Everybody Needs a Hobby Ch. 15


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Young girls in cowboy hats just do something to me and I imagined her in short denims and a string bikini top; well needless to say my excitement meter began to jump. Both girls looked back at me in the mirror for my reaction to Britt's new look. A glance downward answered their question and they turned back to each other, head to head and giggled and tittered like old friends.

"Well Britt, what do you think?" the sale girl asked Britt's reflection.

"Well...." and she paused, searching her brain for the woman's name. Quickly catching on, the girl looked down at her generous chest where her name tag was evidently supposed to be, "Shit..Oh I'm sorry," quickly covering her mouth trying to keep the four-letter word contained. "I'm sorry," she said again, "that wasn't very professional of me. I'm Becky," she said, extending her hand out to me and then to Britt.

"Well...Becky," Britt said, drawing it out..."I think I look pretty," lowering her voice, "fuckin' hot!"

"Me too," Becky giggled back, stepping back to take in the whole package. "I just wish we sold Daisy Dukes; I'd like to see the whole get-up," blushing once more.

"So," I said as I turned a little to hide my obvious approval, "I think that'll look great, so I guess we got what we came for."

With a bit of disappointment in her eyes, Becky said, "Well, let's get you checked out then," and she led us to the front of the store. Britt slipped back into her sandals where she had left them in the boot section, leaving the hat on as I carried the empty box.

At the checkout, Becky found the barcode wouldn't read on the hat box; "Damn," she muttered under her breath, "Excuse me a minute, I need to look up the price on the hat," and she ducked into the office behind the counter.

"She is really cute," Britt said in a whisper. "Do you think maybe we should ask her if she would be interested in modeling and get her number? You never know when a red-head might come in handy," she giggled.

"Are you sure you just want her number in case we need her as a model?" I asked, raising one questioning eyebrow.

"George!" she said, catching my implication and punching me in the shoulder.

"Ow," I said, kinda kidding, but she did pack a pretty good wallop.

Becky came out of the office just in time to see Britt glaring at me and gave Britt the questioning look.

"Oh, it's nothing," Britt said, "he can just be a horse's ass sometimes and I have to get him back in line."

"So, I take it you've worked with, was it George... for a while," Becky inquired as she rang up our items.

"Shit, now I'm sorry," I said, "I'm George," handing her my credit card.

Britt laughed," Actually George is my boyfriend, my boss, my roommate and any number of other titles," she said as she tilted her head to kiss me on the cheek and not dislodge her new hat. "What we were talking about before you came back in is whether it was appropriate to ask if you had ever done any modeling or if you were interested in doing any. We have a studio that we are just getting started and I'm going to start putting together a list of models. So far it is just me and our other two roommates; one blonde and two with dark hair. So.....?"

"Well," said Becky as she finished up the paper work, "I've never done anything like that, but it might be kind of fun and I think I could get along with the people I'd be working with," she kidded. "Here, here is my number and if anything comes up, give me a call and we can talk."

"Here," said Britt as she dug around in her purse, "here is our card. I'll give you a call and let you know when we are going to do the shoot with the boots and hat and maybe you could come check it out;" then doing a little double-take, she turned to me and batted her big blue eyes; "If that's okay with you baby," she asked.

I shook my head in disbelief and chuckled as Becky smiled and laughed at Britt's antics. "That'll be fine," I said in a mock, exasperated tone, gathering up the two big boxes.

Becky scooted out ahead to open the door for me and as I headed to the truck, I glanced back to see Britt and Becky hugging good-bye and then waving as Britt hurried out to open the truck for me. I waved bye to the scrumptious little red-head and pulled out of the parking lot.

Britt finally took off her hat and slid up next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. "I liked her," she said as she put her hand back on my thigh.

"I noticed," I replied as my hand found its way back up underneath her short dress.

** Early Evening **

Britt and I got home well before Kate and Gina, so we started dinner. I pulled a couple big rib eyes out of the freezer and Britt worked on a salad. I had changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt while Britt left well enough alone in the sexy little sundress and bare feet. We just chatted and kibitzed about nothing in particular, enjoying our time together.

Right on schedule, Gina and Kate came through the door. Kate was actually skipping as she came into the kitchen and laid a big kiss on me; hugged me and whispered "Thank you" in my ear. Gina was yakking with Britt while she dug through the fridge looking for something to drink.

