drive past so I could make a turn. As I fiddled with the buttons, I saw a shift of movement to my right and just as I looked up, Eva threw open the passenger door, dropped her heels and coat on the floor and flung herself at me.

I caught her just before she pressed my lips to hers, sliding her lips over and over mine with a hunger that intensified as she cradled her chest against mine. Her heartbeat fluttered beneath my palm as I guided her wrists over my shoulder. Her fingers glided over my nape and into my hair, massaging my scalp as she took our kiss impossibly deep. If there was a word to describe the intensity of desire that whorled between us, it would be primal. There was nothing that she held back from me, and I couldn't help but return the gesture.

Somehow or the other, she ended up on my seat, straddling me, whimpering as I moved my fingers over her skin. When my hands swept downwards to cup her ass, she pulled away breathlessly.

"I just wanted you to know that I was confused earlier tonight. I know that I'm not gay; I've never felt anything for a woman before. But with you, it's different." Her eyes held mine and they didn't once waver throughout her speech. I pulled her down for another kiss, but just as our lips met, she said, "I'm following my heart. And I'm sorry I tried to leave earlier."

A thick and heady emotion welled inside me and I pressed a tender, slow kiss to her lips. It was a long, wet and unashamedly sensual until all I could think about was home, bed, Eva -- in that order. God knows how long we spent feeling each other up at the exit of the car park, her hands as urgent as mine when they reached under clothes to tease. We only sprang apart when there was a blare of a horn behind us. For a few seconds, we simply looked at each other, taking in the need that was reflected in our eyes. Then she crawled off me and flopped onto the other seat. I shook myself, trying to dislodge the haze of her scent so I could drive in a straight line.

Slowly, with caution, I dislodged the brakes and pulled the Rover forward. There were no more cars on the road so I didn't have to worry about hitting anything in my post-intense-make-out phase. As I drove in the general direction of my place, I looked over at her. Her legs were curled up on the seat and she was watching me drive, an odd look on her face. When I raised a questioning eyebrow at her, she laughed and shook her head. I didn't know what to make of that.


The drive home was a blur. We didn't speak, merely bathed in the sizzling tension that was between us. Her phone vibrated once or twice but she switched it off irritably. It was the first time that I'd seen her irritated and I found even that abundantly sexy. I didn't think I'd ever found an irritated woman sexy before.

"This is it," I said as I pulled up in front of the two-story modern structure that was my house. It wasn't really lived in because I was rarely at home and ate out all the time, but it was comfortable and I'd bought it at a great price.

I took her hand and she followed me into the foyer. The air around us was tense and thick with want, as though we were both waiting for that inevitable moment where I'd reach for her, push her against the wall and fuck her breathless. But truth be told, I was feeling a little awkward, perhaps even hesitant because I knew I was Eva's first lesbian experience. I really didn't want to screw it up.

To buy myself some time, I took her coat and hung it in the closet. Then I stepped into the living room and switched the stereo on. One of Stevie Wonders' slow numbers penetrated the silence and diluted the tension a little bit.

She was surveying a row of photos when I stepped back into the foyer. Her back was to me and her head was tilted upwards. I moved behind her and slid my arms around her waist.

"Where's your family now?" she asked, pointing to a family photo that was taken about fifteen years ago. Those had been happy times.

"Well, as far as I know, my parents are still living in Boston and my sister got married two years ago."

Eva turned her head to look at me. "As far as you know?"

"Yeah. I haven't really spoken to my family since they disinherited me after high school."

Her eyes widened and I couldn't bear to see pity or sadness in her eyes. To distract her, I leaned down and nuzzled her throat then bit a fold of flesh between my teeth. She quivered.


"Why what?"

"Why did your parents disinherit you?"

"Because they couldn't accept who I was."

I started to sway gently with the music, and her body followed suit. Her eyes fluttered shut and her fingers clasped my arms where they wound around her waist.

"And then what did you do?" she whispered, as my lips traveled from her earlobe to her neck. I nibbled lightly on her shoulder and she elicited a silent gasp.

"I enlisted in the army for a couple of years with my best friend, went to college, and now I'm here."

"Mmm," she hummed, reaching up to caress my hair as I placed moist kisses on her shoulder. I could tell that we were getting past conversation.

She was so responsive. Just one kiss and she would tremble beneath my fingers. I'd never touched anyone as sensitive as she was. As my lips slid into her hair, my probing fingers found the front zipper to her dress. She moaned when my nails scraped across the curve of her breasts. I placed a kiss on her cheek and she turned in my arms, trying to fuse her lips with mine.

