Exotic Biology 101


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I shrugged. "Squirt it into the dirt?"

Roweena paced back and forth. "I can't believe you guys aren't worried about this!"

"It's not so bad," Lily said, "apart from sleeping a lot. You should try it, too!"

"Even if I did want to try it - which I don't - I couldn't get pregnant anyway. I'm on my period."

"Maybe the plant likes blood," Lily laughed.

"Actually," I mused, "I don't think I was very fertile, either. My period just ended a couple days ago."

Roweena looked at me. "What's your point?"

"Well, I got pregnant without ovulating." I said, thinking aloud. "So I don't think the plant is using our eggs to reproduce. Probably it's just putting seeds inside us, which implant in our uterus and start growing. So whatever we give birth to, it won't have any human DNA. It'll just be a plant."

After a pause, Lily farted. "Sorry. Science gives me gas."

I frowned. Was I the only one who paid attention in biology class?

"How long you think it'll be?" Roweena asked. "You know, before you guys pop?"

I shook my head. "I dunno. But I don't want to be alone when it happens."

"You can stay here tonight. My parents won't even know." She eyed our bellies, which had grown visibly even in the last hour. "I don't think it'll be long..."

* * *

Lily and I settled in for the night. We changed into Roweena's loose-fitting bathrobes, which could absorb some of the leakage from our milky breasts. We ordered a huge dinner - we were starving - and then did some classwork while watching TV in the basement.

By eleven, Lily had fallen asleep on the couch, and I was starting to nod off in the armchair. Roweena touched my shoulder, rousing me awake.

"I'm going to bed," she said. "If anything happens during the night, just text me. Don't run upstairs, or you might wake my mom. We DON'T want her to know what's going on."

"Got it." I nodded. "Thanks again for letting us stay."

She smiled. "Don't mention it. I still think you two are crazy, though."

"We probably are."

Roweena headed upstairs. I switched to the couch, stretching out next to Lily; we shared a pillow.

Lily's sleep face was not exactly attractive - her mouth hung open, often drooling, and she snored - but nevertheless I almost wanted to kiss her. Having this weird experience together made me feel closer to her. I opened her robe and placed my hand on her pregnant belly. Did I feel something moving inside, ever so slightly?

She moved in her sleep, and the robe fell open to reveal one of her breasts. Yesterday she'd been so petite, but now the breast hung swollen and heavy, with a dark and prominent nipple. I licked my lips, realizing how badly I wanted to suck it. Would she have a flow of milk for me? I wondered. What would it be like, feeding from her? And - could I do it without waking her up?

But then I yawned again, and I felt my heavy eyelids drooping. I rested my head against the pillow and -

"Emily!" Lily was shaking me awake.

I sat up on the couch, feeling heat and wetness on my calf. I rubbed my eyes. "Is this another dream...?"

"No, no - it's happening!" Lily's wide eyes shone with excitement. "My water just broke, and I think I felt a contraction!"

I glanced down at the couch. There was a puddle of thick white cream beside me. It looked just like the dick-plant's cum. "I thought, when your water broke, the fluid was supposed to be clear..."

"I dunno, Emily - I never gave birth to a plant before! Now will you help me?"

I eased myself to my feet, feeling huge and heavy, and found my phone. I texted Roweena.

"All right," I said, "let's get you into the tub."

Together, we'd decided to try a water-birth in the bathtub. Roweena's basement actually had a huge tub, almost like a jacuzzi. I started running hot water. Meanwhile, Lily was holding her belly and grimacing, bent over at the waist.

"Are you all right?" I asked. "What does it feel like?"

"It's like - almost like a menstrual cramp. But worse. And this weird feeling like you're about to shit yourself."

"Maybe you just need to poo?"

"No, I tried before I woke you up."

Suddenly a bad cramp hit me, and I almost doubled over in pain. I felt a weird pop in my abdomen, like a knuckle cracking, and a gush of fluid ran down my legs. I looked down in horror at the puddle of creamy white goo on Roweena's bathroom floor.

