Family Reunion

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I enjoy my Uncle Greg's company at a family gathering.
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Author's note:

This story is fictitious. No person in this story is bears any relationship to, nor is based upon, any real person either living or deceased.

The activities described in this story are neither recommended nor condoned.



The room was darkened so that Great Uncle Jeff could show his slides. Most of the family had seen them before and he has thousands of them. During his younger years he had been a keen photographer, first using black and white film but later moving onto color slides. He still uses these, loading them manually into his ancient slide projector and projecting the images onto a white sheet attached to the wall of the large lounge room.

Occasional ones are interesting, but most are dull and boring of long dead relatives and their usually now-demolished houses or long-gone cars. It's a full family gathering and the first reunion that I have attended as an adult. It's a family tradition to hold a reunion every ten years and as I'd recently had my 20th birthday, this is my third. There were even a couple of slides of me as a baby and as a ten year old. In both these I look skinny and runty. As a ten year old I look about six and am far shorter and skinnier than my cousins.

Now, at 20, I could easily get away with being about twelve if I wanted to. However, my skinny body, lack of significant breasts (I'm an A cup size to put it generously), and my lack of height have produced the lithe, light (only 75 pounds) and lissome person I am. I have developed into a top gymnast with an ideal body for that vocation and can easily support my weight on one hand and have absolutely no problem undertaking any of the contortions that top gymnasts need to perform. I was enrolled at school learning dancing and gymnastics and hoped to get some work in those areas in future.

I also have an abhorrence of wearing clothing, especially clothing which clings to me. This was a problem when I performed in public as I needed to wear at least a brief leotard, but in private I practised naked, as gymnastics was designed to be performed. I never wore underwear and a bra was both cumbersome and totally unnecessary. I have also always been intrigued about the preoccupation of most people with nudity. I never see the point of selectively covering your body so that some bodily functions and their associated parts, like eating, are permitted to be visible while other equally natural functions, like sex, are not.

So at the party that night I wore my favourite party dress which has a loose fitting top and a full skirt extending to mid-thigh. I knew that if I danced, which I enjoy doing, and twirled fast enough, my skirt would rise to expose my lower torso up to my hips. It would also expose me like this if I turned somersaults or walked on my hands, of course. I reserve such activities for special occasions or special friends and had no intention of performing such revealing acts in front of a family group.

The room was packed as the family had grown in number but the size of the room had stayed the same. Every chair was taken, all the children were sitting on the floor at the front, and I was standing, leaning against a wall at the back, trying to stay awake. I noticed to my right that Uncle Greg was sitting on a huge cushion on the floor, leaning against the wall. He couldn't possibly see the screen from there, could he? Our eyes met and he smiled at me, then gestured for me to come and sit by him on the cushion. Although he's my uncle, he's only a few years older than me so is more like a cousin than an uncle. I slowly made my way along the wall and sat next to him, wriggling free when he wrapped his arm around me - nice, but far too constricting. He bent and whispered in my ear.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Lisa."

I turned to look at him; what game was he playing? "You don't look too bad yourself, Uncle Greg."

"Oh for fucks sake, drop the uncle bit. I'm only four years older than you so don't try to make out I'm some old fogey uncle or anything."

"Ok, Greg, if that's what you want," I replied in a whisper. "Anyway, what's with you? You've hardly even spoken to me before tonight yet now you invite me over to sit on your cushion?"

"Well last time I saw you ten years ago you were a scruffy kid, but now you're a grown woman and to me anyway you look really sexy. I love compact women; so easy to carry and move about. And that dress you're wearing just suits you so well. I hear you're a gymnast now, and making a really good name for yourself. I'd love for you to show me some of your moves sometime."

Was he coming on to me or what? My live-in boyfriend of a year had just left and I'd been feeling lonely and lost the past few days. I heard from conversations between other family members earlier that Greg had also had his lover leave so maybe we were two lost souls who had found each other in the darkened back row of a lounge converted to cinema. I toyed with the idea of seducing him, deciding it was certainly worth a try for a bit of fun. But here? Now? Why not.

"Well, we could start now if you wish," was my whispered reply. "I'm shorter than you and can't see the screen, how about I sit on your lap to gain a bit more height."