It was an aphrodisiac, having her near me, wanting me. I'd never felt such desire before and it was a little scary. My lips caught and clung to hers, and my fingers worked her dress loose.

It fell to the floor in a cloud of silk, but neither of us took notice. I was staring at the creamy bits of skin that I'd uncovered. Her breasts were perfection, encased in white silk as they were. God, my teeth ached to bite them. Her waist was small and her hips were well-rounded. Her tummy was slightly curved yet toned. But the most beautiful thing about her was the tiny stud she had on her belly button. That was the sexiest sight on earth.

I dropped to my knees in front of her, pushing her back so that she was pressed up against the wall. Her scent enfolded me as I placed a kiss in the V of her breasts. Her eyes remained locked with mine and she threaded her fingers through my hair.

I reached behind and unclasped her bra, watching the spill of her naked breasts before me.

She was so fucking beautiful that it was hard to look at her without feeling my breath catch and throat close up. Turgid dark nipples sat atop full, gorgeous breasts. As I watched, they seemed to harden quickly, the tips becoming longer and thicker. They just begged to be suckled. I slid a hand beneath one and lifted it to my lips.

The mewls she made fueled my desire to make her feel good. My teeth closed over a nipple and tugged gently. As I'd thought, she was sensitive enough to start bucking at that tiny contact. I heard her exhale loudly as my wet tongue flicked over the place I had bitten, then lave the expanse of her nipple over and over again. From my place on the floor, I could smell how wet she was and see the dark patch that was forming on her panties. I could also feel her fingers becoming fists in my hair. I looked up and her eyes were closed, pleasure evident in her features.



"Look at me."

I wanted to witness her reaction as I slid my hand into her panties. God, she was so fucking wet. I watched as she bit down on her lip, making sexy, strangled noises. Her eyes looked black with want in the dim light.

"I can't wait to taste you," I whispered against the valley of her breasts where my head lay. Using my thumb, I rubbed her flowing juices in circles onto her clit. Her breathing changed in an instant, becoming hitchy and rapid. She moaned deep in her throat, her hips tilting to my hand.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," she chanted as I bit down on the flesh above her navel. The belly ring looked too good on her and I flicked my tongue across it too. All the while, my fingers continued to play with her pussy. She was so tight, her lips fitting around my fingers like she was made for me. Fuck, I needed to taste her.

I think I tore her panties; I can't really remember. But in a heartbeat, my mouth was on her, licking her, tasting her, fucking her, and it felt like heaven. She was smooth, swollen and beautiful that I had a hard time keeping from coming myself.

I knew she was close. Her whimpers changed to little shaky cries and she began thrusting herself on my tongue, mumbling incoherent thoughts. I doubled the rhythm of my fingers inside her before pausing to take the pink bud of her clit between my teeth.

On the first suckle, she clenched around my fingers tightly, holding me inside her as she came. I could hear her sobbing as she rode my fingers, taking more and more from what I was giving her.

I slid another hand into my pants. Surprise, surprise -- I was already wet. I'd probably soaked through my panties. I found the hardness of my clit and roughly flicked over it. It took me only a few strokes before I came with a groan, laying my forehead against Eva's tummy as the short and intense waves of pleasure washed through me.

Then the room was silent except for our harsh breathing.

She slid down the wall and crumpled in front of me. Sweat beaded her forehead and gleamed between her breasts. I watched as a drop of it trailed over the curve of her breast, over her nipple and dripped onto her upraised thighs. Could someone become aroused ten seconds after they'd come?

The light in the foyer was dim and neither of us had the energy to make it upstairs to my room. I gathered her close, making sure that her head was cushioned against my arm before sliding a tux-clad leg over hers.

She opened her eyes, blinking against the tears that had pooled in the corner of them. There was satisfaction in her eyes. Nothing else could've pleased me more.

"I never thought..." she began, her voice hoarse. I laid a finger over her lips and kissed her cheek.

"Sleep, baby. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Then, amongst the battlefield of torn clothing and the musky tang of sex, we slept.


I awoke a little while later to a trembling world. It took me a moment to actually figure out that there wasn't an earthquake or an alien invasion or whatever, but it was merely Eva trembling from the draft in the room. It was cold because I'd forgotten to switch the central heating on.


I tried shaking her awake, but she wouldn't budge. The sweet little thing just mumbled something unintelligible and turned over on the carpet. She looked so peaceful in sleep that I didn't have the heart to wake her after that. Instead, I lifted her -- unsteadily, I might add -- into my arms and carried her up the stairs and into the bedroom.