"Shit," I said. I took off the bathrobe and tossed it aside, and then pulled my underwear off. "Guess this is it, Lily..."

Lily stripped down as well. "Here we go, Emily..." She held out her hand to me, and I clasped it. "Sisters in birth?"


Lily's nipples were dripping milk steadily, and I saw mine were doing the same. We climbed into the bathtub together. It was filled with warm water to about our waists.

In a minute, Roweena appeared at the bathroom entrance. She stared down at the fluids on the floor. "Geez, look at this!"

"Wait'll you see the couch," Lily said.

"Are you guys all right?"

"So far, so good. We've been feeling some pain, but nothing too bad yet."

Roweena pulled out her phone. "I can call 911 anytime."

"Let's see how it goes first," I suggested. "It was a one-day pregnancy; maybe the birthing will be easy, too."

We'd never been naked in front of each other, I realized. But given the circumstances, we took the nudity in stride. Even I - who got embarrassed about everything - felt no sense of modesty at all.

Lily suddenly gasped. "Oh god - something's happening!"

She leaned back in the tub and opened her knees. From above the water, I got a clear view of her pussy - swollen and pink - and her dark butthole. She shut her eyes and scrunched up her face, turning red.

"What's happening?" Roweena demanded.

"Something's - moving," Lily gasped. "I'm - starting to - push!"

She seemed to bear down, obeying her body's instincts. I watched as her vagina - her birth canal - seemed to yawn open to the size of two or three fingers. My own cramps were intensifying, but I tried to ignore the pain.

As Lily pushed, I saw a small turd slip out of her butthole and bob to the surface. I gasped and backed away from the floating poop, but Roweena - fearlessly - picked it up with her bare hands and transferred it to the toilet. Lily hadn't even noticed.

I looked at Roweena with wonder. "Wow..."

She shrugged. "This is already so fucking unhygienic." She turned to wash her hands.

Lily kept pushing, lost in her own body's sensations. Then, abruptly, she threw her head back. Her whole body arched upwards, and her breath caught in her throat. A thin stream of milk squirted from her right nipple.

I bolted upright in the tub. "Lily! Are you -?"

"Emily!" She writhed in the throes of... whatever was happening to her. "That reaction - same as when it went in!"

"Huh?" Roweena asked.

But I knew what Lily was talking about. "When we had sex with the plant," I explained, "we both had a weird reaction to its cum. Not an orgasm, but something like it."

"It's moving!" Lily grunted.

I saw her birth canal stretch even further, and then something green began to emerge.

Roweena plunged her hands - freshly washed - into the water. She worked her fingers around Lily's pussy and, in a few seconds, pulled the green thing free.

"What the hell is it?" I asked.

"It's a... vine? Or maybe a slug?"

Roweena dangled the object, a green tube about eight inches long. It was about three times as thick as a thumb, but it thinned at the back like a slug. At the thick end, I saw something pink and open.

"It's more like a leech," I pointed out. "See that mouth on the end?"

"Oh, is that a mouth?" She turned it over in her hands.

Lily seemed to be coming down from her semi-orgasmic reaction. She still looked heavily pregnant, and her face was red and sweaty.

"Are you all right?" I asked her.

"Yeah!" Lily seemed exhilarated from the birth. "That wasn't bad at all! Kind of like taking a really big shit, except you also have a weird orgasm." She laughed. "Lemme see my... uh, whatever it is."

She took the green slug from Roweena and draped it across her swollen belly. We all sat and watched it, waiting for the thing to move.

"Is it a plant or an animal?" Roweena wondered aloud.

"I kinda feel movement on my skin..." Lily mused. "But I don't see anything."

I noticed that Lily's nipples were still leaking milk. "You think the mouth would try to breastfeed?"

"We can try." She dangled the slug above her right breast and lowered it onto the nipple. Then - suddenly - it seemed to clamp on, and Lily's eyes went wide. "Oh, wow!"

