Family First Ch. 11

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New revelations lead to some uncomfortable questions.
39k words

Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/04/2016
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"You know... alarms tend to work better when you leave them next to the bed that you're actually planning on sleeping in."

Christina jolted awake at the sound of her mother's voice. She blinked several times in confusion as she struggled to figure out where she was and how she'd gotten there. All she knew for sure was that she wasn't in her own bed and that she wanted to go back to sleep.

"Hmm? Wuhtimeizit?" she finally mumbled.

"It's almost eight, and Danny's already waiting for you out back," Diane replied. She stood at the foot of the bed with a droll smile on her face, holding Christina's buzzing cell-phone out in front of her.

The next shock came when Christina felt her father stirring next to her. All at once, memories of the previous night came flooding back into her brain. Her pulse quickened as she ran through a mental slide-show of the things that had lead her to this specific moment. And just like that, the reality of her situation slid back into focus.

"Shit! I overslept!"

"You sure did, and you better get cleaned up before you go, too." Diane made a show of holding nose and pointing with her free hand to the streaks of dried semen that clung to her daughter's thighs and matted in the bright orange curls that adorned her well-fucked pussy.

Christina's brain immediately launched into survival mode. She bounced out of bed like a shot, snatched her phone out of her mom's hand and darted toward the bathroom. A quick glance at the clock told her that she had barely half an hour to get showered, dressed, and into her first-period class before the late bell rang. If she had to choose between spending the day reeking of sex or showing up to school late, she'd choose the latter, but she still held out hope that she could make herself presentable with a little time to spare.

She only made it a few steps out of her parents' bedroom, though, before she came to a screeching halt. Running back inside, tackled her mom from behind, pushing her onto the mattress and nuzzling her face into her back.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou," she said. "Last night was perfect, and you're the best mom ever."

"You're very welcome, honey," Diane replied. "You better get that cute little ass of yours in gear, though. I'm glad you had a good time with your father, but if you ruin your perfect attendance record with only three weeks left in the school year, I'll be pissed."

Christina gave her one more loving squeeze before letting go. Angling her head around Diane's torso, she blew a kiss to her father and darted out of the room before he had the opportunity to respond.

"I hate it when she leaves, but I sure do like watching her go," Ray said, grinning sleepily back at his wife.

"You and me both," Diane replied. "So, I take it you two had a good time?"

Ray ran a hand through his messy hair. "It was... I don't even know how to describe it. Really really good," he said.

"No regrets?"

"None. You?"

"Only that I didn't get to see the exact moment when you put that marvelous cock of yours into our little girl for the very first time."

"Maybe we should have filmed it," Ray said, only half joking.

Diane flashed a naughty smile. "Ooh, now why didn't we think of that? We could have added it to the home video collection." She adopted a thoughtful expression and started counting off on her fingers. "Christina's first steps... Pre-school graduation ceremony... Daddy and daughter's first fuck."

"Don't worry," he replied. "I'm sure there will be plenty more magical memories for us to catch on video in the near future."

"True... But I think that since we were so negligent on this particular occasion, the only fair thing would be for you to tell me every single thing that happened without leaving anything out. Right?"

As she spoke, Diane climbed into the area previously occupied by their daughter and wrapped her fingers around Ray's hardening cock. A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined their little girl lying in this exact spot, smiling innocently up at her daddy as he worked himself in and out of her cute little pussy.

"I suppose it's a reasonable punishment," Ray replied, sighing as his wife lazily played with his prick. "What about you? Did you have a fun night?"

"Too much," she said as a slight flush spread to her cheeks. "I may not be able to walk straight for a week."

"Well, it's about time someone gave you a run for your money."

"To be fair, it did take all four of them," she replied, her cheeks reddening even further. Until the events of the previous week, she'd been completely faithful to her husband. After all those years, It felt strange to talk casually about the extramarital sex they'd both enjoyed the night before.

"I'd expect nothing less," he replied, lowering his gaze down to her fist as it stroked up and down on his increasingly erect penis. "I guess it goes without saying that you're way too sore to take care of a little issue that's recently popped up."

