Extending the MILF List Ch. 04


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I bucked and came, bucked and came. Ellen took it, her little body pulsing and twitching as I pumped load after load of cum into her ass. The convulsion passed abruptly and I was done. My cock was being squeezed in her ass. I pulled it out with a pop and flopped onto the bed beside them. The feeling of euphoria fell on me like darkness on the desert and I lost contact with the present.

From somewhere, I heard clapping.

I rolled onto my back and struggled to my elbows. Dannielle was leading Sammy towards the bathroom. The blond stood in the door...clapping.

"Bravo, brava!" The woman said. Her big eyes were half-lidded. "That is what a menage a tois should be like!"

I got off the bed and staggered over to her. The shower came on. I looked back at Ellen on the bed. She lay on her side, her slight body barely making a bump under the sheet that covered her.

"Shut up." I hissed. "You'll wake the baby."

The woman laughed. "She is older than you, buster."

"What the hell are you clapping for?"

"I watched the whole thing. Quite a performance." She had a drink in her hand. She wobbled, leaning against the door jamb.

"You think she was acting?"

"Oh, no. You miss my point." She did not sound drunk. Her eyes, however, did not have the same sharp focus that greeted me at first at the door.

Uh Oh, I thought. "Yes, I suppose I did. Why don't you wobble out here and let her sleep. She deserves it. You can make your point there."

"Where are the flowers? Does she do a curtain call?"

"That was her curtain call. Whisper, dammit." I pushed the woman back out of the doorway and carefully pulled the door closed. "Are you still drunk?"

"Still? Was I drinking?" She grinned distantly, shook her head and then wobbled. "Well, maybe. I, I have a peculiar reaction to alcohol. I never feel drunk, you know, in the head. It is always physical. My mind is clear but my body seems to immigrate out of my control, rather like a teenager off to college. You worry but it makes precious little difference."

"Uh huh." I had no idea what she was talking about.

She held up my phone. "You left this on the nightstand. It rang and quite honestly, in my state, I could not figure out how to answer it." She giggled then; she was definitely a happy drunk. "My fingers don't work so well."

I took it, glanced at it and found Sam's number. "Here. Sit." I perched her on the couch. I rang him back. "Sam?"

"Sonny? Hey, listen, Gustavo from downstairs called and said some kid was asking about me. Is that you?"


"He doesn't know you, did you know that?"

"Why would he?"

"Well, I assumed he would. Didn't Bickerstaff or Kline introduce you around?"

"No." I said, trying to remember what I had told him and what I had left out. "Sam, listen, this is my first time here. He would not let me into the apartment."

"I know. He told me. I told him it was fine. I vouched." He paused. "I guess I assumed you were a regular and we had just never crossed paths till now. Sort of a silly assumption now that I consider it from here."

I didn't ask where "here" was. "Listen, if you can get me into the apartment, I can get Mrs. Suzanne home."

"She still drunk? Don't let her drive. Take care of her, Sonny. I'll owe you for that."

"I got it covered."

"I'll call him. Did I wake you...hey..." His voice tailed off.

I had a flash, that certainty of intuition that I knew what he was thinking. How could I reassure him that I was not boinking his blond without putting the idea in his head if it was not already there. If he wasn't going to ask, I wasn't going to volunteer; besides, this woman was likely nobody's blond. Ever. I was watching her as she watched me; her eyes had sharpened and the lazy, wobbly gaze was gone. Suddenly I wondered if this was the blond that Sammy found the picture of, before the MILF list changed us all? At this point, it was way to awkward to find out. Sam spoke, pulling me back to the present.

"I'll call down and let Gus know to meet you at the door. But Sonny, don't let her in there. Not alone and not with Gus."

"Trust issues, Mr. Honeywell?" I tried to make my tone drip with irony but I think I only managed a tinny whine.

"Mrs. Northcutt is, shall we say reckless when she has been drinking. I think it would alter my understanding with Gus if she blew him in my apartment. The Dominion is known for its discretion and a blow job would certainly put Gus in an awkward position."

