Family Curse


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"I know mother has you brainwashed to avert your eyes from everything but you can look at me."

I looked up at her. "What?"

"You don't have to listen to her anymore. Look at me John. Don't look away. You don't have to listen to her ever again. She doesn't even own this place, daddy's company does."

"I'm not brainwashed."

"Fine. Conditioned. Whatever you want to call it, you don't have to do it anymore."

I really wanted to change the subject. "The fajitas are very good." I said. I was able to keep my eyes on her and that seemed to get her off my case. But I couldn't just stare at her. I had to look down to get some food on my fork.

For a few moments we were silent. It was Terri who started speaking again.

"She almost had me convinced. She just drilled it into me over and over again that I almost started to remember it happening the way she said."

"You know we're not supposed to talk about that."

"I don't care. I don't care anymore. I know the truth. I know what we did and didn't do. I remember it clearly. We didn't do anything wrong. It was all in her head."

"Well, we did do that one thing."

"Don't take up for her. All we did was kiss on the lips for like half a second."

"It was a little longer than half a second."

"Please, it was just a a kiss. It certainly wasn't good reason for mother to treat us like sex offenders."

"I agree there but ..."

"No buts. No more excuses. If mother does anything to you while you're here you call me and let me know. Anything. Anything at all."

"I think she'll probably just ignore me."

"Don't count on it. This is her last chance and she knows it."

"For what?"

"To get us to admit it. Think about it. Are you going to spend Christmas with them once you're free?"

"Probably not."

"Me neither. I'm done with them. So if she's ever going to get one of us to say she's not a liar it's this summer."

"I really don't think she'll try anything. I mean, she put me all the way out here. If there's a problem I'll just move out."

"You know, you should just move out now. Come live with me. Just imagine all the things she'd be picturing us doing."

"Well, I'm not trying to provoke her."

"She's already provoked. She wakes up in the morning provoked."

"I think if I just keep cool and stay out of sight then nothing's going to happen."

"We'll see. But that reminds me, just in case, I got you a phone."

She got up from the table and went to her purse. Wow. My own smartphone.

"It's encrypted so you don't have to worry about mother getting the police to break into it."

"Thank you. How can you afford this?"

"They're not that expensive. Anyway, my number is already in there so the second mother starts acting crazy, you call me and I'll have the guys in white coats hauling her off."

"You really want to bust her, don't you."

"Yes. I really, really do. And so should you. There's no reason for all the bullshit she put us through. Over a kiss. She would try to get me to admit to sucking your dick or letting you lick my nipples. She even started talking about it to my prom date."


"I'm serious. I told her if she didn't stop I'd just go and do all the things she kept accusing us of."

"Did she stop?"

"No. I had to move out."

"They kicked you out?"

"Maybe they think they did but I was already set up to get away from them."

"Wow. So much drama. Sure beats what I did at school." At that moment I was remembering Ms. Turner in my closet.

We finished up our food and then Terri insisted on washing the dishes for me. We finally got on another topic, which was the local music festival that was going to be happening nearby that summer. I didn't have any plans on going but she said I could go with her if I wanted. Then we found ourselves just talking for a bit until she decided she needed to get back to her place.

When she was getting ready to go she reminded me again to call her if our mother did anything crazy. I let her know I wouldn't forget and then right as she was reaching for the door knob she grabbed me. For just a moment I was scared because she looked like she had an expression of pain on her face and I didn't know what she'd do.

"Oh and I should probably tell you this now that we can actually talk about it. You were worth it." she said.

"What do you mean?"

She didn't answer. She just opened the door to leave the building. Right outside, in the dark near the pool she just happened to bump into our father.

"Oh, hi daddy. Planning on night swimming?" Terri said as she just passed him and went around the house.

Yeah, I had a lot on my mind that night.


So the next day I left the house to head for the bus stop and sure enough Mrs. Carver was there waiting for me. I would have been an asshole to insist on riding the bus when she was already there so I took the ride.

The coffee shop wasn't officially open on Sunday but she figured that as long as we were there we might as well let customers in if any happened to show up. As it turned out, we got a rush when services at a downtown church finished. I knew how to make most of what people were ordering and because most of these people were coming to this cafe for the first time they took longer to order than regulars.

After the rush almost everyone was gone and Mrs. Carver started to show me how to use the last machine I needed to learn. While I was busy with that a college age woman walked up to me and asked if I lived in town.

"For the summer." I answered.

"Visiting family?"

"You could say that."

"Cool. There's a party at a friend of mine's house on Friday. If you're free, why don't you stop by. You know that big house by the ..."

I did not know the place so she wrote down the address and gave me basic directions.

"Maybe I'll see you there." she said. "If anyone gives you any trouble tell them Andrea invited you."

"That's you?"

"Yeah. They all know me."

"Great. I'll do my best to show up."

"Looking forward to it."

She walked out and then my boss elbowed me. "Generally, we try not to flirt with the customers."

"Oh. Sorry, ma'am."

"It's alright. She very pretty."

With no customers in the place I did a round of making two of each type of drink and then my training was concluded for the day. There were a lot of little details to remember but it actually wasn't all that hard.

While I was waiting for Mrs. Carver to lock up, I took a look at my new phone and I noticed my sister had texted me several times asking where I was. I let her know I was at work downtown but since her last message was a couple of hours earlier I didn't expect her to text back right away.

In a matter of seconds she texted back asking where I worked and I let her know the place and the fact that I was heading home. She asked me to wait there and said she'd come pick me up. So I started the task of trying to convince Mrs. Carver that I didn't need her to drive me home because my sister was coming to get me. She thought I was just trying to ride the bus again until I showed her the message.

So I was downtown waiting for Terri to show up. Mrs. Carver drove home and I was alone in the afternoon sunshine occupying a deserted city block. It was sort of spooky. Terri eventually found me and I got into her car.

"So, where to?" I asked.

"My place."

"Ok. Is it far?"

"Not that far. Oh, and don't be nervous. We're just going to my place. I'll make you dinner and then I'll drive you home. Ok."

"Sounds good."

"By the way, you should call home. Daddy called me asking if I knew where you were because one of your teachers from school called for you."

"Oh really. Which one?"

"I wrote it down. Here."

I read the message. It was from Ms. Turner. I didn't really understand it at first. She was saying one of my papers had confidential school research in it so I wasn't supposed to share it with anyone without permission. What the hell was she talking about? Oh, wait. Yeah, she was trying to tell me not to talk about having sex with her. Well, duh. There was a phone number in the message. Cool. Things were looking up.

My sister lived on the third floor of a building with six apartments in it, two on each floor. She said she used to have a roommate but at the moment it was just her.

The dinner wasn't anything out of the ordinary. It would consist of pork chops with vegetables. I asked why she kept wanting to cook for me and she said she knew our mother wouldn't do it and she thought somebody had to.

"It's us versus them. You don't have to take scraps or eat junk food. You deserve to have a dinner at a table just like everyone else."

While my sister was cooking I called the number my teacher left and I heard Ms. Turner answer with a cautious hello.

"Ms. Turner?"

"Yes. Who's this?"

"It's John."

"John. I'm glad you called."

"I got your message."

"Are you alone?"

"No one can hear me."

"Ok. Look, you can't tell anybody about what we did."

"Don't worry. Lips sealed."

"I know you say that but you need to understand that you can't ..."

"I'll make a deal with you. You promise me you won't talk and I'll promise you I won't talk."

"There's no way I'm ever going to tell anyone about what happened."

"Promise me. Say the words. Say it like the president being sworn in if you need to."

"I, Nancy Turner, swear I won't tell anyone."

"Ok. I, John Ferris, promise I won't tell anyone. Now what about the RA?"

"Norma is already taken care of."

"She needs to promise me."

"I already took care of it. Trust me."

"You didn't get her fired, did you?"

"No. Not like that. Just trust me. I took care of it. She won't talk."

"Ok, so what now?"

"Right now, nothing. Nothing is right now. You just keep quiet and we'll all pretend it never happened."

"But it did happen."

"I know and as a teacher I feel terrible that I took advantage of you. Can you forgive me?"

"Sure. But I'd like to see you."

"I don't think that's a good idea. And next year you shouldn't be in my class."

"Ok. I understand."

"Good. It's for the best. You know that."

That call didn't go as well as I secretly had hoped.

The dinner with my sister was more of her trying to get me to side with her against our parents. She pushed and pushed for it. All of that was really unnecessary. She just needed to be on my side cause I already knew my parents were against me.

