Family Boundaries Ch. 08

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Sibling fourway, going to the dance, and licking out Zoe.
12.1k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/01/2023
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Zoe was sitting at her computer, idly chewing her thumbnail. She was mildly stuck on the story she'd been writing, unsure quite where it was headed next. That was part of the problem with unintentionally basing more and more of it on her family; there were certainly moments of intense inspiration, but she didn't feel like she could invent anything too out of character when she had less material to work with.

Zoe studied her previous few paragraphs she'd written, as though somehow that might help. Sometimes her own writing could turn her on like crazy, nearly as much as sexy moments with her family. Probably largely because of the naughty memories being invoked.

In this case, despite being kind of in the mood to masturbate to her own smut, she wasn't really at a hot point in the story. It was a bit frustrating.

Zoe caught the sounds of a car parking in the driveway. One or more of her siblings returning home, most likely. Zoe swiveled back and forth in her computer chair a bit more, trying to jog her creativity a bit, then gave up and pattered out of her room to see about maybe hanging with one of her sibs for a bit.

She was, as it happened, just in time to catch Cait nakedly darting toward Vi's room and into safety. Cait had been running fast enough that Zoe didn't believe her eyes at first, and wasn't sure that Cait had noticed her presence. Vi followed behind at a more leisurely pace and just grinned at Zoe in a way that seemed to confirm the evidence her eyes had given her.

Slowly, dazedly, Zoe turned back to her computer and sat down. After a moment's thought, she started typing.

"Don't have to wait long sometimes," she murmured to herself.

Already her mind was running wild with new ideas, mainly in regard to what possible reason Cait would have to be without her clothes, and what she and Vi were going to get up to.

Zoe had to kind of shoe horn in a new character to her story, but what the hell, not everything had to technically be about her family. She was aware the thread of the whole thing was getting a little thin and tangled as she kept adding new themes, characters, and sexy times as inspiration struck, but that was fine. It wasn't like anyone else was going to read it anyway. It was all just for her, for writing practice, and for masturbation purposes. Plot and consistency were more malleable and forgiving than they might be under different circumstances.

Zoe's hand sneaked down to her pussy more and more as she turned herself on. After a while she had to give in and grab her vibrator to shove down her panties so she could leave her hands free. She typed away while grinding on her toy and letting its vibrations do their thing.


Riker was slowest into the house, somehow still saddled with carrying all of the shopping. He dropped off Vi's bags in front of her door, then took his purchases into his room. Izzy was there already, holding a dress up to herself in the mirror. She quickly put it away before Riker could get much of a look at it.

"Oh hey, you're back," Izzy said. She moved in for kisses. "Get anything good?"

"Sure hope so," Riker said, slipping his hands around Izzy's waist. "You look like you found a dress."

"Mmhm. No peeking yet though."

"Haha, ok."

Izzy gently tousled Riker's hair. "Got a haircut and everything, huh?"

"Yeah. It was that or Cait trying to style it like Vi's. I guess it was getting a touch long."

"Maybe. I liked the way it was. I mean, I like it more now, though. So clean and handsome."

"Aww, thanks, Iz."

Riker fully groped his sister's ass as they made out some more. Her hands running through his hair were driving him kind of crazy. Or, rather, crazier than he already was.

"Listen, hold up a sec," Riker finally gasped as he unlatched from Izzy's mouth.

"Why?" Izzy purred.

"'Cause we actually gotta do something."

Izzy pouted. "Do we though?"

"It's a horny thing," Riker said, smiling as Izzy perked up instantly.

"Oh. Well that's good then, 'cause I'm kinda ready for something like that."

"Mmhm. Me too."

Izzy nodded and put a hand on Riker's heart as though she could sense his arousal just from the way it was beating. "I can tell. You just... feel horny. The way you usually feel when we've been doing something naughty."

"That obvious, huh?" Riker asked.

"To me it is," Izzy said. "I really assumed you just wanted to take me to bed."

"Unf. Well I kinda do." Riker put his hand over Izzy's heart. "You're... not quite that turned on yet, huh?"

"Well give me a minute. Some more makeouts like that and I'll get there."

Riker was tempted, but shook his head. "We have a task."

"Which is what exactly."

"We... and hear me out here... we need to kind of go, like, have sex with Vi and Cait."

Izzy nodded. "Ok."

"Before you say anything... oh, really? Just like that?"

Izzy shrugged. "I mean I wasn't expecting that, but if you think it's important, then it is."