"Dear Suzanne's position would be more awkward I would think, especially in that dress." I quipped before I could think.

Sam chuckled. "I'll leave you to it, and Sonny, thanks. I am counting on your discretion."

I heard the warning and I shot it back like a lazy serve on the tennis court, aimed for his cheekbone. "Bad policy, Mr. Honeywell, I am discreet like Sammy is. But I won't ever volunteer information about anyone. If Alissa asks, I'll tell her everything. She is the one I am more likely to protect. Just so we are clear. If I have to chose between you and your wife, I choose to protect her trust in me. She has a pussy. Having said that, I'll add this, for your peace of mind. I think she has absolutely no reason to ask me about you or where you're hiding your sausage. I suggest you don't give her any reason to ask me because I am not going to lie to her about this. I am discreet but not a liar." I ran out of breath and gasped for air. I needed to remember to breathe when I am trying to be forceful. Panting at the end sort of warbles the delivery.

Sam did not respond for a minute. "Okay. That's fair. But Mr. Duncan, don't forget that you are boning my wife."

"Sam, Sam, it seems odd for you to suggest that I remember stuff one moment and then insist that I be discreet the next. After all, I am not the one with a secret to protect. I am forgetful and only think about stuff if I am questioned. You know I am boning your wife, she knows I am boning her and Sammy knows I am boning his mother. Seems to me, I don't have much to hide or protect."

"What about your family?"

I got an itch. "I am pretty sure they know that Alissa is being boned by me."

Silence. "Sonny, listen..."

"Sam, no worries. What stays in Vegas...how does that go?"

"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

"I'll be discreet. You have to trust me. Trust me until you have reason not to because, in case you have forgotten..."

"I haven't forgotten," his voice caught. "Melissa." He breathed. After a hesitation, he swallowed and spoke in an airy voice, "I just realized that I have no way to validate what you are telling me."

I snorted. I was tired of talking about it. "Sam, I am bonking boots with Mrs. Bickerstaff and a woman from your wife's office. Doesn't that suggest something?"

He thought for a moment or I hoped he did. When he spoke his voice was different somehow. "I guess, I guess I got to thinking about Melissa and what you said and it seems, it seems too fantastic to be possible. The idea of you doing her and her sister, Alissa together...I just cannot get that out of my mind. I cannot imagine Alissa and Melissa..." His voice held skepticism and wishful thinking all in one tone. "I cannot imagine it. Not you so much as the idea that those two sisters would, you know, let one man share them like that. It makes as much sense as a cigar room at a gas refinery."

"Sam, listen, its late. I have to get Mrs. Suzanne..."


"...er...Northcutt, right. I have to get her home. Three's a crowd." I chortled, unable to help myself. It seems I cannot count worth a fuck. "When you get back to town, I'll sit down and go over the whole thing in some more detail. For now, you'll just have to trust me that what I told you is more or less accurate." My mind drifted over the implied commitment but it was just the other end of the one I'd already more or less made to Melissa and in a roundabout way, to Sammy. Getting Alissa twisted in with that whole picture...that seemed like another luscious challenge. My heart hammered, making my chest hurt.


I waited.

Finally, I heard a clicking on the line.

"Fine. Fine. I...I understand. You're right. When I get back, we'll have a drink..."

"I'm only nineteen."

"Fuck you, Sonny. You know what I mean. I just want to know that you aren't making a fool out of me in front of my kid. Sammy is a good kid but he thinks I am a shit to his Mom...maybe I am but I don't want to lose his respect."

"Boys our age don't respect anybody."

Sam snorted. "Well, we'll have lunch sometime. I gotta go."

He was gone. For a moment I started at the phone and then looked at Suzanne Northcutt. I reflected that Sam seemed more worried that his blond would fuck the doorman than about me slipping her a slick sausage. I was trying to figure out if that was a good thing—that he trusted me like that—or a bad thing—that he trusted me like that.

I glanced at Suzanne and she seemed to be sitting there totally rapt. Her eyes, however, were fixed on my flagging cock, smeared with lub and Ellen. She looked up from my cock.

