Fairy Tale Fantasy: Beastly Legend


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"Well . . . Hetta love," he whispered as he pushed his fingers into her soft skin. "You have one charge on the cold stone floor of a deserted castle full of statues. Another is running through the dead of night in a silk robe with no clothes on." He pushed her hair over her shoulders. "Hold that," he said.

Hetta sighed and began to braid the massive pile of blue curls that he'd tossed to the front her. As she braided she laughed. "You know how this works silly man," she said.

"Oh . . . but Hetta my sweet friend," he eased his fingers over her silky skin and wished for the thousandths time the gossamer gown she wore was not between him and her flesh. "I know how the Fairy Godfathers' laws work, perhaps yours are different." Daniel stared at the spot behind her ear and moved closer so he could concentrate his thoughts on that one spot.

Hetta could feel his breath and she bit her lower lip. She knew a love between them was denied unless they both chose to live their own tales of heartache and passion. When his mouth touched her skin, she whimpered and moaned. "Daniel," she whispered. Her body leaned back into his.

"Yes, Hetta?" he asked. His tongue tasted the flesh he'd been dying to dine on. He shuddered and nipped gently. "What do you want my friend?" He grazed her skin with his teeth.

"Oh Daniel . . . please . . . ," she gasped and her breath became ragged.

"Just ask and I will do whatever you wish," he told her as he sucked on the soft lobe of her ear.

She closed her eyes and stepped away from him. "I have work to do Daniel, please leave." She heard his hiss, followed by an angry growl. His hand reached for her and pulled her back to him. He spun her around and covered her mouth with his. She tried to pull away, but couldn't. His tongue dipped and stroked the walls of her mouth, tangling with her tongue. He felt her stiffen in his arms. Daniel left her lips.

"I want you Hetta " he shouted. He released her then disappeared.

With the weight of his words and the wetness of his lips still on hers, Hetta turned back to her charges and tried to concentrate on the task at hand. She would deal with her own problems later.


Jenny ran deep into the woods before donning the robe. It smelled of him and she felt a new flood of tears escape her. Without her knowledge, magic led her to the path that would take her home. She reached the door and threw it open. Her eyes gazed upon the room and the occupants inside. She stood there in shock as she took in her sisters naked and lying on the floor with Warren mounting one while the other twin was writhing on the floor as her sister devoured her sex.

Warren turned to bellow at the intruder and his eyes widened in surprised when he saw Jenny, the woman he'd been fucking in his mind, standing in the doorway. "Fuck," he grunted and pulled his cock from Alice's cunt. It dripped with her juices and he made his way toward Jenny.

"Warren . . . what are you doing here? Why are you here and where is my father?" she shouted at him.

"Father is sick. He's in bed," Abigail said then returned to her sister's wet pussy. Jenny moved toward her father's room, only to be stopped when Warren grabbed her and pushed her against the wall.

"Wait there little girl. Where have you been?" Warren asked her. He didn't fail to notice the scent of sex coming from her as well as the scent of the come that covered his cock. He pushed the tip of his shaft against her. The robe lay wedged between them.

Henry thought he'd been dreaming when he heard Jenny's voice, but now he knew he wasn't. He stumbled from the bed and hobbled toward her. "Jenny dear," he groaned out as he fell against the wall.

Warren glared at him. "Back to bed fool " Warren didn't understand how the poisons he'd been lacing the old man's ale with hadn't yet killed him, but he would do the job tonight if he were forced to. His attention went back to Jenny. "I asked you where you've been. Answer me " he lifted her slightly from the wall and slammed her back into it. Her head hit the picture frame and the corner cut into her scalp.

"The Beast " Henry shouted. "I told you she was taken by him " Her father looked at her. "How did you escape Jenny? Did you kill him?"

"He let me go," she told her father. "I left and he didn't come after me." She felt Warren's fist tighten around the folds of the silk material.

"Who? Who let you go?" he shouted at her. His saliva splattered over her face. Jenny turned away and shuddered. "Were you with a Beast? Did an animal fuck you? Did you open your legs for a hideous creature?"