"I was trying to prepare how to explain it to you. Like there's this whole sequence of events, and some of it doesn't actually make any sense even to me when I try and say it out loud, and--"

Izzy silenced him with a kiss. "But it's important?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"And it's gonna be hot as hell?"

"Most likely."

"And we'll be together?"

"I insisted."

Izzy smiled. "So let's do it. You can explain why later, when you're not buzzing so hard with anticipation."

"Maybe more nerves than anticipation."

"And you're super duper horny from something. So much that you're probably not thinking straight."

Riker nodded bashfully. "Kinda, yeah."

"We'll sort it all out when our heads are clear then."

"This is why you're the smart one," Riker said, kissing Izzy's neck.

"Nothing to do with being smart," Izzy protested as she held Riker's head where it was and exposing more of her neck for him. "You know I trust you with anything, right? It's more about that."

"Especially if it involves doing something you're kind of interested in anyway?"

"Maybe especially in those cases, yes." Izzy bit her lip. "Vi really wants us involved? I kind of thought she was the least interested in incest of any of us."

Riker scratched his head. "I think it's kind of complicated. But mostly... mostly I think she wants a cock to help bridge the gap between sex she knows and sex she wants. Not so much 'cause she wants to fuck her brother."

"But she asked her brother, didn't she?" Izzy pointed out. "Lots of other guys out there. I think under that facade of hers, she's not all that different from us."

"Well we are family, after all."

"Mmhm. So let's go help--"

"Actually, hang on," Riker said. "Before we go, I did kinda pick up some new underwear. Maybe... maybe we could wear it?"

"Hehe, oh you are being bad. It's something you think Vi and Cait are gonna like, isn't it?"

"Maybe Cait more so, but yeah." Riker's cheeks were red. "We don't have to, but--"

"No no, let me see what you got."



Cait was as horny as Vi had ever known her. Hornier even than back at the lingerie store. For once in her life, Vi actually felt overmatched in bed. Not through physical strength, as Vi was still more than capable of pinning Cait down if she wanted to. But just through sheer exuberance Cait was maintaining control and keeping Vi off-balance.

"Settle down a little, would you?" Vi grunted.

"Don't think so, babe," Cait said, currently tearing off the last of Vi's clothing.

"Didn't I get you off once already? Back at the store?"

"It didn't last." Cait bit her lip while sitting astride a nearly naked Vi. "You really think Riker'll join us?"

"I think so. Like eighty percent chance of it, I'd say."

"Unf. And do you believe that story about him and Izzy being naked in school?"

"Honestly... yeah, about the same eighty percent chance I'd say. Maybe higher, just the way he was telling it. Not something he'd probably make up either."

"And they definitely have sex with each other, huh?"

Vi flipped Cait on her back. "That part I can guarantee, yes."

"Fuck that's hot."

"You're a little fucked yourself," Vi said, tapping Cait's forehead.

"You wanna have sex with them too."


"You're sending some mixed messages then."

Vi growled, firmly pinning Cait's arms down. "I mean yes, ok, I kind of do. But not in a way I can explain very well. And not like you seem to. I'd almost think you want them more than me."

Cait shook her head and wrapped her legs around Vi's midsection with an impressive display of flexibility. She rolled Vi onto her back, taking a seat on her tummy.

"I want you," Cait said firmly. "I'll tell the twins to get lost if you want. I'd be a bit sad about it, but I'd do it. I'm here for you."

Vi ran her hand along Cait's thigh and up her bare side. It wasn't fair just how smooth, soft, and fascinating her body could be. "Thanks. But they can stay. If they show up."

"Eighty percent chance, I hear."

"Uh huh."

Cait kissed Vi, the two of them running hands over each other's bare flesh.

"It's ok to be into it, you know," Cait said in a softer voice. "You know I'm not going to judge."

"I know," Vi said. "Honestly, in some ways I don't even think I know what I really want. But I feel like somehow this is going to work. It's dumb, right? Making things so complicated that any number of things could go wrong, short or long term. That's not any kind of solution."

"Maybe," Cait said. "But it's gonna be with people who care about you. Sometimes that's the most important thing."

"Yeah, maybe."

Cait was busy sucking on Vi's tits when there was finally a soft knock at the door. The door creaked open, and the twins made their entrance. Both Vi and Cait muffled moans in their throats at the sight.

Riker and Izzy were wearing matching shirts and panties, and apparently nothing else. Really playing up the twin vibe.

