Exposed to the Bottom Ch. 01

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Bree's best friends learn her secret fantasy.
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I found your Tumblr. 😂💄👩‍❤️👩"

The scariest text message Bree has ever received and the reason for her current anxiety attack. "What??????"

"Don't play dumb. 👭💋💦😂😂😂"

Followed by a selfie of Kayden with Bree's laptop, pointing at the screen, Bree's Tumblr blog showing, regrettably already logged in.

Kayden, a gorgeous, beautiful blonde bombshell, with blue eyes, washboard abs, and beautiful tattoos adorning her golden tanned body; is visiting Bree back home in Clearwater, Florida for Spring Break.

Bree didn't think twice about leaving Kayden alone at her place, while she was at work lifeguarding for a private club, why would she, Kayden's one of her best friends, they were on the varsity cheer squad together all through high school.

That was until this very moment.

"What are you doing with my laptop?"

"Learning your secrets 😈✌️👅"

Quickly followed by another selfie, this time, Kayden pointing at a picture on her blog of a girl going down on another girl, with two other girls standing next to them, laughing, and appearing to be next in line.

"Get off my laptop!!!!" Bree could barely contain herself, Kayden's not only on her laptop, which she doesn't have permission, but she's also found the one place where Bree has always found the freedom to anonymously post her darkest fantasies.

"Don't get mad at me, you're the one that left yourself logged in. 😂😂😂"

Another selfie, this time even more humiliating. It's a picture of the same four girls in the previous picture, but the submissive girl is going down on a different girl this time while the other two are again watching. The worst part is that Kayden is pointing at a hashtag Bree added to it before posting it. "#One Can Dream."

"Please get off my laptop!!!" Bree's anxiety elevating, her chest beginning to glow bright red, matching her bright red one piece swimsuit uniform. She can feel her forehead radiating heat.

"I can't, this is to rich. 😈"

Sending Bree another selfie, pointing at an animated picture of a naked submissive women opening the door for two women to enter. Again, Bree added a hashtag before she posted it. "#Goals."

As soon as Bree saw it, she threw her cellphone into her purse, hanging from the side of her lifeguard stand. Her only secret in this world is being exposed, and she's helpless to stop it. She begins to ignore the alerts from her phone and try to concentrate on her responsibilities, and to the swimmers in her pool, no matter how hard it is to do with her insides in complete despair.

Bree spent the next three hours with her head buried in work. Trying not to think about what Kayden was doing, what she was going to say when she saw her, and how to pretend this isn't happening.

When she was relieved of her duties, she went back to the employee locker room and checked her cellphone. It was worse than she had previously imagined.

Not only did Kayden continue sending her pictures from her blog, she got upset at Bree for not answering her texts, and now the selfies weren't of only Kaylee. Shelby and Ariana are there too, learning Bree's deepest and darkest fantasies.

As punishment for not answer her text messages, Kayden, Shelby, and Ariana hi-jacked her blog. They started interacting with her Tumblr friends. Asking them what they should do to her.

The worst part of it was, her Tumblr friends knew it wasn't her talking to them, and they still gave Kayden, Shelby, and Ariana humiliating tasks for her.

One Tumblr friend told them how hot it would be to bring the pictures on her blog to life. Another told them to actually punish her for keeping secrets. The one that really upset her though, was the one she considered a real friend, before she told them to make Bree their personal slave, even giving them evidence to show it's what she really wanted.

Kayden was laughing her ass off in the picture she sent to Bree sharing this friendly suggestion. The last three texts messages she received were the worst.

Kayden, Shelby, and Ariana all sent her the same text message.

"Get home slave!"

Bree couldn't take anymore of this, she went straight into the shower, not even waiting the moment it would have taken to remove her swimsuit. She turned the warm water on and began to cry, standing there, allowing the water to hide her reality. Her best friends all know her secret and now they're all calling her slave. She's humiliated and doesn't know how to face them again. She stands there, crying, trying to pretend this isn't happening.

When the hot water begins to run out and she begins to feel the chill of the cold water overriding, she begins to pull herself together. She turns off the water and wipes the tears from her eyes. Grabbing a towel to dry off, again not caring enough to remove her swimsuit. She grabbed the shorts and tank top out of her locker and puts them on. Sitting on the dampened bench to put her socks and pink Chuck Taylors on.