Greg looked at me closely, obviously wondering how far I intended to go. In my turn I wondered how much he knew about me.

"Ok, if you like, jump on board," was his whispered reply.

He straightened his legs so he was reclining against the wall, almost lying horizontally, and I quickly moved my body onto his, positioning my ass on his lower belly just above where his cock should be. Once I was in position he sat up a little more, wriggled himself comfortable and wrapped his arms loosely around my body, each hand ending up cupping one of my tiny breasts.

Now although my breasts are tiny, the nipples are extremely sensitive which is one reason I don't like tight clothing covering them. I can easily bring myself to orgasm quickly simply by stroking my nipples, and I have on many occasions. My boyfriend used to love doing this for me also, watching me writhe in ecstasy while fully clad and needing very little stimulation seemed to give him a power trip. Now Greg was starting the same actions, rubbing each nipple softly, gently and repetitively, exactly the stimulation that brings on my release very quickly. I moved his hands away; did I really want to cum right here? I felt him bend forward and kiss my neck. I thought I was supposed to be seducing him!

I let my hands drop between my legs, initially so that I could surreptitiously stroke myself, but what I found when I got there caused a change in plan. His cock had grown and was tenting his pants just below my pussy. I touched it through the thin fabric and looked over my shoulder into his eyes.

"Shall I release him on a good behavior bond?" I whispered.

Greg grinned. "Over to you," he whispered back.

I reached upwards, searching for the zipper, then slowly, silently drew it downwards. I reached inside and pulled the elastic of his undershorts out and down, letting it go with a small snap below his balls. I looked down and saw his erect cock wrapped in my small hand. My fingers didn't meet around it. I pulled my voluminous skirt over him in case someone should turn to see what we were up to.

I heard Greg's sharply in-drawn breath as I started moving my hand over his cock, gliding it over the skin, spreading his precum. I turned to look at his face, a study of intense concentration. Time to up the ante; I wondered just how serious he was about seducing me.

I lifted my hips and with my free hand pulled up the back of my dress until his cock rested against my naked ass. I turned again, seeing a shocked expression on Greg's face as he realized his cock rested next to heaven, with nothing between us. I wriggled backwards a little, feeling his cock spring free once again, lying directly against my pussy lips. I stayed still, wondering what he'd do now, continuing to gently rub his cock with my hand under my skirt.

I felt Greg's hands increase their tempo on my nipples, causing waves of sensation to run through my body and focus on my pussy. I knew, from experience, that my pussy would be wet and very soon the lips would part as I began leaking juices copiously in preparation to reaching my orgasm. I also felt Greg's hips begin a subtle rhythm, first pressing his cock against my lips, then withdrawing slightly. I knew from experience that this would only hasten their opening. I turned to him and he put his ear to my lips.

"Do you wanna fuck?"

"Yes, if you do," he whispered back.

I slowly bent my legs, placing each lower leg alongside Greg's hips, raising myself up so my pussy was directly above Greg's rampant member. Then, while holding his cock in position, I looked over my shoulder and slowly lowered myself onto his cock, watching the intense look of pleasure, concentration and wonder on his face showing in the reflected light of yet another boring slide.

I felt him enter me, his head spreading my lips, pushing into my tight love tunnel as I slowly lowered myself onto him. Finally he was fully embedded inside me and I could relax as I sat on him, my skirt spread around me hiding any trace of our activity from the casual observer. Great Uncle Jeff droned on at the front, many people held whispered conversations, but that didn't disturb Great Uncle Jeff; he'd been deaf for many years.

I felt Greg start to move inside me, withdrawing slightly then moving back in to fully impale me. It felt wonderful; the first cock I'd had since my ex left me. His hands kept gently rubbing my nipples. I reached down under my skirt and cupped his balls, caressing, squeezing, pulling, feeling the supple skin of his sac as it moved in my hand. He pulled me closer to him, holding me tighter, too tight, too constricting. I wriggled free of his grip, allowing him to re-establish his gentle encirclement and encouraging him to keep rubbing my nipples.

