Family Business


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Sarah was happy for her since she'd been worried that after college she'd not settle down. "So, is he cute? Are you sexually compatible?" she asked giggling.

Megan chuckled, "Somewhat. He's a great guy. Makes me laugh and he'll do anything for me," she said.

Sarah stopped and looked at her friend, "but?"

Megan shook her head," No buts...really." She saw her friend was waiting for her to come out with it. She rolled her eyes, "Look it's no big deal, I mean I have Leroy if I want..."

Sarah hugged her friend who looked suddenly sad, "You love him, he's the perfect guy but he comes up a bit short in one area?" she asked.

Megan nodded and held her hands about 5" apart. "I feel so shallow because the man is everything I could want in a guy, even with his, um, shortcomings he tries really hard to please me. He is a great cuntlicker and takes over Leroy if I need it," she said softly. Then she brightened up, "You and Tom? Still compatible?" she asked holding her hands a foot apart.

Sarah nodded but didn't look happy. "I feel bad. I'm totally happy with Tom in bed. When I'm home we have sex at least twice a day. The business trips are frustrating, I know you can keep a secret but I need you to promise you'll never..."

"Sarah, you know I'd...what are you going to...Oh, My, God! You're sleeping with his father on these trips, aren't you?" Megan grinned.

Sarah looked around, "Ssshhh, sound travels far around here," she said while nodding.

Megan hugged her friend, "I'm so happy for you," she said.

Sarah shook her head, "It was only once...well three times but the first two don't count," she sighed. She took Megan's hand and led her over to a log. She told her the story about dreaming she was sucking Tom's cock, then wanting Tom to fuck her.

"Wow! I know how you must have felt. Back in college, I went three days without cock and I had the weirdest dreams. So, those didn't count. Tell me about the one that did."

Sarah told about the hot baths then her dreams and Tim standing over the bed. "He seemed as happy to get relief as I did," she finished.

"Are you going to keep doing it? Make it part of your job a Special Assistant to the President?" Megan asked.

Sarah shook her head, "I shouldn't, but I'm not sure I'm strong enough to resist. And Tim is not the kind of man to take advantage of my weakness."

Megan shook her head, "Look, girl. You function better when your mind is at work. He'll be better when he isn't wondering if you'll beg him to fuck you. Win, win." She had a thought, " father, like son?" she asked again holding her hands wide apart.

Sarah nodded, "Tim is perhaps a tiny bit thinner but just as long," she said feeling her pussy throb remembering.

"Damn you," Megan sighed. "the largest cock I've had was just short of 9" and you're getting fucked by two 10" cocks?" she sighed. "I never liked you," she said looking at Sarah, "Wait! And you've never had a cock smaller than 10", wow! I hate you even more now."

Sarah hugged her friend, "10 1/2"," she said, "plus, size doesn't matter, isn't that what you always told me?" she said stroking her friend's back.

"I never said that," Megan said, "I said size only matters when the guy knows what to do with it. Enough about sex, I'm looking at those luscious boobs of yours having thoughts. Let's talk about all the countries you've been to."

That night after Tom came inside Sarah, his chest pressed against her sweaty back, they flopped to their sides panting.

"You are great with your cock, you know," Sarah said quietly.

"Um, thanks. You've been doing girl talk with Megan again, haven't you?" he smiled. He remembered how sexually curious Sarah was after conversations with Megan. He never told the girl, and often thought about it, but he benefited greatly from their girl talks.

Sarah smiled. Tom wasn't stupid and she was even more horny than usual after talking with her friend as over half their conversations dealt with sex. "I want you to do me a favor," she said as she rolled over to face her husband.

Tom smiled as he cupped one of those incredible breasts, "anything. What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to fuck the daylights out of Megan tomorrow night," she said softly.

"What!? I can't...she's your friend and we're..." Tom sputtered.

"I know, I know, listen to why I'd like you to do that. If it's insane, say so. I'll understand." She told Tom about their conversation and her current boyfriend. She told him how Megan had spent her college years looking for the perfect fuck, the perfect cock. She told him how much she loved her friend and how she wanted her to be happy. When she was done she was stroking Tom's cock looking for a reaction.

"Ok. If it's for a good cause," he said simply, "She is very pretty. I like her long legs. Not that I don't love your..."

Short little legs?" Sarah giggled, "I get it. You're imagining those legs wrapped around you," she said stroking his cock.

Tom smiled, "The thought entered my mind but I'm in the mood now to show you how much I love you."