The rear of her shorts are now wet but she doesn't care, as she takes her time to walk out to her car. She took as long as she could driving herself home, unable to predict what they were going to say to her.

When she pulled in front of her house, there were three cars already in her driveway, forcing her to park on the street. She picked up her cellphone and checked it again. They kept sending her pictures from her blog. An anonymous blogger told them to make her regret keeping secrets. They seemed to like the idea, if their smiles were to tell you anything. She just leaned her head against her headrest, afraid to go in to her own house.

"We see you Bree!" A loud shout heard from the front of her house. The door now wide open with Kayden, Shelby, and Ariana standing there, smiling, and waving at her.

Bree slowly got out of her car, and walked dreadfully into her house. Shamefully welcomed home by her best friends. The door had barely closed behind Bree before Kayden took her cellphone from her hand.

"You won't need this anymore. It's not like you answer it anyways."

Bree didn't fight her, allowing her to easily take it, standing there, frozen in time.

"You wont need this either." As Shelby pulled Bree's tank top up over her head and off of her.

Bree's mind unable to comprehend how her best friends could be treating her like this.

"Or these." Ariana tells her while unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them down to floor, forcing Bree to step out of them.

Bree didn't fight them, she just stood there, humiliated as they stripped her down to work swimsuit and Chuck Taylors.

"I thought you hated that thing." Kayden asked Bree, grabbing ahold of her swimsuit right at her neckline.

"I do." Bree quietly answered.

"Then why are you still wearing it?"

"Because... Because I don't know."

"Do you want to wear that around the house?"


"Then take it off."


"Take it off!" Kayden the grabbed Bree's shoulder straps, pulling them down her arms, Bree's perky, tear shaped breast with nipples that are always sticking out, completely exposed.

Bree's mind was an explosion of emotions. She's allowing Kayden to stay at her house, rather than back under her parents roof, and here Kayden is, stripping her naked. Bree had a million things she wanted to tell them, but couldn't force herself to say a single word. She stood there, silently, before she chose to remove her swimsuit in front of them. Bending over and stepping out of it, placing it on the pile of her clothes that has formed in front of her. When she stood back up, she immediately used her hands to cover her chest and between her legs, attempting to protect whatever dignity she still had. The three girls were now laughing at her.

"Jesus Bree, put you hands down. What are you going to do, walk around all day with your hands covering yourself?" Kayden ordered Bree, a distinctive voice that only the Captain of a cheer squad has.

Bree lowered her head quickly, staring at the floor in front of Kayden before she slowly lowered her hands down to her sides. Bree a petite, beautiful, buxom brunette, with long straight hair, sparkling blue eyes and a sun kissed tan, completely exposed, standing there in the center of her friends, completely humiliated.

"Come here Bree. I want to show you how nice your Tumblr friends have been to us." Kayden orders Bree, pulling a chair out from her dining room table, directly in front of her laptop opened up on the table.

Bree didn't say a word as she begrudgingly walked over to the chair and took her seat. Kayden pushed her in, closer to the table, closer to her laptop, forcing her to keep her hands down on her lap. Kayden leaned over Bree and began scrolling through messages on her blog.

"This is one of my favorites." Pointing at an anonymous blogger suggesting that as punishment, they make her submit to them at all times. "This one thinks you should be our slave at all times." Before scrolling to another anonymous blogger, suggesting that they use her mouth as their personal sex toy. "This one thinks your mouth would be a better use for us." Again laughing at her. Scrolling to yet another anonymous blogger, telling them to use pussy torture as a punishment for hiding such a large secret from them. "But this one is my favorite. They want us to take it out on your poor little pussy." Laughing as she stood back up behind Bree. All of the girls now standing behind her, laughing at her.

Bree sat there quietly, her head lowered, her hands remaining on her lap where Kayden placed them. She's humiliated. A secret that was never meant to see the light of day has now been fully exposed, and she can't think of a single way to tell them, to make it stop.

"Go ahead Bree, scroll through them for yourself. See what your friends on there want us to do with you." Slightly upset when Bree just sat there.

Bree didn't want to experience any of this.

Kayden reached into her lap and placed her hand on the track pad of her laptop. "I said, scroll through them for yourself!" Forcing her to now purposely see them first hand.