She smiled when I agreed to whatever her plan was, not that there was much of a plan, just a picking of sides.

"Good. Me and you together." she said. "They'll never rip us apart again. Together forever."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." she said as she cleared the dishes from the table and brought them to the kitchen.

"What did you mean by saying I was worth it?"

"Oh, um ... nothing. I was going to try and make a point but the words didn't come together right in my head."

I wasn't going to press her. I was happy to have an ally. Though I guessed now that the dinner was over and I'd sided with her, she'd probably just drive me back to that place where our parents lived.

Terri came back into the little dining area that was just an extension of the living room.

"I should probably admit something to you."


"It was all my fault."

"What do you mean?"

"Everything that happened. It was my fault. I tricked you into it and then when mom was interrogating us I think she could see right through me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You remember. The kiss. When we got in trouble. It was my idea. I'm sorry."

I could see that talking about it was making her emotional so I tried to just calm the tension. "It's ok. Mom shouldn't have overreacted like she did."

"Yeah, but maybe she should have."

"What? But you just got finished ..."

"John, I had a crush on you. I did. I was like in love with you. I knew if I just said that I'd sound crazy so I told you all that stuff about how it was just playing. It was just a game. But it wasn't, not really. And then when we got caught I had that one chance to look mom in the eyes and tell her it meant nothing but I couldn't do it. It did mean something. It meant a lot to me. And you got punished for it. I'm sorry."

"Wow." I said softly. "I guess I sort of always suspected but I wasn't sure since it seemed like you were with them."

"I'm not. I'm with you. And I'm going to make it all up to you. I am. I promise."

As a way of saying I accepted what she said, I offered her a hug. Hugging felt very nice.

"And I don't think you're crazy." I said.

She didn't answer. She just put her face into my chest and held me tighter.

I couldn't really tell the exact number of minutes we were there like that but it appeared that neither of us was interested in ending the hug. It was so strange to be hugging her in a way. I had so few memories of her. There were more from the time before that one day of course but even then she seemed like a completely different person now. It almost felt like she was someone I had just met for the first time, only I had known them from afar for years.

After I'd been shipped off I literally never had another word of conversation with Terri until she was in the pool house. I never heard her voice. I never looked at her face. I never even touched her. Forget touching, I never even got close to her. And now she was in my arms after she tells me she used to be in love with me. She felt more like an ex I was reconnecting with than a sister.

"Can I tell you a secret" she asked.

"Another secret?"

"I never got over you." she said and then she looked up at me. "Never. There was never anyone else."

She moved her arm from around my torso to around my neck. She was inviting me in and I knew what she wanted. Her lips were ready but was I? I'd kissed them before. What was the harm in a kiss? I remembered my sister telling me that all those years ago. Only this wasn't playing. This wasn't a game. She wanted me to really kiss her.

We were alone. We were in the privacy of her apartment. But of course our mother would be worried half to death that we'd be doing this exact thing. In a way, because of that, I wanted to kiss her even more.

And it was a nice kiss. I was kissing my sister and we were finally getting around to finishing what we'd started way back when. But anyone who's ever been kissing someone they like will tell you that you can only kiss for so long. The body has a way of forcing things to escalate.

We made our way to her bedroom. She actually had a bunch of clothes and stuff on her bed and we were trying to keep the kiss going while she cleaned it off. She hadn't planned on this happening.

We were both fully clothed while we made out on her bed. I was on top of her and our jeans were grinding into each other. She was getting hotter and hotter down there and my cock was telling me that it really wanted to be released.

So, I sort of had this thing in the back of my head. My first ever sexual experience had been in a situation I did not understand, had no control over, and I was the one being told what to do. This time, if Terri was willing, I was going to try and be in charge. Terri seemed like she wanted more than just kissing just as much as I did but she wasn't trying to get me out of my clothes. How would she react to me taking the lead?

It turned out that she reacted quite well. I put my hand on her chest and she kissed me even harder than she already had been. I started to get her out of her shirt and she just went along with it.

Holy shit her body was nice. I started to kiss the area of her chest that was not covered by her bra and she was letting me do it.

You might be thinking that I'd be going over all the thoughts about incest and all that in my head. Nope. I'd had three years to think all that through. I had long ago come to the conclusion that if I was going to get punished for something I hadn't done, then if I ever got the chance to do it, I was going to do it. Well, here was my chance.

