Falling for Jessica Ch. 04


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My mom held him up and took a whiff, "Yep, he needs his diaper changed."

"Hand him here, I'll do it."

"Amina, I told you today is your break. I'll do it."

"Actually, do you mind if I do it?" My dad reached for Anthony, "It's been years since I changed a diaper."

"Of course." Adrian handing over the diaper bag.

"God, I've never seen people so eager to change a smelly diaper", I laughed. "I'm going to get started on the food. I'll be in here if any of you need anything", I walked to the kitchen.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, the doorbell ringed. I heard the door open and a familiar voice introducing herself to everyone. In came walking into the kitchen was Lorie. "I hope you didn't get started without me?"

"Thank god, you're here", I hugged her, "I was just about to start."

"Well lets get started then", she clapped her hands.

It took us four hours to cook a large quantity of pasta including Lorie's homemade garlic bread which is delicious by the way. We started setting the large table that could seat about fifteen to twenty people.

"Amina you should go freshen up, Jessica and a few of her co-workers should be arriving any minute. I also invited a surprise guess."

"Okay who's the surprise guess?" I asked before leaving the kitchen.

"Don't you worry sweetheart, now go." Lorie nudged me out of the kitchen.

I passed my family on the way upstairs and told them the food was ready and that we're just waiting for people to get here. I left them to it and went upstairs to change into a simple black dress. There was going to be nothing fancy about this dinner so no need to get all dressed up. It'll just be family and friends enjoying Jess last night in town, plus I know Jess and she wouldn't want people to go all out for something as simple as a dinner. Knowing her she'll probably show up in jeans and a tank top and still incredibly sexy.

I was brushing my teeth when Adrian joined me in the bathroom. "You look amazing. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were getting all dressed up for Jessica", he laughed at my expression, "or not."

"That's not funny", I wiped my mouth with a towel and looked in the mirror at him.

"It was a joke and anyways you have to be blind if you don't notice the way she looks at you. I think she has a little crush on you."

"How does she look at me?" I turned to face Adrian and I was genuinely curious to know what he saw when Jess looked at me.

"She looks at you like she wants to take you", he lifted me onto the counter, "and just eat you", he kissed my neck.

"Can you stop?" I pushed him away.

"Umm okay", he backed off. "What's wrong? We haven't had sex in forever. If something is wrong you can tell me, you know that right?"

"Yeah I know, I just...I don't know", the doorbell ringed. "Can we just talk later?"

He kissed me on the lips and smiled. "Saved by the bell."

We both walked down the stairs and heard a few new voices and Jess. They all were introducing themselves to my parents.

"Hey, I see you guys met my parents."

"Yeah hey you two. Thanks for giving me a going away dinner, I really do appreciate it."

"No problem, it was all Amina's idea." Adrian wrapped his arm around me.

"Well thank you Amina."

I nodded and Jess turned to introduce the two that stood behind her.

"You saw the way she looked at you when she thanked you?" Adrian whispered in my ear and I elbowed him in the stomach. "Owe", he laughed.

"Amina and Adrian these are my two favorite people, Nick and Lea. I worked with them for a few years and I wouldn't have gotten through that firm without them.

We shook their hands and we all made it into the dining room, talking and laughing. I noticed my parents and Lorie were missing and excused myself. I went back to the living room and there they were, huddled around Anthony's crib. I couldn't help but smile, "Dinner is starting you guys."

"Sorry he's just so precious", my mom answered.

"I know mom but we're all ready to eat, so you three get in the dining room."

My dad laughed, "You raised a bossy one, eh?"

Mom, dad, and Lorie started making there way to the dining room, I followed and the doorbell rang again. I turned around and walked towards the door, "That's probably my little surprise. I'll get it if you don't mind?"

"No of course not." I let her open the door and there stood a duplicate of Lorie.

"Hey baby sis!" Lorie greeted her twin.

"Lorie how many times do I have to remind you, I came out first?"

"Yeah anyways this is Amina, she's the owner of this beautiful home and she's also really good friends with your daughter. Amina this my sister and Jess's mom of course, Lana."

"Hello and please call me Mrs. Torres. It is nice to finally meet you. This one has told me a lot about you and what my daughter did for you."