Bree slowly began scrolling through all of the anonymous posts, quickly speeding up, when she noticed that every one of them was another humiliating task or punishment for her. Not a single person stood up for her. No one told them they were wrong for being on her laptop, for hi-jacking her account, and for humiliating her like this. Not a soul cared about her, they just wanted to watch her suffer. She was in tears before she stopped scrolling through her blog, using her hands to clear the tears away.

"How does it feel?" Asked Kayden when she noticed Bree crying.

"How does what feel?" Barely able to be understood between the crying sobs.

"Your fantasies coming true."

"This was never my fantasy!" Almost shouting at them. Still wiping away her tears.

"Don't lie to us!" Reaching back over her, scrolling to a picture she previously sent her in a text message. "What does that say? One Can Dream! You said it yourself." Scrolling to the first post the she text messaged her. "Right here, you wrote this yourself. You secretly fantasize about being submissive to a circle of friends. Don't lie to us."

"This is never what I wanted." Keeping her head down as the tears began to slowly dry away. Her mind crashing to all the different things she wants to tell them but was to afraid.

"And why is that?"

"You are my best friends. We cheered together for Christ sake."

"About that." Shelby blurted out. Bree turning to look at her. "We've decided that you can no longer be one of us."

"What?" Shouting, throwing her hands up in the air.

"We can't have a friend who secretly wants to kiss our feet and be a submissive."

"Yea that's not what a friend does." Ariana added, twirling her finger in her hair.

Bree just stared at them in shock.

Kayden placed her hands on Bree's shoulders. "But don't worry Bree, we've also decided that we love you to much to erase you from our lives either." Slowly massaging her shoulders, as if it would make her feel any better.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Holding back her tears. Devastated at what she's just heard.

Kayden released her shoulders and walked back over next to Shelby and Ariana. The three of them staring at her.

"We've decided that the only way we can allow you to still hang out with us, is if you submit to us." Kayden told her, a clear tone, seemingly to simple for the message she was giving Bree.

Ariana perked up. "It's really simple if you think about it."

"We just can't have you, pretending to be one of us, when in reality, you're below us." Kayden told her, directly to her face, without a doubt in her words.

Bree was again crying into her hards when Kayden approached her, standing her up and giving her a hug. Inviting the other two in to join. The four of them stood there, hugging, while Jordyn was given time to calm down.

When Kayden noticed that Bree was no longer crying. She released her and Shelby and Ariana followed suit.

Bree was standing there in the middle of them. They were only two to three inches taller than her, but at that very moment, they felt like towers surrounding her.

"What does that mean for us now?" Bree asked while wiping the last of her tears with her hands from under her eye.

"That's up to you." Kaylee answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you submit, or would you prefer us to leave?"

"Like, for good?" The desperation in her voice thick enough to cut with a knife.

"Yes. Forever!"

"That's kind of the point." Ariana added.

"You are my best friends, I don't want to lose you." Bree's fear heard in every word.

"Then submit." Kaylee ordered her, so matter of factly.

Bree didn't say a word before she slowly knelt down on the floor, down on her knees. She didn't want to be their submissive, but she couldn't picture life without them.

"You agree then? You're now our submissive?" Kayden asked.

"I don't want to lose you."

"Then say it."

"I submit. I'll be your submissive." Bree's head now facing the ground, their feet the only part of them she can bare to look at.

"Lovely!" Kayden told her as she walked behind her and back to the laptop. She scrolled to a specific post on Bree's blog, it was of the first picture she text messaged her, a submissive with three girls laughing at her while she went down on them. "We've already agreed, that if you can do this." Bringing the laptop around for her to see, placing it down on the coffee table in front of her. "Then we'll accept you as our submissive."

Bree was in shock. She just agreed to submit to them, to keep them from leaving her, and their first expectation is for her to go down on all of them.

Kayden didn't have an ounce of shame, when she unbuttoned her shorts and let them fall to the floor, quickly followed by her panties. She stood there, leaning against the back of Bree's couch, gesturing for her to come towards her with her finger.

Bree hesitated for only a moment, before slowly crawling over to Kayden, kneeling in front of her, her face directly in front of her exposed pussy. Shelby and Ariana stood there, giggling at Bree and what she was about to do.

