Family Mix-Up


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He stirred slightly in his bed, but didn't say anything. She asked again, louder this time, "Son? Is that you?"

Jeff's body suddenly sat up, and looked at her curiously. "Did you just call me son? Does that mean..."

"I'm actually your mother," Vickie said. She was surprised when Jeff began to laugh.

"No, you're not!" he exclaimed. "You're my wife!"

Ned got dressed and began to explain everything that had happened during the last two days. As they sat down to a healthy breakfast that Saturday morning, Vickie told what she had experienced on the ship with who she thought was her husband. They were both open and honest about everything. They could be, because they were husband and wife, who happened to be in the bodies of their son and daughter.

Ned gave all the details about his sexual escapades with Heather. And Vickie talked about fucking their kids with his body. It was so strange, yet had in no way been terrible. And now they were together. They were in younger bodies. They both felt great, especially now that Vickie's hangover had faded. And hearing what each of them had been up to had got them both excited in more ways than one.

Their hands had intertwined at the breakfast table while they'd been talking. And when Ned leaned forward to kiss his daughter's face, Vickie matched his movements. They kissed passionately for several seconds before Ned broke it off.

"So, even though we're not on the boat anymore, that doesn't mean our anniversary trip is over..."

Vickie winked at him. "What did you have in mind?"

He picked his daughter up in Jeff's strong arms and carried her upstairs. "I think we'll figure something out."

They did figure something out. Twice that morning.

A little while later, Jeff was awoken by someone shaking him going, "Mom, Mom, wake up. I'm still here in Dad's body! Let's have sex again!"

That was his father's voice. He was back on the ship. With his father. Who was shaking him and calling him...Mom.

"No. No!" he said briskly. But he didn't hear his voice. He heard his mother's voice coming from his vocal chords. "You have got to be kidding me!" he yelled.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Jeff looked over and saw his father, naked and ready to go. His hand was stroking his cock, which was at full mast, and he was eyeing Jeff expectantly. "Do not touch me with that thing! Why are you calling me Mom? Abby? Is that you?"

"Jeff?" Abby asked.

"If you'll excuse me," Jeff said getting up in his mother's body. "I'm going to go jump into the ocean." His mother's body moved differently than Abby's. It felt older. Certain parts of him hurt. His breasts were saggier. He was still a woman. Everything sucked.

"Stop complaining, brat. This will probably be over tomorrow. We might as well make the most of it." She tugged at his arm, trying to pull him back onto the bed.

Jeff jerked away. "Please don't touch me while you have that thing between your legs."

"Come on! We're married! We can make each other feel good!"

"We are not married!" Jeff argued as he found his mother's clothes and began struggling to put them on. "We are brother and sister trapped in our own parents' bodies!"

"So? It's temporary, right? It's been happening the last couple of days. We'll probably be back to normal by Monday."

"That's pretty fucking optimistic, don't you think? And haven't you even asked why it's happening to begin with?"

"It seems to revolve around you," Abby observed. "But as to the why? Who cares. This is amazing. Let's not waste it. Come to bed."

"Absolutely fucking not. I respected your body yesterday when I was in it. Well, I got drunk and respected it. And I'm sure our parents are not going to..." Jeff stopped mid sentence and thought about that. His dad had been fucking Heather like crazy. Abby had thought he was their mother and had asked to have sex again, which meant they had both done it. His whole family was a bunch of perverts! "They're going to fuck each other in our bodies, aren't they?"

Abby smiled and nodded. "I mean, they are married. And now they're in our younger, hotter bodies."

Jeff nodded as if this made perfect sense, then said, "I'm going to go throw up now."

While Jeff was having another bad day, Ned called Heather and asked if she wanted to come over. It was late afternoon when she arrived. She wore a tight teal dress that made her red hair pop.

It was the first thing Vickie noticed when she opened the door to let in her son's girlfriend. "Wow, you look amazing, dear."

"You're one to talk," Heather said in surprise. Heather had seen Abby around Jeff's house several times since she'd moved back home, but she always looked like a trainwreck. She wasn't wearing anything fancy just then. Just black leggings and a low cut, white tshirt. But she looked, well, put together. She had on a bit of makeup and great hair. And she exuded the confidence of a woman that was going out for a night on the town.

For that reason, Heather asked as they strode into the living room, "Are you going out tonight?"

"No," Vickie said sweetly. "I thought I'd stay here and chaperone you lovebirds."

"Oh, great," Heather said with thinly veiled disappointment. "So, where's Jeff?"

"He's in the kitchen cooking us a five star meal. Can't you smell it?"

Something did smell great. But since when could her boyfriend cook? She went to the kitchen, and thankfully Abby didn't tag along. She saw Jeff wearing an apron, which was adorable, and he looked like he knew what he was doing as he seasoned something in a pan.

"Uh, hey, Jeff," Heather started. "Did you know your sister plans on hanging out with us tonight?"

Jeff spun around with a spatula in his hand. He used it to point at the words on his apron that read, 'kiss the cook.' Then he cleared his throat and waited.