"I'll take you home." I said.

"Interesting conversation, Mr. Duncan, is it?"

"I said, I'll take you home, are you ready to go?"

"You are having sexual relations with Sam's estranged wife?"

Estranged? "Is that what he told you?" I dodged.

"No, idiot child. I just heard you reference it. And that is his son in there?"

The bitch must have ears like an elephant. Not big, sharp. I shrugged, wordless. "You don't have your shoes on."

"Easier to walk, I find. So you seem to have your dick in the Honeywell honey pot..." She began.

"None of your business or a least not really." I cut her off. Suddenly I was exhausted and out of patience for sparring with this beautiful woman, drunk on her ass.

She drained the last of the bourbon from her glass. "You have to drive my car. I can't leave it here. Borland will know if the car is not back with me."

"He really doesn't suspect anything?"

Suzanne shook her head, a single, violent jerk left and right. "No. Not a chance he knows about Sam. Go get my phone and we can go."

I did that. I had to find my clothes again. They were getting a little stiff with use. I found Gustavo at the door of Sam's apartment. He clicked a picture of me and sent it on his phone. "We wait." He said shortly. He clearly found the situation uncomfortable. After three or four minutes, he got a reply, presumably from Sam, and opened the door. "You got two minutes. Make it quick. The surveillance cameras come on if the door is open much longer and the passcode is not entered. Sam said you didn't need it. Just get the phone and come right back out."

I held up my hand. I had him wait. He pulled the door closed. I knew I had screwed up. "Listen, I don't know where it is. I need to go borrow a phone and call mine so I can find it."

Gustavo grumbled but nodded. I went back to the apartment and had Suzanne give me the number of her phone, "so I can find it" I told her. She did not argue the point and typed her number into my phone. I walked back to the door and Gus let me in. I called the number and walked around listening for the ringer. I found the phone in a crack between the headboard and the mattress of a huge, round bed. I hurried out to the corridor and Gus closed the door. I thanked him profusely and realized halfway back to the apartment that I was supposed to tip him. He was standing at the elevator when got there, waiting for a car.

I held out a twenty. "Here, Gus. I meant to offer you something for your trouble."

Gus was big, mountain big with pores the size of my nostrils, curly black hair with strands of bright white in it. His eyebrows were bushy, unkempt, like the untrimmed hedges of an abandoned house. He regarded me for so long I thought I had been too cheap and he was insulted. He finally nodded and took it just as the elevator doors opened. "Thanks Sonny. You got class for a kid your age. If you do right by Sam, you alright by me." He disappeared behind the elevator doors.

I found Sammy dressed and waiting when I got back to the apartment. No sign of either Ellen or Dannielle."

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He said I needed a ride home, that is back here to The Dominion, if I was driving Mrs. Northcutt home. I had to agree. Mrs. Northcutt had not moved. I got her shoes and ended up kneeling before her shapely legs, trying not to look up her skirt and see whichway my bet with myself about her and her panties went; I had a bonus on shaved or bushy that I did not expect to resolve by putting her shoes on.

Sammy and I walked her down to her car. She was unable to walk to it but gave excellent voice instructions. A night guard stopped us and interrogated us and Mrs. Northcutt. She made up some story about her being drunk and needing us to drive her home. He finally let us go. Sammy gave me a look and I shrugged.

The drive home was chaotic. Sammy kept missing corners, zipping past after I turned and losing us. I think he had pussy intoxication and couldn't see in the dark without his dork out. Mrs. Northcutt gave short, clipped directions till finally she told me to stop. We were on a gentle hill, with no real entrance to a house in sight. When I objected she explained that it would be uncomfortable if she ended up on the security footage riding in her own car instead of driving it. I would have to get out and dear Borland would see clearly that I was neither a rental nor a mark—her words exactly.