"Is that a challenge?" Diane asked, her eyes twinkling with excitement and a bit of relief as well. It was nice to know that her husband wasn't jealous of what she'd done and that a night of no-holds-barred sex with their pretty, young daughter hadn't diluted his desire for her in the slightest.

"What if it is?"

Leaning forward, Ray pressed his lips against hers, and without another word, Diane melted into his arms. Happiness swelled within her as she savored just how wonderful her life had become. The last thing she remembered before being swept away in waves of passionate ecstasy was reaching over with her free hand to hit the snooze button on Ray's alarm clock.

After all, being on time wasn't everything.


"Sorry!" Christina exclaimed as she dashed out onto the back patio, her still-wet hair trailing behind her.

Danny just smiled. "I was starting to wonder if you were coming."

"Not since last night," she replied, flashing him a toothy grin.

"You write that one yourself?"

"Actually, I'm thinking of starting a career as a stand-up comic. Mostly observational material about my kooky family."

"Well, at least you're not getting into prop comedy. Your hair might be the right color, but I don't think I could stand having Carrot Top's successor in the family."

Christina just grinned. She loved her cousin so much, and she badly wanted to give him a kiss. Before she had the chance, though, he'd already turned to leave.

"We better get going. If we don't book it, then you can say goodbye to that perfect attendance record of yours."

"Thanks, Mom," Christina replied, sticking out her tongue and blowing a raspberry before dashing to catch up.

They spoke in low tones along the short walk to school, quietly regaling each other with stories from the night before. Christina thought there was something incredibly adorable about the note of pride in Danny's voice when he told her about his night alone with her mom. At the same time, she felt relieved that he didn't seem jealous when she told him about the romantic evening she'd shared with her father.

As they walked, Christina's brain filled with images of her mom, cousin, aunt and uncle fucking and sucking to their heart's content. By the time they reached the main entrance, her panties were noticeably damp and her nipples poked like diamonds into the material of her bra. Suddenly, the thought of going seven whole hours without any kind of sexual relief seemed almost unbearable.

She made a mental note to put a moratorium on sex talk before school.

They paused for a moment when they reached the hallway where they normally parted ways. Christina found herself glancing up at her cousin's handsome face. His playful grin and warm, friendly eyes seemed to draw her in, and without sparing a thought to the consequences, she tilted her neck up to meet him in a loving kiss.

A quick, nervous shake of Danny's head brought her crashing back down to earth. A heavy blush spread across her cheeks as she cast her eyes around the hallway, hoping no one had noticed.

"Shit! Sorry." She muttered, staring down at her feet in embarrassment. By that point in the morning, the halls were mostly empty, and the few stragglers who remained were too busy rushing off to class to give either of them much notice.

"It's okay," Danny replied. "I don't think anyone saw. I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

Christina gave a quick nod. "Lunch... Okay, sounds good..." she mumbled, still hardly believing what she'd almost done. With an awkward wave, she headed off to class, fighting the urge to turn back for one last look at her cousin.

Despite everything that had happened, she somehow managed to make it on time. The first thing she saw when she stepped inside was Olivia Foster smiling up at her, looking as effortly gorgeous as ever. The chair next to her was empty save for Olivia's backpack, which she quickly removed as she waved Christina over.

She saved me a seat, Christina thought to herself. Of course she did...

"Thanks," she said as she sat down. Before Olivia had a chance to reply, the bell rang and class began.

After everything that had happened over the weekend, the utter normalcy of sitting in her classroom, listening to her professor give a lecture on symbolism in The Grapes of Wrath felt incredibly strange. It had been scarily easy to forget that there was more to life than having filthy sex with her extended family. Everything had changed so dramatically over the last week that something as normal as being a high-school student suddenly felt like it was part of some alternate reality.

With about fifteen minutes to spare, Dr. Rao ended the lesson and gave them the rest of the period to work with their partners on the project she'd assigned the previous week. They'd barely gotten started when Christina watched Olivia pull a strand of wavy hair behind her ear, revealing a tiny, blue police box that she immediately recognized as the Tardis, dangling from her ear.

"Are you a Doctor Who fan?" she asked.