"He is not an animal He is wonderful Kind Caring You are the animal " she screamed back at him. She didn't have to time to duck or she would have missed the fist that slammed into her jaw. There was a cry from her father and the twins' laughter seemed to be coming from somewhere far away. Warren released her and she fell to the floor. "Be here when I get back whore. If you wish to rut with animals then you'll be taken like one."

He grabbed his clothes and got dressed, ignoring the sisters' pleas for him to return quickly. Warren stopped by his home and gathered his weapon. Soon he was standing on the edge of the forest ready to stalk his prey and bring home its pelt to wear on his wedding day. It wasn't long before magic helped Warren find the castle. He made his way through the iron gate and began to search for the creature that had taken Jenny before he could claim her.


Jenny awoke in a daze, moments after Warren had left. Her mind was foggy; her jaw ached. She sat up slowly, looked around and saw that her sisters were both gone. She didn't know where, nor did she care. "Father," she whispered. Her eyes scanned the room and she made out his fallen form. She crawled to him. When she reached his side, she pressed her face to his and felt his warm breath. "Father. Wake up. . .please."

Henry heard her and forced his body to roll over. "Jenny . . . my little Jenny. I'm glad you're home. Warren will come back and care for you." He reached out and touched her cheek. "Oh look, you're not Jenny . . . You are my love. Do you see your mother? I will go with her now. Warren will care for you. He'll deal with the animal and come back and care for you. Be good, my Jenny girl."

Jenny's eyes filled with sadness. Her father was making no sense. His eyes suddenly glazed over and his breath left his body for the final time. She squeezed his hands and kissed his cheeks. With shaky fingers she closed his eyes and slowly rose from the floor. Her head swam as she took timid steps to the doorway of her home. She needed to reach Collan. She had to save him.

Laughter from her sisters filled her ears as she shut the door on them and hurried into the night.


Collan heard the man enter his home; he'd heard him miles before he'd pushed through the gate. He sat there waiting to be found. Something told him that Jenny was this man's intended. He should have known that she was promised to another and she'd run back to him. He should have seen it in her eyes, read it in her expressions, but he was fooled. He wanted her too much to see that she was as conniving as the blue-haired witch.

Warren found the animal in a room that obviously had been where Jenny allowed the creature to mount her. He could still smell the proof of their mating. "She let you between her legs?" he shouted out, pulling his sword from its scabbard. "Stand up and fight me Beast, so I can get back to her."

Collan's yellow eyes barely registered the man standing before him. "Just end my life. I do not care. I'll not fight you."

"Do you think I won't? Do you believe that just sitting there and not defending yourself will stop me? I will gladly kill you. The bitch you fucked will put up more fight then you will," Warren lifted his sword to strike the Beast. As he brought it down Collan rolled out of the way. His eyes locked with the man's and he reran the words the stranger spoke through his head again.

"Fight you?" he asked. "You would take her without her permission?"

"She's no longer worthy of anything but a good fucking. She's mated with an animal. I would have taken her as my wife and rutted with her good and hard; in time, she'd have liked it. Now it doesn't matter. She is the dog you made her and she'll be treated as such," Warren lifted his sword again and struck out. His blade connected with Collan's right forearm as Collan tried to deflect the blow. He howled in pain as the wound sliced through his thick fur and strong muscle.

Jenny heard the scream and she ran faster. She reached the gate and pushed through it. "No " she shouted as she ran toward the castle doors. Collan heard her, but he knew the human didn't. He staggered back to his feet, the blow from earlier having forced him down.

"She is worth more than both of us combined. Leave her and this place or you will die," Collan growled. He lowered himself to all fours and circled his enemy. His fangs snapped and his muscles flexed and rippled. The wound that Warren had given him still stung and blood oozed from it, but Collan didn't think of that; he thought of how to end this without taking the man's life or having Jenny see him forced to end it.

As Jenny ran up the steps toward the last place she'd left her love, she heard the sound of screaming fills the halls. She too cried out and quickened her steps. She rounded the corner and ran into her bedroom. Her eyes took in the carnage of blood and mangled limbs. She gagged, covered her nose at the scent, and stepped deeper into the room.

