Exploitation of a Housewife


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"Better slut I want you to finger yourself and then lick your fingers clean"

Fay's hand was between her legs immediately, stoking her fire further, the heat building instantly, she shut her eyes her mind racing with thoughts of domination. She groaned loudly causing a further chuckle from Bill, she didn't care she was so close now, nothing could stop her C . O . M . I . N . G .

Fay sagged in her chair, her breathing ragged, eyes half shut as the heat washed over her. She moaned contentedly as her heart slowed.

"I didn't say you could come slut."

Fay looked at Bill, thinking he was joking she nearly laughed, but the look on Bill's face told her that would not be a good idea.

"You will obey me slut, I know you think this is funny but I don't think you know how much trouble you are in. That video will be the end of you and your precious husband, you know I will send it to every member of the club"

Fay was stunned this guy was not messing around, he was serious. The reality sank in, she was stuck, she couldn't risk being exposed. Richard would be furious, their comfortable lifestyle would be ruined Fay couldn't bear to contemplate it. She knew she was beaten.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Start calling me Sir you cheap slut"

"Yes Sir, what does Sir want me to do"

"That's better slut, you can start by getting my cock out and giving it a suck, ask me nicely first of course"

"Sir, may I please suck your cock"

"Good slut you may suck me off"

Fay got on the floor between his massive thighs, she felt for Bill's bulging cock undoing the zipper slowly. The zipper undone she reached inside searching for his cock. Fay gasped as she felt his size, struggling to get the erect member out of the confines of his filthy jeans. She eventually managed to free it, the purple head springing out making her gasp.

She gripped the base of the shaft, feeling the blood coursing through it. Fay looked up at Bill, all to aware that she was in the pose that got her into this mess in the first place, she pouted at him, might as well make a good job of it she thought. She planted a big wet kiss on his helmet, his scent almost overpowering her. Fay parted her lips and took the bulbous head into her waiting mouth, her jaw stretching to accommodate the flesh she was so eager to suck. Her cheeks hollowed as the effort to accommodate Bill's cock increased, her mind filled with flashbacks to that evening so long ago.

Bill roughly gripped her long hair, pushing her throat further down his thick shaft, she could feel herself trying to gag, shamefully aware of the saliva running our of the sides of her mouth, dripping of her chin onto the filthy floor. Her hand started wanking the shaft, long slow stroked forcing the skin back and forth, her eyes fixed on Bill's face, desperate for a sign she was pleasing him.

What's happening to me, her mind screamed, all thoughts of her respectable life had fled her now, all she wanted was to be used as a fuck toy, a slave for the pleasure of others. She had become the woman in the film, she couldn't reconcile her feelings, that would have to come later, with the guilt and the shame, now she was performing for her master and nothing else mattered.

Fay could see Bill was struggling to control himself, his cock was jerking violently in her mouth, suddenly he pulled her head back, her mouth reluctantly relinquishing its prize. Fay missed it immediately and tried to jerk her head back down onto the magnificent cock, unsuccessfully, she moaned at the loss.

Bill was gripping the shaft, his hand flashing up and down the length, grunting with the effort.

"Open wide here, comes your reward for being such a good slut"

An enormous jet of come erupted into Fay's face, catching her nose and the corner of her mouth. Fay closed her eyes instinctively as another jet hit her square in the eye coating her eyelashes, she tried to blink unsuccessfully her lashes coated with fluid.

"Clean it off slut"

Fay obediently licked his cock, its size diminishing slightly following its release, she lovingly kissed and licked the come up not wanting to miss any. She was only to aware of the come in her hair and covering her face, she could feel it cooling on her skin, constricting, not unlike the Clarins facial she got at the gym, the comparison amused her.

When she had finished she rocked back on her heels awaiting praise from her master, she knew she had been a good girl. Bill's orgasm had been violent so she knew that her actions, on the video and in the office had had an effect on him.

