Falsely Accused Ch. 03


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"Tell me what it's about." Cindy replied. I told her... and made sure to add that her father was considered a 'subversive' by the FBI.

"I'm coming with you." Cindy said, her ice-blue eyes flashing fire.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was a somber meeting in the FBI offices at the Federal building. Team Lazarus had heard of Professor Milton's beating, and were shocked. Tanya had called Myron, and she'd told him that Team Lazarus, which included former TCPD Detective Martin Nash, were going to help Commander Troy find whoever did this. Myron was understandably skeptical.

"Well!" said Dana Fox brightly as the meeting started, "looks like Professor Milton got what was coming to him. If we don't get any more GOJ leaks, then maybe this case is solved, eh?" He was met with a wall of uncomfortable, tense silence.

"Okay, let's get started." said Fox. "We've got a bank robber in the City to look into, and a known serial killer and child abductor to deal with. His name is Red Brookstein. Name ring a bell, Jack?"

"Yeah." said Muscone, his beady eyes going jet. "I busted him ten years ago. One of my first big cases. I was with a BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) then."

"Well, we got a lead that he showed up in Boston after escaping prison." said Fox. "He may try to make his way west or south--- what the..."

There was a commotion outside, and a lot of voices. Then the door practically exploded open. Before anyone could react, the Iron Crowbar, dressed in all black, rushed at Dana Fox.


I drove my fist into Fox's face, knocking him back against the wall. He turned and tried to parry my attack, but his defense was pitiful; I easily sidestepped and then drove my fist into his belly.


More blows rained down, then I grabbed his arm, twisting it behind him, and slammed his upper body face down on the table.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" I hissed. "Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"Find out about what?" Jack Muscone asked. He and his fellow Special Agents had remained immobilized. Several TCPD Officers (most of them 'blood orange') had guns drawn and ready. Teresa Croyle was one of them. Cindy Ross was another, and her green crowbar was blocking Jack's path, mostly in warning.

"Waddell." I said, naming the FBI Agent that had once worked with Les Craig (Author's note: 'Slender Man'). "He used to work with Les Craig, then was assigned to Fox here. He's the bastard that hired the thugs that beat up Milton. And he did so on your orders!"

"Whaaa?" gasped Muscone. The other Agents were equally shocked.

"So, Fox," I snarled, "you thought you could get away with nearly murdering Myron's father after I told you to stay the fuck away from Myron? Huh?"

"You're full of shit." gasped Fox. "I didn't do anything----"

"BULLSHIT!" I roared. "Get the picture, mother fucker. If Milton dies, I will kill you, and nothing on God's earth can stop me."

"Fuck you!" gasped Fox.

"You just ain't listenin', boy!" I growled. "Get. It. Straight." I was banging Fox's face into the table with each syllable. "If-Mil-ton-dies-then-you-die..." *WHAM!*-*WHAM!*-*WHAM!*-*WHAM!*-*WHAM!*-*WHAM!*...

"Don! That's enough!" I heard a woman's voice say, cutting through the tension of the room. To my shock, my wife Laura came in, followed by her sister, Melina Allgood. Melina was dressed in all black, also... which did not bode well for someone.

Melina grabbed Fox's other arm and bent it back as Laura had me release him and guided me away. Melina said "The Iron Crowbar is not quite correct. First, read the label..." She put her CIA badge in front of Fox's eyes. Yes, CIA agents have badges, though they rarely carry them on field missions.

"Second," Melina said, "if Professor Milton dies, Commander Troy will not get the chance to kill you... because I will kill you first. And I have a so-called 'license to kill'... the written authorization of the CIA Director to take you out if that man dies, or if anything happens to his son or daughter-in-law. Do you understand?"

Fox did not reply. I came over and drove my fist into Fox's ribs from the side. "I don't think this bugger is listening. Maybe a crowbar to his kidneys will improve his hearing." I wasn't kidding; I readied to deliver the blow.

"All right, all right." gasped Fox. "I hear you. But I'm going to kill you, Troy, so help me God..."

Melina slammed Fox's face into the table again as Laura began taking control, having all of us move to the door and out. As I left, I threw my FBI Consultant badge on the table, and Cindy did the same thing. Jack Muscone's face fell when he saw the badges on the table.

Melina threw Fox against the back wall. As she then moved to the door and left, someone else came in. Fox got up and was going to charge at the door, and almost ran headlong into... the Deputy Director of the FBI.