Collan lay still. A sword protruded from his beast formed chest. Warren, or what was left of him, lay in a pile just a foot away from the Beast. His throat had been ripped from his neck and Jenny knew that Collan had leapt at Warren and tore into him as the sword was pushed into her love's torso. She grasped the sword, pulled it free, and tossed it away. She then fell on Collan. His blood formed puddles on the cold stone floor. Her tears fell against his fur and her fists clenched the soft hairs. "I'm sorry," she cried. "I'm sorry "

She lay down beside him and brushed her hand across the long snout, covered in blood. She traced his closed eyes, the tips of his ears, and ran her fingers over the thick, muscular neck. "I love you Collan, man or beast. I'll always love you." She rolled into him and buried her neck in his fur.

Heat cascaded around her and she felt the floor shake under her. She sat up and looked around wondering what was happening. A glow erupted from underneath Collan and Jenny scurried back from it. Fear showed in her eyes as a woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Do you love him?" she asked.

"Yes," she answered without any hesitation or doubt. "Man or beast. I would always love him."

"Would you do anything for him? Relive all of this to have him as yours?" she asked.

"Yes," again no sign of doubt crossed Jenny's face.

Hetta sighed, "Yes . . . so would I." She lifted her wand and watched Collan slowly rise up from the floor. His canine body began to swirl and soon it was spinning faster and faster until it stopped. It hung there suspended in the air until there was a great burst of light that erupted all around the room. It filled every crevice, touched every speck of dust that billowed in the wind. The light flew from every window of the castle, crossed every blade of grass, touched every tree, caressed every flower, and slammed against every statue that rested inside the garden gates.

In a blink of an eye it disappeared as did Hetta. In its path, nothing was left untouched. Jenny watched the room melt away from one that had been coated in blood to one that bore the colors of the rainbow. Her eyes immediately went to where Collan had lain and she cried out in anguish, his body was gone. The floor now only covered by a rug. She screamed her sorrow and begged for the witch to come back.

"My Beauty," the words came to her like a melody from a mocking bird. She looked up and saw her Prince. He stood before her on the balcony, his body that of the one she'd looked upon the last time she loved him. This time she concentrated on his chest, fearful that if she looked at him he'd disappear. She rose up and walked slowly toward him, each step echoed around her. When she reached him, she whimpered. His fingers cupped her chin and he lifted her face to his.

He chuckled when he saw her eyes clenched tightly. "Am I that horrid to look at?" he asked her.

Jenny's eyes flew open and she pounded on his chest. "You'd like that wouldn't you If I . . . ," she stopped and stared at him, truly seeing him. "I love you no matter what. You know this . . . don't you?" she asked. Her eyes sought his and she added, "You are my Beast . . . and my Prince . . . you are one and the same." His eyes flashed from green to yellow and he pulled her into his arms.

Their lips merged and he held her to him. Shouts of jubilation rang out and he whisked her into his arms twirled her toward the balcony and presented him to the garden that was now full of the servants that he'd cursed so long ago. There in the center was an old man and his wife. The old guard saluted his liege Lord, then he and his wife faded into the distance.


The feast ended and Collan carried his wife up to their chambers. His eyes never left hers as he slid her down his body, finally releasing her, and allowing her to stand on her own two feet. He traced the shape of her smile and gave her a mocking frown when she bit his finger. His fingers slipped the pearl buttons from their loops and he spread the material open. "Beautiful," he whispered. His mouth dipped down to tease a pink nipple.

Her fingers moved into his hair and she smoothed it back. She shivered as he pulled the rosy bud into his mouth and began to suckle from it. "Mmm . . . I will miss that," she moaned as he increased the tempo. His other hand came up and his fingers rolled the matching peak with two fingers. His mouth left her breasts and he slipped his tongued down to her stomach as he slid to his knees.

"I don't plan on stopping . . . he will have to share," Collan said, nipping the slight rounded stomach that kept their babe warm.

"But if he or she has an appetite," she gasped. "Oh again . . . ," she pleaded.

"What? This?" he asked as his finger pinched the nipple he hadn't abandoned. He looked up at her and watched her nod her head yes. He pinched again and she gasped in pleasure. "Alas my love, I must abandon my post."

