Family Comfort Ch. 04

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Post Mortem.
4.7k words

Part 4 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/28/2017
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All Characters In This Story Are 18+ Years Old.


By half past nine the trio were set to leave for the mortuary to finalize Carla's disposition. Claude wore a blue pinpoint button collar dress shirt, open at the neck, below a wine cashmere V-neck pullover, with charcoal worsted slacks. his freshly polished black oxfords gave him a dressy look tempered by his casual zip-up navy Eddie Bauer windbreaker.

Sally wore the dark gray linen business suit she typically reserved for impressing out-of-town clients. Her cream silk blouse had a ruffled tie discretely gracing her full bust; announcing it, but without undue fanfare. She preferred nylons over panty hose and no observer could find fault with the meticulously straight seams on her well shaped legs as they disappeared into glossy black high heel pumps.

Nel had opted for the same outfit she wore for year yearbook senior class photo: A simple pleated navy flare skirt and a long sleeved, crew-neck, bulky white wool sweater with two wide vertical front cable knits, like ski runs across her prominent snowy peaks. Opaque white tights and black patent leather Mary Janes completed the visual ensemble. Only Nel knew about her hidden assets: a plunge front sheer beige demi-cup soft bra with matching lacy high-cut hipster panties and a cropped beige satin camisole. She had save up for ages for these. After buying them, she thought they were so naughty she had not had the gumption to wear them. That is, until today.

As they stepped out the front door, Claude suggested they take his Oldsmobile. Nel promptly yelled "Shotgun!"

Sally saw the long sleek classic 2-door coupe at the curb and answered "Age before beauty, hon', climb in the back, please."

"C'mon, Mom," Nel protested, "I don't want to sit back there by myself."

"Oh?" Rejoined her mother. "And you want me to sit where you would not? That seems selfish."

"Hey!" Interjected Claude, hoping to shut down the potential conflict, "The car is front-wheel drive with a split-back bench front seat, so there's no transmission hump and no console. How about if you, Nel, sit in the middle beside me?" he smiled persuasively at the combatants.

Sally tipped her head sideways and looked questioningly at her daughter. Inside, Nel was elated. "OMG, I feel tingly already!" she thought lasciviously. Outwardly, she shrugged, pouted her bottom lip and looked at her Mary Janes. "Well-l-l, OK, I guess that'll be alright... but I really wanted the window," she whined for good measure.

"Oh?" Replied Sally sincerely. "Well, I could sit next to your uncle, if you rather. Take the 'shotgun', it's OK."

Nel could not believe how this was backfiring on her. "Oh, NO, Mom!" she blurted in near panic. "You should have the leg room and the window. You're right, I was being selfish before. Uncle Claude's suggestion is the perfect solution."

"Only if you are sure," Sally summed up, "Then let's call it settled and get going. Thanks for being willing to compromise. I am so proud of you!" She gave Nel a kiss and moved down the driveway toward the street.

Nel beamed and mouthed a silent "Thank you" to Claude, then skipped after her mother. Claude remotely unlocked the Toronado for them and followed more slowly, congratulating himself on his diplomacy skills.

He slid in behind the wheel and Sally asked, "Where's the shoulder strap seat belt, Claude?"

"It hasn't got 'em, Sis," he said. This is a 1966 model and they aren't required." He chuckled, "You know... 50 years ago factory lap belts were 'advanced design' items... safety features for sales sizzle, not just there to comply with Big Brother."

He looked at Nel beside him and squeezed her left leg just above the knee. "You don't even have a lap belt, kiddo, so if it gets bumpy, I'll just stick my arm out, like this, to keep you from hitting the dash." He demonstrated the maneuver by lifting his hand from her leg and raising his right arm straight across her chest with a sudden jerk. His outstretched hand grabbed Sally's left bicep. Nel thrilled to her toes as his tricep mashed against her breasts. Sally also felt an oddly exciting jolt when his fingertips grazed the bulging side of her boob just before his strong grip seized her upper arm.

Just as quickly, Claude let go of Sally, reached forward and turned on the ignition. The big 425 cubic inch V-8 rumbled to life and its 385 horses began to whinny. Nel and Sally sat quietly, managing the disappointment of their lost physical contact with the chauffeur.

Nor was Claude unaware of the impact of his safety lesson. He already knew Nel was sexually primed and had calculated his squeeze would be welcomed, but he was still surprised to feel the sensuous warmth of her bosom along his arm through the combined layers of their clothes.

He had not intentionally raked Sally's tit with his fingers. That was happenstance, but what a happy circumstance it was. He saw her cheeks color and he, too, felt fleet sparks at the brief touch. Moreover, he was excited by the feel of her soft arm flesh in his grasp. "Help me Hannah!" he thought to himself, "I want to fuck the both!" His groin ached as his cock tried to show its agreement with the proposition.

Claude put the Olds in gear, looked across to his right, said, "Let's do it, shall we?" and pulled away from the curb.


Carla had preplanned and prepaid her mortuary services and inurnment. Even so, it took nearly three hours to complete the finalization of all the arrangements. Back in the Toronado, Claude noticed the time was 12:40 p.m. "Geez!" He said, "No wonder my stomach's growling... we're five hours out from breakfast!" he thought abut Nel riding his leg and jacking him off, then added cryptically, "Those first calories of the day sure get burned up fast, don't you know?" Claude patted Nel's thigh, close to her hemline, and looked over at Sally. "How are you guys doing? Shall we find a restaurant for lunch?"

Nel covered his hand with hers, pushing it still higher on her leg and pressing his palm down at the same time. Claude's cock wiggled. "Great idea, unk, but no fast food, please," she answered.

Sally, facing the passenger window, was lost inside herself and said nothing. Nel dropped Claude's hand and touched her mother's shoulder. "Mom?" she prodded, "Do you want to eat lunch?"

Sally nodded and paused. Composing herself she faced forward in the cabin. Tear streaks were obvious, although she was not crying at the moment. "Yes. Some food first, but then I want to lie down." She spoke with a small voice in a dull monotone. "Can we find a restaurant with a dark corner?" she asked.

"A corner, sure," Claude replied, "But 'dark' at lunch might be tough..." his voice trailed off. "Like I know Denver restaurants... What am I, the Michelin Guide?" he grumbled silently, keeping a pleasant face.

Nel twisted herself 90 degrees to the left and put her right hand, blocked from Sally's view, flat on Claude's right inner thigh at the crease of his crotch. She wriggled her fingers, scratching his leg with her nails and tickling his balls with the backs of her knuckles. She was pleased to see his dick start to thicken alongside his left leg. At the same time, as if she had read his thoughts, Nel said, "I know a good place, unk."

Claude gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles and pointedly stared straight down the road. "Oh?" he croaked hoarsely, "Where's that, kiddo?"

"It's near... here," Nel replied slowly. Emboldened by his reaction and confident her mother was oblivious, she rotated her wrist and slid her palm on the leather upholstery under her uncle's scrotum. Her extended thumb lightly stroked his fast growing cock. "It's a pizza parlor where the kids go on Friday and Saturday night. There's a couple of dark booths and some of them make out in them." She curled her fingertips and scratched her nails on the back of his nuts. "Of course, I'VE never... done... anything... there." She emphasized each of her last three words with a tender squeeze. "But I know it is dark in the daytime, too, and I bet they don't have much of a mid-week late lunch crowd." She held his sack firmly in her cupped palm and poked at his dick's head with her thumb. "I like sausage and mushroom with lots of sauce. Can we get that?" She pulled her hand away and turned around to her mother. "Would you like pizza, Mom?"

Sally was nodding agreement when Claude exhaled a long breath and said, "OK, kiddo. Just tell me where to turn."

As Nel predicted, Gianni's Li'l Sicily Pizzeria was open and empty. One counterman, named 'Wally', according to the embroidery on his company shirt, was wiping glasses. They heard noises in the kitchen but saw no one else around.

"Hi, folks!" Wally called out as he stepped forward from the bar to the take-out order counter. "Here or to go?"

"Here, thanks," Claude answered, then turning to Nel, he said, "Take your mom and find us a nice spot. You want a Coke?"

Nel shook her head. "Root beer. A pitcher... C'mon, Mom, this way." She led Sally by the hand as far to the rear of the restaurant as possible. True to her assessment, the single red glass-covered table candle only served to keep the selected settee from being pitch dark. A neon Coors beer sign on a wall 10 feet away provided the only other ambient light for the nook. Nel and Sally felt for the Naugahyde seat edges with their hands and slid around to the center of the half-circle cornered booth.

Nel huddled next to her distraught mother and soothed her as she started sniffling again. "I'm sorry," Sally said, appreciative of Nel's arm around her waist, "That meeting made me upset again as I thought about the finality of it all."

"It's OK, Mom," Nel assured her, "I'm going to get you a water. You should take a couple of those pills Dr. Wilson gave you so you'll be able to sleep better when you get home after we eat." She slid out of the booth as her mother nodded agreement.

When Nel returned, Sally had two 5 milligram Valium tabs on the table beside her prescription bottle. While her mother took her pills with water, Nel read the label: '1 tablet every 4 hours as needed for anxiety. 2 tablets at bedtime for sleeplessness.' "Let me put those in your purse, Mom," she offered, picking up the plastic bottle without waiting for permission. Before re-capping the container and dropping it in Sally's purse, Nel surreptitiously palmed two more pills. She smirked as she wrapped them in paper napkin and put them in her own purse.

Meanwhile, at the counter, Wally had gone off to build and bake the pizza. A short young girl named Megan replaced him and asked, "Drinks?"

"A pitcher of root beer and three glasses, please... Megan," Claude answered, reading the stitched name on her forest green polo shirt.

Megan flashed a wide smile with bright white teeth. "Right away, sir," she replied and turned immediately. Claude watched with prurient interest as she walked back to the soda taps and filled a pitcher. She was thick waisted with a bit of a tummy roll where her shirt tucked into her black gabardine A-line skirt. Her hips and ass, though, swung nicely as she walked, and her legs were tautly muscled. Claude guessed she was an athlete of some sort. Too short for basketball or volleyball, but here in the Rockies, she could be an avid outdoors enthusiast. Bikes and hikes build good calves and sturdy thighs.

In profile at the fountain, Megan showed an ample rack which the dark shirt's loose styling had concealed when she stood facing Claude. Now, as she returned, pitcher in one hand and three frosty mugs on a tray in her other hand, her breasts bobbed and wobbled like grapefruit in a net bag. Claude licked his lips and was glad the waist-high counter hid his crotch from view.

Megan put down the tray, added the pitcher to it and said, "Here you are, sir. I'll bring the pizza when its out of the oven. Looks like about 10 more minutes for that."

Claude took advantage of his superior height to peer down at the cleavage displayed by Megan's unbuttoned shirt. He was too obvious and Megan caught him staring. "Is there something else you wanted?" She asked with alarmingly open smile.

"Huh?" Claude said, shaking his head, "Oh, no... sorry, didn't mean to be rude. My mother recently passed away and my sister and niece and I just want something to eat." He cast his eyes again across her chest, noticing the blot of pizza flour that adorned her right tit just about where he gauged her nipple was hiding behind whatever bra she wore. "I guess I'm a little distracted."

He reached out for the drinks tray and was surprised when Megan lightly touched his right hand with her left. "I'm so sorry for your loss! You must be Nel's Uncle Claude. You already know my name, but you didn't know that Nel and I are friends at school." Her warm hand stayed on his and she seemed to be in no hurry to move it.

"That's right," Claude said, "But... how did you know?"

Megan laughed. "Nel told me she had the rest of the week off school and I was jealous, until she said why. She also said you were driving in from Portland and she could hardly wait to see you." Megan idly rubbed her middle finger along the back of Claude's hand as she spoke. "She has a huge crush on you, you know... and now I can see why!" Abruptly she pulled back her hand and said, "They probably want the root beer. I'll be right along with the pizza." Then she turned and walked into the kitchen. Claude studied her ass cheeks colliding beneath her skirt as she disappeared.

While he carried the tray to the booth, Claude chastised himself. "Jesus, you are in a state, buddy. You're thinking of fucking practically every swinging skirt you see! Get it together!"

As he approached, Nel called out, "Over here, Uncle Claude!" and he followed her voice into the gloom. He carefully set the tray on the table and heard a thump as Nel slapped the upholstery. "Slide in here, unk, and pour the root beer for us, please. Mom was feeling blue but I think we're doing better now. Anyway our eyes are getting used to the dark!" she laughed.

Claude felt safer pouring while standing. After he distributed the mugs, he sat and scooted around next to Nel. She had her right arm around Sally and immediately lifted her left arm and draped it around Claude's shoulders along the settee's back edge. Her left breast, bulging beneath her sweater, and only barely contained in her soft bra, pressed on Claude's ribs. "Hey," Nel said, "Take off that coat and stay a while, why don't you?"

Claude struggled out of the windbreaker and sat back. Now his whole torso felt the heat of his niece's body as she sidled closer to him and away from Sally. She removed her right arm from her mother's waist and picked up her soda. Sally followed suit and sipped her foaming mug.

Just then Megan delivered the pizza, "Hey, Nel!" she chirped, "I know this is a crazy bad time, but I want to say how sorry I am..." She slid into the booth beside Claude and reached across him with both hands to hold Nel's free right hand. Her heavy breasts, squeezed between the table edge and his torso, left a hot wake across Claude's muscular abdomen.

"Um, Hey, Megan," Nel replied, "Th-thanks, but what are you doing here? How come you're not at school?" Remembering she was not alone, she quickly pulled her arm from Claude's shoulders and pointed across herself to Sally. "Mom's here, and this is my Uncle Claude," she said, indicating with her thumb.

Megan looked at Sally. "Hi, Mrs. Martin," she said more quietly, "I'm so, so sorry.." Letting go of Nel's hand, Megan slid back out of the booth. "Yeah, I was talking with your uncle up at the counter. Hi!" she smiled and extended her hand to Claude, "Nice to meet you... officially..." then in a more subdued tone, "I'm sorry about your mom." Her small hand firmly gripped Claude's and held on for a moment before withdrawing.

Megan answered Nel's question. "Dad had to go to traffic court this morning and I skipped school to help Wally, as if there would be a rush!" She laughed and added, "But I'm off at 2. Do you want to go to the mall and goof around for a while? Take your mind of stuff, you know?" she asked.

"I'm sort or with these guys, you know..." Nel replied with a wistful hint.

Sally rubbed Nel's back lightly. "It's OK, hon'," she said, "We understand, and we're all done with the business at the funeral home. Go ahead and hang out with Megan. Just be home by five o'clock. Deal?"

Nel kissed Sally and said, "You're the coolest, Mom! Thanks!"

Megan said, "No worries, Mrs. Martin. I have a car and will make sure she's home in time. I have to come back to work her by six, myself!" She turned and left the table as the group grabbed their pizza slices and began to eat.

A half hour later, the platter was empty and the pitcher drained. Sally said, "I feel a lot better now, but I am tired. Can we leave now, Claude?"

"Sure, Sis," Claude replied, "Let's go. Remember to be home by five, kiddo, right?" He added with a touch to Nel's elbow as he stood up.

"Absolutely!" Nel affirmed, vigorously nodding her head.

"Thank you, hon', for being such a wonderful daughter," Sally added, with a kiss on Nel's cheek, as she also stood from the settee and then headed for the exit with her brother.


Back in the Toronado and rolling home, Claude asked, "So you know this Megan? Nice girl, is she?"

"Oh, yes," Sally answered, "Very nice. Maybe a little more wild than some of Nel's other friends, but she's also quite a bit older... she got a late start in school for some reason... anyway, she's already 19 years old." Sally shrugged, pursed her lips and added, "But she is basically a good kid. Works hard for her dad at the pizzeria."

Claude nodded. "She seemed pretty OK to me, but I only had limited contact with her." His cock throbbed as he remembered the limited contact with her hand and her breasts. "I bet her pussy is a plump little popover!" He thought to himself.

As the Olds pulled up to the curb, Sally yawned. "God, I feel drained!" She exclaimed. "I can hardly wait to get into bed." She opened the car door and stepped onto the parking strip, nearly falling as her knees seemed buckled. She grabbed the door frame and steadied herself.

Claude, already out of the vehicle, rushed around and grabbed his secret daughter under her arms and around her back, holding her up. "Steady, Sis," he said, calmly, "Just lean on me and we'll walk slowly to the house. No worries, eh?"

"'Kay," Sally replied thickly, "I took a couple... Valium... so I could relax... sleep better," she looked at her brother with a glazed expression, "Guess they're... kicking in..." She tucked herself up against his strong body and let him walk her along.

They got to the house and inside alright, but Sally was fading fast. Claude propelled her slowly down the hall to her bedroom where Sally let go and lurched onto her king-size bed, flopped like a starfish stranded on a beach. "There's... blanket... closet..." she struggled to enunciate, "throw... over me."

Claude found the extra blanket, turned around and noticed Sally was laying with her eyes closed. Her chest rose and lowered at a slow regular rate. "Asleep? Passed Out? Whatever..." he thought to himself, "I'm sure she doesn't want to crash in her nice business suit." He tossed the blanket on a side chair, picked up his sister's legs and carefully placed them on the bed, taking her pumps off in the process and putting them away in her closet.

Returning to the bed, Claude unbuttoned her suit jacket, unzipped the side of the skirt and released its waistband tab, thus loosening her outer clothes. Her bosom continued to show calm deep breathing under the expanse of her cream silk blouse. He raised her torso, balancing her against himself as he pulled her arms from the jacket. Laying that aside, he tugged the skirt gently over her hips to her feet and off. When her suit was hung and put away her reviewed her sleeping form.