I got my sister out of her bra and her magnificent breasts were before me. Her tits were so soft and her nipples were so hard. I put one in my mouth and wondered what I should do with it to make her feel good.

"I love you, John." I heard her say.

And I loved her too. I just couldn't say so under the circumstances. While I was trying out a couple of different things with the nipple in my mouth, my hands were reaching for Terri's pants and I started to try and get her out of them. Once she was bottomless I could start to smell the sex coming off of her and it was intoxicating.

This was going to happen. This was going to be good. I started trying to get out of my own jeans. Without looking down I got my hips between her open thighs and my dick was in place. I looked up at her for any sign of confirmation. She looked like she was in bliss so I just took the initiative and started to enter her.

She was very wet but she was also very tight. It was sort of difficult to even get more than just the head of my dick into her.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

She nodded and I tried to go slow as I pushed more of my dick into her. It had to be slow going. Then I got the idea to just do short ins and outs with what I'd already established. While I was shallow fucking my sister I kissed her again on the lips.

Ding, dong.

We froze. Someone was at the door.

Ding, dong.

We both sort of panicked a bit and we jumped off the bed. We got back in our clothes as fast as we could. Terri told me to go to the kitchen and start washing plates while she answered the door.

I think we both knew who it had to be.

"Hey, Terri." I heard our father say.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighborhood and I just thought that if John was done with dinner I could give him a ride home and save you some gas."

"It's fine, daddy. I'll take him home later."

"You guys are still eating?"

"No, but John offered to wash the dishes and I wasn't going to tell him no."

"Terri, a good host doesn't make the guest wash the dishes. Yo, John, let's go."

I came out of the kitchen and my dad waved for me to come with him. Damn. I just knew my mother had been the one to put him up to this. I just shrugged and obeyed. What else could I have done?

Terri and I shared a look between us as I passed her. It was me and her versus the world. We both knew that but for now we'd have to finish consummating our relationship later.

Please rate this story
The author would appreciate your feedback.
TSreaderTSreaderalmost 4 years ago
A /very yummy beginning!

Very yummy indeed. I'm looking forward to catching up with this story! Thank you!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 4 years ago
3rd Read

I want a sister or cousin in love with me. amazing start..

linnearlinnearabout 5 years ago
Nice Start

Very good story so far and I can't wait until I get to the next part here shortly. I thought a bit more explanation of the curse in this part would have been good to know.

Sparks59Sparks59about 5 years ago
Another one

That you've ended much to soon! Please continue!

CaseyMannCaseyMannover 6 years ago
5 Stars

I suggest softly that you proof-read this again. The only really glaring mistake was not changing "there" to "their" early on. Can't wait to continue reading the next chapters.

Timtom12Timtom12almost 7 years ago
Good start, so going to read more

Some of the writing comes off as too direct, but a great tale so far.

biggibbybiggibbyabout 7 years ago

Fantastic beginning. More please. 5 star

joep01joep01about 7 years ago
I hope this is Chapter 1

Great story so far. I just hope that it was an over site not listing this as chapter 1. It needs to continue.

BadbeagleBadbeagleabout 7 years ago
Very nice beginning

Please continue the story it is good so far.

chargerman88chargerman88about 7 years ago
More chapters

The story definitely needs more chapters.

HunnamHunnamabout 7 years ago
Chapter 2

Is very badly needed!

prop69prop69about 7 years ago
I am reading the story again.

I hope you will continue so we have a better idea about the plot.

1) Uncle John's inheritance???

2) Teri loved her brother and I hope they are in fact lovers and she only in it for the money.

Ms Turner and the RA...does he have some "magical" touch now that he has turned 18.

3 the younger sister is not old enough to fuck. When will she be brought into the story.

prop69prop69about 7 years ago
What a fucked up family. Great start. Very interesting

I hope you continue.

decoy6decoy6about 7 years ago

Why did you stop you didn't even talk about the curse went way off

JessicaSJessicaSabout 7 years ago
Kind of a mess, but good

The structure is kind of a mess - you don't finish subplots, there is no setup or resolution. And the fourth wall breaks are a bit jarring.

But you also make it up with your creativity - we don't know anything about the curse and it gives the story an interesting angle, almost like a dream. Maybe it makes him irresistible to girls, but maybe there's nothing there. Love it.

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