"You're welcome," I said to the little one, "but for what?"

"You told John that you thought I was a pretty good photographer and that I could handle the shooting for the website. When he brought it up to Gina and me at the store, I didn't know what to say; I mean it was completely out of the blue. He told us his idea of selling on-line and how he wanted to make sure that 'his girls;' that's the way he put it, 'his girls,' would still have an income after the summer and we went back to school."

Kate was starting to get a little emotional and Gina, having overheard our conversation picked up the story. "Yeah, John is so cute and he really is concerned about us, particularly this one;" nodding her head toward Kate; "so yeah, he wants to get the on-line business going and the website and he figures that even with the store being open limited hours after summer, we can stay plenty busy. I love him for what he's doing for us and we're going to do everything we can to help him make it work; right partner?" she asked as she initiated the high-five with her diminutive cohort.

"Damn straight," she agreed, having to jump to reach Gina's intentionally elevated hand.

Gina grabbed her in mid air and carried her off toward their bedroom; "We're gonna take a shower and then we'll be out to help with dinner." Kate was all smiles, looking at us over her friends shoulder.

We listened to the muffled giggles and squeals as we finished up dinner. With perfect timing, we were ready to plate when the girls reappeared, dressed in muscle-T's and nothing else that I could see. Gina's just made it past her spectacular butt, while Kate's hit about mid-thigh. We gathered up our drinks and sat at the island. The girls talked excitedly amongst themselves, throwing around ideas about the website. I enjoyed just listening to their enthusiasm and was very impressed as a plan evolved before me. There was the occasional stray foot that made its way to mine, along with a knowing glance or a wink.

Finally as the last morsel of steak was consumed and the wine bottle wrung dry, Gina asked me, "So how was your day lover?" she said with a smile and I'm sure it was her long leg that was making its way toward my crotch.

"Well," I said as I grabbed her foot and tried to tickle it; "well we got our next two cars," which brought a groan and a rolling of the eyes from Britt. The girls noticed but didn't pursue.

"So what are they?" Gina asked, still squirming in her seat, trying to evade my tickling.

"Well, one is a very cool replica of a famous stock car; the number 43 of Richard Petty." I got the same unenthused reaction that I got from Britt, so I continued. "We also got a Cadillac hearse hot-rod."

"What! Are You Serious? Oh My God!" Kate launched herself from her seat like a Titan missile and sprinted toward the door. Gina looked confused, Britt bewildered and I just shrugged my shoulders and followed to turn on the lights so she wouldn't break her leg trying to find the car in the dark. Gina was close behind while Britt lingered in the doorway, looking across the expanse of the warehouse.

"This is so cool!" Kate kept exclaiming as she circled the long car, peering into the windows. "Can I get in it?" she asked, nearly giddy.

"I suppose so," I answered, wondering in the back of my mind what the big deal was. When she asked if she could get in the car, I assumed she meant the driver's seat. Silly me; she headed to the big back door.

"Oh god..." I heard Britt painfully groan as the little one bailed into the back of the car, usually reserved for the dearly departed. I was almost afraid to look in after her, afraid that it may have come equipped with a coffin. Instead, it was just her and her perky bare ass, pussy lips glistening, as she looked toward the driver's compartment. She glanced back at me over her shoulder, her eyes glistening in the dim cabin light of the Cadillac. "I had a dream once," she whispered so only I could hear; " I dreamed that I made love to the man who kissed me and brought be back to life. He kissed me and then fucked me in the back of the hearse that was taking me to the cemetery."

The thought made me swallow hard and take a step back as Gina starting making her way to the back of the car. "This thing is kinda cool, but it's creepy too," she remarked. "It's not a surprise that Kate likes it; she likes all those vampire shows and that kind of thing. They aren't my favorite...give me a good comedy any day."

I put my arm around her, slipping a hand through the arm hole of her shirt and held her breast, playing with the nipple: "You and me both sister," I remarked.

She placed her hand over mine and held me tighter, "do you always grope your sister in dark warehouses?" she moaned in my ear as Kate continued to explore the spooky car's interior.

"Hey," we heard echoing in the distance; "I'm not going to do all these dishes by myself."

We laughed at Britt's disgruntled remark, then, sharing a deep kiss and a couple additional fondlings, we drug Kate out of the hearse, kicking and giggling, her bare ass getting a bit of rug burn. I finally got her over my shoulder, caveman style, as Gina taunted her from behind.