I noticed she seemed lot different from Lorie. It's not like I expected for them two to be the same person but she seemed like the bitchy rich uptight type, not that I'm saying that's who she is. I would never judge a book by it's cover. "Hi", I shook her hand, "your daughter is a really lovely person. She's done a lot for me."

She smiled and nodded politely. For a second I stood there looking at this woman who birthed Jess and I remembered the stories Jess told me.

"Okay ladies, everyone is waiting to eat." Lorie broke the moment of silence. We followed Lorie into the dining room like it was her house and she was the host. "Everyone we have a special guest", Lorie announced and Jess turned around in her seat. I couldn't read her facial expression, there were too many but one was definitely shock. "Jess would you mind introducing your guest?" Personally, I think Lorie was pushing it by asking Jess to introduce her mom, giving the fact that they hadn't even talked in a long while.

Jess looked at her mom then around the table, "Everyone this is my mom, Mrs. Torres as she likes to be called. Everyone greeted her and took turns introducing themselves. Jess stood from the table, "Excuse me." She started walking toward Lorie and I. God, I never seen her so pissed, "Kitchen, now." We followed her to the kitchen. "Why would you guys invite her?" Jess sat on a stool and waited for an explanation.

"I invited her, Amina didn't know anything about this so don't be upset with her. Look sweetie, you're leaving tomorrow and I think you two should have a talk before you're gone. Life is too short for us all not to get along."

"I'm not the one that ignored her Aunt Lorie. I mean, she basically disowned me when dad died. I tried communicating with her and she never wanted to so why now?" Jess was clearly angry.

"She know she was wrong and she wants to apologize and make it right with you."

Jess laughed, "Right, of course she wants to make it right. She's probably still a mean old bitch."

"Hey look at me", I held Jess face in my hands, "calm down, okay?" I ran my fingers through her hair, it always relaxes her.

Adrian walked into the kitchen, "Hey what's going on in here, we're starving!"

"Shit, I forgot! Adrian could you be a darling and help me take this into the dining room? Amina could you stay with that one there?"

"Of course", both Adrian and I responded.

"You're okay?" Adrian mouthed, not knowing what was going on and I nodded reassuringly. He took the first batch of pasta out to the dining room and Lorie followed with a couple baskets of garlic bread.

"She's right, you know? You should talk to your mom", I sat on a stool beside her.

"You don't know the whole story Amina. You don't know all of the things she said and did to me.

"You're right, I don't but I think your dad would want you two to work on your relationship with each other."

Jess stood and pulled me up into a hug, "I know he would too." I held her in my arms and she buried her face into my neck. It wasn't sexual but my body responded to her warm breath tickling my neck and her body pressed against me.

"Ahem." Jess and I looked up at the person clearing their throat. "Can I talk to you Jessica?" It was her mom.

"I'm going to be in the dining room, okay?" I left them alone to talk and I found everyone eating, laughing and talking to each other at the dining room table. "What are we talking about?" I chimed in.

"Oh my god, your dad has the best stories", said Nick.

"Oh yeah? What are you telling these lovely people here?"

My dad laughed, "Don't worry, nothing inappropriate. I was just telling them about the time we all went fishing and you fell off the boat. We had no idea you were missing from the boat", everyone laughed.

My dad has a serious problem with telling complete strangers embarrassing stories from my childhood. "Okay so that's definitely inappropriate dad."

"Don't worry Amina, my dad was always the one at the table telling people horrible stories from when I was a kid", Lorie reassured me it was normal for dads' to tell awful childhood stories.

"Hey those are good stories", my dad argued.

"Of course you think so honey."

"Thanks mom."

"My dad was the same way", Jess friend, Lea jumped into the conversation.

"You see? Fathers' are made for this. Soon your husband here will be doing the same to Anthony", everyone laughed at what Lorie was saying. "You'll get use to it, trust me."

"And when did you get use to it?" I asked.

"Okay so I lied, you don't really get use to it but you learn to accept and appreciate it."

"Awww dad I guess I have no choice but to accept your shenanigans."

"Might as well, I did a long time ago", Adrian put his hand on my dad shoulder." Isn't that right old man?"

"You better watch yourself kid." My dad and Adrian continued their bantering while everyone laughed and ate pasta and drank wine.