"A Whovian, you mean?" she said with an embarrassed smile. "Yeah. I guess... a little."

"Nice," Christina replied, hoping her surprise wasn't too obvious. "Danny and I watch that show all the time."

"Same with me and my brother. He got me the earrings as a Christmas present a few years ago. We didn't have English language TV when we were living overseas, so he downloaded a big file with all the episodes on it, and we'd watch them on his computer when we were bored."

"Has Brett given you a hard time about it yet?" she asked. "I tried to get him to watch it with me once, and he just made fun of it the whole time." Before the words had exited her mouth, Christina found herself wishing that she could pull them back in. The absolute last person she wanted to talk about was Brett Sampson.

Olivia frowned. "Why would Brett care about what kind of TV shows I like?" she asked, surprising Christina with the genuine confusion in her voice.

"Well... aren't the two of you like... going out?"

Olivia's eyes went wide as saucers. "What!? Are you kidding?" she exclaimed, drawing looks from the rest of the class. "Who told you that?" she whispered, making a conscious effort not to draw any more unwanted attention. "He's not going around telling everyone that we're dating, is he?"

Christina stared back at her like a deer in the headlights, utterly confused by the sudden change in Olivia's tone. "No. Well, I don't know... Maybe? I don't really talk to him at all. My friend Meghan said that you two were going out, and I see you together in the halls a lot, so..."

"Trust me. It's not by choice," Olivia muttered. "Ever since I went to that stupid party with him, he keeps finding ways to turn up everywhere I go."

Christina was stunned and had no idea how to reply.

"Look. Let me explain," Olivia said, her voice sounding quick and desperate.

"—You don't need to explain anything to me," Christina replied, cutting her off.

"No. I want to," Olivia replied. "He invited me to that party at Sarah Whatshername's house. I didn't know anyone at school at that point, and he seemed like a nice enough guy, so I said yes. When we got to the party, though, he started getting really handsy and aggressive. I told him I wanted to leave, but he drove to some abandoned parking lot instead."

Christina felt a cold shiver run down her spine at the thought of being trapped alone in a car with him. "Oh, God. He didn't...?"

"Ha! No way!" she replied, a hint of a smile forming behind her otherwise horrified expression. "I played along until he got his tiny little thing out of his pants and snapped a picture of it with my phone. I emailed it to myself and told him that if he didn't take me home, I'd make sure everyone in the school knew exactly what a micropenis looked like. It was kind of an empty threat considering I didn't know anyone at that point, but apparently his brain is even smaller than his dick."

"Amazing..." Christina whispered with a gleeful smile.

"Ever since then, he's been following me around the school, trying to make nice. He probably thinks that I'll delete the pics if he gets on my good side. Fat chance of that ever happening."

"It sounds like I dodged a bullet on that one..." Christina said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if you knew or not, but Brett and I went out for a while earlier this year. I had kind of a major crush on him."

"Did he try that same stuff on you?" Olivia asked.

Christina shook her head and looked down at her desk. "No... I don't think he was ever really interested in me at all. We only went out for a week before I realized he was just trying to get closer to one of my girlfriends."

"What a piece of shit."


A realization seemed to strike Olivia out of nowhere. Her eyes went wide, and her lips turned up into a knowing smile. "Wait a minute. So is that why you've been so..."

"—bitchy?" Christina offered with an embarrassed smirk.

"I was trying to think of a nicer word, but yeah — bitchy works, too, I guess."

Christina hesitated as some of the pieces of this strange puzzle finally started clicking into place. If Olivia had never been going out with Brett in the first place, then everything she'd done with Danny over the past week had been predicated on one gigantic misunderstanding. Her mom had been right — Olivia hadn't been toying with Danny at all. And if that was true, then she really did like him, and Christina had done nothing but get in their way.

"Guilty as charged," she finally said. "When Danny told me that you offered to help tutor him in Spanish, I asked my friend Meghan about you. When she said you were dating Brett, I kind of blindly locked onto the idea that the two of you were messing with him... or with me."

"I'm really sorry, Olivia," she continued. "It was shitty of me to assume the worst about you without even making the slightest attempt to find out the truth for myself. Can you forgive me?"

