Exploiting an Opportunity Ch. 06


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Mom lay there for a moment, apparently thinking. "Well this is a first. I've never eaten a cum filled pussy nor has anyone done it to me before now. It's strangely erotic but makes sense only because Indy is delicious... I like eating pussy and I like his cum... so... I guess it's okay."

She then looked and me and smiled, "Here comes the rest." And she squeezed her pelvic muscles and more of his awesome cum oozed out to my waiting mouth.

After I had licked her clean, the three of us cuddled. Mom in the middle and Indy and I on either side. We'd stacked all of his pillows behind us and Mom reclined. We lay our heads on her breasts and she wrapped us in her arms.

"Oh god this feels so good." she said. "I used to hold you like this when you were little. It feels like it's been ages since you rested on my breast."

"It is nice." Indy agreed.

"Yeah and this time you don't have to run away when you get a hard-on." I joked.

We laughed and Mom squeezed us tighter. "It's even better skin to skin than I could ever imagine."

I caressed her breast, then started kissing it. Mom sighed. Indy slid his hand down to toy with her thick bush. "Easy hon, Mommy needs a minute." She kissed the top of my head. "So you said that you started this. Do you want to tell me how long you have been taking advantage of my poor innocent son?" she said in mock severity.

"Well, I felt he needed a tutor to coach him for dating, and it was a surprise to discover that I wanted him to be my brother-lover. But, Mom, he was a virgin until Tuesday."

"What?" she exclaimed. "But he..."

"Has skills, yeah. He's a genius and you only have to tell him or show him something once. I honestly expected it to take weeks or even months. And then I thought I would take him on double dates and help him get some confidence. Believe me, I was not expecting to fall in love with him. Now the idea of sharing him with anyone other than you and Cath-..."

"Cathy?" Mom finished.

"Uh, yeah..." Indy said. "See she met us and figured out we were screwing and so we had a three-way..."

"Threesome." I corrected.

"And that was when you had your awakening?" Mom asked.

"Yeah. It has all happened so fast."

"So what about Cathy?" she asked. "Are you still a couple? Oh my god! The way she bolted out! Does she know about this?"

"Yes, yes she does. Or at least she knows we wanted this." Indy said.

"But can we trust her? What if she says something?"

"That's not going to happen Mom. See she guessed because she saw a sign of something she was familiar with. She is incestuously involved too, but I can't reveal her secret." I made sure Indy saw the seriousness in my eyes.

"She is?"


"Oh my, this has become so complicated!" Mom sighed.

Indy sat up. "Okay, let me simplify it for you. Leia loves me and I love Leia. We are going to fuck. Leia loves you and you love Leia, you two are going to fuck. I love you and you love me, we are going to fuck. Leia loves Cathy and Cathy loves Leia, so they are going to fuck. Now Cathy likes fucking me so we are likely to fuck from time to time. Cathy also has family who like to fuck and she will probably continue to fuck them from time to time. Cathy can't tell anyone about us because it would put her family fucking at risk too. So as I see it there are only three pressing questions left to be answered."

"Oh?" Mom asked.

"One, would you like to make out with her? A nice orgy in the pool?"

Mom grinned, "Maybe.. If she wanted to and if Leia agrees..."

I grinned. I was pretty sure I knew how Cathy felt.

"Two, are you going to tell Aunt Shelly and Uncle Pete about us?"

Mom winced. "Uh I need to think about that, Uncle Pete is not doing well and we've decided to stop fooling around. So it's probably best we keep him out of the loop."

"Oh. Well maybe Aunt Shelly? See I wouldn't mind finally getting to play with her huge titties... " Indy said grinning.

Mom smiled and replied, "Maybe."

"What's the third question?" I asked.

Indy looked at me, "Can I make love to you while you make love to Mom?"

Well we did make love. Several more times that afternoon in fact. Mom was impressed and we were all pleased by several orgasms each. We finally went down to the kitchen and I grilled some brats while Indy and Mom skinny dipped and made out as the sun dropped behind the trees. Finally we went inside and Mom took us to her bed where we made slow sweet love until we fell asleep, wrapped naked in our loving Mother's arms. As I drifted off to sleep I realized that I would not be here, with them, naked, happy and loved; if I had not exploited an opportunity when it came my way.