Everything was seemingly fine until we all heard the front door slam loudly and a car engine. Lorie and I jumped up from the table and excused ourselves while everyone held puzzled looks on their faces.

We walked into an empty kitchen then checked the living room, still no one. Lorie looked out the window, "I guess my sis left without saying goodbye."

"I think maybe Jess is upstairs. You should probably go talk to her, this is a family issue."

"That's true but right now she's probably heated. She need someone to calm and relax her. She listens to you and when you're done I know it'll be easier talking to her about her mom. She probably hate me right now for inviting her."

"Okay I'll talk to her but what are we going to do about the dinner? She practically missed half of it already."

"Don't worry, just go up there and talk to her."

"Okay", I walked up the staircase and heard water running in the bathroom. I knocked but there was no answer. I opened the door and she was bent over the sink splashing cold water onto her face. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I grabbed a fresh face towel and handed it to her once she turned off the water. "What happened Jess?"

"I really don't want to talk about it Amina, I'm sorry."

"It's okay", I grabbed Jess hand and held it, "What can I do?"

"There's nothing you can do. I just want to be left alone right now", she left go my hand and leaned against the counter.

I nodded, "Okay", and walked to open the door but I couldn't will myself to go any further. I turned around and she had her head down. "I can't leave", she looked at me. "I can't explain it but I can't leave you in here knowing you're not okay. It felt like my heart would explode if I had open that door." I walked over to her, "I'm staying here until you're ready to do whatever it is you want to do." She hugged me and began to sob uncontrollably. I couldn't do much but hold her and try comforting her. "You ever notice we're always in a bathroom?"

I laughed when she looked up at me and smiled. That smile turned into a laugh and soon turned into us silently holding each other with our foreheads pressed together, me wiping away her tears as she closed her eyes. I just stared at her. There's never a moment where she's not beautiful in my eyes. I watched as she took deep breaths, wrapping her arms around my neck. She nudged my nose with hers, forcing me to close my eyes as she kissed me. The kiss didn't last long before she pulled back, opening her eyes, "I think I'm ready to go eat now."

I agreed and she turned to fix herself up in the mirror, not that there was anything to fix. I pulled up her dress", What are you doing?" I didn't answer her right then, I just pulled down her panties. "Amina are you crazy? What are you doing?" She turned around, trying to stop me but I didn't let her.

"I don't think it's fair that you got to do whatever to me yesterday and I'm pretty hungry to taste you right now so I think I'll eat right here", I said, getting on my knees.

"You're family is downst..." I kissed her already exposed lips, causing her to gasp. She grabbed my wrist, trying to pull me up. "You should stop Amina", she moaned my name when my tongue parted her lips. She let go of my wrist and grabbed ahold of the counter. I licked her as gently as possible, not wanting to cause her any discomfort. My eyes were closed which heightened my senses. I could hear her breathing harder and I could tell she was trying to control it to stay quiet. She taste sweet and that's no exaggeration. Her pussy felt smooth and slick on my tongue. I wished I had all the time in the world to worship it. I sucked her clit into my mouth and opened my eyes to look up at her face. Her eyes were shut tight, one hand covering her mouth and the other wrapped up in her hair. I continued sucking while running my tongue repeatedly over her sensitive button. Her breathing became noticeably faster and her body shook the harder I sucked. She was cumming hard against my mouth. I gripped her thighs to keep her from moving. I cleaned every trace of cum seeping from her wet pussy and I could tell she enjoyed that. She pulled me up and attacked my mouth with her tongue, teeth and lips.

She gave my lips a final lick, "I taste delicious on you."

"Fuck, I love you Jess.

She kissed me before saying, "I love you too."

We smiled like fools and agreed it was time to go downstairs to enjoy what was left of the dinner. I opened the door.....

"You two enjoy yourselves?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I hv read this story several time thinking I'll see the next chapter, but nothing yet.....

Pls drop the chapter already

Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94almost 2 years ago

The agony of a story unfinished, truly sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Next part please

I want to know, what happened next? Who said those words. I want to know. Or, so your readers wants to know.