"It's sucking?" Roweena asked.

Lily nodded furiously, starting to flush. "It's really intense!"

As we watched the slug breastfeed, I suddenly felt a painful movement in my womb. "Shit, I think mine is coming!"

I gasped and leaned back, as Lily had done. Instinctively, I spread my legs wide, giving the room a clear view of my private parts.

"Just listen to your body," Roweena advised. She glanced briefly at my pussy, and then back to me. "Don't fight it."

An intense pressure filled my insides. I felt an urge to push, and decided to obey the instinct. I took several deep breaths, closed my eyes, and bore down.

The sensation was intense and painful, like a horrendous menstrual cramp. Otherwise, like Lily said, it felt a lot like taking a dump - the kind of urgent, constipated bowel movement you really need to struggle with.

My eyes squeezed shut, and I couldn't help grunting as I pushed. "Hrrrnnn!"

A tingling began to spread across my midsection. Then, suddenly, a rush of pleasure overwhelmed my whole body. My clitoris pulsed, my nipples swelled, and my cheeks grew hot. It felt incredible. I covered my face with my hand, struggling not to cry out.

The muscles in my vagina were contracting rhythmically. I knew that I was pushing something out, but it was hard to focus on anything until - eventually - the intense reaction faded.

I looked up, panting. Roweena dangled two slugs, one from each hand. "Congrats, Emily. Twins!"

"Whew, that was intense!" I glanced down at my belly, which was smaller but still pregnant-looking. "I think I've got more inside me, though."

Lily was giggling, a slug still latched to her breast. "You took a big shit when you were pushing, Emily. Roweena picked it up."

My cheeks grew red, but I ignored her. "Can I try nursing one?" I asked Roweena.

"Sure." She handed me one of the green slugs. It was slimy and warm to the touch, covered in tiny hairs. It hung limp in my fingers.

"Is this thing really alive?" I wondered.

"You'll see. Get ready for another rush," Lily warned me.

I dangled the slug over my chest, holding up my engorged breast in my other hand. Then, with an almost magnetic attraction, the slug leaped onto my nipple and latched on hard.

"Whoa!" I cried. The feeling was ticklish and powerful, and I reacted like an ice cube had been dropped in my pants. My breast felt tingly and hot, and I knew my milk was letting down fast.

"I can really feel it!" I gasped. "Roweena, let me try the other one, too."

The second latch was a little less intense, but still a shock. As I fed them steadily, I got used to the sensation. It was a warm, pleasant feeling that I found strangely rewarding.

"Lucky you," said Lily, eyeing the two slugs on my nipples. "It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yeah... it's relaxing." I looked at Roweena and asked, "Jealous?"

She laughed and shook her head. "You two can enjoy yourselves."

In a minute, Lily's face flushed again, and she spread her legs. "Shit, next one's coming..."

"Try for twins!" I teased.

* * *

After the first birth, the slugs started coming faster. Within twenty minutes, we'd had six slugs apiece and felt pretty empty. Our bellies had shrunken down, almost to normal size again. To my surprise, we had no bleeding or pain afterwards.

The bathtub was... gross. The water had turned murky brown, stained by whatever fluids and poop we were pushing out. We quickly showered after draining the water, in an effort to regain some basic hygiene, but the tub was still deeply stained.

Roweena kept our plant-slugs in the sink nearby. She didn't bother to distinguish between mine and Lily's; they looked identical anyway. We tried to breastfeed every one, even briefly, but it was hard to keep track of them all. They showed no signs of growing after they fed, but my breasts felt a lot more comfortable after I'd drained them.

"What time is it?" I asked, as I finally slipped my bathrobe back on.

Roweena checked her phone. "Almost four in the morning. This whole process took less than an hour, but..."

"It felt like forever."


"Let's skip class today," Lily said. Still naked, she dabbed her pussy with toilet paper and checked it again. Clean. "I just want a day to relax."

"We can't," I said. "I have a biology quiz."