She opened her eyes and stared into his. She saw the flash of yellow and her body shuddered with desire. "Abandon it and be quick," she hissed.

Collan laughed, but did as he was told. She thought he was leaving, but he'd only abandoned the teasing of her nipple to begin the quest of removing her gown completely. Soon it was nothing but a puddle on the floor and Collan was on his knees. Her sex was before him and his tongue was moving toward it. "Oh yes," she cried as her hips tried to get closer to him. She bit her lower lip as he slipped his finger into her slick opening.


"Collan," she gasped. Her muscles tightened around him. "Yes. Quick " she ordered him. Her fingers grabbed handfuls of his hair and she shook with need as she plunged her sex into his face.

His finger moved quickly in and out of her as his mouth opened and covered her clit. He sucked on the strip of flesh and ran his tongue over it at the same time. He drove deeper with every thrust, adding two fingers as he did so. He pushed harder into her each time and drank more fluids from her as he explored her cavern. She tasted sweet and full of life and Collan only hungered for more.

As he claimed her, taking her sex with his mouth, teeth, and fingers Jenny felt the tides of passion surrounding her. They built against a barrier that was weakening with every touch of her lover's breath. Every caress of his tongue was just another crashing wave that slammed into the wall that was threatening to give way. His teeth became the final warrior that fought against the climax that consumed her. Collan's teeth nipped at the swollen center of her sex; Jenny's walls collapsed and the waves of fluids washed over her.

Collan drank the rushing flood that flowed from his wife. He pushed them around his mouth, savored their taste, and allowed himself to drink more of her nectar. He supped from her as if she was the finest and most rare fruit on the menu and he loved it. His tongue dove in for more and he took what it found and brought it up to her to share.

Jenny swept her tongue inside his mouth and tasted the passions he'd fueled and stoked to a fiery blaze. She felt his arms surround her, lift her, and soon she was against the bed with his cock buried deep inside. They moved as one. Each gave. Each took. Both knew no limits nor asked any. They just did what they knew was right. They loved quickly and without hesitation and as they climaxed together, both cried out the other's name.

And they lived happily ever after... but...

On the branch of a tree outside the lovers' window sat Hetta, her head bowed. She whispered a few words of magic and disappeared. In less than a second she reappeared, though she had slipped into a peaceful slumber, taking the place of a Princess that was supposed to sleep for a hundred years. Daniel had just finished one of his own stories when he found himself face to face with a dragon that was about to spew acid at him. He looked up at the tower before him and grinned. The name Hetta fell from his lips as he charged toward the mighty creature.

The End?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I am not sure it is exactly non-human but it is well written. I Hope you will try again in the category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Great rendition of an awesome fairy tale. Got any more renditions?? Keep 'em cummin.

PenceysSecretPenceysSecretalmost 18 years ago
I love Beauty and the Beast!

thankyou for this lovely rendition. Very hot, and still hearwarming!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Being a romantic makes me appreciate this hot sweet twisted story. Yes you've entertained me. Looking forward to reading happy endings for the last two characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Very confusing...I got lost half way through the story and quit reading it all together. I know you can do better then this!

RedHairedandFriendlyRedHairedandFriendlyover 18 years agoAuthor

This is the corrected version... the explanation at the end cleared up and the most important line ever... Happily Ever After. Enjoy and thank you to all the folks who have emailed me with their comments concerning the Fairy Tale Series as well as those that leave public comments. Thank you ~ Red

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

What a wonderful erotic version of Beauty and the Beast. Great job. Although I was a tad bit confused about the ending where they were referring to "him" like there was another person involved.

RedHairedandFriendlyRedHairedandFriendlyover 18 years agoAuthor
And... they lived happily ever after...


I can't believe I left that line out!!! I'm doing an edited version that will correct a few things I noticed and then I will be sure that they live Happily Ever After... now about Hetta and Daniel... we'll just have to see.

Thanks for the comment... *mumbles... can't believe I forgot that line!*


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Please tell me, did they live happily ever after?


I gotta tell you I loved it. It read well, the flow of the story was great with two exceptions, but the overall effect made for a wonderful tale. Thank You. Ronnie W.

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