Suddenly I became aware that Great Uncle Jeff had stopped talking and a few people gave a desultory clap as someone stood and moved to the light switch. The lights came on blindingly at first as I turned to Greg wondering what would happen now. He just stayed still and smiled at me, and began chatting about inconsequential things. I relaxed. After all, is it not perfectly natural for a niece to sit on her uncle's knee, especially when there are no chairs available?

We sat still together, for a few minutes. I was still impaled on Greg's cock and I felt my pussy muscles pulsating. Somehow we had to get him out, my skirt down, his cock in his pants and pants zipped without attracting attention. Slowly we moved around so that this happened. I lifted myself carefully, my skirt edge staying down, then he was out. He reached underneath me, hidden from the crowd of relatives by my body, and put himself back in his pants, then zipped himself up. Once that was complete, he told me to stand up naturally and then offer him my hand to stand him up. We did this and very soon we were standing chatting to other family members, my pussy lamenting the fact that it was empty and sopping wet.

Greg and I wandered away from each other, chatting with relatives, and slowly heading to the supper table where there were some of my grandmother's home cooked biscuits which I've loved since I was a child. Greg found his way beside me and slipped me a note, telling me to call him once we'd both left the gathering.

The next hour went slowly until people began leaving, heading off to their accommodation which most had booked for the full weekend, Friday evening to Sunday. Tomorrow, Saturday, there was usually a trip to some local attraction, a dinner at the local hotel, then on Sunday there were the obligatory photographs so we can all be remembered as we looked ten years older than last time, and ten years ago for next time. Then there would be an informal lunch and we would all depart for our homes.

I decided I wanted more of Greg and eased the note from my pocket when I was in the rest room. It had a cellphone number and a few words on it. "If you want some more, give me a call. I have a luxury suite and will be all alone." I thought of the grotty place I'd booked into; you can't be too fussy when you're an impoverished student. A luxury suite with some enjoyable physical activity sounded just the ticket.

I checked the room and could see no sign of Greg, so I went outside, found an isolated spot and phoned him. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hi. Greg here."

"Hi Greg. You wanna finish what you started?"

"Oh yes, if you do."

"I most certainly do. I think we should leave separately and you can collect me from the YHA hostel in town. You know where it is?"

"Yeah, I know it. See you there in ten or so."

"Ok, I'll have to repack and check out so make it closer to twenty. I'll take my car and follow you."

"Ok, see you then, darling."

His endearment took me aback a little, but I responded in kind.

"Yeah, see you honey."

I returned to the YHA, explained that I had found other accommodation with a relative, was given most of my money back, packed what little I had unpacked, loaded it into my car and sat inside to wait. I didn't wait long when I saw a near-new Audi pull up in front of me. The driver opened the door and in the light I saw it was Greg. I got out and went to him, meeting him as he was still getting out. He hugged me, engulfing me in his arms - claustrophobia!! I squirmed free and gave him a hug.

"Honey, I know you like hugging me but I get claustrophobia really bad when you do. So please, kiss me, hug me gently, but please give me space and don't constrict me."

"Sorry, I'll remember in future."

He bent down and gave me a kiss.

"You all ready to go?"

"Yes, I'll follow you, sweetheart."

He lowered his hand and rubbed my pussy as he gave me another kiss, then we returned to our cars and I followed him to his hotel. We parked next to one another then I collected my gear and we went inside.

"We need to be a bit careful to avoid tongues wagging," Greg told me, "Other family members are staying here too, though none on our floor thankfully."

I smiled at his use of 'our floor'; he obviously wanted me to feel I belonged here. The elevator took us up to the second to top floor and he escorted me to 'our' room. What a great view. The city lights went on forever, it seemed.

"Like a drink, darling?"

"Mmm, yes please, vodka and orange if you have it."

He rummaged in the mini-bar and pulled out a vodka and a whiskey for him, mixing my drink and pouring his straight. He handed me my glass and proposed a toast.

"To a naughty weekend," he said, grinning.

"I'll drink to that," I replied, clinking glasses and taking a sip. "But only on one condition."

"What's that?" he asked looking concerned.

"That you don't mind me running about here naked. I hate clothing, I always feel trapped in it which is why I wear no underwear."

"If you want to run around naked, I'm certainly not going to stop you. In fact, is it ok if I join you? Some women are funny about seeing guys' cocks swinging free as they move."