Chapter 7 Epilog

Sunday morning when I got up to pee, I dimly heard my Nokia ringing in my room. I managed to find it after the ringing had stopped and saw that it had been Cathy. I sat down on my bed and called her back.

"Good morning!" she answered cheerfully.

"Morning Cathy."

"So how did it go?"

"It was so beautiful. I took her to Indy's room and we came out and she gave in. We made love and it was wonderful."

"Wow, a threesome? I thought you were just going to get him in her bed, though I can't blame you. She is so pretty, and that body... wow!"

Yeah," I replied, "I started to leave the two of them but they wouldn't let me. Indy actually insisted I stay. It was better that I ever imagined it could be. Magical in a way."

"Awww... I'm so happy for you! That's the way it's supposed to feel when it is right. But does this mean you're too tired to see me? Or can we go for a swim?"

"No problem, come on over anytime." I said. "Oh, and you can leave your swimsuit at home..."

"Anytime? You're sure?"

"Yeah, anytime."

"Good cause I'm parked in the driveway!"

I went downstairs and let her in. She kissed me and followed me into the kitchen where I poured myself some juice. When I turned around Cathy had stripped and was standing in the open patio doorway. She looked over her shoulder at me and walked, no, slinked out to the pool. I followed her and marveled at her sexiness. We didn't swim our laps, we dove in and immediately started making out. I couldn't get enough of her mouth. Our hands roamed over each other and soon I found my mouth on her breast. I caressed her pussy as I held her tightly and moaned.

Eventually she pulled away. "Leia, I think we need to talk."

Oh shit...

"Now I am thrilled that your, uhm, conquest was successful, and I really want to know all the details, but I understand that you might not feel comfortable telling me everything. And then there is the issue of us and Indy."

"Ah, well I will probably tell you all about it, but let's address the bigger issues first. Cathy I don't know how often Indy is going to find time for either of us, now that he has Mom. But being young and virile, I suspect he will be able to meet our needs after he and Mom have their... well I guess it's a honeymoon. They need time for each other. Next, I need you. Not just this minute, or tomorrow, but for the long term. I don't know what is going to happen with my life, but whatever comes my way, I think it would be better if you were there. I don't know how it happened but somehow I think I have fallen in love with you. I only hope you feel the same way."

Cathy started crying. She threw her arms around me and we stood there professing our undying love to one another. Our focus on one another had been so intense that we were startled by a splash behind us and a moment later Indy surfaced next to us.

"Good morning!" He said cheerfully and gave us each a kiss.

Cathy hugged him, "Oh Indy! I'm so happy for you!" Then in mock severity she continued, "But I only need three more weeks on the pill to be absolutely sure that I'm safe and you'd better keep your promise to fill me with your cum!"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it!" he replied.

"Well, good morning Cathy!" Mom called. We turned to see her strolling out from the house, and she was naked as well. The three of us just stood there and enjoyed the show. Mom looked awesome. That beautiful woman posed for a minute, obviously relishing the attention and freedom, then dove in and swam over to join us. "So what's going on?" she asked.

"Wow Mrs.-"

Mom cut her off, "None of that. If you're going to be a part of this crazy family, and I really hope you are, you call me Mom, or if that is too awkward for you, then just call me Jo."

Cathy grinned. "Okay... Mom. I was just going to say that you look great! Younger, more vibrant and happy."

"Oh, I am! I feel younger too. I suppose Leia told you about last night, so you know that we have something else in common now..."

Cathy giggled, "Well I was hoping that things went well after I left. I mean, I saw something in Leia's eyes that made me guess she was ready for the confrontation. And yes, I also love my Mother in that most intimate way."

"Then she is a most fortunate woman." Mom said.

"And very understanding too!" Cathy added. "She was very happy for me when I told her I was in love with Leia. Even though it means I'll spend less time with her and Aunt Betty..."

"Oh? So you're involved with both of them?" Mom asked. "You are a busy girl."

Cathy smiled, "More than the two of them, you see I'm really a Daddy's girl, but he is overseas a lot. Then there is Leia and Indy, and..." Cathy looked down and then shyly looked up at Mom as she coyly bit her lower lip.

"And...?" Mom smiled and stepped closer to Cathy. Then, as Indy and I watched, Mom reached up and took Cathy's head in her hands and kissed her. They wrapped their arms around each other. The sight of the two of them was so erotic that I knew I was going to remember that moment for the rest of my life. No camera needed.