"Sit down, Dana." the DepDirector ordered. Nash helped by forcing Fox into a chair, guarding him from behind.

"Everyone but Nash, take a break. Outside." said the DepDirector. Everyone else left.

"Okay, Dana." said the DepDirector, sitting down in front of Fox, with the corner of the table between them. "You're lucky to be alive. Don was going to kill you. Laura wants to kill you. Melina will kill you, and without so much as batting an eyelash."

"Sir, I didn't have a god-damn thing to do with Milton's beating----" started Fox, but the the DepDirector raised his hand.

"It doesn't matter." said the DepDirector, knowing that the Iron Crowbar was right and that Fox was lying. "Don is right. Waddell hired the thugs, and now we can't find him. You may not be involved, but an OPR will determine that. In the meantime, for your own safety, and to calm this situation down, you're being transferred. San Francisco. A couple of my Federal Marshals will drive you to City Airport. We'll have your stuff packed and sent to you."

"What about Troy?" snarled Fox. "I'm not forgetting what he just did---"

The DepDirector again raised his hand. "You've got a hard head, apparently." he said. "I'd suggest you let that go. You're alive. You try to go after Troy, you won't stay alive very long. Allgood wasn't kidding: the CIA authorized her to kill you if Professor Milton dies or if anything happens to his family. And if you really think you have a shot in hell against the Iron Crowbar in personal combat... especially when he is gunning for you..." He did not finish the sentence. He did not need to.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wow." said Chief Moynahan as we had supper in the back room of the Cop Bar. "Just wow."

With him was me, Laura, Cindy, Teresa, Melina, Daniel, Chief Griswold... and Mary Milton. I had visited the Hospital and told Myron and Mary what I'd learned, and what I'd done about it. They were grateful. Then I told Cindy that we were taking Mary to eat with us, as she had not left her father-in-law's side except to go to the potty. Mary protested; Cindy ended the protest by all but carrying Mary out of ICU. I told Myron I'd take him out for some food when we brought Mary back.

"Well, Crowbar," growled Chief Griswold, "you have made friends and influenced people again."

"I don't care, sir." I said, feeling more bad than angry now. "I don't think I've ever felt so betrayed in my life. Casey Walker was one thing, but this..." I did not finish the sentence.

"Speaking for Myron and myself," said Mary, "I appreciate what you did for my father-in-law."

"How's he doing, by the way" asked Daniel Allgood.

"It's still touch-and-go." said Mary. "But the doctors say he's doing a bit better. They were afraid his lung wounds would lead to complications, but so far nothing bad has cropped up. And no infections, so far." We all nodded.

Just then, we were shocked to see Jack Muscone, Martin Nash, and the Deputy Director of the FBI come in. Most of the looks at them were of shock. Mary's was one of death daggers.

"Guys," said the Deputy Director, "I came over apologize for any role the FBI had in Professor Milton's abduction and assault. I also want to let you know that Team Lazarus had nothing to do with it. Fox has been sent to California, and I hope he has the good sense to stay there."

"I'll get this." I said quietly as I got up. Cindy got up with me. "You can stay here." I said.

"Like hell." Cindy replied, with some emphasis. I argued no further.

We directed the FBI Agents through the front room, then outside onto the patio. "Listen, guys," I said, "I know you had nothing to do with this. But the CIA didn't actually authorize one of its deadliest Agents to kill Fox for just no reason. So what I suggest is that we see if Professor Milton makes it... and then we'll talk."

"All right." said the DepDirector. "And I sincerely hope the man does make it. Well, Jack, looks like my retirement plans are not working out. I'll have to be gone by September 30th, and I'm not sure what we're going to do about your team..." He then held up two FBI Consultant badges. "So, what about these?"

"In time, Mr. Director." I said. "In time..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Yes, it's bad." said Laura as we sat on the back porch of the Mountain Nest while the dogs did their business, the sun setting over the western horizon as the headlight of a train came out of that horizon and eastward towards the River. "William is very angry; this is fucking up his retirement plans, not to mention making the FBI look bad. The CIA has no love lost for Milton, but they hate the FBI even more, and Melina likes Myron and Mary. And the CIA Director is still a friend of mine, and had great respect for what you did to exterminate Sergei Molotov and bring me and Melina back home."