Sarah shook her head. "I want you to save it. Let's get some sleep. I'll go without for 48 hours. That's how much I love her," she said patting his erection. "Go splash cold water on it. I want you to flood Megan's pussy tomorrow night," she grinned.

"You are so cruel," Tom sighed as he rolled out of bed.

The next night, the three were watching Netflix. Sarah and Megan were sitting on either side of Tom. Sarah had insisted that the viewing angle was best there. When the movie was over she stood and kissed her husband on the lips, "See you in the morning. Be gentle with her," turned and headed up the stairs.

Megan looked at her friend and over at Tom, "What's going on?" she asked. "What did she mean by 'be gentle with her?'" she asked.

Tom shifted and looked at the woman. She was incredibly beautiful and different in so many ways from Sarah. 5' 11", 115 lbs. or so. Long straight red hair. Tight waist with tennis ball-sized breasts and full pouting lips. "Sarah feels bad that you're sleeping alone. She told me how you went three days once in college and it drove you up a wall. Plus, she needs her rest as she's flying out to Athens in a couple of days. You wouldn't mind me sharing your bed, would you?" Tom asked.

"That conniving little bitch," Megan sighed, "And you think I'm just going to open my legs for your huge cock," she said as she palmed his crotch. "Plus, it's just a full-sized bad, she couldn't let us use your king?"

"The thought occurred to me," Tom sighed as she unzipped his pants. "I'll make sure to spank her for her thoughtlessness," he smiled. He leaned back as Megan slipped to the floor and pulled his pants down.

Megan felt a huge rush seeing the man's cock in the flesh. It was half again as fat as any cock she'd felt, perhaps 2" longer. This was going to be a fun night, she thought. She looked up at the man and sighed, "I'll take care of this, but that bitch'll owe me."

Sarah finished getting ready for bed, feeling slightly abandoned as she crawled into the empty bed. The guest bedroom was directly below the master and right as she turned off the light she heard the soft squeaking of the bedframe downstairs. She was horny but she could last another 24 hours. Then the squeaking got louder and she could hear Megan's low moans get louder as she came.

All night Sarah woke up to the sound of the bed, of Megan's cries of pleasure, and Tom's deep grunts as he came. She smiled and went back to sleep knowing her two favorite people were making each other happy.

The next morning Sarah was in the kitchen making toast for herself when Tom and Megan sheepishly came in.

"Morning lovebirds. I'm guessing neither of you got much sleep," she smiled. She poured two cups of coffee handing one to each. "Feel better?" she asked looking at Megan.

The redhead smiled, then grinned, "I'll be able to walk normally in a week." She looked at Tom and shook her head, "he kept getting hard making it really tough to get comfortable so I had to take care of it, how many times?" she looked at the blushing man.

"Seven, I think," he mumbled.

Sarah slapped her husband on the shoulder, "Wow! The most times you'll help me get comfortable is four," she giggled.

Megan came over, hugged her friend, and whispered in her ear, "Thank you so much. That was the best night of sex I've ever had. Nine! I matched your record." She kissed Sarah on the cheek then sat down and grabbed her coffee cup.

Sarah got back from dropping her friend off at the airport with promises she'd be back soon. Megan asked her friend if that was a one-time thing or if Tom could make her comfortable next visit.

"If that's what it takes to get my friend to visit me, then yes, though," she hesitated, "I was thinking of a threesome."

"Oooohhh, I'm booking my flight back here now. I know I've told you this but I've wanted to spend some intimate time with you for years," Megan smiled.

Sarah shook her head, "Not in so many words but I've seen how you used to look at me. I'm looking forward to it, but let's make it a surprise for Tom."

* * *

A few weeks later Sarah and Tom were panting after another energetic fuck session. She'd flown in from Capetown and after Tim and she had visited a nude beach she was particularly horny. How she and Tim had resisted their urges was a mystery but had their trip been a day longer they wouldn't have made it.

The other aspect that made it a lot tougher for them was their relaxed standards of modesty. They just undressed in front of each other, sometimes showered together in the rooms with generous shower stalls. Sarah teasingly stroked his cock and Tim would come behind her, cupping her breasts. Sarah liked that as even though Tom liked her breasts he never spent as much time on them as she'd have liked. Tim was enthralled by them, perhaps since Marsha was minimally endowed.

"Damn! Every trip I dream about us fucking but the dreams never do this justice," she sighed. "I need to tell you something," she said softly.