"Yeah, please do. Cocks swinging free are a great turn-on for me."

We quickly stripped, collected towels from the bathroom, and spread these on the chairs before sitting.

"Geez you look gorgeous," he said after a few minutes silence.

I took in his sculpted abs, trim limbs and muscles in all the right places.

"You look pretty good yourself," I replied.

We chatted for a while until we'd finished our drinks.

"You're a gymnast, aren't you?" he asked.


"How about showing me some sexy gymnastics then," he suggested.

I'd often performed for my ex-boyfriend so went through the routine that he most liked, finishing with me walking on my hands to him with my legs spread wide apart, probably causing my pussy lips to gape open, and then leant my body against him with my pussy ready and waiting to be kissed and played with. If I looked upwards, with my chin on my chest, I could see his now rock hard cock pressing into my belly button and his balls swaying gently beneath it.

Greg wasted no time at all. He gripped me around my hips, lifted me effortlessly straight up and sucked my pussy and clit into his mouth. When he was doing this I couldn't quite reach the floor so he held all of my weight, which he managed easily, of course. I felt wonderful sensations coursing through my body as he sucked on my sensitive clit while walking slowly into the bedroom. Once there he placed me gently on the bed on my back and stood looking at me.

"What a wonderful sight you are, you hot little wench," he grinned. "Gawd, do I ever wanna fuck you!"

"Well, what're you waiting for, big boy? A written invitation? Go for it."

He needed no further bidding, running his hands all over me, gently teasing all the right places as I lay there, eyes closed, soaking up the sensations. He teased my sensitive nipples until it was all I could do not to yell for mercy; caressed my clit and ran first one, then two, then three fingers into my love tunnel, opening me gently for his huge throbbing, drooling cock. After nearly half an hour of this foreplay he lay on the bed beside me.

"I want you sitting on me," he said, "If I lie on you, you may become claustrophobic and that would destroy the mood."

I straddled him, my legs wide apart to reach the bed each side of his hips, and bent down to kiss him tenderly and lovingly on his lips. Slowly I made love to him with my mouth, kissing, licking and sucking every piece of him from his mouth to his knees. I then returned to his cock and gently, carefully and slowly took it into my mouth. It felt huge and several times I reached gag point before I managed, somehow, to get it into my throat and eventually feel my nose touch his pubic hair. He was moaning gently, obviously enjoying what I was doing.

I didn't want him to cum yet, there would be time for that soon and the place was in my cunt, not my mouth. So I released him and wriggled up until my pussy was over his cock. He tried to reach down and aim it but I held his wrists over his head, although he could have easily broken free had he wished, and then lined up his cock with my juicy hole and slowly engulfed his rampant member. The look on his face was priceless. His mouth was open, gasping for air, as I slowly slid down his cock, feeling every inch of him as he entered me.

He hit the end well before the root of his cock pressed against my clit. He was long, so I had to lengthen to take him. I used all the tricks that my ex-bf had taught me and after several minutes, and loads of fun, he was completely engulfed inside me and my clit was getting the pressure it needed from his pubic bone. I felt incredibly full. We stayed still for many minutes, just gazing at each other, amazed that we could have found each other and were able to each fill the other's need for intimacy and sexual pleasure.

I began moving on him, lifting and lowering my hips as I moved them back and forth at the same time. The sensations were fabulous. He reached up to caress my nipples but I moved his hands away gently, knowing that this would have brought me to orgasm very quickly while I wanted to prolong the pleasure. Gradually our fucking became more intense, stronger, harder and gradually we each approached orgasm. The pre-orgasmic sensations washed through me and my head tilted back, intensifying the pressure and pleasure while he began humping his hips up and down trying to force his way deeper inside me. I could feel the head of his cock pressing against my cervix as my clit relished the pleasure his pubic bone was giving it, pressing, caressing and releasing it on every cycle of movement.

I was ready. I took his hands and placed them on my tiny breasts, and he began caressing my nipples, stimulating them and sending shock waves of pure delight through my body and straight to my clit. I increased the motions my hips were making and he began moaning and rolling his head from side to side. Suddenly I was there.