I flopped her onto the couch in the living room, her shirt bunched up around her belly and her wet sex was proudly on display. "God girl," Britt exclaimed, "did that thing really turn you on that much?"

Kate turned about three shades of red before she got her shirt tugged back down. "Yeah, well you know I have this dark side and like things like vampires and those kinds of shows; so yeah, it kind of turned me on."

"Well babe, I guess you found your model for the demon car," Britt laughed as she turned to go into the kitchen.

"Oh please, oh please, oh please," she begged as she bounded off the couch and into my arms, wrapping her legs as far around my waist as she could.

I must have had an astonished look on my face as Gina laughed at Kate's antics and turned to help Britt in the kitchen, "you might as well use her cuz' I don't think you could get her out of the picture if you tried."

I had my hand on her bare ass, holding her up as she continued to plead her case, whispering in my ear as she wiggled in my grasp. "I really want to have you fuck me in the back of the hearse," she said as her tongue circled my ear. I slipped my fingers between her ass cheeks, now wet with her excitement, and probed around her tight little pucker. She shivered and moaned in my ear; then tugging at my ear lobe, she panted, "I think that may be the perfect place for you to have my ass too."

It was my turn to shiver as the tip of my finger slid into her tight butt and she shook as a small orgasm rocked her tight little body. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that the other two weren't paying any attention to, so I slid my finger in deeper as another slid slowly into her tight pussy. She stayed motionless as I pumped my fingers with quick, short strokes until her pussy took control, racking her with pleasure one more time.

Slipping my fingers out, I lowered her back onto the couch and retreated to the kitchen to help with the cleanup, quickly picking something up that needed to be washed. Standing at the sink, I found myself hemmed in by the two beauties whose hands drifted down, finding me more than a little aroused. They both snickered and Britt whispered softly in my ear, "So vampires turn you on too?" as I felt Gina biting my neck on the other side.

We retreated to the living room and the girls continued to talk about the website. I started to get a little sleepy so I announced that I was going to take a shower and hit the sack. I got good-night kisses from the trio and then made my way to the bedroom.

I enjoyed a long hot shower and my mind wandered, thinking about how I would shoot the two cars. I could easily visualize Britt in little cut-off jean shorts with her shapely legs sprouting out of the turquoise leather boots. Her ample breasts barely contained in a tiny string top and then the fancy black western hat shadowing her beautiful face. Then there was the hearse, the big black boat, and Kate, the little black-haired dynamo. My mind placed her in black, then white bikinis, figuring that a simple monochrome approach would work well. Balance would be critical on this shot as the car was already big and with Kate being so petite, done wrong, the whole shot could look out of scale. My mind placed her all around the car; standing beside the long hood, sitting on the hood, maybe even perched on the roof. Then I saw her in the back of the coach again, her lithe body framed by the big swinging rear door.

Ready to turn off the shower, my mind snapped to the sight of her in the back of the macabre vehicle on all fours, her wet pussy inviting me to join her. My vivid imagination had me behind her, bent over her with my head just brushing the headliner as I drove my cock into her incredibly tight pussy as she wailed in rapture, her pussy convulsing continuously. I pulled my cock from her dripping cunt and aimed it at her virgin ass, her puckered star so tightly drawn that the odds of even making entry seemed remote at best. I stroked my hungry cock, ready to make my assault when a noise burst my fantasy. I looked out of the steamy shower but saw nothing.

It wouldn't have taken much to resume and blow my load down the shower drain, but the mirage had disappeared. Disappointed, I turned off the shower, stepped out for a towel and finished up, drying off, shaving and brushing my teeth. I was suddenly very tired and ready to just crawl between the sheets and try to pick up where I left Kate in the back of the big Cadillac.

Stepping into the bedroom, my plans quickly changed. Standing at the foot of the bed was Britt, the love of my life and the sexiest woman I have ever encountered. She stood with her legs spread at about shoulder width, her hand on her hips. She wore her new boots and hat along with the tiniest pair of bra and panties known to man. She smiled as she saw the effect she had on me, my cock instantly erect and rudely pointing at her. My eyes travel from top to bottom; perfection was all I could see. As our eyes locked, she turned, letting me peruse the landscape from the backside; it was as breathtaking as the flip side. She turned once more and slowly approached, her stride caused her entire body to sway seductively; I couldn't move if I wanted to.