AngieLightHeart0AngieLightHeart0about 4 years ago

Another half story. Typical.

robyn46robyn46about 4 years ago

we want more for Jessica and Amina!!! Is Amina's baby ok do they finally have a life together Tell us MORE

JoyJoy4MeJoyJoy4Meover 6 years ago

Wow this was a great series. It's a shame it wasn't finished. I don't know the reason why it wasn't but hoping the author is okay.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It's been so long.im still hoping and waiting for the next chapter and finale of this beautiful story you made.to the author I hope that my wish is you command.Happy new year to you with a good healthy and a prosperous lovinng life.(cinder).

Randee2058Randee2058about 7 years ago

After reading the complete series. I'm deeply heartbroken to learn that the wife chose to remain with her husband. Don't you think that for you to treat the title character like a cheap object for Amina to satisfy her lesbian curiosity just a bit distasteful?

You might want to think about that!!!

So that I don't hurt anybody's feelings I'm not going to rate this series.

However I'll will be magnanimous and giving the writer six roses๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Wanting more!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Still waiting

Been waiting years for the rest!

Randee1958Randee1958over 8 years ago
Edge of your seat.๐Ÿ˜‰

It is so troubling for Amina to not own actions and tell all that are included what has come about cuz of her own actions. And then accept the consequences. That said it will eventually start the transition too healing for her and those concerned. How soon will you be releasing chapter 5? Another 5๐ŸŒŸ's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I loved it

I absolutely loved this story especially when you the ''a thousand miles'' song in there I literally had to stop reading for about 10 minutes so I could sing that song but anyway I loved it and WHO WAS AT THE DOOR!!!! Really where is pt 5 I need too know this story is too good not to have one but thanks for writing it

palewriterpalewriterover 8 years ago
i really don't understand the whole "turned" myth....

it flies in the face of a basic tenet of the gay community over the years that there is little or no choice in sexual gender preference. it's a matter of nature vs nurture.

Those who find so much pleasure in stories about persons being "turned" only lend credibility to those who belief that a gay person can be turned back to heterosexual.

Behavior can change but basic gender preferences are what they are in my opinion.

The whole "turned" meme seems to discredit the LGBT community.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Who said those last words?

And are they the last words of that marriage? I'm guessing the husband still doesn't know his wife is pregnant, with his baby. If Amina deserts Adrien and runs off with Jess, he should have a really good case for a lawsuit.

This story just keeps perpetuating a primary reason for gay-haters to be that way. Quite blatantly, Jess "turned" Amina. That means neither of them can be trusted, and Jess's mother was absolutely right to disown Jess. Doesn't matter how good and loving a husband is, all a wife has to do is decide she's a lesbian and the husband is left holding the bag -- in this case, a diaper bag or two. This is also a primary reason to overturn Obergefell vs. Hodges and to make same-sex marriage illegal and to, in fact, make homosexuality illegal. There should be no reward whatsoever for ruining an innocent person's life on a whim.

If there is a fifth chapter where Amina gives up Jess and profusely apologizes to Adrien, or at least lets him and his new wife raise the children with an absolute minimum of Amina and Jess visiting, I will read it. I have reserved judgment on this for now (This is also why I am posting as Anonymous.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Another chapter

I agree with everyone else who have wrote a comment, you need to finish off this excellent story. So please will you let us know if you are going to finish it off in the near future. Once again thank you for excellent story so far.

dst275dst275about 9 years ago
Conclussion Please!!!

That was a beautiful 4 part story... now I need part 5! Please return to this excellent tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
where are the rest

Wonderful story. Need to find out Adrian's secret and the story's conclusion. Thank you I've really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I don't know when exactly you wrote this but you really really need to do another chapter, PLEASE. Love your writing style - I read all four chapters back to back and I was captivated from the first. I don't want Adrian to be done over but I guess being a Lesbian myself with kids it would be soooo nice if Amina and Jess could find a way without the pain.

CelticTravelerCelticTravelerover 9 years ago
Waiting for the next chapter

Really enjoying the story. The character development just right. Adrian has already lost her and that's a fact. Love is without doubt uncompromising. The ladies belong together. Keep writing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
next chapter please

Have read 4 chapters in one go, can't wait to see the next chapter!!! I like well structured stories like this.

Just hope thing won't go too bad for them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Addiction is a cruel thing, please continue this genuinely transfixing story

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