"Hmmm you've got potential slut, Ill give you that. You need more training though, you are to full of yourself, you think your better than everyone else. Ill soon have you crawling on the floor begging for come, you need to remember your true station in life slut, on you knees"

Fay reeled at his comments, she couldn't rationalise her need to please this man who had blackmailed and used her so completely. And yet her mind wanted his approval, she needed to know she pleased him, she was desperate to be told she had been good. She felt as though something fundamental about her had changed irrevocably and yet she couldn't shake the thought that it was her true self. It all felt so natural to her as though the missing part of her puzzle had slotted into place.

Fay could see no way out of her predicament at present and couldn't think of a solution to the problem. Her only option was to go along with her master's wishes.

"What do you want from me Sir?"

"You will become my personal fuck toy, when I tell you will come running, you will follow all my instructions to the letter. You will call me Sir at all times, you will be referred to as slut. You must ask permission to perform sexual tasks upon myself or anyone else I instruct you to perform for. If you don't agree to my demands you will be exposed for the slut you truly are, now is probably a good time to let you know I have also videoed this mornings proceedings in full, so the evidence is undeniable, any questions slut?"

Fay hung her head, she knew she was beaten, all her options gone she would have to accede to her Masters wishes, or face utter ruination. The thought hit her hard, her will was defeated, crushed by this man who now had utter control of her, her needs and desires.

"I am your personal slut sir"

"Good I knew you would see things my way, now lets clean you up we don't want anyone seeing prim proper little Mrs Smith with come all over her pretty face now do we?"

Bill wiped her brow roughly, noting the tear as it wended its way down her come plastered face, he knew he had beaten her, she had no choice and he could barely contain his own excitement, his own little white fuck toy to do with as he pleased.

"OK fuck toy, were going out to play, lose the bra, the panties stay in the bag as well, but you can smooth your skirt down, we don't want you to like to much of a slut do we?"

Bill laughed at this as Fay removed her T-shirt and unclasped the bra, quickly pulling it from her shoulders and casting it aside. Her body was once again betraying her, her nipples painfully erect as she contemplated the rest of the afternoons activities, she had no idea what her new Master had planned for her but her stomach was turning loops with the thought of further depravity. She slipped her T-shirt back on her nipples clearly visible.

"Right slut you need to earn your keep, I am going to the pub tonight and need some beer money, you can earn it for me with that pretty mouth of yours".

Bill led an un-protesting Fay out of the shed and into the staff car-park, she noticed with a touch of irony that he had a brand new BMW the same as hers. He opened the door indicating for to get in, she obeyed compliantly, her skirt rising to show her nakedness beneath.

"OK slut we are going on a little trip, on the way you are allowed to finger yourself and play with your nipples, no coming though that's for later, I know people that will pay good money to see that"

Fay's mind was racing, she was a natural exhibitionist but the thought of being displayed in public, performing the most personal act imaginable shocked her sensibilities. They sped off, Fay obediently fingering herself, only to aware of her need to come, she dare not risk it though there was no telling what her Master would make her do as a punishment.

The needs of Fay's body was overriding her normally confident, self assured mind, she knew that at every set of traffic lights other drivers could clearly see her blatantly fingering herself, toying with her nipples. She closed her eyes oblivious, as the heat built within her body, she knew she was putting on a show but seemed powerless to stop herself.

Fay became aware of the car, slowing and turning into a car park, she didn't recognise it and prayed it was far away from the tennis club, her home and the life she had left behind, for the moment anyway. Her Master parked the car and turned to her.

"OK slut we're here, we will walk over to those public toilets, some men will be waiting for you, I will negotiate a price for your services and you will perform as instructed, if you come without my express permission the video gets sent, understand?"

"Yes Sir I'll be a good slut sir"

And with that they made there way to the dirty public toilets, Fay thought they looked boarded up and derelict but her Master had a key and they entered the dingy building. Fay blinked in the half light, as her eyes accustomed to the dark she could make out three other men. One black, two white they were unshaven and shabbily dressed, Fay shuddered she wouldn't of ever dreamed of talking to these men let alone anything else.

She was pushed into the centre of the room, her head hung, trying to hide the tears welling up in her eyes. She had never felt lower, shame poured over her, her life was in ruins and all she could think about was the nagging heat between her legs, what was the matter with her.