"Oh god," Cait breathed. "Oh wow."

Vi wanted to tease Cait for her reaction, but she understood all too well. There was something magnetically sexual about Riker and Izzy sometimes, and this was certainly one of those times.

Skimpy, matching outfits. The forbidden allure of twins. The way those panties didn't really hide Riker's cock properly.

Vi frowned. "Wait, those panties, they look familiar."

Cait nodded eagerly. "Yeah, they do." She twirled her finger. "Turn."

Riker and Izzy looked at each other, then did a half-turn to face away from Cait and Vi.

Cait whimpered. "Oh fuck. They are. They're just like those panties I had earlier."

Vi nodded, hypnotized by the twins' asses. That part of them was near-identical too, apparently. The panties in question didn't do anything to hide that, since they were the ones with little more than a string defining the butt crack in the back.

"You just buy those?" Vi asked.

Riker nodded. "Yeah."

"With my money?"

"Maybe. You, uh, said to do--"

"I know what I said," Vi sighed. "I meant for buying Cait new things. But... I think I have to let this one slide."

Cait nodded emphatically. "Worth it. So worth it." She gave Vi big, pouty eyes. "Can we keep them? Pweeeaaase?"

"... the underwear, or the twins?"

"Both. Mostly the twins."

"I'm stuck with them," Vi said. "You know that."

"Lucky you," Cait said. She beckoned to Riker and Izzy with a crooked finger.

The twins again glanced at each other, then slowly approached the bed.

Izzy was all aflutter and generally trying not to think too hard about what she and Riker were doing. Not that she thought she didn't want to participate, or that she'd regret it, but it was an awfully big step that had been sprung rather suddenly on her.

She meant what she'd told Riker, though. She trusted him with anything, and where he went, she went. If that meant their sister's pussy, then so be it.

She was certain Riker wasn't much more prepared for this than she was, and that he was just as nervous and excited. They shared emotions with their little glances at each other, and their minds were as one.

Something had happened very recently for Riker to feel this strongly about what they needed to do. Izzy would find out the story at some point, but she fully recognized the need to go with the flow for now, to be patient and wait for private time with her brother later.

"My poor heart can't handle this," Cait whined as Izzy and Riker got up on the bed.

"You mean your pussy can't," Vi said.

"Either way," Cait said. "All the same in this case."

Izzy and Riker got felt up as soon as they were in range. Cait wasn't holding back much. Vi was just chilling for now, and Izzy felt a momentary uncertainty as to how one started getting involved with one's sister in such a scenario. It all of a sudden felt weird to try and grab Vi a little or something, even if she was already naked. It just wasn't how their relationship went.

Izzy almost immediately forgot her concerns when Riker started making out with her. She gratefully accepted his affections and the comfort they provided. Even with Vi watching, even with Cait impishly grabbing their butts, nothing much could bother her while she had her brother in her arms, giving each other kisses.

It was a new angle to making out when a third person took care of the actual removal of clothing. Aside from liberally fondling their bums and appreciating how identical they were, Cait also sneaked her way into taking off the twins' shirts.

"You're way too into this, babe," Vi said, still lying back and just watching.

"Twins, Vi," Cait said. "Twiiinnns."

"You're not wrong."

"This might sound dumb," Riker said. "But, uh, what actually happens now?"

"Glad you asked," Izzy murmured. "I forgot there was supposed to be anything else."

"You just wanna kiss more in Vi's bed?"


Vi had been kind of wondering the same thing. She was a bit out of her depth here, same as everyone else, but she didn't want to show that in front of her siblings. Luckily she had a default option to go with, and she decided to make good use of it.

Bullying some space clear in the middle of the bed, Vi tossed Riker down on his back, the same as she'd done for lots of boys before. She'd never had to tug panties off of any of them, that part was new, but the way his cock sprang toward her was much more familiar.

Vi straddled Riker, grabbed his erection, and rather unceremoniously mounted him. She was very, very aware it was her brother's cock she was taking in her pussy, but he was fundamentally just a boy, and physically speaking she could continue to handle him like one.

"Well that was... efficient," Cait said, eyes focused tightly on Vi and Riker's joining.

Vi shrugged. "S'the way to do it." She rocked her hips, feeling the sweet, familiar sensation of cock moving inside her. She hadn't had any since getting with Cait, and it was nice to get back to comfortable territory. "I like how straightforward boys are."

"Well sure, I guess that's one way of looking at it," Cait said. "You really just never bother with foreplay much, did you?"