Tom thought Sarah was going to confess she and his dad had fucked but he was wrong. He had suspicions but she was always so revved up for sex it probably wasn't happening.

"I love traveling with your dad, love going to all these cool places but one aspect is hell. I dream every night about you fucking me, or teasing me and not fucking me. The other night your hard cock was an inch from my mouth all night long and you wouldn't let me suck on it," she said. "I wake up every morning incredibly frustrated and tired." She hugged him, "I guess you could say I miss you."

Tom chuckled, "Me or my dick?"

"Both. I miss my husband...but I can have a favorite part, can't I?" she asked.

"Sure," he said as he fingered her pussy, "I have my favorite parts." He looked at the clock, "We need to get on with the day and I'm sorry to hear you aren't happy at night. I wish I could do something about that."

Tom crawled out of bed and headed for the shower, soon to be joined by Sarah. She was washing his back, then his front triggering another erection. Not one to pass up a nice cock she knelt on the shower floor and sucked him until he came down her throat. Normally, Tom could hold off for over an hour but when needed her could cum within minutes. They still had plenty of hot water to finish cleaning up and getting out.

* * *

A few weeks later, Tim and Sarah were in Tim's office looking over different plans for their upcoming trip when Tom came to the house.

He knew where he'd find his wife and tapped on the doorframe with the back of his knuckles, "Hey. Sorry to interrupt but I have a suggestion,"

Sarah looked at her husband and back at Tim, "For whom?" she asked, "Tim or me?"

"Both. Look this might sound strange but...shit! I feel suddenly stupid," he sighed.

Tim chuckled, "As if that were possible. Relax, what is it?"

"I am not sure if Sarah has told you much or anything but before she became your assistant...this is maybe too much personal info," he sighed looking apologetically at his wife. "Um, we made love daily, multiple times daily. And these trips, frustrating for her."

Sarah gasped, "OK, Tom. That's too much information. Tim has no desire to know about..."

Tom blushed and stepped back but Tim stopped him, "You want her to no longer go away every other week? I get it. She's free to..."

"No, sorry it's not that. I was wondering if you'd be willing to...fuck!" he sighed. Then he stood up straight as if determined just to say it, "I was wondering if you'd be willing to help her know maybe have sex with her? She is so much happier if she has sex at least once a day."

Sarah looked at her husband in shock then over at Tim. She felt like this was a question for Tim to answer even though she had to agree. Tom was right though, once she'd had sex she needed it every day.

"Um, I'd be thrilled, um love to but I can't cheat on Marsha even for..."

"I agreed," Marsha said from the doorway. "You and I still enjoy making love but when you're away I rarely ever think about it. Tom explained how, um, energetic Sarah is every time she gets back from a trip as if trying to make up for lost time."

"You guys talked about that?" Tim asked. "I, um...oh shit. I come back almost as frustrated as Sarah." He looked at the girl, "If you'd like to I'm ok with it," he said feeling a slight rush.

Sarah nodded numbly wondering if this would hurt her marriage, "Tom, are you serious about this? I'm a big girl, I can wait until we're together. I hate for you to think about me being with anyone but you," she said.

Tom nodded, "I am serious. I don't want it to affect anything but you have an incredibly strong sex drive and you'll not be, um too satisfied for us know," he said. "Just, I guess it goes without saying, this is only when you guys are out of town."

Marsha agreed, "Yes. I'll dump your ass if I catch you guys screwing around here," she said looking around the house.

Both Tim and Sarah shook their heads, "We would never," Sarah said. And we'll never mention any of this ever again."

* * *

The next trip, Marsha told Tim she'd booked a room with a king bed, "I don't see a need for you to carry on that charade. I know you slept with her, at least once...perhaps three times," she said quietly.

Tim felt his stomach tighten, "what do you mean? " he asked, " was a mistake, and we..."

Marsha stood and hugged her husband, "relax. I'm not mad. You spend enough time with a beautiful girl and things happen. You came back from Montreal looking more upbeat, then after Chicago, you looked at your daughter-in-law differently. What impressed me is I've not seen any signs since...except for Japan. Did you guys screw in Japan?" she asked.

Tim nodded. "I felt terrible about it. I'm not a teenager, I should have made sure it didn't happen but..."

"You're human. Good to know. I'm impressed. I'd have thought you two would have said, 'Fuck it!' We fucked and so what's stopping us from doing it every night? But unless I'm mistaken, those were the only times."

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but didn't want to if it would hurt you," he said softly.