Kayden placed her hand behind Bree's head, and slowly brought her face into her pussy. Positioning herself, forcing her mouth directly on clit.

As soon as Bree's lips touched, she immediately opened her mouth and allowed her tongue to taste Kayden's pussy, the first pussy she had ever tasted. She placed her hands on her Kayden's ass cheeks and began licking her. Not knowing what to do except what she would want another girl to do if it was her.

Bree's tongue was taking long swaths across Kayden's pussy, covering almost every inch of her with each pass. Allowing Kayden to slowly guide her place. Keeping her tongue in constant motion as she was guided wherever Kayden desired her. Bree's face now soaked in Kayden's juices and her own saliva.

Bree was happy when she began to hear Kayden moan. Placing her leg across Bree's back, still guiding her mouth however she wished it.

Kayden began to push Bree's face firmer into her pussy, her leg applying extra pressure, she could barely move her tongue. She kept it stuck out, Kayden's hand guiding it wherever she wanted. Her waist now thrusting her pussy tighter against Bree's face.

Kayden's moans became louder, loud enough to be felt by everyone in the room. Enough that Shelby had goosebumps as she watched them.

Kayden was pressing Bree's face as tight has she could, her mouth wide open and her tongue sticking out, licking wherever Kayden placed her, her nose rubbing on her like a two headed dildo.

Kayden stopped moving Bree's face around, stood there with her leg still draped across Bree's back, and began humping against her face.

Without warning, Kayden screamed out, and began squirting down Bree's throat. Forcing her to swallow her by the mouth full. Her squirts gushing all over Bree.

Kayden began humping Bree's face less and merely shaking on her. Her squirting coming to an end. Bree's mouth still wide open, her tongue still out licking anywhere Kayden desires. Bree swallowed more of Kayden than she ever imagined, and she's still soaking wet, even her bare chest is glimmering in Kayden's juices.

"Jesus Christ, Bree! How much fucking pussy have you eaten in your life?" Removing her leg from her back and releasing her grip on her head. Standing back up with a huge smile on her face. "That's the best head job I've ever had."

Bree didn't answer, she simply placed her hands back in her lap and continued to kneel there.

Kayden simply picked up her panties and began to put them on. She then began pulling her shorts up when Bree noticed Shelby, unbuttoning her shorts and allowing them to drop on the floor, quickly followed by her panties.

Bree's mind immediately came back to reality. She wasn't being intimate with Kayden, she was applying to be their submissive, or lose them all forever.

Shelby gestured for Bree to come with her finger, Bree quickly complied and crawled up in front of Shelby, placing her face directly in front of Shelby's pussy.

"Kayden acts like you're a good little pussy eater." Playing with Bree's hair while she's staring directly at Shelby's pussy.

"She's the best!" Kayden shouts from across the room, now sitting while her legs calm down and stop shaking.

"Are you ready to show me?" Shelby asks, looking down at Bree, still playing with her hair.

"I'm ready." The breathe of each word felt on Shelby's already excited pussy. Placing both of her hands on Shelby's ass cheeks.

"Then show me." As Shelby pressed Bree's face firmly into her pussy.

As soon as Bree's lips touched, she again opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and tasted Shelby. Again starting by taking long swaths across her pussy and allowing Shelby to easily guide her wherever she desires.

Shelby was completely surprised at how good Bree's tongue felt, she looked over towards Kayden and opened her mouth, her eyes wide open as if to show her how pleased she is.

Kayden smiled at her. "I know, right. I told you, she's the best."

"My god, you weren't kidding." Now guiding Bree's mouth around her pussy with both of her hands.

Shelby placed both of her legs behind Jordyn's back, standing up over top her, forcing Bree to tilt her head upward to and continue to lick Shelby's pussy where she directed her. Squeezing Shelby's ass tightly to keep from falling backwards. This position felt painful to Bree but she kept at it. Letting Shelby guide her wherever she wished. She just kept making long swaths across her pussy, hoping that she was making her happy.

When Shelby began humping on Bree's face, it was a lot more physical than Kayden. Bree wasn't just being pushed into Shelby's pussy like she was with Kayden, every thrust from Shelby hurts her neck. Shelby has her head by both hands, forcibly humping her, as if she was attempting to skull fuck her with an imaginary penis. Bree is holding tightly to Shelby's ass to keep from falling back onto the floor.