Unspeaking, Britt looked me in the eyes as she placed her hands on my chest and slowly ran them down until they encountered my rigid member. She smiled as she gently held it in both hands, caressing it lovingly. Turning her head, we kissed; no easy feat with the large brimmed hat. My cock throbbed at the intensity of her kiss.

Releasing me from the kiss, she removed the hat and placed it on me, leaning back a bit to see how it looked. Still silent she kissed me again lightly and then proceeded to kiss and lick her way down my chest and stomach. Settling on her knees, she admired my cock, running her fingers up and down my length, raking her nails across my balls. Looking back up, she smiled as she took me between her lips, sucking reverently on my crown, both hands holding my cock at bay. She diligently worked her way down, accepting more, her vacating hands moving to my balls and butt, exploring, as her mouth and tongue concentrated on my shaft. I ran my fingers through her hair as she concentrated on my pleasure, taking me so deep at times that she choked, bringing copious amounts of thick saliva to the surface. She hummed happily as she fucked me with her mouth, her tongue writhing on the underside of my cock as her hands played with my tightening scrotum.

Sensing correctly that I couldn't take much more, she climbed back up, leaving a slobbery trail over my belly and chest and gave me a very wet and energetic kiss. Reclaiming her hat, she took my hand and led me to the bed. Climbing up on her hands and knees, she stopped at the edge, her boot clad feet cantilevered over the floor. She looked back over her shoulder at me, her face shadowed by the black brim, her eyes a near perfect match; "Fuck me," she mouthed as she pulled the tiny obstruction to the side. Her pouting pussy lips nearly dripped with her desire and I stepped forward and with little effort, I enveloped myself in her warm, slippery chute. She quivered as I hit bottom, my balls resting against her exposed clit. I ran my hands over her back and sides, then down her legs to where they disappeared in their leather sheaths. Moving back up to her hips, I took hold and opened the gates and began to ride her hard. Her body undulated like a bull trying to lose a persistent rider, twisting and bucking, somehow retaining her hat throughout the ride.

Unrelenting and unwilling to be thrown, I held on as she erupted in orgasm, billowing and snorting as she came down hard. "Fuck...fuck...fuck..." she grunted as wave after wave rocked her. Now face down and defeated, she caught her breath, still pinned down by my unrelenting hard-on. Britt grabbed the dislodged headgear and pitched it up to the head of the bed and slowly dislodged herself and rolled over on her back facing me. She shook her head as in disbelief and ran her fingers through her disheveled hair, staring up at my bulging wet cock.

Shifting over to one side, she patted the bed beside her, inviting me to lie down. On my back, she lay on her side and ran her fingertips in random patterns over me, watching her fingers intently. She smiled as my cock responded whenever her fingers got near. Britt got back up on her knees and leaned over to give me a kiss, one that was soft and lingering as her hand found my cock. Smiling once more, she kissed her way back south until she had recaptured me between her lips. She arched her back as her head bobbed up and down, her blonde tresses washing over my belly and groin, tickling my balls.

I laid back and let her indulgence wash over me. My mind floated in a sea pleasure until my body gave up, releasing itself to her. Her hands and mouth worked in concert, consuming all I could give her, swallowing my essence as it flowed from deep within. Drained and content, I drifted off, dead to the world.

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ReiDeBastosReiDeBastosalmost 11 years ago
Two minor corrections

[[ placing two kisses on the tops of her best friend's heads. ]]

Her best friend has more than one head??!! (You misplaced the apostrophe - should be AFTER the s).

[[ Gina in the envious middle position. ]]

(I think you mean "enviable")

crow76308crow76308almost 12 years ago

Loved this chapter. Me, I'd do two outfits for Kate, one a white, lingerie, bridal thing, the other a black, Vampira bikini outfit.

andyMassageandyMassagealmost 12 years ago
more more even with Becky

I can not wait to read more, Kate in the hearse, Becky intro'd to the other gals great story I am enjoying all the parts... Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Perfect.....keep up the good work...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

This is my favorite series ever (though I liked this chapter better than the last). I can never wait for the next installment. I love the introduction of the Becky character, the mnd boggles at where she can take the story and who doesn't love a sexy redhead.

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