"I know you. I know something must have happened...but for future events, don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss, but you are a good man and Sarah is a good girl. Whatever happened I'm sure neither of you felt great about it afterward. Anyhow, I have you booked into Heathrow this Monday," she said as she went back to the bookkeeping.

* * *

Sarah was floating through Trafalgar Square her head filled with the incredible sensations of being fucked by a huge cock, not just this morning but the night before.

Sex with her father-in-law had changed. As soon as they arrived at the Hilton, Tim stroked her lower back possessively while checking them in as father and daughter. The girl behind the desk smiled knowingly her eyes glancing at the intimate gesture. Sarah's knees felt weak seeing the approving look on the girl's face. When the girl asked if we'd need anything else, Tim turned to Sarah.

"Honey, would you like to make an appointment at the spa?"

"Yes, Daddy," she'd said in her cute voice, "I could use a waxing."

Tim smiled, "I wasn't going to say anything."

The girl blushed as she made the appointment and then handed them their card key packet, "Take the elevators on the right to the 10th floor," she said smiling at them, "I assume you'll be needing room service? The menu is on the desk inside your room."

They giggled all the way up in the elevator talking about the look on the girl's face.

They hadn't been in the room a minute before Tim had her naked and on her back with his face buried against her pussy. He was as good as Tom but different. He enjoyed fingering her while tonguing her clit and he climbed up and slid his cock inside her when she was close to cumming.

Sarah remembered the thrill of guilt-free fucking as her pending orgasm boiled up and then exploded. She hadn't planned it but moaned out loudly, "Fuck me, Daddy, fuck me," as everything peaked.

They fucked twice more that night and again in the morning. If this was the new routine then Sarah was all in. Plus, she felt more alert and more on top of things. She knew she'd be more effective during the days while working with Tim and rather than dread the nights she now looked forward to them...the nights, mornings, afternoons...

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ToughSailorToughSailor2 months ago

Nice enough story but I'm really not a fan of big breasts . . . .

gunmakergunmaker6 months ago

I liked it. It is the logical way forward. However this is a story. In real life none of this is likely to happen.

great story though.

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnored11 months ago

bailed out at a college student with EE breasts. comical.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Everyone keeps saying Sarah's rack is what caught Tim. I personally prefer 'C' cups or smaller. My ex wife had huge tits, and at first I was happy as it was different, but after my divorce I went with smaller and found i liked it better. One g/f packed a set 'A/B' cups and I was thrilled. Second wife ( 42 yrs.) was a 'B/C' cup. I feel smaller tits are more responsive. Don't get me wrong, I'd never kick a pair of 'F's out of bed... just saying. Maybe Tom would appreciate 'mommy's smaller boobs.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Yet Tom and Marsha get nothing? I would think the guys could take care of the woman that they were with when business travel was happening. It's a win, win, win, win. Tom might actually enjoy sex with his 'mommy', and sex with her son might enhance her sex drive as well.

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

CoolboiyzCoolboiyzabout 1 year ago

Read this story couple of times still rug out of my pants.

Maybe we can see on too married big tits daughter with her father.... That will fucking hot. Adult married daughter with big rack ks always tempting

mybikecruisesmybikecruisesabout 1 year ago

Tim and Sarah are fairly selfish not thinking about Tom and Marsha: Tom and Marsha were both suspicious about the over sexually active on return of both spouses, so only the cheaters don't realize their partners suspected. Tom is being gracious offering this option to his wife and father, without any consideration of him or Marsha.

Sarah has given Tim a great gift already in Megan, even though he thought it was going to be her confession, but giving Megan may have been her olive branch to assuage her guilt, especially when she offered threesome next visit.

Marsha calling out Tim with the 3 telling signs of their dalliance, she still didn't get any consideration from Tim for her gracious attitude for knowing without saying anything about it before.

Marsha put them in the same room, if she knew he has been eyeballing her since the wedding, why put that temptation together?

Does the company have a job for Megan

CoolboiyzCoolboiyzabout 1 year ago

Very tempting taboo.

Fatherinlaw got hypnotized by his daughterinlaw large tits. That hot!

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 1 year ago

Damn, was good. Good husband, good wife. Four happy people

Jammarson02Jammarson02about 1 year ago

Absolutely amazing story , I also would like achapter about Megan Tom and her. Would another chapter about mag , her and Tim as well , or her Tim and tom.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 1 year ago

I loved this story! Here's hoping that there will a follow-up chapter detailing the threeway with Megan! Five stars and a favorite point!

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