That puzzled me but I had no desire to clarify the issue. All I wanted was to get this gummy blond off the bottom of my shoe. I stopped and put the car into park. She leaned over and took hold of my chin and kissed me wetly on the cheek. "You are a gentleman, Sonny Duncan. I believe lots of males would have done me face down on the bed as soon as I passed out. Thank you for your help and I am sorry for taking you away from your hobby." She struggled out of the car and wobbled around to my side. I got her situated and watched her drive up the hill and around the corner. Sammy was behind us and I got into his car.

"That was fucking weird." He said. I could only agree.

We didn't talk most of the way back, nearly half an hour drive. As we neared The Dominion, Sammy began to clear his throat over and over. Since he didn't smoke and he was about as phlegmatic as gasoline, I knew something was on his mind. I suspected I knew. "Okay, Sammy. Out with it. What's on your mind?"

"Ellen." He said her name like it had been burped out of him.

"Yeah? What about Ellen?"

"I...uh, I want to sleep with her tonight. You know, alone."

I grunted. "You two seemed to hit it off."

"Oh my god, Sonny, you have no idea. When did her, she..." He coasted to a stop. "I...I think she likes me too." He said finally as we pulled into the parking garage at The Dominion.

"Well, hell, Sammy good for you."

"But...Sonny, she knows you are boinking my mom." He turned of the car and looked over at me. "That is weird right? That my buddy is boinking my mom? What will she think?"

"You'll have to ask her." I had no energy to imagine anything of the sort.

"But she is not a normal woman!"

I wasn't sure where he was going with this. "Sammy, my man, what about the last few months would you call normal? Or the last few hours for that matter?"

"Oh, well, right. I suppose that's right."

He had no fucking idea.

We found the apartment empty of sound, the lights still on. I found Ellen in the left bedroom. Sammy and I met in the middle, switching places. Mrs. Bickerstaff was dead to the world but uncoiled when I got into the bed behind her. She mumbled something and went back to sleep. I pulled her ass against my crotch and she sighed. I glanced at the clock. It was close to 5:00 a.m. I closed my eyes and the day at The Dominion ended in blackness.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

He said, "I would fuck a blind girl...from behind,". I almost choked laughing.

ContrastingContrastingabout 9 years agoAuthor
From Contrasting: Re Blisters

Sonny called his sisters, "Blisters" and they called him their little "bother". They teased each other in other times with these names. Fully intentional.

loveable_guyloveable_guyabout 9 years ago
why the deliberate mispellings?

Every time I see "blisters", I know you are referring to "sisters", but its misspelled that way all the time. Why?

This was the first time I've seen Sonny talk with an attitude to a woman...Northcutt. Why bring his attitude on?

IronixIronixover 9 years ago
Truly one of the best.

I can't wait for the next instalment of this story. I don't know if you use an editor here,but it might do you some good. If you don't, I would be happy to offer my services. Even with the missspellings and punctuations errors, it is a fantastic read. I just finished the whole series that you have released. You have a talent like very few do. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
keep it coming

I love these stories. Please keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story

As alway its worth the wait .

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Like others, I have to read to the end in not too many sessions and your writing is superb, my only complaint is the length of your posts, 17 pages is a long read and in some ways the size means that some of the story sections get lost in the whole . . . in other words, as erotic images it becomes a little bit of overload. If it was in two or three page posts then it would be easier to enjoy each little vignette and replay them whilst undertaking 'other activities' :)

Great story, the addition of so many intertwining characters and issues makes it even better, you would be an excellent crime writer, even the butler would confess I think.

Well done, cannot wait for the next addition.

Jedd11Jedd11over 9 years ago
another great addition

Once again, a nice addition to the story. I love how you have gond from creating to sharing to extending, the Milf List. I think I may like the Extending addition best. Not many writers can keep me interested for 17 Lit pages, but you did. I couldn"t stop reading. Of course many Lit 'writers' think "I hav a bigg cock, your poussy louks tite. Wanna fuck," (errors intentional), passes for a well written story. Good job. To any interested, the author has links to photos that he attributes to how the women in this story look. Just contact in feedback above or go to his bio page, and he will send you the link. I must say, his first offering, Mrs. Danielle Bickerstaff, is quite fun looking. Send Contrasting a line. And C, keep up the good work.

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