"I vote to skip class," Roweena said. "Sorry, Emily - you're overruled. And I get extra votes since I'm the driver."

I sighed, but part of me was relieved. I felt like sleeping for a whole week.

As Roweena headed back to her room, Lily and I stretched out on the couch together. She'd put her robe over her shoulders, but I noticed that two plant-slugs were still latched to her nipples. "You're going to sleep like that?" I asked.

"Why not? I enjoy feeding them."

"Oh, hey -" Roweena said from the other side of the room. "I noticed something earlier."


She carried a flowerpot over. "Remember how Lily made me shit into a pot the other day? Well, I was keeping the dirt in my room..."

We inspected the pot and saw a small green leaf poking from the dirt. It looked like a tiny dick.

"A second plant?" I asked, and Roweena nodded.

"So, you guys aren't the only ones giving birth," she said, giggling. "I just gave birth from my butt!"

Lily laughed, and I covered my face with my hand.

Then, thinking about what she'd done tonight, I looked at her more seriously and cleared my throat. "And, uh, thanks for helping us out tonight. It means a lot to me."

Lily was still laughing. "Yeah, you picked up Emily's shit with your bare hands - that's going above and beyond!"

* * *

We slept heavily for the rest of the morning. At about noon, Lily shook me awake. She looked frantic.

"Emily, my slugs are gone!"


She opened her robe and pointed to her bare breasts. "See? No slugs! Where'd they go?"

Lily began looking beneath the couch, while I wandered into the bathroom. I was shocked to see that the slugs had moved while we slept. Three had fallen onto the bathroom floor, one was in the bathtub, and another bobbed in the toilet. The others - almost half of them - were completely gone.

"Lily, they moved!"

"I just found one under the couch!" she called.

The slugs didn't seem to be moving anymore. We gave the basement a thorough search, but we only found seven in total. Five had seemingly disappeared.

"Maybe they went down the drain?" I wondered aloud. "I did see one in the toilet..."

When Roweena came down and learned about our situation, she asked, "You don't think they're... inside you again, are they?"

I put my hand on my abdomen, which felt perfectly normal. "No..."

"Hey!" Lily called out from the bathroom. She'd opened her robe again, and was dangling a slug above her nipple. "These things aren't latching on!"

"I think your boobs have gone back to normal," Roweena observed.

Through my robe, I squeezed my right breast: much smaller, and no sign of that engorged milky feeling. Lily's breasts had gone back to normal as well. They were small and perky again, with soft pink nipples.

"Huh," I said. "I guess it's over fast."

"Really?" Lily asked in disbelief. "That was all we got?"

She gave me a mischievous look, and then gestured towards the dick-plant on the table. "You know, the leaves are full again..."

"No way," I declared. "I can't afford to miss any more school."

She nodded. "Sure, gotcha. So... it's a weekend thing, right?"

* * *

Roweena had an old fish tank in her room - a little five-gallon one - that was perfect for holding the slugs. They never moved visibly, but somehow they seemed to change position whenever we left the room.

I took a break from the dick-plant, avoiding Roweena's basement and studying at home by myself. After all this extra-curricular activity, I felt seriously behind in my schoolwork.

A few days after giving birth, I stepped nervously into my biology professor's office.

"Dr. Vilsark?"

"Yes?" She turned towards me. An attractive, professional-looking woman in her 40s, she'd always made me a little uncomfortable. "Oh - Emily! Is everything all right?"

"Well, I had to skip a quiz the other day, and I was just hoping..."

I trailed off, looking towards her window.

"Emily?" Dr. Vilsark prodded me. "Are you asking for a makeup quiz? You've been getting so distracted lately."

I pointed to the windowsill. "That plant..."

She turned to look at it. "Oh, that? It's a gift from an own colleague. I haven't figured out the species yet."

I remained silent. After a moment, Dr. Vilsark giggled almost girlishly. "It's pretty funny-looking, isn't it?" she asked. "The leaves look exactly like a man's you-know-what!"

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