"OK boys here she is as promised, she will do what I tell her so lets talk money"

"Before we talk money you need to know what we want"

The man who spoke, Fay thought of him as the leader, was a little taller than the other two and heavy set, Fay's eyes were dragged to the obvious bulge in his pants. Fay loved the thought that she had caused it despite the mans grimy appearance.

"Keep going"

"OK we all want a blow job for starters, then she puts on a show for us before coming, how's that sound"

"Hmmm, you boys want it all don't you, the price for that much action of my little slut is £100.00 each, sound fair?"

The men went into a huddle they quickly reached a decision.

"It's a deal man"

"Show me the money first"

Reluctantly the men all pulled thick wads of used £10.00 notes from their trousers and counted the money into Bill's hand.

All through the negotiations Fay was left standing there as her body was traded for cash. She was being treated like an object, a piece of furniture, a week ago the thought would of revolted her, offending her morals, now it was frighteningly exciting. The background throb in her cunt was increasing in magnitude as she contemplated her new role as prostitute.

The men all started fishing around in their grubby trousers, without being asked Fay sank to the floor in front of the men suddenly eager to please. She was presented with three erect cocks, where to start, she looked at her Master for his consent.

"You know what to ask slut"

"Please sir may I suck these men off Sir"

"You may slut"

"May I swallow there come as well sir?"

"Yes you may"

Satisfied with her instructions Fay set to work, she selected the leader first as he was standing in the middle. She looked up at him, her eyes wide, she looked a picture all innocent and pouting as she gently kissed the head of his cock. Her hands meanwhile were reaching for the other two cocks as they bobbed around, their owners straining for a better view.

Fay gave it all she had, furiously sucking the mans cock, loving the taste and smell of him, she was wanking the other two off as well as they cheered her on, there cries ringing in her ears.


Fay was so excited, her juices running down her thighs, her cunt desperate for attention from anyone, she no longer cared. What had she become, she was on her hands and knees in a filthy old public toilet sucking off a stranger while she wanked his two friends. Her heart pounded irrespective of her situation telling her all she needed to know about her arousal. The need between her legs was becoming unbearable.

One of the men had ripped her T-shirt exposing her breasts to the fresh air, her nipples throbbed, she needed to touch them but knew her pleasure was the last thing on these men's mind. She could feel the cock in her mouth growing further, she knew he must be nearly there. Fay looked the man in the eye, so innocent, and winked at him sexily, she was loving the effect she was having and was desperate to swallow his come.

Her reward came quickly, exploding into her mouth, once, twice, filling her with come, she swallowed, trying hard not to gag as her throat filled with thick, sticky fluid. Bingo her mind screamed, only two more to go. She sat back on her ankles exposing her cunt to the assembled men, she wanted to touch herself but without permission she knew she dare not.

Fay didn't have to wait long, the men had swapped round and the next cock was presented to her. Again she gripped the base firmly, eyeing the man sweetly before sinking her mouth down the thick shaft. Before today Fay hadn't had black cock since that fateful night so long ago, she was quickly re-discovering her passion for it, as she slobbered like a dog over the mans meaty shaft.

His large hand caught in her hair, ramming her head down further she could feel it battering the back of her throat, hurting her. She looked up her eyes pleading for mercy, but the man sneered down at her.

"Just get sucking white slut, you know you love cock no matter how you get it"

The truth hurt Fay but she knew she couldn't stop now, the consequences would be unbearable, her Master would punish her and she doubted the men would let her leave without receiving there display, no way out.

Still she sucked, hoping beyond hope that she could make the other man come by wanking him alone. She was beginning to worry about the volume of come that would end up in her stomach, she didn't want to throw up in front of these men. Her train of thought was interrupted by the man as he increased the strength of his grip in her hair, he grunted loudly, her mouth was once again awash with come, it ran out of her mouth dripping onto her stiff nipples, she swallowed furiously, mustn't waste any her mind screamed at her .

Again Fay rocked back on her heels, her breathing ragged, as she fought to get her breath back, breathing with a cock wedged in her throat was proving harder than she had imagined. Fay feared she would have to get used to it however as she had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time she was pimped like this.