"Some making out sometimes."

"Sure." Cait shook her head. "You shoulda been making them lick you out at least."

"Too much hassle."

"Oh baby girl."

"Don't look at me like that! I know what I like, and I get what I want."

"That would imply you really want your brother's cock," Cait suggested.

"That... no. Just... stop logicking me!"

While Vi and Cait argued, and Vi rode Riker, Izzy lay down with her face next to her brother's. The twins stared at each other for a moment.

"You're in her," Izzy finally said.

Riker nodded. "Yeah. Are you ok with that?"

"I think so." She traced her fingers across Riker's chest. "It's kinda hot. And she is our sister, after all."

"She really... unf... takes over a cock when she wants, huh?"

"Feels nice does it?"

"Yeah. Also I kind of feel like a sex toy?"

Izzy grinned. "That's kind of hot too."

"You would think that."

"Sure. My brother is the finest sex toy the world has to offer."

Riker blushed. "I don't think that's coming off as romantic as you think it is."

Izzy giggled and sneaked in a few kisses before she was summarily shoved out of the way so Cait could sit on Riker's face.

Izzy glared up at Cait. "Hey! I was using that!"

Cait's eyes were slightly unfocused, her expression unaffected by Izzy's words. She reached down and gently guided Izzy up where she could kiss her. It was hard to maintain an argument under those circumstances.

"You know what, Ri's probably fine down there," Izzy murmured.

Riker was more than fine. He had Vi riding his cock, Cait riding his face, and Izzy soon had her panties off and straddled his tummy. Three naked girls were atop him all at once, all grinding wet little pussies on him in their own ways.

Having Izzy sitting on him actually helped quite a lot, emotionally speaking. It might have been an overwhelming experience if not for her comforting presence.

Vi was enjoying herself, but was also a bit confused. Fucking her brother was going quite smoothly, and felt far more natural than she would have expected, but having Izzy in between herself and Cait seemed like it was counter-productive somehow. The whole point was to bridge the gap to having sex just with Cait, and instead she and Cait were sharing Izzy between them.

"Vi? Hey, babe?" Cait said.


"Look. Look at this."

"Yeah, Cait. My sister's sucking on your tits. I can see."

Cait had such a wide grin it was almost cartoonish. "Yeah. And your brother's sucking on my pussy."

"I can see that too. Aren't we supposed to be doing more together here? Or something?"

"Probably. Just give me another minute here and maybe I can... hm, no."

"Y'know, I don't wanna claim that I'm any good at plans," Izzy said. "But I can't help feeling like maybe there should have been more of one here."

"It just kind of happened," Vi said.

"I know the feeling," Izzy said. "I think sometimes it's good just to go with things and see what happens. But--"

"We'll work it out," Cait said. "Maybe if we just switch and--"

"Oh goddammit Ri," Vi said.

"What?" Izzy asked. "Ooh, wait, nevermind, I know."

"He's cumming in me." Vi sighed. "I was really enjoying that too."

Izzy grunted and managed to drag Cait's fingers down to her clit, helping her to follow her brother in orgasm shortly after.

"Not my fault, you know," Riker's muffled voice came from underneath Cait. "Riding me like that while your girlfriend suffocates me with that ass. I mean what do you expect? You should have gone slower if you didn't want me to finish."

"Yeah yeah," Vi said.

She hauled herself off of Riker's cock. Cait tilted her head and stared down at Vi's pussy. Izzy flopped onto her side next to her brother and eyed Vi's pussy as well.

"He can go again if you give him a minute," Izzy suggested.

"Probably true," Riker agreed.

"Or, hear me out here," Cait said, "I could lick all that cum back out of you."

"Ooh, that. That one," Izzy said. "That's fucked up. I like it."

"It'd be more fucked up if you licked your brother's cum back out of your sister's twat," Cait pointed out.

Izzy's face was a picture of awe and horniness. "Oh my god," she breathed. "That would be fucked up." She looked at Vi, then quickly back to Cait. "You think she'd let me?"

Vi rolled her eyes. "I'm right here. I can hear everything you're saying."

"Good point, babe," Cait said. "Good point."

Cait pushed Vi onto her back and wiggled her way between her legs, lapping at her pussy. Vi sighed again, but in pleasure this time.

"You're just lucky it feels so good when you do that," Vi said, stroking Cait's hair.

"Yeah, lucky," Izzy said, crawling over next to Cait and watching closely. She pouted a little when Cait didn't seem inclined to share after all.