"And with a list of double agents and traitors." I replied. "So... what else?" I asked, knowing.

"Yeah." Laura said, acknowledging my knowledge. "BigAgraFoods and the Guardians of Justice. The CIA Director does not like Senator Russell, and if anything, this is poking a sharp stick in Russell's eye. So tell me, Darling, if the GOJ is not the Miltons, who is it?"

"There are a number of suspects." I replied. "But I'm not really in a mood to help anyone catch them right now. And if Professor Milton dies... heads will roll. And I've got the katana that can make those heads roll, and is crying out for me to do so..."

Laura peered at me as I went into a reverie, something I'd been doing a lot of recently. "Darling," she asked quietly, "are you okay?"

"I don't know." I said. "I know you're with me, and Bowser and Buddy are with me. But I truly don't know if I can trust anyone else... even my fellow Police Officers. It's that bad right now..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There was a small bit of light coming from somewhere, but I could not tell where, and it was that kind of light that was completely drained of all color. I was on top of a woman, and my condom-sheathed cock was fucking her with violent, powerful thrusts.

"Come on, boy! Fuck that bitch!" I heard a voice say. It was Jack Burke's voice. I looked up and saw him watching me fuck the woman. He was naked, as the woman and I were, and his huge cock was throbbing hard and standing out. The woman was in her thirties, a bit fleshy but with a very pretty face. Her mouth was gagged with duct tape.

Then I realized that Jack was still college-aged, and so was I... this had to be a weird dream. I continued to thrust hard into the woman, feeling my nut rise as Jack Burke exhorted me to climb the mountain and bust my nuts into the woman.

"Uhhh!" I gasped, feeling myself come, feeling the warmth around my cockhead as the condom filled with sperm. After several more violent thrusts I was satiated, and I withdrew.

"Shit, boy," said Jack as he moved to take my place between the woman's spread legs, "you don't know how to fuck. Let a real man show you how to properly fuck a bitch!" With that he mounted the woman and placed his huge cockhead between her gaping cuntlips, then I watched as Jack Burke shoved his incredibly huge cock into the woman with savage power until their pelvises met. The woman screamed into her gag.

I watched Jack Burke fuck this woman with that languid, smooth motion, his hard muscular ass bobbing up and down as he powered his huge meat into her. His seemingly easygoing fucking motion was exactly like his brother Todd's motion whenever Todd fucked my wife or another woman within my sight. Despite the seeming ease of it, though, Jack Burke was fucking the woman with brutal power, and she would grunt or moan each time he drove his long, thick, hard shaft into her abused cunt.

As I watched, I saw a woman's pair of gorgeous legs appear. Looking up, it was Angela Harlan, gloriously naked, her breasts riding high, her nipples hard pointing spikes that begged to be sucked. She watched the rutting couple in front of me for a moment, then came around to me as I knelt on my haunches, watching Jack Burke violently fuck the woman beneath him.

Then I felt Angela ease behind me, her breasts pressing into my upper back and her abs into my lower back. Her right arm slid around my upper chest as she pressed her right cheek to my left cheek.

"Mmmm, Donny..." Angela whispered into my ear, "doesn't that just look delicious, watching Jack Burke fuck that bitch? You love watching Jack fuck women, don't you, baby?"

I said nothing as I felt Angela kissing my neck and jaw. I turned my head and Angela pressed her mouth onto mine, and I could feel the wetness of her tongue as we deeply kissed. I felt my loins stirring again.

"Retribution is coming, my dear Don." Angela whispered as she broke the kiss. "Your day of retribution, of punishment for your filthy sins... is at hand. You will be abandoned... you will be denied... you will be betrayed, and all alone..."

"Wha?" I said, not so much at Angela's words, but at the change in my dream. I saw a man in a black suit and black tie standing on the other side of Jack and his sexual assault victim. Just as Jack gasped that he was coming, and began shooting a huge load into the moaning woman, I looked up at the man on the other side. His head was all white, and he had no facial features at all. It was the Slender Man!

Though he had no eyes, I could sense where Slender Man was looking. At first he was watching the fucking, then I felt a chill as I realized he was looking up... right at me...

"Huh!" I gasped as I woke up, sitting up.

"Don?" said Laura, who had awakened. "Are you okay?"

"It was... it was a dream." I gasped. "A nightmare... oh my God..."