"Oh, sorry," Heather giggled, and went over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

As she withdrew, Jeff cleared his throat again, shook his head, and pointed emphatically to his apron.

Heather ignored him as she figured her news was more urgent. "We won't be able to do much more than that with your sister around!" she hissed.

"Won't be able to do what?" Abby asked innocently as she came into the kitchen.

Heather turned redder than her hair, but Jeff saved her by saying, "Food's ready. You can have some. But you have to pay the toll."

"The toll?" Heather asked.

"But of course," Abby purred. And then she picked up a plate from the counter, went over to Jeff, and locked lips with him.

It was a long kiss. A sensual kiss. A kiss that Heather would have put a stop to if it had been some random girl, but...this was Jeff's sister. What was going on? Why were they kissing like that? And why did Jeff seem cool with it?

When they broke it off, Jeff winked at Abby, and filled her plate with steak and steamed vegetables. When Heather just stared, Abby motioned to Heather, "Go on, before it gets cold."

Heather moved as if on autopilot and picked up a plate. When she held it out to Jeff, he cleared his throat again. She looked at him, still very confused by what she'd seen.

"You have to pay the toll," Abby gently reminded her.

Heather scoffed. She could pay the toll whenever she wanted. She was Jeff's girlfriend after all. But to put her mouth where Abby's had just been, it was weird, wasn't it? And why wasn't Abby going to the dining room? Why was she just standing there, staring? Was she seeing if she'd just go along with it? Was this a prank? It had to be that! Jeff and his older sister were messing with her. That was a pretty risque prank. But she wouldn't back down. She'd show them that they couldn't pull one over on her. She put the plate down, put her hands on the side of Jeff's face, and kissed him even more passionately than Abby had.

When she was finished, Jeff looked shell shocked, then quickly filled her plate. Heather turned to see Abby giving her an approving smile, and then a wink at Jeff.

Sometimes siblings were weird, but Heather was hungry enough now not to care. She followed Abby to the dining room, and Jeff joined them a minute later. They ate in relative silence for a few minutes, then Heather felt something brush against the inside of her legs. It was a foot! And it was sliding up and down her bare skin. That might have been normal if Jeff was sitting across from her, but he wasn't. Abby was!

Heather looked at her and mouthed, "What the hell?" to the older girl.

In response, Abby just blew her a kiss, and took another bite of vegetables.

As Abby's foot made no sign of retreating, Heather looked at Jeff and said, "You know what, Jeff, this was really great, but I think I think I'd like some dessert now. Can we go get ice cream?"

"Or you could stay here and have something just as sweet," Abby offered suggestively as her foot climbed higher and higher.

"Would you like to stay here and have something sweet with us, Heather?" Jeff asked with a charming smile.

Heather scooted back from the table, letting Abby's foot fall to the floor. She looked at her boyfriend questioningly. "Okay guys? What is going on? First that kiss. Now your sister is making a pass at me under the table? You guys are fucking with me, right?"

"Oh, we'd like to fuck with you alright," Abby cooed.

"If that's something you'd be into," Jeff added.

"But...but, you're brother and sister!" Heather argued.

"Not today," Jeff smiled. "Today is sort of a cheat day. Tomorrow might be too, who knows?"

"I don't understand what that means," Heather said.

"It means," Abby said, "That I'm fine with you fucking my hus- sorry, 'your' boyfriend today, as long as I can be there to help."

Heather was temporarily at a loss for words at the offer. She'd never been invited to a three way before. That's what this was, right? Yeah, it would be. She'd be fucking Jeff, and Abby would be there, and she'd be 'helping,' which meant she'd be participating. So yeah, that'd be a three way. She thought she'd have to wait until college for one of those. She looked at Jeff to see his thoughts on the matter.

"My sister and I have talked it over," Jeff explained. "As you know, she's recovering from a failed marriage, and she's looking to get back in the saddle again. I think this will help her out."

"Having sex with her brother?"

"No, no!" Jeff said with feigned shock. "With both of us! And as I said, this is a cheat day."

"What does that mean though!"

"It means I'm your boyfriend, so it's not cheating. And Vickie- I mean, Abby, is my sister, so..."

"That doesn't make any sense!"

Abby pulled her white shirt over her head. It had been obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra before. And now it was really obvious. "So, you want me just to fuck Jeff without you?" she challenged.

"What!" Heather balked.

But before she could protest further, Abby stood up and put her tits in Jeff's face. Jeff didn't shrink back, but began kissing and fondling his sister's boobs.

"In or out?" Abby asked.

Heather narrowed her eyes at Abby. She didn't know what these two perverts were playing at, but whatever it was, she wasn't going to lose. In a quick, fluid movement, she pulled her dress up over her head. In another second, her bra was falling off. She moved to the other side of her boyfriend, her slightly smaller tits on display for him. He turned to her, and put his mouth on them. Heather arched a brow in Abby's direction as if to say, 'you'll have to do better than that, cause he likes mine better.'

But after a few seconds of kissing Heather's boobs, Jeff stood, looked at both women and said, "It's a shame. I guess the rest of this food is going to get cold." And then he bolted from the room.

Abby squealed with glee and chased after him.

Heather wondered what was possessing them, but followed after. But they weren't headed towards Jeff's room. They were heading to the master bedroom. The one that belonged to Jeff's parents. By the time she got there, Jeff was already shedding clothes, and Abby had lost the black leggings.

The siblings climbed into bed as Heather watched, and as if to prove that they were completely serious, Abby got on all fours, and Jeff expertly mounted her from behind.

Heather gasped. Her boyfriend was fucking another woman right in front of her. How dare he! And how dare he look so good doing it! Heather shed her panties and got beside Jeff and started kissing him. Then she got on all fours and stuck her ass right next to Abby's. She briefly thought how funny it was that she had worried about Abby from hearing them the other night. Maybe that's what set this off. Maybe hearing her get fucked had turned Abby on, and she was so desperately horny that she'd asked Jeff to help her out.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a firm smack on her ass from Jeff. "Hey!" she protested. But then his hands were bracing her hips, and now he was shoving into her. She was even wetter than she thought, because he slid all the way in. It felt so good. She looked beside her, and there was Abby. She was smiling at her. And then her mouth was right there. And they were kissing. She was kissing a girl. A girl that was her boyfriend's sister, while her boyfriend was fucking her from behind. It was not how she thought the night was going to go, but she wasn't complaining.

After doing them both doggystyle for a few minutes, they changed positions. Well, Heather did anyway. Abby stayed on all fours getting plowed by her brother, while Heather positioned her pussy in front of Abby for the older woman to lick. That lasted a few minutes. Then they switched. Then they switched to missionary, so Abby could sit on Heather's face. Jeff blew his load 20 minutes in. He watched the two women go at it for another 10, and then tagged back in.

Heather had never felt so sexy. Jeff and Abby were touching her everywhere. Kissing her everywhere. She got off again and again and again, and she was louder than ever. Everytime she came, it just made the siblings go even harder. There seemed to be no end to their stamina. It was like they wanted to fuck all night!

Ned loved being young again. Vickie did too. And they especially loved sharing the hot redhead in bed. It was the best anniversary they'd ever had.

At some point before Jeff, Abby, Ned and Vickie fell asleep that night, they all wondered if they'd be back to normal the next day. If anything could be normal again.

Jeff was pretty sure it wouldn't be when he woke up in a sorority house the next day. With a different pair of tits that looked all too familiar.

To be continued...

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getthephenomgetthephenom3 months ago

Great story but seems to have been abandoned.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Would love a Part 2. Thanks!!!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Read it twice, it's a great story, it doesn't really need a chapter 2. But I would really love reading one...

GutsandgloryGutsandgloryover 1 year ago

Is there a 2nd part to this?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love it, original story, at least for me.... Only problem this story has for now, is the missing chapter 2....

I'm looking forward to it....

hunkiefredhunkiefredover 1 year ago

Ned and Jeff take a moment to break the fourth wall and look into the eyes of the reader.

I love this! Great story, need a part two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved this! Slightly different from your previous work of bodyhoppers/possession but i really enjoyed the body swap content. Hope to see more body swap stories in the future!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

you’re back!

Lust_of_dragonLust_of_dragonover 1 year ago

Excellent story. Lot of stuff happening and a lot of hot sex. Heather is the ultimate GF. Shes down for any challenge no matter how kinky. I cannot wait to see how Jenny and Andrew react in the next chapter. The comedy was on point as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hilarious and sexy. Love how jeff's parents are just down with whatever's happening and going full carpe diem. Jeff should take time and enjoy the experience. Also Heather is a total smokeshow. Homegirl goes from sucking off her BF to joining him and his sister in an Alabama threesome. More chapters please. I gotta see how jeff's older brother and sister handle this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

His parents are fucked in the head. It's 1 thing to not know but to intentionally fuck up someone else's relationship by fucking their gf in an incestuous what kind of emotional damage could happen between the family with the dad intentionally fucking the son's gf and acting like he did nothing wrong. Jeff is going to either need therapy or never forgive his parents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow! Awesome! Best body swap tale I've ever read. Jeff really needs to relax and enjoy his family. And he needs to enjoy sex as a woman too. It seems obvious that Ned won't hesitate to enjoy his new pussy when that happens. The question is, will Ned and Jeff continue to enjoy playing with others cocks after they settle into their own bodies?

Also, the big question - WHY? Why is this happening?

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 1 year ago


Yes - c'mon part the second.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of the more imaginative tales I've read on Literotica. Both creative in the idea behind the plot development and stylistically well-done, giving each of the characters time to demonstrate their individuality. Damn sorry Jeff didn't get to fuck his mother a few more times while in his dad's body, but maybe this phenomenon wiil just keep repeating and he'll get another chance. Don't think he'll complain about his interim choices, though! ;) More please?

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 1 year ago

I like the humor of it. Fun.

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