Olivia seemed taken aback by Christina's heartfelt apology. "What? Of course I forgive you," she said. "Besides, you're the only real friend I've got in this place."

As Christina looked into Olivia's crystal blue eyes, she felt a warm happy feeling welling up within her. She'd never planned on getting close with Olivia Foster, in fact, she'd done practically everything in her power to avoid it. Which it was shocking to realize that despite all of her lingering confusion, jealousy, and unanswered questions, she really wanted to be Olivia's friend. She had some kind of magnetic quality that Christina didn't quite know how to quantify. They'd known each other for less than a week, but she felt like Olivia saw her for who she really was and liked her anyways. Other than her parents, Danny was the only person who'd made her feel that way. It was easy to see how Danny had gotten sucked into her orbit. It was happening to her, too.

"You could do a lot better," she finally replied with a self-deprecating grin.

"I'm not so sure about that," Olivia said. "So... I guess Danny also thinks I'm going out with Brett?" she asked.

"For now," Christina replied with a perfunctory nod. "But I'll set him straight."

"Thanks. I can't believe he thought I was actually dating that creep."

"I can't believe I thought it either."

They both giggled at the ridiculousness of the whole situation, but when their laughter died down, neither of them knew exactly what to say next. Christina sensed an opportunity to ask the question that had been dogging her all week, but she knew that going down that road would make her life even more complicated than it already was. There was a brief, awkward silence as she considered her options, eventually deciding that she was already in too deep to walk away without discovering the full truth.

In the most casual tone she could muster, she finally said, "So, you care a lot about what Danny thinks about you, huh?"

Olivia's smile faltered, and she seemed oddly taken aback by the question. "What makes you say that?" she asked.

"I dunno. He's practically all you wanted to talk about on Saturday... Also, he told me you offered to tutor him in Spanish and that there were 'like serious vibes'" she said, doing a dopey impression of Danny's voice and throwing in his lopsided grin for good measure.

"Oh god... He told you that?" Olivia asked as she covered her face with her hands and let out a quiet groan even as she grinned at Christina's goofy impersonation.

"He is my best friend." After another brief moment of hesitation, she said, "Would it be safe to assume based on your reaction that he was right?"

After yet another moment of awkward silence, Olivia finally gave a slow nod, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson. "I guess I haven't been too subtle, huh... I mean... I don't really know him all that well or anything. We've just talked a few times in Spanish class, but he just seems really funny, and cute, and friendly, and I like his hair, and — oh god — that smile..." All at once, she seemed to realize that her mouth was moving faster than her brain, and she brought a hand up to silence herself — a gesture that Christina found irresistibly adorable.

Christina couldn't help but giggle at the expression of lovestruck embarrassment on her new friend's face. Of course, part of her felt insanely jealous. After all, this was the dark, scary thought that had been lurking deep in her mind ever since their study date. But the way Olivia talked about Danny was just so genuine and earnest that directing that jealousy at her just felt unfair. Besides, there was no denying that Danny was a serious catch. She could hardly fault Olivia for being the first one to notice it.

"So... How come you never said anything to me about it?"

"You mean, besides the fact that I kinda thought you hated me?" Olivia responded.

Christina blushed, even as Olivia's warm smile assured her that she wasn't upset. "Yeah... besides that."

"I didn't want you to think I was just using you to get closer to him."

"Well, were you?"

Olivia hesitated a long moment before finally nodding. "At first... maybe a little," she admitted. "But mostly, I was just lonely and looking for a friend. The fact that you were related to someone I had a bit of a crush on was just an added bonus, I guess. I really am glad we're friends, though."

"Me too," Christina replied with a reassuring smile.

"Not that it really matters anyway. It doesn't take a genius to see that he's not interested," Olivia said.

"What makes you say that?"

"I've been practically throwing myself at him for a week now. At first, I thought he liked me too, but... I think I just misunderstood. He's barely looked me in the eye since I offered to tutor him. I even tried calling a few times, but he always had some vague excuses about being too busy to see me. I can be pretty dense sometimes, but I know when to take a hint."