"Left arm." Laura said, getting out of bed. She was going to take blood samples...

Part 11 - Betrayal

(Author's note: see 'Chefs Special', Ch. 03 for more relevance to this portion of this story.)

15 And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and went with Jesus into the courtyard of the high priest. 16 But Peter stood at the door outside. Then the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to her who kept the door, and brought Peter in. 17 Then the servant girl who kept the door said to Peter, "You are not also one of this Man's disciples, are you?"

He said, "I am not."

18 Now the servants and officers who had made a fire of coals stood there, for it was cold, and they warmed themselves. And Peter stood with them and warmed himself.


25 Now Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. Therefore they said to him, "You are not also one of His disciples, are you?"

He denied it and said, "I am not!"

26 One of the servants of the high priest, a relative of him whose ear Peter cut off, said, "Did I not see you in the garden with Him?" 27 Peter then denied again;

...and immediately a rooster crowed.

--- The Gospel According to St. John 18:15-27 (NKJV)

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" shouted the redheaded reporterette from in front of the Courthouse complex at 7:00am, Tuesday, August 15th. "Fox Two News has learned that the Guardians of Justice released another batch of highly sensitive documents last night!"

Bettina: "These new documents show that BigPoultryFoods, a wholly-owned subsidiary of BigAgraFoods, schemed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to substantially raise the prices of eggs and chicken by introducing bird viruses that would decimate chicken populations on farms in the South. Additional documents show the Department of Agriculture and BigAgraFoods created a plan to spray crops with an insecticide that would decimate bee populations, causing food plants to not be pollinated. BigAgraFoods denies the allegations, and the USDA has declined comment, citing the ongoing investigation into the Guardians of Justice and their cyber-terrorism."

More Bettina: "However, more documents released by the GOA show a U.S. Government 'watch list' of persons they consider to be 'subversives', and disloyal to the Government. Among the names on the list are Dr. P. Harvey Eckhart, founder and leader of 'The Vision' self-help empire; Dr. Marvin Milton, who is still clinging to life at University Hospital after being severely beaten; and Commander Donald Troy, of all people. The GOJ documents allege that the CIA tortured Commander Troy shortly after he defeated Pastor Raymond Westboro, believing Commander Troy to have leaked classified data to a reporter. Neither Commander Troy nor the TCPD have responded to repeated inquiries for comment."

"I have with me FBI Special Agent in Charge Jack Muscone!" said Bettina. "Agent Muscone, what is the situation with these GOJ leaks?"

"Bettina," said Muscone, "the FBI denies these so-called 'hit lists', and I and my superiors would be outraged if this was being done by anyone in the Bureau. Also, after last night's release of data by the Guardians of Justice, it's pretty clear that Professor Milton and his family have nothing to do with it, as they're all at the Hospital."

"Do you think Dr. Eckhart or someone else in the area is doing this?" asked Bettina.

"Obviously I'm not at liberty to discuss leads, Bettina," said Jack, "but this is not a small operation by teenaged hackers. There's serious organization behind this, and it's threatening the national security of all American Citizens."

"Thank you, Mr. Muscone." said Bettina. She continued: "And in local news, Peter Dwayne Gordon was indicted by a Grand Jury yesterday, for kidnapping, forcible rape, lying to Police, and other related crimes. I have with me State Attorney Jenna Stiles. Ms. Stiles, you are working closely with D.A. Krasney, whom you ran against in the last Election. Why the cooperation now?"

Jenna said "It is time that women stop being treated as objects of sexual pleasure for men. This indictment will go a long way to showing sexual predators that Justice will catch up to them. I wish to ensure that the rights of all women are properly protected. I do credit D.A. Krasney for his swift response to this case, and I condemn the disparaging comments about the victim by certain Police Officers."

It is not film tape about to roll, I thought to myself as I saw who was standing next to Jenna: Cindy Ross. Bettina asked "I have Captain Cindy Ross, Chief of Detectives of the TCPD with me. Captain, is Peter Gordon guilty? And is Commander Troy wrong to investigate the victim more than the suspect?"

Cindy replied "The results of the Police investigation were turned over to the D.A.'s office and to the State Attorney, and the D.A. went to the Grand Jury, which is normal procedure. Mr. Gordon's trial will determine his guilt. Commander Troy is doing what he believes to be right, but I believe he may be wrong on this one..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *