Family Curse Ch. 02


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It was back to the shower to wash the sex off as it were and then we both went back to her bed. We kissed for a long time. It was a really long time. I fell asleep not knowing exactly when the kissing had stopped.

The next morning we tried to be stealthy about sneaking out of her apartment and to her car. She was going to drive me to work but just in case one of our parents was waiting to ambush me, she let me out a few blocks away.

Before saying goodbye, I told her about the party I'd been invited to that night. She encouraged me to go and she even mentioned that she might see me there.

So, another day serving coffee. While I was working that day, in the same clothes I'd worn the day before, I noticed that lawyer come in. She was wearing sunglasses but even then she turned her face away from me when she ordered. I tried not to look at her body or remember the fact that I'd fucked her less than 24 hours earlier. I told her how much the order was and she put the cash on the counter and slid it over to me. It was way more than her coffee was worth. I started to ring her up when she verbally added something.

"Keep the change."

Wow. That was one hell of a tip. Then I saw the little hidden piece of folded paper that was mingled in with the bills she'd given me. I got it into my pocket and I didn't read it until I'd handed her order to her and she was gone.

"I'm sorry for what I did." the note said. "Please accept my heartfelt apology. I can't have any trouble. I need to rely on your silence. Name your price and I'll compensate you."

I wasn't sure how to take this. What did it mean? And why the hell had it even happened?

After the last customer left and we were busy cleaning the shop the phone rang. Mrs. Carver answered and then she told me it was for me.


"John, are you ok?" asked my father.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Where are you?"

I looked at the phone which was a land line that was directly connected with the wall. "I'm at the place you just called."

"Where were you last night?"

"Dad, what's this about? Why do you want to know?"

"I just want to know that you're safe."

"I'm fine. I was out with a friend."

"Doing what?"

"Hanging out. Why? What's wrong?"

"Are you coming home tonight?"

"Eventually. I was invited to a party. I didn't think it would be a problem if I went."

"Where's the party?"

"Near campus. Dad, I know mom doesn't want me around."

"It's not like that, son. You've been listening to Terri too much."

"Anyway, I'm at work, dad. I'm fine, I'll see you tonight. And don't worry, I won't try to come into the house."

"I never said you couldn't come into the house."

"My boss is calling me. I have to go."

I got off the phone and wondered what his problem was. It wasn't like I hadn't just spent the night away from home before.

After work, I took the bus to the university again and I just walked around. It wasn't time for that party yet. I sort of got so bored that I decided to call Ms. Turner on a whim.

"Hello." she answered.

"It's John."

"You shouldn't be calling me."

"I have a question for you."

"Ok. What?"

"After I left, what did you and N ... um ... N, Norma do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, did you two do anything else in my room?"

"I can't believe you're asking me that."

"It's an important question and I'd like you to answer it."

"No. We were actually both shocked at what happened."

"What do you mean shocked? It was your idea."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have started it. I shouldn't have dragged Norma into it."

"So you and Norma aren't a couple or anything?"

"No. I'm not a lesbian. I couldn't believe I did any of that stuff with her."

"I don't understand."

"John, you don't have to understand. Right now the most important thing is that we keep it a secret and we never let it happen again."

"Ok but answer me this. Why did it happen in the first place?"

"I'm sorry. It was my fault. I always thought you were cute and you were polite to me. And I guess ... well, I knew you wanted me so I just thought I'd take a chance."

"A chance?"

"That's the best I can explain it. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, but why did Norma join in? Why would you do things with her if you weren't a lesbian?"

"Well, you'll have to ask her about her choices. As for the gay stuff, you know, we were just caught up in the moment."

That was the most I was going to get out of her. I asked if it would be possible to spend some time with her the following semester. I felt it was wrong that I'd had sex with her and I didn't know really anything about her personal life. She didn't like that idea very much. I reminded her that she thought I was cute but she just insisted that it wouldn't be right.

After the call I was just walking around in a circle and wondering. Two women inexplicably wanted to have sex with me at the same time. When the sex was over they couldn't believe that it had happened. And how was my sister involved?

No. I was just imagining things. I was trying to see a pattern when there wasn't one. Two incidents could just be a coincidence. I didn't know about Ms. Turner's love life but she wasn't married and I didn't know if she was dating anyone. The RA slept on campus so she likely didn't have a lot of chances to fuck. So maybe it had just been a perfect storm of lust and they'd both given in. At the same time. With a student. And each other.

And the lawyer, well, ... um ... She was probably neglected. The secretary too. Yes. Two neglected and horny wives who just needed a quick fuck. With a random guy they'd never met before. That they thought was underage.

And really, how did my sister figure into all this?

I hadn't just imagined it. Had I? What if I had? I pulled out that note from the lawyer. It was real. I was looking at it and it still said exactly what I remembered.

Ok, maybe I was just lucky. I was just the right guy in the right place. Maybe I was unknowingly very handsome. I mean, no one really knows what women think except them and they never tell us guys the truth about it. Did I just smell good or maybe it was the way I parted my hair. It had to be something.

As my mind searched for a solution the words played back in my head. "You have inherited the family curse."

"No." I said out loud. That was just a joke, right? A curse by definition was a bad thing. Getting lots of sex is a good thing. So how exactly could that be a curse? If anything was a curse it was how my mother treated me.

So as for all the sex, well, I had been a virgin until I was 18. I'd missed out on all the sex that most teenage guys would have been having for years now. So yeah, I was owed. Yes, the universe was out of balance and I was owed some sex so the universe was paying up. I mean, why not? If I was going to engage in magical thinking then that was a better thought than thinking I had a curse that didn't make any sense.

Still, that did bring up the question of what had been in that letter. It was probably in my bag at the pool house. That is, unless Terri moved it somewhere. Anyway, whatever the truth was, I wasn't going to discover it while I was just wondering around a school I didn't attend.

I made my way to the address for the party and they let me in. It was still a bit early but the music was already playing and beer was already being served. I met a few people and played a few rounds of pool on the table they had. More people showed up and the music got louder and more beer was served and more people showed up and then the music got louder and then ...

I found myself dancing with this Asian girl who was pretty cute. Not that I was planning to do anything with her. And I didn't know what kind of Asian she was. She spoke with just a normal American accent. I guess she seemed more of what I imagined a Japanese girl would look like instead of a Chinese girl but who knows. I certainly wasn't going to ask. It would be just my luck that she'd been born in the states and wouldn't feel any connection to whatever country her parents or maybe even her grandparents had immigrated from. Maybe she might even be mixed with two different kinds of Asian. Did it matter? No.

The funny thing is, she actually might have told me all of that information but the music was too loud for me to actually make out her words. Even when she'd told me her name, I saw her lips move but I couldn't hear her voice.

She was very pretty, had a great complexion, and more than all of that, she kept wanting to touch me. I know what you might be thinking. But it wasn't like that. It was just dancing. We weren't grinding or anything. She just liked feeling my hands or feeling my hair. I wasn't making out with her or anything.

I did give a thought to my sister. Was this cheating on her? I felt I needed to speak with her again on what exactly the rules of our relationship were. She mentioned both of us getting married to other people eventually. Did that mean we'd sleep with each other behind our spouses' backs? Did that mean I should keep the fact that I have a girlfriend secret? If someone at the party asked me if I had a girlfriend, what was I really supposed to answer?

The more I danced with that Asian girl, the more confident I got. She was one of the most beautiful women in the place and she'd picked me to dance with. That had to say something. That had to mean that I was somehow a cut above all the other guys. Even when another guy came over to us to steal her away, I was going to let it happen. And no, not because the other guy was huge and could probably pound me. I mean, we're adults. We're civilized human beings who don't resort to violence to solve our problems. In the same matter, she'd chosen to dance with me and I didn't own her or nothing. If she wanted to leave then bye and if she wanted to stay that was cool. It turned out that she wanted to stay. So I kept dancing with her.

After dancing a lot, and I mean a lot; I asked the girl what her major was while we sat down to both get a drink outside on the front lawn.

"It used to be art."

"You're changing?"

"I have to. You can't get financial aid for an art degree anymore."

"Why not?"

"Cause people in the government think it's a scam. A lot of the art schools and art programs are getting shut down."

"Oh. Really? That's too bad."

"I know there were some people who were trying to take advantage of the system but I'm a real artist."

"I guess it's hard with art since a lot of it is just ... um ... one person's opinion."

"But it doesn't have to be. My paintings aren't shock pieces. Maybe my early work started out that way but I've grown. I do a lot of portraits now and I try to get the details right."

"So, if not art, then what are you going to major in?"

"I don't know. And I have to choose something in the fall. I guess I'll just do general studies so that I can do an art minor."

"Is that ok?"

"It's the only way to get any financial aid for art courses. And I'm good. I know I'm good. I used to think that I was a fraud but now I know I'm good. You want to come up and see?"

"Your work?"

"I have a few pieces in my room."


And that was how it started. We went back into the house and then waded through all the people to make it to the stairs. We went up the stairs and then the Asian girl had to chase away this couple that was making out in her room.

"What do you think?" she asked as she showed me a rather impressive painting. Imagine that, a work of art that was done with skill and love that was actually beautiful. And it looked like a real person, too.

"Nice. Who is it?"

"My old roommate."

"Well, that is very good. You could probably sell it."

"I wish I could but all the galleries want crazy or outrageous stuff. There isn't a market for normal art anymore."

"You could sell it yourself. There are online auction sites."

I was saying that while she put the painting away and then I heard the door close. I looked over at a light skinned black girl lock the door. You know the type. She was really tall and gorgeous with great tits and a perfect ass. Wait. She'd locked the door.

No. Not now. No. This couldn't be what it looked like. That had to just be like her new roommate or something.

Then I felt the Asian girl put her hands on me. I looked over at the black girl and she was starting to get out of her clothes.

WHY? What the hell was this? I pushed the Asian girl away and I went to the door. The black girl tried to stop me from getting to it but I pushed her to the side.

I reached out for the door handle and it didn't move. Not only did it not move, it didn't even jiggle. It was solid. It was like the wall, the door, the handle, and the lock were all made of one solid piece of stone and an artist had carved the image into it and it could not really open.

Yeah, that was weird. I was scared. Both women were naked when I turned back to them.

"What the hell is going on? Answer me."

"We're at a party." the Asian girl said.

I looked past her to the window. I had to get to the window. Their hands were on me and they tried to slow me down but I forced my way to the window. I could move the curtains and look out. There were a bunch of college kids from the party on the front lawn. I tried to open the window. It wasn't even locked but it wouldn't budge.

"What are you doing?" the black girl asked me as she tried to get me out of my pants.

Ok. Don't panic. There had to be a logical, empirical explanation for this. I was hallucinating. I was seeing things not as they really were. I had to also be feeling things not as they really were either because the black girl started to suck my dick and it was good.

Ok, I had to make sense of this somehow.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked her.

"Because I want to fuck you." the Asian girl answered before she too took my cock into her mouth.

"Why do you want to fuck me? Why me?"

"Why not you?" answered the black girl. "You're so cute."

"And college is all about experimentation and experiencing new things." the Asian said.

"Why won't the window open?"

"Maybe it's jammed again." the Asian girl answered as she passed my dick to the black girl.

"What if I said no? What if I said I didn't want to do this?"

"Then you must be a racist."

"Racist? No. Ok. How about we put this on hold. The three of us can go back to the party. Maybe we can get to know each other a bit then we can come back in here and do this."

"You already got to know me."

"Ok. I AM a racist. Yes. I don't like ... people who aren't like me."

"Then I'll have to cure you," the black girls said, "by making you fuck me until I scream."

"You do know that even slave owners ..." she then prevented me from speaking by kissing me and pulling me to the bed. The Asian girl helped her hold me down to the bed while the black girl got on top of me and started riding my cock. The Asian girl put her pussy right in my face. The two women started sucking on each other's tits and making out.

"You want some of this dick, bitch?" asked the black girl.

"You're just lucky I'll share him with you."

At this point I just decided to go with it. I was trapped in this room until I fucked them. One time was just a funny thing that happened. Two times could be coincidence. Three times and the door not even being able to unlock; that was a pattern. There was some crazy shit going on. These women could act dumb all they wanted but I knew there was some fucked up something messing with my life.

I took command of the festivities. I had the Asian girl go to her back and I got on top of her. Just to try things out, I ordered the black girl to just masturbate and watch as I fucked the Asian girl.

"But you're going to fuck me too, right?" she asked.

"Maybe. Tell me, what's your name?"


"And her name?"

"Just ask me. I'm right here."

I pushed into her as deep as I could go. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Yeah, that's what I thought. I did some shallow ins and outs from all the way in her and then I turned to the black girl.

"Her name?"


Mao? Like fucking communist China Mao? FUCK.

(Yeah, yeah, I found out later that it was a normal girl's name in parts of Asia but at the time the only Mao I knew of was the guy who butchered all those people in China. Next time you see something about him on the news, just imagine him in a dress with pigtails.)

Now I distinctly remembered a time when I could not hold my liquor as it were. I remembered back to the teacher and the RA and how I had just cum so quickly. That was not happening here. I was fucking this girl and I was trying to just get off so that this would be over. It was not working out for me. I eventually gave her an orgasm and I'd yet to have one.

I told the Asian girl to move and had the black girl lay down.

"But, you didn't cum in me yet." she complained.

"You want me to cum in you?"

"Yes. Please."

"Wait your turn."

I can't exactly explain why but fucking the black girl did in fact feel better. Maybe part of it was she was taller though if I had to judge I'd say the Asian girl was prettier. Oh, who am I kidding? They were both so drop dead gorgeous that I should have been cumming on myself if either of them just talked to me.

I was trying to get there. I really was. And I really hoped neither of them would pee on me. Yes I was still upset about that. What the hell was wrong with that woman?

Missionary wasn't working. So I had them both bend over and put their asses together for me. I fucked one and then the other and I went back and forth a few times.

And then I finally felt myself getting close. I had an idea. I didn't know if it would work exactly but I was going to try. I let out my first blast of cum into the black girl but then I tried with all my might to hold it in and I quickly got my dick out and penetrated the Asian girl. I let the rest of my cum erupt out of me into her pussy and I let my orgasm run its course.

As soon as I was done, the two women started doing 69 with each other so they could each taste my cum but I just started getting dressed. With all of my clothes back on I went for the door and just as I was about to touch the handle I heard a yell of disgust from behind me.

"What?" I asked as I turned around.

"Jen, get off of me."

"Mao, I'm sorry."

I watched and it was deja vu all over again as they were there in the room wondering what they'd done. I was waiting for them to blame me as I should have been blamed. I got the distinct impression that this was my fault. Not my fault as in I caused it but my presence at this party had affected them. But they didn't blame me. They blamed themselves. They both started to try and apologize to me, even as they were getting dressed and trying to hide their bodies from me. The black girl even asked me not to tell her boyfriend. Yeah, no problem.

One thing that I needed to do was cut through the bullshit.

"You remember me going for the door to get away?"

"Yeah." they agreed.

"Why didn't it open? Why couldn't I unlock it?" I was trying to get them to realize that there was some crazy magic stuff involved in this but then Mao pointed out that there were two locks on the door. There was the lock by the handle and then there was the lock at the top of the door.

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?"

"I'm sorry. I wanted to have sex with you." Mao said.


"You're cute and I was jealous that she got you before I could." Jennifer said.

"But you have a boyfriend."

"Please don't tell him. I'll do whatever you want."

I tried the door again after she unlocked the top lock for me. I felt a great gust of relief when it opened just fine. They were both pensive when we left the room. I took their telephone numbers and Mao even sniffled a bit when she recited it to me.