Cock number three was presented to her pretty face, its head was visibly throbbing, no doubt as a direct result of Fay's previous wanking, she leaned over again, mouth wide open. She made it no further, the third man moaned aloud as his come jetted into Fay's opened mouth, she was relieved, her jaw was aching and she was secretly pleased the man could not control himself.

Fay could see the man blushing at his own hair trigger, she grinned at the assembled men, they still had there cocks out, but the raging hard ons had withered slightly.

"Now for the second part of the deal slut, bring yourself off for us and make it last a bit, we can all see how horny you are, you cheap slut"

"Please sir may I finger myself sir"

"Good slut for remembering, you may finger yourself"

"May I come as well Sir"

"You may"

Fay complied immediately, lying back on the filthy floor, legs spread obscenely wide, her hand already toying with her slick lips. she could just make out the men wanking themselves back to hardness as she closed her eyes, lost in a haze of arousal, oblivious to the filth she was lying in.

Fay groaned loudly as she slipped her fingers inside herself, loving the feeling of penetration, only to aware of the picture she was presenting, her submission and humiliation has reached new heights she was powerless to stop though, she was on a rollercoaster of need, her body coursing with sexual electricity.

She felt some fluid land on her skin the men were wanking furiously and it had all been to much for one of them already, his come spattered all over Fay's breasts. The others weren't far behind, as Fay approached her own orgasm, like a boat approaching a waterfall there would be no stopping her.

She screamed aloud eyes screwed shut.

"I am comiiiiinnnnnggggg"

She felt more come raining down on her, she turned her head up desperate to catch some more, groaning obscenely, her hand still a blur as she came again and again, her body shuddering violently.

And then it was over, Fay was wasted she slumped on the floor, come cooling on her breasts and thighs, eyes shut she felt her pulse returning to more normal levels. She was vaguely aware of the men leaving thanking her master, ignoring her.

"Nice one mate she's a right little whore where did you find her?"

"She's just one of my slut's, if you like her we can arrange another more intimate meeting, I'd have to re-negotiate the cost of course but I am sure we an sort something out"

"No problems man, I'll call you"

And with that they shuffled out of the dirty toilets. Bill surveyed his property, she was a mess, covered in come stinking of it. He threw her torn T-shirt at her.

"Clean yourself up slut"

The tears were starting, Fay's mind was finally starting to reconcile her actions, she was awash with shame and horrible gnawing guilt.

"Slut you better get used to it there's more to come, you know you love it may as well accept your a natural slut, nothing more. Now sort yourself out I am driving you back to the club"

With that he left leaving Fay to stumble after him. The journey back was quite, Fay cried all the way home, as they neared the club she calmed down a bit as the adrenaline of the day subsided within her.

As he let her out of the car Bill handed her a card with a mobile number on it.

"That's the helpline slut, balls in your court now. I'll leave it up to you if you want to call me or not. I think we both know what will happen so I'll speak to you soon Slut"

With that he was gone leaving Fay in the tennis club car park, make up smudged, come in her hair, tears in her eyes. Despite it all she knew she had had the most exciting day of her life, she knew she would call her Master, she had submitted to him and wanted more. The fact didn't lessen the guilt and shame, but it allowed her to rationalise the situation a little bit.

Fay went home to get cleaned up before Richard came home, her mind filled with images of cock and come.

To be continued.......

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not my style.

Probably should have passed on it. Hate pompous assed black men ordering white women around. They should know their place in society. Down low, at the bottom. Not much fonder of white women involving themselves with black men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
so hot

the submision is so hot .whish i new a female who thought that was hot..............vajra77@gmail.com

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
a few criticisms, however i loved it!

i really enjoyed the setting, the fact it was in middle england was a nice change. and the character Fay was just plain sexy. but i think the whole master/slave relation ship was a little strained.

however saying that, the fact that she was being used and abused in sexy way was a refreshing change to outright rape, and the lack of violence, just plain blackmail really made the story.

well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I got so wet reading this. My cunt is still dripping I found myself wanting to be in the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

its ok. but i think a pimp who's a little more glamorous wouldn't hurt.

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