They kissed and caressed each other for a couple of minutes before it became too much for Indy. I grabbed the edge of the pool and thrust my hips at him. A moment later I felt his cock spearing me. I pushed my face beneath the water and screamed.

We all ended up making love in and around the pool, and in most rooms of the house before the day was through. Indy covered Mom's breasts with a ton of cum and she loved it when Cathy and I cleaned it all off with our tongues. Later the three of us took turns eating each other as Indy watched, and took a few photos... We had Indy sit on the edge of the pool as we gave him a three way blow job. Eventually Indy filled my pussy with a load of cum and Mom watched in amazement a Cathy ate me out. An hour later Mom's pussy was oozing thick globs of his cum into our hungry mouths. Finally I lay on a chaise and made love to my sexy mother, totally oblivious to the world around me.

After a dinner of petite sirloins with salad, we split up. Mom took Indy to her room and I took Cathy to mine.

I told Cathy everything that had happened as she and I lay in my bed. I knew that Mom and Indy were in her bed, but I doubted if they were talking much. I was smiling and happy. My life, no, our lives had changed so much in the past week and I was absolutely giddy with joy. I was exhausted from all the sex, but damn it was an awesome feeling! My pussy was tired and sore and yes, very, very happy. I had helped my brother become an amazing lover. My family was closer and more intimate in showing our deep love for one another. And I had discovered that a friend was someone I needed in a very special way. I had fallen in love and found I was her heart's desire too. I breathed in her scent, kissed her skin and reveled in the warmth of her flesh. I held her tightly and told her I loved her and begged her to stay... forever.

Now it is 2016 and you're probably wondering if we stayed together. Well yes we did. Cathy and I got married last year, finally making it official after living together as Life Partners for years. Eventually we decided that we wanted a family and since adoption wasn't possible at the time... Yes, Cathy got pregnant by Indy and we have a son of our own. He was born in October, 2005. Indy joked about naming him Luke but Cathy and I decided on Michael, but we call him Mikey. He has his mother's red hair and athletic tendencies coupled with his father's intelligence. Cathy breastfed him and I wanted the sensation so we managed to convince our Doctor to help me induce lactation. The feeling of breastfeeding our son was sweet. He is absolutely adorable and we love him to death.

As I mentioned, I did gain a little weight and had lipoplasty, increasing my bust to a nice 34C. Cathy and I also got matching hummingbird tattoos just to the side of our mounds. It stung and was actually quite an ordeal, but worth it in the long run. Cathy let her hair grow out into this awesome red mane that is now about waist length. I absolutely love fussing with it, and dressing her up. She is so beautiful and I just love to show her off.

Mom learned to eat Indy's cum from anywhere and anyone as I had. She also gained a few pounds, and got more curvy. Her bust is now a 38DD. She still looks awesome. Oh and she never did go back to Rachel Bishop's bed. It was a good thing that she never confided our secret as a few years later Rachel and her son Jimmy were caught and humiliated.

A couple of weeks into the next fall term, I picked Indy up at the University. Before we could leave, he saw the two girls who had been so cruel. I told Cathy about it and we came up with a plan. The next day the two of them hung out in the student union until Indy spotted the girls. He then went over to talk to them. He asked them if they needed any tutoring this term and they again were unkind.

"You just ask because you want to try to get into our pants." said one.

"Yeah, are you still a virgin?" asked the other.

At that moment Cathy came up from behind them and pushed between them, quite rudely too, and threw her arms around Indy and kissed him. She was wearing a tiny sundress and looked amazing.

"There you are! I'm finished. Are you ready to go home?"

"Sure baby, I'm done here." he said as he slid his arm around her waist.

Cathy turned to the girls and smiled.

"You're not hitting on my boyfriend are you?"

The girls were stunned that the nerd had a hot babe hanging all over him. His revenge was sweet but tastefully done.

Indy did indeed get to make love to Aunt Shelly and her huge titties. Mom said Shelly gave him his first titty-fuck and was blown away by his massive load. She was also surprised when Mom licked her clean and then frenched her, passing his cum along. Indy only made love to her on a few rare occasions. I never did make out with her. I just never felt the desire to.

Indy got his Doctorate and finally got in shape. He looks great. He also got busy with the ladies. Well as far as dating goes. He says he never fucked any of his girlfriends. He said that since there were three beautiful women at home eager for his time, there was no point in sleeping around. He did finally find the right girl. Her name is Sarah and she is a short curvaceous and busty blonde CPA who is also bi and, believe it or not, when they were first dating she came right out and hit on me. She had no problem with our "family affair" as she labeled it. They got married in 2008 and have the most beautiful twin daughters.

Cathy and I live with Mom and have swapped rooms with her. Our son has Indy's old room. Oh and one more thing...

We still occasionally skinny dip.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That was a great story. It's nice when someone has the ability to engage the reader in such a way. Well done and look forward to reading more of your stories!

OMGMANOMGMANover 1 year ago

What a great story! Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Whenever I hear or read the words 'we can never go back' I can't help but wish we applied that to everything we attempt or experience. Maybe then we would appreciate love and life itself as we should. This is a beautiful story. 30 stars...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow! What a long story & every part rated 5 ⭐️ ⭐️.

Just brilliant. Well written with few errors to detract from readability. I hate stories that the author makes. Me drop out of being immersed in the tale to puzzle out what the correct word rather than the homophone they used. Even as long as this, I was sad to reach the end loosing the characters I came to know. This is my first from this author. Now I will read the rest of his stories before moving on.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story and all, even very touching, which is nice, but please if you ever write again, refrain from calling a woman's breasts her 'titties'. It sticks out like a sore thumb in a generally well composed story. It made me wonder if the writer was 16 yr old boy.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

Nope...While there's nothing wrong with Sarah, Indy should have married Cathy. Dropped rating to a 1 because you just had to go and add Mom into it. Crying shame. 😢

JohnSimmsJohnSimmsalmost 3 years ago

This may well be my favorite family love story. I thoroughly enjoyed that it was Leia's POV. Fun interactions, good sex, good characters, solid writing. Just fantastic. However, I do agree with Anonymous about the Mommy stuff. I know it is a staple of parent/child erotica but it really is strangely infantile.

goodshoes2goodshoes2about 3 years ago

Humor, sex, passion, always put a smile on my face. Keep writing more stories. You are quite good, and talented.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Although I didn't post a comment on any of the first 5 chapters, I gave them each a five-star rating. This sixth chapter looked like it was due for a 5, as well. Then, in the latter half of this chapter, you just HAD to opt for screwing the pooch! For FIVE solid chapters, their mother had been "Mom" to Leia and Indy. The moment they manage to get her in Indy's bedroom, they start calling her "Mommy"! "Hearing" a woman who's 22 - and her 18-year-old brother calling their mother "Mommy" absolutely ruined the ending of the story, for me. Even the epilogue couldn't make up for the way you'd totally trashed an otherwise-sizzling story!

nashman1000nashman1000over 4 years ago

I really, really enjoyed this story. Sorry to see it end, as it would have been nice to see it go on for longer. But fantastic story!

johnnyj888johnnyj888almost 5 years ago
One of the best

I enjoy your stories. I’m not a scholar so I’m not here to criticize any grammar or such, but your story line from ch. 1 to 6 captivated my imagination and I felt like I was there. Very well done. This is actually my first comment after reading “Literotica” for years. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Beautifully paced...

As a writer, you offer both professionally structured words, and a story that surely must be considered art. But, more importantly, your character's narrative is perfectly paced and believable. The "Sapphos" tradition of the female lineage was a nice addition to an otherwise, mostly male oriented story. Well done...

prop69prop69over 7 years ago
One of the best series

Kept hard and horny. What a fantastic way to love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
beautifully and sensitively written

Thank you for this tale of true love. The heart wants what the heart needs, and you have shown it in all its purity.

blackknight314blackknight314over 7 years ago
WOW, what a story!

A great job writing this! You made me care about all of the characters, while telling a hot, sexy, loving tale. I love that you put such a nice epilog at the end, letting us know "the rest of the story.

Even though I didn't comment on any but the first and last chapters, I voted 5*s for each. I hardly ever favorite a story but this is definately one of mine. Great job!

There is one more thing, that I really loved about this story. You made the story all about, love, tenderness and mutual caring for each other. You didn't feel the need to trash things up with the dom/sub theme; with all of the slut, and whore references, and general disrespect and humiliation that goes on in those senarios. Sex is too beautiful of an experience to feel bad about any of it. Thank you!

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